HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 17, 1974COLI~RBIA HEIGHTS PUBLIC LIBP~ARY REPOR~ - DECEMBER 17, 1974 Thanks to the mild w~ather the library secm~ busier than ever this fallo Some of the staff are making an extra effort to keep the housekeeping and regular tasks done° .The Senior citizens D~mber men, ting was a special success° ~he music instructor from Central Junior High~ ~ro Burns brought a group of 22 students down to sing fZ~ the folks -and ~ Paul Christianson frcr~ the First Lutheran Church brought over some High School age Bell Ringers to entertain° The Friends of the Library and the %%adnesday mothers of the Preschool story hour children and the stxnff members furnished ~ served the refreshments° Pauline Rusinyak was guest of honor and also helped with the serving and the refreshmmntso She saye she misses us a little° Jo's Christmas Craft sessions were a success° There ~re 56 folks signed up and paid a $2°00 fee for material° Some of the projects were very attractive° The mothers of the story hour folks also had a Christmas Craft "show and tell" session that was the most popular session of the year° We especially appreciate the help of the Friends of the Library group and the parents of our young patrons who are always scrounging up scraps for Jo's projcctS o Mrs° Albrecht regularly volunteers on ~.~ndays and Mms. Westerberg on Fridays° ~Inis all contributes to keep expense under control° One of the major attractions for January is a pet show° We're also very thankful for the people who have agreed to act ~ns judges° Its been a ~ccd year and we're thankful for so many people: our n~ assistant Becky~ Jo, the college girls who give up so much of their time and expertise and all the volunteers o We also have great hopes f~>r 1975 for the Library and for you a-lo CO~IA HEIGhWPS PUBLIC LIBRAR~ EXP~qDI~JRES - D~C~.E3ER 17w 1974 BOOKS AND MAGAZINES: Better Hc~es c%nd Gardens The Bookmen, Inc. Bro-dart Campbell and Hall D~co Educational Corp. Doubleday & Ccmpany ESE California Fortune Magazine Harper & Row Pub. General Learning Corp. Jostens' IAbrary Books Kirkus Service T.unr!b~ ~ _ lad Bindery MacGregor Magazine Agency M~ls, Star & Tribune State of Minneasota National Directory Service Christmas Cookbook ~37442 29°60 ~37475 29.26 Forthccming Books 24.00 School L~brary Journal 10.80 Subject Guide to BIP 48.41 Chiltons' Auto [.~nual 8.12 BIP & Best Sport Stories 74.15 ~48-2121 #863560 ~k~53672 42°45 ~kT54747 68.88 ~T54272 111.84 ~J54447 38.88 ~74-5-12-24 3 years #310 1890 37903710602 ~ B49348-7 # B43348-9 # M09800-66 ~ ~D9800-67 ~M09800-68 ~ M09800-69 3.83 4.95 467.01 71.48 181.97 125.72 12-11-74 ~D18549 Index ~92121 6.62 58.86 83.21 82.27 15~.64 154.40 262.05 6.81 24.00 52.05 8.60 854.96 68.00 43.60 2.25 110.00 5.00 12.29 National Geogo Society OutdOor Book Club St o Paul Book and Statio~%ry HoW. Wilson COo ~11 Street Journal SUPPLIES: Gaylord Broso Gestetner Corpo Merit Badge Co° Nelson Office Supply Quill Corpo Shoppers Charge ~.5 _SC~.TANEOUS: Anoka County T.~ h~rary 3M Business Products /~_rica's Beginnings 2 copies S~~s ' Wilderness 8 o 60 John Olsons ~ Rifle Book 7 o 60 ~I19702 #R37495 1 year #225942-1 ~38963 #9130 %24983 425126 %435642 11.17 7°76 Deliveries 61727 7°00 16.20 46.00 51.50 38.00 2,137o69 10o60 332o16 15o00 18o93 25.73 51o31 453.73 44.00 16.32 HEIGHTS PUBLIC LIBRARY AOC~ING - Dt~C~4BER 17, 1974 BUDGET EXPENDITURES~S~ $26,300°00 $24,076o51 $2~223.43 20,120.00 15,929.83 4,190.17 800.00 951.00 t151.3~ 4,800.00 4,171.98 628.02 50.00 274°92 t224.9~ 1,400.00 1,388.12 11.88 4,000.00 3,116.81 883.19 19,000.00 14,325.09 4,674.91 2,600.00 2,519.30 80.70 30.00 40~00 ~10.06) 600.00 562.00 37.32 80.00 ~o~ -~.~ ~,3oo.oo ~,3oso~ ~o~) 3,700.00 2,699.30 1,110.20 MELS~% 2,091o00 $ 16.32 3~201.20 2,137.69 453.73 44.00 1,405.00 CABINETS $ 35.20 2,742.16 300.00 -4.44 600.00 2,537.22 -10.00 37.32 -5.94 ~.1,806220 7,162o93 $330 a mDnth $246 a month