HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 6, 1974COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PUBLIC LIBRARY P~PORT - NOVF~ER 6 ~ 19 7~ The library Seems very busy this f~llo Lots of books going and coming° It seems ~,~e ~re always rushing to keep frcra being buried under landslides of books° Jo's "ZOO" is very popule~ with the children and sometimes they almost forget to read they are so interested in There have been quite a f~l offers for additiop~ul m~mbers but the staff is trying not to lose control° Knowing that our book orders are partly sl~ comings ~,~"ve spent some resources on. renovating our record collection° Most of the additions went out th~ first days and if the de, hand is there ,we n%~y ~tnt to do s~ further in~stingo The basement ceiling is a thing of beauty~ It was really worth waiting for° The cabinets should be here before Christmas° Our chore boy has done a %ePnderful job of painting and cleaning the walls° I~ e/most look brand new and certainly a more attractive place for Senior Citizens~ We are really indebtc~toArden Hovl~nd for his practical knowledge and help in orgn/uizing ~ese projects° A word of thanks to klm is certainly in order as I think this is over and beyond his regu~nlr duties~ Jo's trip to the ~tinnesot~u Association for the Education of Young Children brought n~Dre ideas and mo~ requests for helpful supplements° ~aybe this could bca yearly trip° The ~A Conference at Alexandria was routine ~ hopefully they will be held in the ~etropolit~un c~.<~a from n~ One There 9~s nothing f,?antastic .ubout the Arr~ocx~ ~fotelo COLL~,~BIA P~IGHTS PUBLIC LIBRARY EXP~NDISI3RES - NOV~,4BER 6, 1974 BOOKS AND ~m~ric~m Library Assn~ £~nerican Society of ~chanical .Engineers Anoka County Library Better Homes and Gnrdens Bookmen Inc~ ~oD~t ~.~S Records Dillon Press Discount Records Doubled~ny ~nd Company ESE Cal fornia Kiplinger Washin_crcon Letter General Learning Corpo McGregor ~gazinc Agcnc~f J.ost~n's Library Books National Geogo Outdoor Life Book Club How~z~rd T;L Sc~s Booklist #207977 Houseplants purple thumb 7o 54 Holiday dec~:ations 6~ 62 ~3~66 199o25 I~25160 23° 07 Best Am o Short Stories Best ~ Detective Stories ~t406275 ~1~712-20 Dictionary of birds Lcademy Award Indians ~17387 B43348-8 5~.33 B49348-5 27.75 B493~8-6 6:70 ?~09800-65 233o 40 Australia H~ to find fish ~,~0087984 20.00 7.30 107 o 50 14 o 16 222° 32 16o12 16o40 7°46 547°09 15~50 8:36 28°00 8°60 7°00 273o18 3~50 6:60 7~46 Simon & Schuster US Gov"t Printing Office Wall Street Journal .SUPPLIF~: Nelson Office Supplies St~ Paul Book & Shn. tiono~y Shoppers Charge CL~iRqING & k~STE R~.~{OVAL: Johnson Paper & Supply Coo C~XPITAL I!~..~_ ROVEMENT: r'~rrill M~en SCOrll~ Children Today 3~ 90 D~p'~ t of St~n.t~ Bulletin ~'~2~1866 ~22001~ 61o 52 ~22001~-2 2~ 60 P~usement Ceiling 10~42 29°80 33°70 38°00 1,398o67 12o25 6~o12 12o57 88°94 51o 30 1~743~00 COLU~.~BIA HEIGHTS Pb]~LIC LIBP~RY ACCOU~rflBE- NOVfF~ER 6, 1'974 I_.~..{ BUD~E~i" EXPENDi_q~ES ~.~lvlB~ SP~ S~R~S - P~ $26~ 300~ 00 $21~ 891 ~ 99 $.~ ~ f. 0g ~ 01 S~P~S - ~~Y 20~120~00 14~537o0d 5~582~96 ~}~I~TIONS 800~ 00 869 o 86 -69 ~ 86 [~I~T~S ~800o 00 3~649:06 1~150~94 ~L 50~ 00 274~ 92 -224.92 ~N~~ 1~400~00 1~337~43 62~57 ~,E~NG 4,000~00 2~ 578~91 1~d21~09 ~ ~ ~G~I~S 19~000o00 12~926~42 6~073~58 S~PL~ 2,600<~00 2~403~11 196~89 D[~S 30~ 00 40~ 00 -10~ 00 HOSPI~ L'~ON 600~ 00 494~ 76 105~ 24 ;'~SC~,T~S 80~ 00 139~ 47 -59~ 47 C?PIT~ O~lY ~ IJ~D 3 ~ 700~ 00 3~ 700~ 00 51 o 30 $1~. 398° 67 88°94 1,743o00 $1~369~79 4~67~91 107o95 1~957~00 r/fILITIES $330 a month CLFJ~NG $2,~6 a~,~-ronth