HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 4, 1974Columbia Heights P~blic Library Report September 4, 1974 The fall season started out ~ith a bang and left our new assistant slightly bewildered, Besides losing a Monday we gained a Tuesday, ~ cla~ses started from ICS. Deeky is fitting in very well, and taking some of the hurry cut of our days. She seems to be enjoying the small patrons m%d is pleased to answer reference questions. Jo is frantically getting ready for the big Pup!~t Carnival on Saturday. The puppeteers are excited and splashing paint about getting their booths ready for customers. The basement certainly doesn't reservable a civil defense area. The Council weul~ like any member, s of the Library Beard who are able to meet with them en Thursday evening of this week at 6:15 te discuss next years budget. The ~restat Survey report will be a feature ef the M. L. A. Conference in ~lex~C~ia on the loth & llth of October. ~ore informatie~ about the ~onference is available, The ~hildren's side of the library is really becoming very crowded, s~me plans should be ~onsidered for expansion. There will also have to be a,dditienal shelves in the a<~ult si:~e. Columbia Heights Publi~ Library E~penditures - September 4, 1974 Books and Magazines: Beters Homes & Gardons Disneyla~d Records Doubleday & Company Elliot Films General Learning Corp. Lundblad Bindery McGregor Magazine Agency ~nareh Bo~k Co. Cooking for Ueekends 6.54 Buffets, Meats & Snacks 7.62 ?~530110509 ~!J54737 Pablo & dancing Chi~laha Cartoon Parade Pioneers ~A34807-13 3-75 ~A34808-14 4.66 ~A34809-11 7.16 ~B43348-7 8.65 #B37348-10 4.6g #B49348-4 124,95 Supplies: ~llsterdam Pen Gestetner Corp. Ovsh~Lk Printing #74204-i~22 ~37623 Library Regular Cards Maintenance & Repair: Graves Interiors Cleaning: Servicemaster Furniture & Equipment: Quill CorD. Chair ReI~air ~g cleaning ~o$917 27.25 12.74 14.16 45.36 39.99 8.60 34.55 537.26 153.83 855.20 45.2~ 15.59 $5.9O 146.75 225.00 1~4.77 Transport Clearing Communications: Postage Travel: ~. L. ~. 50-34e3118 Conference 15.39 42.00 COLUMrIA HEIGHTS PUBLIC LIBRA27Y J~CCOUNTING - SEPT~iEER 4, 1974 ITEM BUDGET EX~E?-~ITU~S U]~E~iCUMBEPdED ~ALf~i]IE~ - REGULAR ~Z6,300,00 ~15,774.10 ~t0,525.90 ;3ALf~I.~S - ~.30P~Y 20,120.OO 11,498.80 8,621.20 COl ~ ~UNICATIONS 800. O0 654.35 145.65 ~ILITIES 4,800.00 2,893.24 TRA~L 50. ~ 88.40 -38.40 ~ ~I~TE~ANCE 1,400.00 1,230.35 169.65 gLEANING 4,000.00 1,867.31 2,132.69 L~KS ~J'.ID LAG~;~)INES 19,0OO.~ 1i,641.30 7,358.70 SUPPLIES 2,600. O0 1,600.87 999.13 ~UI~ 30 · O0 40. ~ -10. O0 ;~OSPZTALZZAT~ON 6~. O0 371.5a 2e8.48 ~ ;ZSCEL? A~,mOUS 80. OO i39.47 -59. CAPIT~L OUTLAY, FURNITUP~ i,300.OO 1,105.78 194.22 CAPITAL O~L.~Y, L.~i~D 3, ~0~. OO ........ 3 SPENT $ 42.oo 10. O0 225.00 85~.2o 146.75 200.16 B~LANCE io3.65 159.65 1,9o7.69 6 ~3. ~ 852.~g -5.94