HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 8, 1974~EI~TS PUBLIC REPORT F~y 8, 1974 AS a news ~ii-~ntator use~ to say some time ago----There's bad n~s tn~Lght. Pauline ~o has assisted the librarian here for over ~e~ years is retiring this m0~th. This ocmes as a real blow because of her ability and her will--ss to take responsibility. W~ feel that it will take a whole burrage of people to replace her but w~ ~ wit~ poe~szs amd prop~ for a story lar~ of Fairy Tal~ _~k~__ ~-~,~_~,~ and s~mies. We are ~ ~m~.%~ *mUSiCa, =t Xha ~m~ls and ~ centers featuring a live Snoogy. Also there will be an activities week the 20th of May for Public School children for a program and get acquainted time. The Activities C~,,,~&ttee had suggested that the library sponsor the Ki~die's Parade for the Jamboree. With all the other activities We have found a neighbor who will do the m~ of the library ~=mnds as ~11 as touching u~ some hare spots. ~he Park ~ claima tha~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ amd +~r ~A~e~ aesm The new lights in the work room are really worth it and should help with our utility bills. Our water bill b~_s decreased frum a sometimes $200.00 a quarter to about $50.00. It seems good to give priorities to more important budget items. COLUMBIA HEIGH ~S PUBLIC LIBi~nRY MAY 8, 1974 EXPENDITURES SHOP: U elM st~rytelling for Jo Scudder BOOIfS AND ;IAGAZINES: Better Homes and Gardens Boekmen, Inc. Bro-Dart Discount Records Doubleday and Company Elliott Film Co. Listening Library McGraw Hill hac Gregor hagazine Agency ~narch Book Copaay Outdoer Beck Club Heward .~, Sams Time-Life Becks Time-Life Records U of ~in~esota Sewing for your hame. #22205 Chittons Aute Repair manual 74 #J54414 Olympic Elk 13.77 Walt Disney Fun and Fancy Free ~r H3575 ~ .3OOA501 ~344145 # a34801-18 1.20 H 34801-19 9.83 A34802-13 5 · 33 ~34804-16 ~.66 A34806-13 ll. 45 A34807- 9 27 · 16 A34808-7 72 · 89 A34808-8 32.58 ~34808-9 9.71 A34809-2 53,77 A3 4809-3 157 · 77 ~34809-4 33- 41 B37348 16 8.96 B37348-1 33 · 36 B37348-2 24.96 B40348 297 · 89 B40348-1 5.5~ The high wast #0035896 Photography year Post Uar Years ~EOSlg9 Eskimo F~ily 32.25 7.62 25.~ 8.76 66.96 45.36 4~.o~ 52.8O 19.42 128.75 950.49 9.60 13.38 lO.91 ~5.55 3-9g Untied Nations Demo Yearbook Ualt Disney Educationa/ Material Co, ~C65089 293.52 ~835OO953 53.94 #03500424 1801 4.00 365.47 Total 1,772.17 Building Neights Electric Lights in Workroom Rest Ro~m fan 25~,00 18.75 268.75 Supplies Oem¢o #?85535 Nelson Office Supplies ~29400 ~ill Corporation i~363652 Saint P~ul Book and Stationary Shoppers Charge #202964 Total 14.12 10.48 104.68 171.43 80.41 381.12 Comm~kuication; Postmaster 42.00 ¢OLUI~[BIA HEIGHTS PUBLIC LIBP.~RY i~taY 8, 1974 - ACCOU~.'TING ITEM BUDGET EXPENDITURES U~ZNCUMFERED SPEh~ EAI~NCE · ~AL~.~IES - REGULAR $26,300,00 7,968,40 1~,331.60 SALARIES - TE~-ORART 20,120.00 5,804.02 1~,315.98 COM~-~UNI CATIONS 800. O0 ~70.15 529.85 UTILITIES 4,800.00 -~ ,5~3.65 3,276.35 TRAVEL 50. $O 15 .O0 55. O0 ~L~INTENANCE 1,~OO.OO 111.06 1,288.94 CLEANING %,000.00 1,OO1.20 2,998.80 BOO,CS A~D ~.~GAZIh~S 1.9,OOO.OO 6~409.91 12,590.09 SUPPLIES 2,605. OO 769 · 75 1,830.25 DU~S 30.oo 4O .OO HOSPITALIZATION 600. OO 204.80 395.20 ~.iI CELI~OUS 80. OO O. OO 80. OO CAPIT~J. OUTL;~Y, FURNITURE ~,300.00. ~71.28 428.72 CAPIT~L OUTI~\Y, kLND 3,700.00 000.O9 3,700.00 42. OO 15.00 268.75 1,77~ · 17 381 489.85 20.00 ~.o~o,~9 10,817~92 1,.449.I3