HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 6, 1974COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT MARCH 6, 1974 The circulation {n February was unusually low for that month. However it looks like March is going to make up for it. The folks are busy working on lots of projects and juvenile books are in steady circulation. The last Walt Disney movie was almost a disaster** We had to turn away an overflow of about 50 people. This month we will have the movie two days instead of one and hopefully include everyone. The senior citizens gathering was unusually well attended. One of the library patrons is a former sales manager for Northrup King. He came and talked gardening and showed slides to the senior citizens and the mothers of the preschool children. He even brought samples. Maybe next summer we can have a flower show here. Every week we get to meet new and interesting people. One of the latest members of the Mothers' group is the wife of an FBI agent. A member of the Mothers' group is a grandmother bringing her grandson to story hour. She wants to know if she can keep coming even if her grandson moves to Texas. We did some purchasing of supplies through the Anoka County Library at some savings. When we can purchase equipment through the schools there is a great savings. Quantity purchasing has also netted some savings. Our preparation for summer programs will be the last two weeks of May. We're hoping the Friends of the Library will have some free time during this time to help with art work. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PUBLIC LIER~RY EXPEND~ & MARCH 6 ~ 197~ BELL AND HO~ELL INC. Elliot FILM GO~ANY JALME~ PRESS INC. J.J. RECORDS LuNDBLAD~S BINDERY, ING. LIST~{IN~ LIBih~RY MICHELIN TIRE CORP./~ATION ~NKEAPOLIS ST~R a~) TRIBUNE A~ERICA~! HEART AMSO~IATI~.~N C, O0~ ]KK)K ~01930 TRIBU~.~ ~ff~ROFI~.~ 62~.~7 f~.9252o TP~BUNE ~C~OF~L~ #18707 2. ~8 ~18137 21.64 CARTOON PARADE AND PIGEON THAT UORKED A ~,rrRACLE TA FOR lfJ/)S a-4..74 2-28-74 ~18737 ~RNING 31.20 EVENI ~.~ 31 · 20 #A34801-16 5.33 A~4802-10 6.~ A34802-H 5.33 A34803-16 3.99 A34803-17 4.66 A34803-18 7.55 A34804-11 4.66 A34804-12 19.03 A34804-13 8.68 A34805-9 4.46 A34805-10 6.51 A34806-7 45.79 A34806-8 131.18 CREDIT ~,iO 13310 -74.19 A34806-9 27.08 A34806-10 6.36 A34807-2 63.00 A34807-3 59-4~ A34807-4 10.O1 A~4807- 5 7 · 16 ~' ~34808-2 20.24 9.~o. 47 23.92 75.35 3-~ 62.40 NATIONAL (~.,OGRAPH~(~ SOCY. ODTDOOR LIFE BOOK CLUB TI~E LIFE RECORDS UNIVEi~SITY OF hINNE .OTA ~m ship m~D sTm 6.~o (~REECE AND acME 9.80 BACK CO~Y C.~PING 6. ~ ~D~ WA~, ~:~'G 6,60 l'~ OF D~CY ;~1907~ SWII~G ~ 1937-1958 15.55 S%C~G ~ 19~-1945 15.55 16,30 13.O0 8.30 31.10 9.47 SUPPLIES: GESTETNER CORth0RATION OVSHAK PRINTING Quill CORPORATION 3M BUSINESS PRODUCTS Total #34574 E~W~,~LOP~S LETTER HEADS #343475 MN37280 (MICROFIIi~ RD.~DER SUPPLI~) Total 696 · 17 132.90 26.60 63.68 263.27 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT: GRAVES INT~IORS JOSTEN,S LIBrt~-{Y S~/PPLIES #O57097-1 SHOPPERS CH.dlGE. (VAOUIIM TRIPOD, ECT) BUILDING ~,LqINTENANCE: LIGHTING UNLIt. ETED 3M BUSINESS PRODUCTS #11008 ~m 434~9 COMMUNI CATIONS: PO STi.hqSTER ~.00 a~o.oo 78.55 Totitl 368.35 35,28 42.5O Total77.78