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HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 5, 2000 Work SessionCITY Of COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 590 40TH AVENUE N.E., COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MN 5542 !-3878 (6 ! 2) 782-2800 TDD 782-2806 Please note,' City Hall Phone Numbers have changed. New numbers are: Main Number (763) 706-3600; TDD (763) 706-3692 ADMINISTRATION Mayor Gary L. Peterson Councilmembers Donald G. Jolly Marlaine Szurek Julienne FFyckoff John Hunter City Manager fFalt Feltst Meeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Location of Meeting: Purpose of Meeting: NOTICE OF COUNCIL WORK SESSION Notice is hereby given that a Council Work Session is to be hem in the CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS as follows: COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL JUNE 5, 2000 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING CONFERENCE ROOM I WORK SESSION A GENDA Consent Items e 2. 3. 4. Recognition of Fireworks Donations Athletic Booster request to have voice mail added Policies governing Neighbor Event Wagon Purchase and installation of two Internet graphics browsen at the Library Discussion Items 2. 3. 4. Red Nelson - Metropolitan Council Representative Heritage Preservation Commissions Electrical Service for Gateway Park Appointment of planning and Zoning Commissioner The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, program.% or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights' services, programs, and activities. Auxiliary aids for handicapped persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the City Council Secretary at 706-3611, to make arrangements. (TDD/706-3692 for deaf or hearing impaired only) THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CITY COUNCIL LETFER Meeting of: June 12, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA NO: ITEM: RECOGNIZE CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED FOR JUNE 24, 2000 FIREWORKS DISPLAY NO: ORIGINATING DEPT.: Recreation DATE: May 23, 2000 CITY MANAGER BACKGROUND: Staff would like to publicly recognize and thank those who contributed to the fireworks display scheduled for Saturday, June 24, 2000 at Huset Park during the Jamboree. Their generous contributions will help the City to provide a high quality fireworks display for the residents of Columbia Heights to enjoy. The individuals and/or businesses that contributed to the fuceworks display are as follows: Kordiak Company Crestview Luthem Home VFW Post #230 Northeast Bank Colmbia Heights Athletic Boosters First Community Credit Union Tri-City American Legion Harold Hoium Total $ 20 50 1,000 100 1,000 100 500 230 $3,000 RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to accept the donations received for the June 24, 2000 fireworks display. COUNCIL ACTION: CC-Firewrkscontributions I CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: June 12, 2000 C2 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA NO: ITEM: APPROVE VOICE MAIL FOR COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ATHLETIC BOOSTERS NO: ORIGINATING DEPT.: Recreation DATE: May 23, 2000 BY: CITY MANAGER BACKGROUND: The Columbia Heights Athletic Boosters have requested voice mail to be added to their office phone line which is located in Murzyn Hall. There will be no cost to the City for adding this feature to the present phone system. It should be noted that the Columbia Heights Athletic Boosters contribute $25,000 to $30,000 annually to the Recreation program. The request for voice mail was approved by the Park & Recreation Commission telephone consensus due to lack of a quorum at the May meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to approve adding voice mail to the office phone line of the Columbia Heights Athletic Boosters located at Murzyn Hall. COUNCIL ACTION: CC-Boostervoicemail I C3 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: June 12, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA NO: ITEM: APPROVE POLICY FOR NEIGHBORHOOD EVENT WAGON NO: ORIGINATING DEPT.: Recreation DATE: May 23, 2000 CITY MANAGER APPROVAL BY: ~/~//~fl" BACKGROUND: The Columbia Heights VFW Post #230 donated $5,500 toward the purchase of a Neighborhood Event Wagon. The purpose of the Neighborhood Event Wagon is to encourage neighborhood residents to organize block parties to provide an oppon'unity for people to get to how their neighbors. Attached is the Application and Reservation Procedure that residents will complete prior to their using the Neighborhood Event Wagon. This procedure would provide guidelines for use of the Neighborhood Event Wagon. This Application and Reservation Procedure was approved by the Park & Recreation Commission by telephone consensus due to lack of a quorum at the May meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to approve the Application and Reservation Procedure that will provide guidelines for use of the Neighborhood Event Wagon. COUNCIL ACTION: CC-Eventwagon I Columbia Heights Recreation 530 Mill Street N.E., Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Phone: (763) 706-3730 City of Columbia Heights Neighborhood Event Wagon Application This application form must be filled out completely and submitted with $200 damage deposit at least five (5) working days prior to requested date. Refer to Reservation Procedure sheet for further information. The person submitting the application must be an adult. Applicant Name Applicant Address Applicant Day Phone Date of Event Exact Location of Event Wagon to be Delivered Street City Zip Code Applicant Evening Phone Delivery arrangements will be made approximately one week prior to the scheduled event. Normally, the wagon will be delivered the morning of the event and picked up the following day. An adult must be present for both delivery and pick-up to verify the condition and inventory of equipment. If the event is to be held on a weekend, the wagon will be delivered on Friday and picked up on Monday. By signing this application, the applicant acknowledges and agrees and specifically states that he/she has read and understands all policies, rules, and regulations relating to the Neighborhood Event Wagon and does hereby agree to defend and hold harmless the City of Columbia Heights from liability in case of accident or injury. Applicant Signature Date Office Use Only Date Application Received Approved Denied Date Confirmation Sent ~Damage Deposit Returned Damage Deposit: $200 Check # Admin\Eventwagonform t Columbia Heights Recreation 530 Mill Street N.E., Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Phone: (763) 706-3730 Neighborhood Event Wagon Reservation Procedure "The purpose of the Neighborhood Event Wagon is to encourage neighborhood residents to organize block parties to provide an opportunity for people to get to know their neighbors." The Neighborhood Event Wagon is a trailer with tables, chairs, and a wide variety of recreational equipment (i.e., bats, balls, games, etc.) that can be used to assist a community/resident group with a gathering at their Columbia Heights home, park, or business. Reservation Procedure 1. Submit completed application form to the Columbia Heights Recreation Department. A $200 refundable damage deposit check is also required. 2. If requested date is available, a confirmation letter and receipt will be sent to the applicant. 3. If requested dates are not available, the damage deposit will be returned promptly. 4. Application requests must be made at least 5 working days prior to requested date. 5. All events must be located within the City of Columbia Heights. The Event Wagon is available for use between May 1 and September 15, limited to one use per summer unless Event Wagon becomes available within four days of the requested date. 7. No reservations will be made over the phone. The grantee of use permit shall be liable for any loss or damage to the Event Wagon and its contents. The grantee of the Event Wagon will be responsible to insure that the orange safety cones are placed behind the trailer when located on a city street. 10. 11. The grantee of use permit shall not transfer or relinquish said permit to another person or group without written permission of the Recreation Director. Only the City of Columbia Heights staff can transport the Event Wagon. The Event Wagon cannot be relocated after it has been delivered by city staff. 12. The City of Columbia Heights shall have the authority to revoke a permit upon evidence of violation of city ordinance or permit. 13. All paper and other party debris must be disposed of propedy at the conclusion of the event. 14. The trailer must be picked up in the condition it was left upon delivery. 15. Delivery of Event Wagon: Arrangements will be made approximately one week prior to the scheduled event. Normally, the Event Wagon will be delivered the morning of the event and picked up the following day. An adult must be present for both delivery and pick-up to verify the condition and inventory of equipment. If the event is held on a weekend, the Event Wagon will be delivered on Friday and picked up on Monday. If complaints are received, we will have the Police Department remove the trailer from its location. 16. A $200 damage deposit in the form of a check must be submitted with the Event Wagon application form. The check will be held, unceshed, until the Event Wagon is inspected. Upon inspection by the City of Columbia Heights' staff, should no damage, theft, or loss of equipment occur, the check will be returned to event organizer. If there is damage, theft, or loss of Event Wagon or its contents, damage deposit check will be deposited and amount of replacement expenses deducted from the deposited amount. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS - CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION C q Meeting of.' ,2000 AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER'S NO: Library APPROVAL ITEM: ITF. M: Authorization to purchase and install BY: M. Rebecca Loader yh,~o BY: ~~,/~ County Library (ACL) since 1987. The main flame computer is located in Blaine at the Library Support Services building, and all buildings are connected via T1 lines and flame relays. Access to the databases is available through dumb terminals. A major upgrade to this system is expected in 2002 as the automation vendor moves to a client- server environment, which operates with PC's. As the information field continues to expand, the library's patrons have needed access to the Intemet. Currently, the CHPL provides Internet access via the dumb terminals with text only retrievable. Graphics from the Internet can only be obtained through use of a PC. The demand by the patrons for graphics access is extremely high. To meet this demand, Library staff and the Information Services (IS) staff have met with members of the ACL IS department and devised a way in which to provide two Internet browsen with graphics through the ACL system. Because the Library accesses both the City' s local area network (LAN) and the ACL's wide area network (WAN) on the same PC's it is essential to coordlnate processes between the ACL IS Department and the City's IS Department. These browsers would be governed by all active CHPL Library Board policies and would require use of a sign-up sheet for 30-minute increments of time. The CHPL can order equipment through the County at their contractual prices and through the City's IS Department. The following would be needed to set up two graphics Interact browsers: 1 .Ordered through ACL: 2 Compaq Deskpro EN 159707-002 processors @ 1,501.59= 2 Compaq V700 color monitors @ 322.22= Netshift software license 2 HP Laser Jet 4050N printers @ 1,381.18 = various cables @50.00 X 2 workstations= installation (approximately) 2. Ordered trough Columbia Heights IS Department: 24 port hub 16 port hub twisted pair/~beroptic converters $3,003.18 644.44 664.00 2,762.36 100.00 100.00 695.00 350.00 800.00 7,273.98 1,845.00 $9,118.98 The 2000 budget contains the following amounts for the project in the designated line 'items: 2011 (computer equipment) 5,250.00 2025 (ACS supplies) 40.00 5170 (Office equipment) 5,000.00 $10,290.00 RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to purchase and install hardware and sot~ware necessary to install two Internet graphics browsers from the Anoka County Library based on available State and County contract prices and through the Columbia Heights Information System Department based on obtained quotes; and furthermore to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement for the same. I CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS MEMO TO: Mayor, City Council Members, City Manager FROM: Julienne Wyckoff, City' Council SUBJECT: Heritage Preservation Commission DATE~ May 25, 2000 Based on an interest in preserving historic information and educating the citizens about the local history of Columbia Heights, I am addressing the City Council on the subject of forming a Heritage Preservation Commission. I have been meeting with Becky Loader since March of this year. She has gathered information about heritage preservation commissions in Minnesota and National Register listings. The Minnesota Historical Society (MHS) deals with heritage preservation commissions. There are two types in Minnesota: 1 .) Certified Local Govemments (CLGs) and 2.) Local heritage preservation commissions. The major difference between the two is that CLGs are invested with "power" by the City Council and the others are advisory. In Anoka County, the cities of Anoka, Coon Rapids, and Centerville all have local heritage preservation commissions that are not CLGs. After talking to Mike Koop, heritage commissions specialist at MHS, I believe Columbia Heights should follow their examples. The major benefits to having a local heritage preservation commission are: 1. Educate the citizens as to the history of the community. 2. Collect and preserve information conceming sites of historic interest. A. Photographs. B. Plaques. C. Properties/sites listed on Anoka County Historic Register. 3. Preserve characteristics of interest (e.g. buildings, landscaping, etc.). 4. Advise City Council on appropriate issues. 5. Fulfills recommendation in new Comprehensive Plan. Attached to this memo, please find the following: 1. List of citizens with interest in preserving local history. 2. Copies of sample ordinances from Coon Rapids and Excelsior. 3. Pages 84-85 draft Columbia Heights Comprehensive 'Plan. Creating a Local Heritage Preservation Commission would require an ordinance and the commitment and support of the City Council. I would like to encourage you to consider this proposal to enable the preservation of information that might otherwise be lost. LIST OF CITIZENS INTERESTED IN PRESERVING HISTORY May, 2000 Royce Yeater Catherine Vesley Irene Parsons Bruce Nawrocki Jim Molinaro Louise Esterly Betsy Hoium Bob Proft Dave Holmgren Tom Letness A1 Kordiak Barb Miller Bob Guzy Steve Johnson Malcolm Watson Tom Sherohman John Godava Gayle Norberg Rita Norberg I :SENT BY:COON RAPIDS CITY FINanCE DEPT~ /~,/~f/~?~L/ CITY OF COON RAPIDS, N. ZNNF~OTA ./ CSAIxI~R 3-200 A~ISORY ~ISSZONS' ~D BO~ OF ZONING 3-201 ~o.t n~ents. V~can~ies an~ C9~tJn~t4 ~. a~oin~ents to advisc~ cruiseions, cmi~tees, aM ~e Zoning AdJust~nt sh~l ~ 'such as to maintale any p~po~ional r~re~n~ti~ and shall ~ a~roved by a u~rity v~e oZ ~e C~ty Cou~l. ~e ten of each m~er 2all ~ ~or three (3) years and shall teainane on ~ceZer 31 oZ ~e ~ird year or until a successor ~s ~en sp~in~ and ~ali~i~. vacancies oc~r in a ~sition, an a~01~M~t s~ll be rode manner for ~e r~a~er oZ ~e ~ir~ te~. Xi~ oZ me~ers se~ing at ~e ti~ of the adoption oZ ~s C~e 2all se~e ~t his te~. M1 ~nisslons, co~ittees, and ~e B~rd Zoning Adjustment, establi~ed by prior ordinances, are her~y continued. ~pl~ees oZ ~e Ci~ o~ ~on ~pids shall be u~itl~ sere on ~y c~ssion, cogitate, or the Board oZ Zoni~g Adjus~nt e~ept, however, ~at he shall not se~e on c~i~tee for whi~ his or her sup~isor Is ~e staff liaison. ~7068691; ~ 1 / 8 3-202 Organizational Structure. The chairman oZ each commission, committee, and the Board o~ Zoning Adjustment shall be designated by the CIty Council from among the embers of each such body. The chairman shall be responsible for presiding at meetings and shall be entitled to an equal vote with other members. Each such body shall elect such other officers as may be deemed necessary and adopt its o,,rn rules of procedure, which rules shall conform to the provisions cf the City Code and resolutions adopted. by the City Council. 3-203 Msg~.inqe.. At its annual organ~zational meeting, the comm~ssion, board, or committee shall designate the time and place ot its regular meetings, which snail be noC less than quarterly. Special meetings may be called by the chairman or by any two (2) members of the commission, board, or committee b the giving of written notice to all members of the commiss~on board, , cr commi~tee 48 hours prior to the time of the meeting, All meetings shall be en to the public and shall be held at the City Hall or other pubif:or semipublic facility. The ouncil reserves~be city c right to adopt, by resolutio~, additional rules for the operation of commiasions, boards, and committees. '3-204 Ann--1 Wnrk l~.oart~. Each co~mission, board, or commi~tee shall prepare an annual work program which shall be submitted tot he City Council for approval on or before February l of each year, Any major deviation from the approvad work program during the year shall be approveKS in advance by t~e council. 3-200-1 S~T BY:COON ~APIDS CITY : 4- ~- 0 ;lO:13aM; FINANCE [E~r- 97063691;~ 2/ 3-205 ~.~ction T~ No :m~8i~, b~ard, or c~tt~ee shall adv~te any ~st~ton on an issue in any elation vithou~ prior appr~al of ~e City cc~cir. 3-206 ~s~{nn. ~gs o~ co~lssions, ~ards, and conit~ses shall no~ ~ entitled to c~p~sa~ion for se~g in such'capacity, bu~ My bs rei~ur~d for such qenses as ~ey may ln~ vhi~ directly rsla~e to ~eig Fosl~ion. 3-207 g~s~ r.iklso~. ~e City Ma~er shall assi~ an employee ~ .ch ~ission or boa~ to sere as liaison s~aZf. (a) To conduct hearinqs terms of ~he zoning and bulXd~ng (b) m~'~'de~as .' by ~,. (c)' 'To and by the Zoning (d) For codei"x h.f. the such Of (e) ~Ais code or 3-209 ord from made s made nd building of any in (1) shall be 1 ) 1, one ( 1 ) member fr~ , . from the Parks and ! 'City Director, the Di f Planninq and Dev, .ol ( tom the general cmunity. .. . ,., . " a) " ~ 1~ ~d ~~U~ly review proced~es for ~e "F ' fnot. "'-~ ''~1 impr~emen~s, ~e~er pe~itioned for or (b)"" ~el~ a~ main~in a five (5) ~ar capl~l qr~e~nt .am an~ic i~tl~ In b~ad sc~ ~e nee~ eZ priorities oZ impforeman, a~ ~he ability of the ~it~ to. ~ for ~ese ~p~e~n~s. In ~e prepration of the capital l~ement pr~r~, ~e C~lttee will: 3 -200-2 SE~T BY:CO(~I I~.~lOS CITY ; 4- ~- 0 ;IO:NAM: (e) Coordination of city 3-212 Historic-1 Commission, FINanCE DEFN 97060691 .programs ~s directed by the Ordinance 'No; 1453 ] (1) ~cmposition. The Commission shall consist of nine (9) members of whom at least one (1) member of the Commission shall be a member of the lnoka County Historical Society, iZ available. (2) Functions. The Zunctions of the Commission shall be as lollors: (a) To act as an advisory board to the City Council in matters relatinq to the preservation of buildings, Zands, areas, or districts whichpossess historical or architectural significance and whichwill promote the educational, cultural, and general welEare of the tit of Coon'Rapids. (b) To recommend to the C~ty Council the acquisition and maintenance o~ buildings, lands, areas, or districti which the Commission has detsriained to be of historical or architectural value. · (c) To recommend to the City Cou~cilmembers, places, or events which are reco~nized as being of historical s~gnif- icerice to the City. .(d) To recommend to the Council means of recognizir~and recording such persons, places, or events/to plan activities which shall from time to time recognize the histot7 of the City. (e) To plan and coordinate all City activities relating to the 1976 Bicentennial Celebration. (f) Such other programs and activities as the Council may refer to the Commission. (1) Comu~E~Ion. The Commission shall consist of nine (9) (2) Furpose.. The purpose~eq~-the Commission is s:~u~murs for ipat~on in t~e affairs of this community by assisting the State Department of Human tmplemen~ing the Nirmesota state act against Discrimination and by advising the City Council on';long- range programs to improve community relations in the City o~'~oon Rapids. (3) Functions. In ZulZillment of its purpose the Commis- sion's duties and responsibilities shall be (a) Dra/t a m~mora~dum..,of agreement with the Sta~e Department ':of. Human"'Rights fo'~', the purpose of determining regUlarcry and enforcement procedures. (b)' ~nlist the cooperation o~ agencies, organizations, and i~ividuals ~n~e co~nity ~n an active program directed to crea~s equal ~ppc~unlty and eliminate discrimina~on and ino~al~t~es. 3-200-4 · CITY OF EXCELSIOR ORDINANCE NU1VIBER 2 8 5 AN ORDINANCE OF ~.CITY OF EXCELSIOR AMENDING SECTION 340.:00 OF TB'E EXCELSIOR CITY CODE ESTABLISIq]NG A I:8~,RITAGE PRESERVATION COM]~IsSION AND GRANTING AFI~OKITY TO RECOMIVI~--ND DESIGNATION OF KISTORIC PRESERVATION SITES. SECTION 1. Excelsior Ordinance Code Section 340:00 et seq. is hereby repealed in its entirety. SECTION 1. Excelsi.'or Ordinance Code Section 340:00 is hereby amended by the addition of the' following sections: Section 340:00. ' necl~ration of Public Policy ~nd Purpose. The Council of the City of ExceLsior hereby declares as a matter of public policy that the preservation, protection, perpetuation, promotion ...and use of areas, places, buildings, structures, lands, districts and other objects having a special liistorical, community or aesthetic interest or value is a public necessity and is required in the intorest of the health, prosperity, safety and welfare of the commtmity. To this end, the Heritage Preservation Commission is created and charged with the stewardship of Excelsior' s heritage. The purposes of this ora~-~-ce are to: Safeguard the heritage of the City of Excelsior by preserving properties which reflect elements of the City' s cultural, social, economic, political, visual or architectural history; Protect and enhance the City of Excelsior' s appeal and attraction to residents, visitors and tourists; 3. - Enhance the visual and aesthetic .character, diversity and interest of the City of Excelsior;. 4. Foster civic pride in the beauty and notable accomplishments of the past; and Promote the preservation and continued use of l2istoric properties for the education and general welfare of the people of the City of Excelsior. Section 340:05. Definitions. As used herein, "Heritage Preservation Site" shall mean any area, place, building, structure, land, district, or other object which has been duly designated as a Heritage Preservation Site pursuant to Section 340:15. Ordinance No. 285 Amending Section 340:00 Page 2 Section 340:10. Heritage Preservation Commission Established. Sub& 1. Members. There is hereby created and established a City of Excelsior Heritage Preservation Commission (hereinafter, the "Commi-~sion') which shall consist of seven (7) voting members to be appointed by the mayor, by and with the advice and consent of the City Council. The Ch~irperson of the Excelsior Planning Commission and the President of the Excelsior Lake Minnetonka H/storical Society or their de. signee/s shall be ex-officio non-voting members of the Commission. Any member appointed to serve on the Heritage Preservation Commi-~sion shall be a resident of Excelsior and shall have a demonstrated interest and/or expertise in historic preservation. If available in the community a~...d .willing to serve, at least two (2) members of the Heritage Preservation Commission shall be preservation-related professionals, including the professions of history~ architecture, a.rchitectuml history, archaeology, planning, real estate, deslips, buildinl~ trades, landscape architecture, or law. One member of the Heritage Preservation Commission must be a designated representative of the Hennepin County Historical Society, if available, purmmn! to Minnesota Statutes §471.193 Subd. 5. Subd. 2. Term. The mayor and City Council shall initially appoint two (2) members to serve a term of one (1) year, two (2) members to serve a term oftwo (2) years, and three (3) members to serve a term of three (3) years. Terms of office shall expire on the first day of March in the year following their last fUlLyear of appointment. All subsequent appointments shall be for a term of three (3) years. Members may be reappointed for consecutive terms. In the event of a vacancy, the vacancy for the unexpired term shall be filled in the same manner as the appointment is made. All Heritage Preservation Commi-~sion commissioners who were appointed under the repealed Excelsior Ordinance Code Section 340:00 et. seq., and who a/e currently serving on the Commission, shall continue as membkrs of the Commission under this Ordinance wit the same terms as their original appointment. Members shall serve without compensation and, if a successor has not been appointed'by the end of their term, shall continue to hold office untiI their successors have been appointed. Subd. 3. Or~sniT.tion. The Commission when formed shall elect from its members such officers as it may deem necessary. The Commi-~sion shall have the power to designate and appoint from its members various committees. The Commission shall make such by-laws as it may deem advisable and necessary for the conduct of its aft'airs and for the purpose of carrying out the intent of this ordinance which are not inconsistent with the laws of the City of Excelsior and the State of Minnesota. The Commission shall prOare an annual report by October 31 of each year as required in accordance with Minnesota Statutes ~471.193 Subd. 6 for submi-~sion to the Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office and shall file a copy with the City Manager for distribution to the City Council. Ordinance No. 285 Amending Section 340:00 Page 3 Subd. 4. Program A-~sistahce. To accomplish the intent and purpose of this ordinance, the City of Excelsior shall provide the Commi-~sion with staff support to perform the duties prescribed under this ordinance, including supervised public access to the historical archives, records, and files of the Commi-~sion and City. Section 340:15. nesiS:~ation of Heritage Preservation Sites. Subd. 1. Reports. The Commi-~sion shall ensure that an updated list of all areas, places, buildings, structures, lands, districts or other objects which have been designated as Heritage Preservation sites as well as an updated catalogue of all known publications, articles, books, pamphlets, policies, or-other materials having a direct bearing on the Heritage Preservation Program for Excelsior are prepared, compiled, and made reasonably available by City staff at City Hall. The City Council,_ upon request of the Commission: may direct the City staff to prepare studies which catalog areas, places, buildings,' structures, lands, districts or other objects to be considered for designation as Heritage Preservation Sites. Subd. 2. Criteria. 'All. Heritage Preservation Sites previously designated by the City of Excelsior shall eontinu~their designation under this ordinance unless the Commi-~sion specifieally Finds that any such site does not meet the designation criteria provided in this subdivision. Its character, interest or value as part of the development, heritage, or cultural characteristics of the City of Excelsior, State of Minnesota, or the United"States. 2. Its location as a site of a si~i~cant historic event. Its identification with a person or persons who si~i~canfiy contributed to the culture and development of the City of Excelsior. m Its embodiment of distinguishing characteristics of an architecmraI style, periOd,form or treatment Its identification as work of an architectural or master bailder whose individual work has influenced the development of the City of Excelsior. Its embodiment of elements of itrehitecturaI design, detail, materials, Or craftsman,hip which represent a si.,~rnificant architectural innovation. Ordinance No. 285 Amending Section 340:00 Page 4 Its unique location, scale or other physical characteristic representing an established and familiar visual feature of a neighborhood, a district, the community, or the City of Excelsior. Subd. 3. Proposed Pro~am for Preservation. For each Heritage Preservation Site. recor. mex~ded to the City Council, a proposed program for rehabilitation and preservation shall be created. The United States Secretary of the Interior Standards for Kehabilitatien, as listed in Section 340:20 Subd. 3, shall be among the standards used to create such programs. Sub& 4. He.r~.fs. Prior to the Commition recommending to the City Council any area, place, building, structure, land, district, or other object for designation as a Heritage Preservation Site, the Commission shall hold a public hearing and seek the recommex~4.~ons of all concemed citizens. Prior to such hearing, the Commi-~sion shall cause to be published in the City' s official newspaper a notice of the-hearing at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the hearing, and notice ofthe hearing shall be mailed at leastten (10) days before the day ofthe hearing to all owners of record of the property or properties proposed to be designated as a Heritage Preservation Site and to all owners of property Situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the Heritage Preservation Site. The Commission may make such modifications concerning the proposed designation as it deems necessm'y in cOnSideration of the cOmmentS of the citizens. Sub& 5. Findings and Recommendations. The Commission shall determine ira proposed site is eligible for designation as a Heritage Preservation Site as deterr-i-ed by the criteria specified in Subd. 2 of this Section. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes ~471 .I93, the Commission shall send to the Minnesota Historical Society/State Historic Preservation Office any proposed designation of a Heritage Preservation Site, including boundaries, and the proposed program for the preservation of the Heritage Preservation Site. The Commition may make such modifications concerning the proposed designation as it deem necessary in consideration of the commentS of the Mi--esota Historical Society/State Historic Preservation Office. Subd. 6. Plsnnir~g Commission Review. If the Commission recommends that the proposed site be designated as a Heritage Preservation Site, the Commission shall transmit to the City Planning Commission its recommendation, including boundaries, and the proposed program for the preservation of the Heritage PreServation Site. The Commission shall request f~om the City Planning Commission its comments on the proposed deSignation as a Heritage Preservation Site relative to the City Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan of the City of Excelsior, and any other valid City planning considerations relevant to the proposed desi.gnation. The City Planning Commission' s commentS shall become part of the official record concern{-g the proposed designation and shall be submitted by the Heritage Preservation Commission along with its recommendation concerning the proposed designation to the City Council. The Heritage Preservation Commission may make such modifications concerning the proposed designation as it deems necessary in consideration of the comments of the City Planuing Commission. Ordinance No. 285 Alllel~dln~ Section 340:00 Page 5 Subd.7. Council Dcsi~tion Hcarin,~. The City Council, upon the request of the Comm{ssion, may, by ordinance, designate a Heritage Preservation Site. Such an ordinance shall require a two-thirds vote of all members of the City Council to be effeclive. Subd. S. Co-nell Approval. The Commission shall make no application to the National Register or to the State of lViinncsom for the designixtion ors historic property or district without the consent of the City Council. Subd. 9. Identification Pl~uc. Those buildings or structures having been designated as Historic Preservation Sites by the City Council may be awarded a numbered plaque to be displayed on the exterior of the Site in full public view with the owner' s consent. The plaque is to remain the property of the City and shall be removed by request of the Commission should the Site be so altered as to destroy the historic inteSrit7 of the Site. Section 340:20. Review Of Permits. Subd. 1. Sile Alteration Permit A Site Alteration Permit shall be required for any alteration of any designated Heritage Preservation Site. The Commission shall review and approve or disapprove the City's issuance of a Site Alteration Permit to do any of the following in a Heritage' Preservation Site in ttieLCity of Excelsior. In addition to any other specifics the zoning attministrator my require, the Site Alteration Permit application shall be accompanied by detailed plans including a property plan, building elevations and design details and materials as necessary to evaluate the request. Besides the Site Alteration Permit, regular City permits shall be required. The following are subject to a Site Alteration Pen'nit: 1. Painting, architectural details, and other related exterior alterations. 2. Addition or deletion of awnings, shutters, canopies, and similar appurtenances. Application or use of exterior materials of a different kind, type, color, or texture than those already in use which will substantially cover one or more sides of the structt~. This provision applies to roofing as well as siding. Consmlction of a new building or auxiliary structt~. Any addition to or alteration of an ~xisting structure which increases the square footage in the structure or otherwise alters its size, height, contour, or outline. OrdinanCe No. 285 Amending Section 340:00 Page 6 7. Change or altemtion ofa.structure' s architectural style. 8. Alteration of a roof line. Demolition in whole or in part. This does not apply to structures required to be demolished in accordance with 1Vflnnesota StaRIres, Chapter 463 (Building Line easements; Building Regulations; and Hazardous BuiIdings). Subd. 2. City Actions. The Commission shall review and make recommendations to the City Council concerning City activity that could change the natu~.e or appearance of a Heritage Preservation Site. Subd. 3. Preservation Proi, r~m- All decisions of the Commission with respect to this Section shall be in accordance with the approved program for the rehabilitation of each Heritage. Preservation Site. The ~$..ecretary of the Interior Standards for Rehabilitation shall be used to evaluate applications for' Site Alteration Permits as follows: The historic character of a property shall be retained and preserved. The removal of distinctive materials or alteration of features, spaces, and spatial relationships that characterize a'pr, operty shall be avoided. Each property shall be recognized as a physical record of its time, place, and use. Changes that create a false sense of hiswrical development, such as adding conjectural features or elements from other historic properties, shall not be undertaken. Changes to a property that have acquired histot:ic significance in theix own right shall be retained and preserved. Distinctive materials, features, finishes, and construction techniques or examples of ~anship that characterize a property shall be preserved. Deteriorated historic features shall be repaired vather than replaced. Where the severity of deterioration requixes replacement of a distinctive feature, the new future shall match the old in design, color, texture and, where possible, materials. Replacement of missing features shall be substantiated by documentary and physical evidence. Chemical or physical treatments, if appropriate, shall be undertaken using the gentlest means possible. Treatments that cause damage to historic materials shall not be used. Ordinance No. 285 Amending Section 340:00 Page 7 New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction shall not destroy historic materials, features, and spatial relationships that chancte~ze the property. The new work shall be differentiated from the old and shall be compatible with the hi~oric materials, features, size, scale, and proportion~ and rimsing to protect the integrity 'of the property and its environment New additions and adjacent or related new construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that firemoved in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired. Section 340:25. Findlr~s. Before approving any permit or application required under Section 340:20 of this ordinance, the Commi-~sion shall make findings based on the program for ' preservation of the Heritage Preservation Site in regard to the following: I. In the case'ofa proposed alteration or addition to existing buildqrtgs, the Commission 'shali make written findings on how the structure may be architecturally or'historiCally affected considering the existing exterior appearance, building height, building width, depth, or other dimensions, roof style, type of building materials, ornamentation, paving and setback.. .:. ® In the case of the proposed demolition of a building prior to a/)prowal of the demolition- the Commission shall make written findings on the following: architectural and historic merit oft he building, .the effect on surrounding buildings, the effect of any new proposed construction on the remainder of the building (in case of partial demolition) and on surrounding buildings, the economic value or usefulness of the building as it now exists, or if altered or mo,~ified, in comparison with the value or usefhlness 'of any proposed structures designated to replace the present building or buildings. In the case of a proposed new bnilding, the Commission shall make written findings on how the building will in itself, or by reason of its location on the property, materially affect the architectural or historic value of buildings on adjacent sites or in the irnmed/ate vicinity within the Heritage Preservation Site. Section 340:30.' Appeal To The Cikv Conncil. The applicant for a Site Alteration Permit or any other party aggrieved by the decision of the Commission relative to a Site Alteration Permit shall, within ten (I0) working days of the date of the Commission' s order and decision, have a right to appeal such order and decision to the City Council. The appeal shall be deemed perfected upon receipt by the City Clerk of a notice of appeal and statement setting forth the grounds for the appeal. The City Clerk shall transmit a copy of the notice of appeal and statement to the City Ordinance No. 285 Amending Section 340:00 -.- Pa~e 8 . Council and a copy to the Commission. The City Council may overturn the Commission's order and decision by a two-thirds vo. te of all members of the City Council. The Commission, in any written order denying a permit application, shall advise the applicant of the applicant' s right to appeal to the City Council and shall include this Section in all such orders. Section 340:35.' Limitations. 'If within forty-five (45) days f~om the filing of a Site Alteration Permit application the Commiss/on has neither approved nor denied the Site Alteration Permit applicat/on, the plans and permit application shall be deemed to have been approved by the Commission, and [fall other requirements of the City have been met, the City shall authorize a permit for the proposed work. No permit shall be issued nor work commenced in the event the Commission disapproves the Site Alteration Permit application in accordance with this ordinance. Section 340:40. '- F. mergen~y Repair. In emergency situations where immediate repair is needed -to protect the safety of a building or structure and its inhabitants, the City Manager and City Building Official mY approve the repair without prior Commission action. In the case of an enxergency repair permit issued purerant to this Section, the City Manager shall immediately notify the Commission of its action and specify the facts or conditions constituting the emergency situation. Section 340:45: ' F, nforcement. In case any building or structure subject to the regulation of this ordinance is to be erected or constructed, reconstructed, altered, repaired, converted, .. maintained, moved, or subjected to demolition in violation of this ordinance, the .zoning administrator, in addition to any other remedies, may: Institute civil action for injunctive relief to stop, prevent, or abate a violation of this ordinance. 2. Issue a stop work order to prevent a continuing violation of this ordinance. Work which proceeds in violation of this ordinance, in contravention of a stop work order, or in disregard of a court ordered injunction shall be a public nuisance. Ordinance No. 285 Amending Section 340:00 Page 9 Section 340:50. Additio.~l Powers And Duties Of The Commission. The Commission shall have the following powers and duties in addition to ~ose otherwis~ specified in this ordinance: The Commission shall conduct a continuing survey of all areas, places, buildings, stmchEes, lands, districts or other objects in the ~ity of Excelsior which the Commission, on the basis of information available or presented to it, has reason to believe are si~v-i~cant to the culture, social, economic, political, or architectural history of the City of Excelsior. The Commission shall continually survey all areas to determine needed and desirable improvements of older buildings throughout the City of Excelsior, acting in a resource and advisory capacity to owners of historicallysiSmi~cant sites regarding their preservation, restoral/on and rehabilitation, The Commi-~sion shall work for the continuing educadon of the citizens of the City of ExCelsior with respect to the civic and architectural heritage of the City. It shal~. keep current a public register ofdesiglmted and proposed Heritage Preservation Sites along with the pln~,~ and programs that pertain to them. The Commissio~n may recommend to the City the acceptance of giles and contributions to be made to the City and to assist the City staff in the preparation of applications for grant funds to be made'through the City for the purpose of heritage preservation, Any contributions or gifts will be expended in the manner provided through the fiscal policy of the City of Excelsior. The Commission may on a continuing basis collect and review City planning and development records, documents, studies, models, maps, plans, and drawings to be entered in the Public Library or Excelsior Lake Minnetonka Historical Society.archives as a perma~ent record of City history and development Section 340:55. Repository For Documents. The office of the City Clerk is designated as the repository for at .least one copy of all studies, reports, recommendations and programs required under this Section, These files will be maintained in accordance with Minnesota Statutes ~ 138.17. Section 340:60. Recording 0fHeritage Preservation Sites. The office of the City Clerk shall record or file with the' Hennepin County recorder or registrar of titles the legal description of all properties designated as Heritage Preservation Sites by the City of Excelsior. Ordinance No. 285 Amending Section 340:00 Page l0 SECTION 3. Excelsior Ordinance Code Section 1080:00 is hereby mended to add the following subdivision: Section 1080:00. Subd. 14. Heritage PreservatiOn Sites my be designated and protected by the City pursuant to the procedures set out in Sections 340:15 through 340:45 and the procedures and authority outlined therein are incorporated into this ZOning code by z~ferenca. Nothing in this subdivision shall, however, be construed to alter the procedure or authority provided in Sections 340:15 through 340:45 or to otherwise modify the jurisdiction of the Heritage Preservation COmmission over such issues. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall b~ in full force and effect thirty (30) days from and after its passage and publication according m_ . law. Adopted this I" day oflune, 1998 by the City Council of the City of Excelsior. Steve Finch, Mayor. ATTEST: Olds, City Clerk/Treasurer 5. HISTORIC PRESERVATiON PLAN INTRODUCTION The preservation of a community's history creates a meaningful connection with the past and helps frame the community's current image. The Historic Preservation Plan provides a framework for preserving and protecting the community's history. The success of the Historic Preservation Plan is dependent on the citizens of Columbia Heights and their desire to preserve historically significant resources within the City. The City can support the preservation of history within the community by creating a Heritage Preservation Commission; however, the success of this implementation strategy is dependent on the support and involvement of the community. The area around Columbia Heights was first homesteaded in 1863 by John and Margaret Sullivan. By the 1870s, the area had a brick factory and stone quarry; however, the area remained largely agricultural until the last decade of the century. When James' J. Hill constructed a rail line through the area, a direct connection was provided to the Iron Range. In response, a steel mill was built in the early 1890s, and Columbia Heights expected to become the "Pittsburgh of the West." Unfortunately, when the mill burned down in 1898, it was not reconstructed. In 1893, Thomas Lowry, platted 95 acres of land for residential development in the area through his Minneapolis Improvement Company. Mr. Lowry also promoted the community as a commuter suburb of Minneapolis, with residents traveling via his Central Avenue Electric Car Line and Electric Street Railroad. In an effort to develop the community and provide services for the new residents, Mr. Lowry also encouraged retailers to locate in the community along the southern portion of Central Avenue. Incorporated in 1898, Columbia Heights is one of the oldest suburbs in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. While Columbia Heights has a fascinating history, the City does not maintain a formal record of historically significant structures or properties in the community. There are no structures or properties within Columbia Heights that are listed on the National Register of Historic Places, nor are there any structures or properties eligible for listing. Although the community does not have a Heritage Preservation Commission, the Anoka County library system maintains a list of 35 videos documenting various elements of Columbia Heights cultural and historical events. Other cultural and historically significant elements within the City include the acknowledgement and connection to the City's Sister City of Lomianki, Poland, the construction of an Islamic worship center and the establishment of the First Lutheran music series. Each of these cultural elements strengthens the diversity of Columbia Heights and provides opportunities to explore and enjoy other cultures. present within the City. 84 HISTORIC PRESERVATION GOAL, POLICIES AND IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES The following historic preservation goal has been developed for Columbia Heights. The goal includes numbered policies and bulleted implementation strategies that correspond to each of the policies. Goal: Preserve and maintain the community's unique historical and cultural elements. 1. Encourage the formation and success of a Heritage Preservation Commission. · The City will publicize the potential formation of a Heritage Preservation Commission. · The City will support the formation of a Heritage Preservation Committee and-' encourage resident interest. Support the preparation of an inventory of historically significant structures and places in the community. · The City will create and maintain an inventory and .map of historically and culturally significant structures, sites and resources within the community. The City will provide staff to assist the Heritage Preservation Commission in obtaining financial support for the preservation of historically significant structures and resources. 3. Establish standards for protection of historically significant structures and places. The City will provide staff to assist the Heritage Preservation Commission with the development of standards and policies to protect and preserve the history of the community. The City will amend the zoning ordinance to require review of construction activities that will alter historically significant structures or disturb historically significant places. 85 City of Columbia Heights Public Works Department Work Session Discussion Item Work Session Date: February 22, 2000 Prepared by: Kevin Hartsen, Public Works Director/City Item: Electrical Service for Gateway Park Background: The Gateway Committee is nearing a recommendation for the final design of an entrance monument in Gateway Park. The design incorporates ground lighting for the sign and for flag poles at the rear of the sign. Additionally, the park irrigation system will require a power source for the operation of the controller. Analysis/Conclusions: Public Works staff requested informal quotes to provide the necessary electric service, with additional capacity for any future holiday lighting. The location of the meter and panel will be in a locking enclosure on the north side of the park (near the gas station UST vents). The above ground panel placed on a concrete pad which is surrounded by a wrought iron fence and additional landscaping. The electrical quotations received are as follows: Heights Electric: $ 5,750 Aid Electric: $ 6,235 This does not include the fencing or additional plantings for screening, but those material costs should be minimal with staff installation. Requested Action: Accept the quote from Heights Electric in the mount not to exceed $5,750 to provide an electric service to Gateway Park; and, authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into a contract for the same. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS - CITY COUNCIL LETTER Work Session Meeting of: June 5, 2000 AGENDA SECTION: NO: ITEM: Appointment and Introduction of New Planning & Zoning Commissioner ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER' S BY: Walt Fehst DATE: June 5, 2000 CITY MANAGER' S APPROVAL Due to the resignation of Dan Shattuck from the Planning and Zoning Commission, you will need to consider an appointment to this commission. On February 7, 2000, the City Council interviewed residents who requested to be on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Their original applications have been attached. Ms. Gertsema is the only applicant that was not interviewed in February, but was apparently interviewed prior to that time. The candidates are: 2. 3. 4. Barbara Gertsema, 4423 Tyler Street NE Joseph Allen Wolney, 542 Summit Street NE Karen Griebenow, 1493 Lincoln Terrace Tammera Ericson, 2020 Fairway Drive The chosen candidate can be appointed and introduced at the June 12, 2000 City Council meeting. MOTION: Move to appoint Planning and Zoning Commission. to a four year term, ending April 1, 2004 on the COUNCIL ACTION: h:XatlmintP&7_,6-2000 '--"d BOARD(S) OR COMMISSION(S) ON WHICH YOU WOULD IJKE TO SERVE: (INDICATE PREFERENCE: 1, 1, ~, IF MORE THAN ONE) TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION _ CHARTER COMMISSION (Note: IfaSSl3~ml krtld, u ' ~'~,dmefldJcattlfyoemeemadlbdvmer:. Ym No) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY _ BUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MI~RIT ('fiMMI~IflN LIBRARY BOARD _ TRAFFIC COMMISSION PARK & itJ~CREATION COMMISSION _~LANN~G & ZONING COMMISSION I 11111 .ItS~lrs M!~ t"IVII..GI~.IlVIf'T. I~I'ITi4'IWl~ICiN SINCE: / :~ -,~ '), ~ PROPERTY OWNED I~ COLUMBL4k ~IG~ (O~R ~ ~S~EN~): , HO~ PHONE: · '7S~/-~3~/ ZIP CODE: /Y'O N'~~'' . PRESENT EMPLOYER: f",:tl,,,,n'/" Ttc s .tter. Posmo. Tm.t:~ m,/~ ~'.~ T IDUCATION.4~., lACKGROUND: ~)oo~ L,~.~ l::)~-t~#;c.-. t PLEASE STATE BRIEFLY WHY YOU ARE INTER~IXD IN SERVING ON Tin_-q BOARD/ COMMISSION FOR WHICH YOU ARE SUBMII'r~G Tm-~ APPLICATION AlqD WBY YOU FEEL YOU A]LE ~ ~.H,z,~ .~C~,.~ T_...f: c;.t.,f 6o~c.'1 el;~ ~.t ~orl~o.i. I AM NOT AVAn.AwL; IOI BOARDICOMMISSION MEFIINGS ON THE ]rOLLOWING EVENINGS (CIRCLE): MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY IR]DAY PLEASE LIST THREE REFERENCES: NAME ADDRF. SS PHONE' ] HEllElY CE, RTOrY THAT THE fACTS WII"B]N TaB ]POlEGOING AitIrdCAIION AR~ TRUE AND CORRECT TO TIlE IF, ST OF MY IDIOWLEDGL O//ICE USE ONLY: lATE IBCBIVBD It0 4001A~,Ilee N.F,., Cdelbll ]!dllltl,'l~lN 110199 BOARD(S) OR COMMISSION(S) ON'WHICH YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE: (INDICATE PREFERENCE: 1,2,3, IF MORE TITAN ONE) TE..,.__LECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION [ L2RARY BOARD CHARTER COMMISSION (Note:. !f ,maVsq k 0/, I ' TIAFF/C COMMISSION Tt ,s~fy~ldeeslmlimt2ffymsereasmdlidvster:. Ym Me1 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTBORITY X I . PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSIO.N MFJ~IT f~fi~/MI~It'~N 1i~1 .II'F-/~'DF. f~vll. ,gr~tvlr*r. ~rbMP~fl~ej~f~N LIVED IN COLUMBIA HEIGHTS SINCE: / PROP£RTY OWNED I~ COLUMBL~ HEIGHTS (OTHER ~ RESIDENCE): WORK PHONE: STATE BRIEFLY WHY YOU ARE IN'IERBS3XD IN SERVING ON Tm~ BOARD/ FOR WHICH YOU ARE SUBMTFTKNG THIS APPLICATION AND WHY YOU FEEL YOU ARE ~': ' .~.~L .~. . . .,fe, f~ .,,' .s, dT/.t, .,:w _.2..,,"~, ;'~,~,",t':,-'!'~i.;,~fl",,.m~.-~.~r-'-''7'A'' I AM NOT b, Vbw.,&u~.F-~l IOAID/COMMISSIO~ei~MEETINGS O:N THF, FOLLOWING IVENi~IGS (CIRCLE): MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THUISDAY IllDAY PLEASE LIST THREE REFERI~NCES: P!ONE ~ ~;-- 711- 7',J'q~' i HIllBY C!ITWt' THAT THE PACTS WITHIN 'rIB lOllGOING APPLICATION All TRUE AND COma TO ~ BEST ~ JrOl On'ICE USE ONLY: DATBRBCBIVBD 110199 : =':.". · "'===i:TO BOARD OR ~ION - ' {= '!~= .!.j=!j?i. ':'.,' ~..? .! = . ;.:: ='.. . . . -. .. BOARD(S) OR COMMISSION(S) ON WHICH YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE: (INDI~ PREFERENCE: 1, 2, 3, !Y MORE THAN ONE) TELECOMMUNiCATIONS COMMISSION CHARTER COMMISSION (Note: e ~e .demelmdlmblf'meemetmdlldveter:q~ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUT!IORITY HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION LIBRARY BOARD _ TRA!q:IC COMM)SSION PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION HOME ADDRESS: UvtD IN COLUMSIA HnGnTS SInCE: / q '7 "7 PROPER. OWNED IN COLUMBIA HEIGHTS (OTHER THAN RESIDENCE): HOME PHONE: ,.5'q / - WORK PHONE: CIVIC EXPERIENCE: I PLEASE STATE BRIEFLY WBY YOU ARE INTERES'~D IN SERVING ON Tm-~ BOARD/ COMMISSION FOR WHICH YOU ARE SUBMITTING THIS APPLICATION AND WHY YOU FEEL YOU ARE I AM NnT AVAn ~ms.t FOR BOARD/COMMISSION MEETINGS ON TIlE POLLOWING EVENINGS(CIRCLE): MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY PLEASE L/ST THREE REFERENCES: NAME ADDRESS PHONE ,. Jr..,//-.,, V,':t z ! HEREBY C!:RTD'Y THAT ~ PACTS WrlRIN THE itORr, GOING APPLICATION ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST Or MY KNOWLEItGL ~_~Th//t~ ~//~,., !q)l OFFICE USE ONLY: BIGNATUIE BA'rZ IZCEIVED !~ ~ af .40 m40m Aveme N.L, Cdmbja Bdatm, MN IN21 110199 ] BOARD(S) OR COMMISSION(S) ON WHICH YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE: (INDICATE PREFERENCE: 1, 2, 3, IF MORE THAN ONE) _ TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMM/SS/ON [ LIBRARY BOARD CHARTER COMMISSION (Note: Ir~bred, [ _TRAFFIC COMMISSION _ NO t, ~,CONOMIC I~EVELOPIVI~I~'T AUTHORIFY [ .. PAP, K & RECRI. ATION CO.M1VII~.cS.!ON I HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION %LANN1NG &ZONING COMI~'ISS!ON NAME:/ HOME ADDRESS: ~0 F'~!/'W~ .L~,./"IV'e LIVED 1~ COLUMBR HEIGHTS, SINCE: PROPERTY OWNED !~ COLUMBIA HEIGHTS (OTHER THAN RESIDENCE): HOME PHONE: PRESENT EMPLOYER: I PLEASE STATE BRIEFLY WHY YOU ARE !]~ERESTED IN SERVING ON Tm~ BOARD/ COMMISSION FOR WHICH YOU ABLE SUBMFrXING THIS APPLICATION AND WHY YOU FEEL YOU ARE Qu~'~o: ~ ~ r~,~,~ ~f ~l~m~/~ t,~/~, z ~,I q/~/ d /~ ~y _T ~7~ crec /n hl~ea!Zc/fr/de an~ Ur~ p,/ann/?~ a W Z ! AM NOT AV.,tn.~LE FOR BOARD/COMMISSION MEETINGS ON THE ItOLLOWING EVENINGS (CIRCLE): MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY PLEASE LIST THREE REFERENCES: NAME ADDRESS PIION~ I BIlEBY CERTIFY THAT THE Ir.,k_CTS Wtsul~ TIE IORIGOING APPI. JCATION ARt TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWL/DGE. ,!a4nafl/,,4',~ ,~f;/~ amt onqcz m om,v.. SIGNATURE mATE II(:IlVII Ream ~p~c !k_ to: Deputy CIty CJedt/C. om~Sa:nUry Gty ~' Cd kin Relgtm St0,10tb Am ILL, Cd ' b's lidJim, MN SS421 110199