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HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 13, 1953instructed to transfer the sum of $12.81 from the Liquor Fund to the Library Fu_ud~ and that there are sufficient moneys in said Liquor Fund to make such transfer. Koll Call - All Ayes. offered by Deeble seconded by Spekulmut, Preamble to Ordinance 307 Being an O~iinance entitled "An Ordinance Authorizing the sale by the City Treas~er of ~lO,OOO.OO Emergency Debt Certificate". 7~,~_REAS, it became necessary to properly carry' on the functions of ~unicipal· Government of the City of Columbia Heigbts to proceed with the Permanent Improvements, and ~B~REAS, there are insufficient monies in the City Treasury to pay costs currently due~ and the city is therefore without funds to pay for 6ontract payments now due, THIS COUNCIL HEI~BY' and under this preah~le declares au ~mergency exists for ~the preservation of the public safety and that in order to ~romptly meet said emergency it-is necessar-y to pass'Ordinance 307 as an emergency Ordinance. Roll Call - All Ayes. Ordinance No.307 offered by Holm seconded by L~nge, An Ordinance authorizing the sale by t~ {he City Treasurer of $10,O00.00 Emergency debt Cer+~ificate. Roll Call - All Ayes. ~:otion by Lange seconded by Spekulant to adjourn at 'secretary tb the Council 10:~5 P.~. Roll Call -All'Ayes. . ;~ ' qfAYOR / ~ OFFICIAL MROCEEDi ~.~E-S Pegular Eeeting January 13, 1953 5~eetLog called to c_~ier at ~resent. HoLm absent. Ro3.! Call - Lange, Deeble, Speku!ant, Stopka ~inutes of the last~ re~alar meeting were read and appro%~d ~h the following Correction: bn Resolution grant, in== pay increases for city 'employes, v~ich should read as follows: kesolution offered by L~nge seconded by Hob, BE IT ~%]EKEBY RESOLVED by the City U~-unci! of the City of Columbia Heights, that a pay in'crease of $12o50 per month be granted all ~ity employes, ~×cluding the ~dinicipal J%~ge, Oity Attorney, City k~auager and Liquor ~tore Eanager. Deebl~ offered an~ Amendment 'to ~his~Resolution and that pay increases shoul~ be as follows~: 19 ~e~.ploye~ $12.50 incfease and 25 employes $17.50 increase. ~conded by Stopka. R~l~ Call - Holm, Langef Speku3. ant- No~. Deeble and Stopka -Yes. Roll Call on Resolution - Holm, Lange, Spek~lant, Stopka - Yes. Deeble No. i~gotion by Spekulsnb seconded by Ls~nge to pay the following bf~!s out of their proper fu_uds: Roll Call - Ail ~Salaries Arthur Holm Nil~red Carpenter Griggs,Cooper Co. Griggs,Cooper & Co. Thomas Baird Dennis Roach C!a~ton S J_nge r Fei~x Sochacki Ralph J. Corbett Gerald A. Rose 8,762. I0 Aefomotive Ind~ustrie s 338.88 5.84 Ale~ite Co.of l{inn. ~.00 Amekican Case Iron ?ip~ 90.65 123.~5 American Linen Supply 438.32 Ne ill C!eland 3~. O0 !)~6.40 Col.His.Fire Deot. 66.00 39 · 6~ Col.Hts .Fire Dept. 6.00 4~.92 Ool.Hts.Firemen' s Relief 110.06 ~3.73 Col,Heights Re cord ~ ~4. CO 78.94 Columbia Tool & Die Works 2.80 25h.)41 Delegard Tool Co. 18.~O Bills Cont'd: Deme~les Bros. Wire & Iron ~orks Didlier Safety Equipment Eidem & House r First Natignal Bank of Mpls. Fred L. Gray Co. Halling Bros. Motor Supply Donald W. Ha~stad Chet Herringer Hoff Rubber Stamp Co. H.A. Holden Inc. International City Mgrs. Assoc. International Harvester Co. Albert ~. Johnson ~achine ~orks Johnson Auto Supply Co. Lsng ' s Hardware Leer Bros. Inc. Lyndale Saw & Tool Cp. Management Information Service 22.50 43.25 230.00 34,349.63 5.00 lo.88 96.00 5.00 2.95 5.72 2o .5o 35.30 10.50 32.32 5.17 1.97 355.00 30.00 Gladys E. Miller,Npls.City Treasl!35.75 Miller Davis Co. Mp!s. Iron Store Harry Nold Jo~hnH. Nordin Northern Sanitary Supply Northern States Power Co. North Star~!otor Parts M.G. Outmette Ovshak Prtg.Co. Parsons Electric Co. Patsey ~otors A.T& Paulson Peks Inc. Petroleum Division Petty Cash Fund, P.&O,. P~oneer Steel Fabricators, Richards Oil Co. Rocket Oil Co. Rockv~ll Mfg.Co. H.A. Rogers Co. Rosenwald Co~per Inc. The George T. Ryan Co. Victor ~af John Seman Standard Tire Service ~illiams Hard~are Co. Wsterous Co. Wilkinson Home Finance Co. Wm.~H. Ziegler Co. Ame~icau Linen Co. As~esen Co. Brunswick Balke Collender 25.00 5.00 66.68 2.39 10.60 1,212.48 164.50 21.39 76.00 122.00 41.66 17.91 105 · 33 5/.5o Inc. 22.82 77.72 629.39 74.28 68.2O 10.47 48.64 23.0O 2.39 197.86 98.47 369.02 481.83 484.48 22.63 4.61 Brunswick Balke Collender Coca Cola Co. Coast to Coast Coa~st to Ooast Peter Tema E ~. Crabtree Ganzer Distributing Co. Haldeman Langford Jo~n~ Murz~ Nesbitt Bottling Co. Peks Inc. Pitts~burgh Plate Glass Co. Seven-up Bottling Co. American Linen Supply Co. Automatic R~efrigeration, In6, Carbonic Machine s Chaska Beverage Co. Coca Cola Bottlir~ Co. Distillers, Dist. John C. Doherty James C. Divinells Ebin Brothers Ed.. Phillips & Sons. Co. Ed. T. Foran Co. Famous Brands Ganzer Distr. Co. General Sheet Hetal Corp. Gold ~edal Bev. Co. riggs Cooper & Co. ohn Leslie Paper Co. Johnson Bros. "66" Inc. Johnson Paper & Supply Co. Kato Distributing Co. Kuether Distributing LaEode Chemicals Co. Mid-~est ~ine Co. Inc. McKesson & Robbins Monarch Cleaning Chem. Co. Mpls. Brewing Co. Old Peoria Co., Inc. Pkbst Sales Co. Petty Cash Pilgrim Bottling Co. Seven-Up Bottling Co. Shelly Distr. Co. H.G. Sipg Co. Swiss Wine House ~illard ~iStr. Co. Total 151.16 16.50 5.65 2.5o 1.00 59.74 23.88 14.19 10.00 34.09 2.94 37.68 31.22 3,768.60 117.7o 39.25 64.88 3,722.18 459.95 42.00 1,240.26 2,031.41 66.10 2,719.84 607.06 20.00 22.2O 250.96 25.71 32.65- 17.44 69,00 20.40 15.oo 990.88 3,825.65 25.37 1,685.93 1,809.9~ 156.6 263.81 731.30 83.68 11.28 1,1~8.86 106.35 154.75 $78.491.31 Resolution offered by beeble se~ondeld by Lange, P~ IT B~BY ~w?~SOLV-~) by the City Council of the City of Columbia He, ights, that t~e City Assessors Salary be set at ~the rate of $3900.00 per y~ar, and this is to run for a period of s~x months. Roll Call - All Ayes. Resolution offered by Deeble seconded by Spekulant, BE IT ~H2~IEBY KESOLVED by the City Council of the Oity of Cot~mbia Heights, that the salary of the Maintenance Foreman of the Yfater and Sewer Depar+anent be set at $3900.00 per year. Roll Call r All Ayes. Resolution offered by Lange seconded by Deeb!e, ~HEP~EAS: The City Council of the City of Columbia Heights has been notified Ur the l~.~inneapolis Gas Oompa~ny that effective January l, 17~3 gas consumption rates would be increased, and; ~{E5EAS~ the per ~u~it consumption and number of consumers for each line has sub- stantiatly increased so that the revenue to the ~as Company for each dollar of ~nvestment has substantially increased and; W]~MEAS, the differntial in rate between the City of Minneapdlis and its suburbs appears discriminatory. ~ iT ~_P~EFOPg RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights as follows: 1. The City Council hereby registers its opposition to any increase in ~as consumers rate, and; 2. Hereby requests that the differential in rate bet~en t~e Ci.ty of Ninneapo]is and its suburbs be abolished and the city of Columbia , Heights consumers be billed on a rate similsr to that of the City of ~inneapolis. Roll Call - All A yes. ~otion by Deeble seconded by Spekuls~nt~ that the letter receiv~ed from the Hotel and ~raartenders Union dated December 26th, 19~2 ~ tabled. Roll Call - All Ayes. ~otion by Deeble Seconded by Speku!ant, that the letter received .from Oppenheimer, Hodgspr~ Brown, Baer & ~olff dated January 12th, 19~3, be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Roll Call - All Ayes. Resolution offered by Deeble seconded by Lange~ ~ IT ~wp_.~W_WTY Pd~SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights, that the Col,&mbia Heights Record be designated as our legal nev~paper until the 3].st of January 19~3. Roll Call - All Ayes. The ~fayor requested~ that a motion be made for~ a bid on newspaper publications. ¥otio~ b~ Deeble seconced by Spe~lant, authorizing the City ~anager ~o advertise for Bids for official newspaper publications in a newspaper with general~ cirulation in ColYmbia Heights, bids to be opeued Januar~y 27th. Roll Call - All Ayes. Resolution offered by Deeb!e seconded by Spekulant, .The .City Co,nc!! of the City of Columbia Heights hereby resolves that the Colmmbia Heights State Bank be hereby designated as a depository for moneys of the City of Col~mbia Heights for a period of one year beginning the 1st day of January, 19~3, and~the Treasurer of this City is bere~y d~ected to deposit moneys of this City in said Bank and the Co!~nbia Heights State Bank is hereby authorized and directed to ho.nor and pay any checks or or~ers~ ~en signed by the City Treas~_~er~ for the withdrawsg or transfer of funds on deposit in said B~nk i$ ~,~hatever form. ~ ~ Ft~RTHER RESOLVED that ~ case such deposits ahall at any time exceed Ten Thousand (~10~000~00) Dollars, said depository shall i~.ediately furnish Bond or sec~rities in lieu of bond accordi~% to !ar~ and the First National Bank of ~finneapolis is hereby designated as a place for the safe-keeping of all secvrities furnished in lieu of such bond. Roll Call - All Ayes. Resolutdon offered by Deeble seconded by Spekulant~ The City~ Counc~_~ of the Cit~ of Columbia Heights hereby resolves that the First National Bar2~ of ~inneapolis be hereb~ designated as a depository for moneys of the City of Columbia ~W~ights for a period of one year beginning the 1st day of January 19~3, and the Treasurer of. this City is hereby directed to deoosit moneys of this City in s~id bank and the FLrst~ Natioual Bank is hereby authori'zed and directed to honor and pay any cheDks, or orders, wb~en signed by the City Treasurer, for the ,~ithdrawal or trmnsfer of funds on deposit fn aaid Barak in ~habever form. BE IT FtS{T~R RESOLVED~ That in case such deposits shall at any tim. e exceed Ten Thousand (~l@,O00.00) Dollar~,-. said depository shall immediately furnish bond or sec~_~ties in lieu of bond according to law~ ~ud the Federal Reserve Bank is hereby desigua**ed as a place for the safe-keeping of all securities furnished Lu lieu of such bond. Roll Call - All Ayes. Resolution offered by Spek~,lant seconded by Deeble,The City Council of the City of Columbia Heights ~EEPEBY ~LVES that the Fidelity State Bank be hereby designated as a depository for moneys of the City of Columbia Heights for a period of one year beginning the 1st day of janua~ 17~3: and the Treasurer of this City is hereby directed to deposit moneys of this City in said bank and the Fidelity State Bank is hereby authorized and d~_rected to houor and pay any checks or orders, when signed by the, City Treasurer, for the v~thdrav.~l or transfer of funds on deposit in sai~ Bank in whatever form. BE IT FJRTHER RESQLVED, That iu case such deposits shall at ~uy time exceed Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollar~, said depository shall immediatley furnish bond or s.ecurities in lieu of bond according to law, and the Federsl Reserve Bank is hereby designated as a place for the safe-keeping of all securities furnished in lieu of such bond. Roll Call - All Ayes. ~otion by Lange seconded ~ S~oekulant, that J.E. Saltiness,. h~O~ - ?th St. N.E. be granted per~_~ssion to hook up to our sewer upon payment of the proper fee of $2~0.00. Roll Call - All Ayes. Notion by Lange seconded by Spekulant that the following Licenses be granted: ~rs. ~attie ~cCsllum Ice Station & Ice Truck ~m. Levy ~otion Picture Theate~ Stanley ~arsh , Restaurant & Cigarette Hugh E. Oberg Gas Station (3 pumps) Pugh,s Texaco Service " " (3 pumps) Joseph Ocel, Jr. " " 2 " Walter F. ~.ernat " " 3 " Ed's ~X Service " " 3 " Johnson Bros. "66" Inc. " " h " Albert Johnson " " 3 " Cla~e N ordwall Plumbing John Tes~th Tabaka P.& H. Co. Walter Olak Heating Clare Nordwall " Krumbolz Co. " H.O. Aurness " Tabaka P.5 ~. Co. " Fred Vogt & Co. " Kueb~ Heat~_ug Co. " Anderson & Dahlen, Inc. " Ray N. Welter Heating Co. B%~rnieces Heat~_ug & Sheet Metal Co. " _Richfield Heating & Sheet Eetal " Z~ill City Furnace Co. " John M. Christianson Elec.Co. Electrical Robert T. Lambie " Npls. Elec. Service " Lebn~ Electric H.L. Grove r " L.R. Drinkoll " Hill Elec.Coo " Industrical Elemtric Co. " Elmer H. Fristedt ,, ~alter Le avey C.M. Bouchard O.B. ?hompson Elec. Co. Heights Electric Andrew E. Mulberg Harris Brothers Plumbing Harry Noid, 506-40th Ave. " " 547-4Oth A~. Harold N. Lieberman, 3911 Univ. " " 500-.40th Ave. Johm T. Chudek,4002 Central Vane Switzer, 4000 Centrsl Ave. ~V.G. Osborne Daniel P. Mikkelson Mrs. Gise!a Terbay Gabriel S. Bakos Roll Call - All .Ayes. Electrical Juke Box & Pin Ball ~achines Juke Box & Pin Ball " i Pinball - i Phonograph 2 P~_uball - i Phonograph Juke Box and P~ball Machines Juke Box Cigarette Cigarette Cigarette & Off-Sale ReSOlution offered by Deeble seconded b y Lange, ~E IT HEREBY RESOLVE~ by the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights, that t~he dog license-fee for 1953 be set at $2.00, v~bh no distLuction as to sex. Roll Call - All ~Ayes. The Mayor requested tha%ia motion b~. made for a Special Meeting, Notion by Deeble seconded by Lange, that a Special Meetin~ be set for J~nuary 22, 1953 at 7:30 P.M. Roll Call - All Ayes. N_otion by $pekulant seconded by Deeble to adjourn. s~cret~ry to the Council OFFIC I~T. PRO CEEDINOS Special Meeting January 22, 1953 Meeting c~]]_ed to order at 7:40 P.M. present. Lange - absent. Roll Call - Hqlm, Deeble, Spekulant, Stopka The purpose of this meeting was to-set new wa~er and se~r rates f~r Columbia Heights. The Mayor asked that the Resolutioh placing the Water Tower charge on the water bills be recinded~ and charged on our general taxes. Resolution offered by Deeble, seconded by Holm, BE IT HEKEBY~L~ by the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights that the Water Rate for Columbia Heights residents be set at $2.00 for the' first 600 cubic feet or less, and 305 per hundred cubic feet for additional water used, and BE IT FURTH]ER RESOLVED, that the water rate for~users outside of Columbia Heights be set at $2.10 for the first 600 bubic feet or less and 355 for each additional hundred cubic feet., This to be for a period of one year s~arting February 1,1953. The Mayor announced a recess of lO minutes at this time. ~ol! Call on the Resolution - Ail Ayes.