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HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 13, 1953instructed to transfer the sum of $12.81 from the Liquor Fund to the Library Fu_ud~
and that there are sufficient moneys in said Liquor Fund to make such transfer.
Koll Call - All Ayes.
offered by Deeble seconded by Spekulmut,
Preamble to Ordinance 307 Being an O~iinance entitled "An Ordinance Authorizing
the sale by the City Treas~er of ~lO,OOO.OO Emergency Debt Certificate".
7~,~_REAS, it became necessary to properly carry' on the functions of ~unicipal·
Government of the City of Columbia Heigbts to proceed with the Permanent
Improvements, and ~B~REAS, there are insufficient monies in the City Treasury
to pay costs currently due~ and the city is therefore without funds to pay for
6ontract payments now due, THIS COUNCIL HEI~BY' and under this preah~le declares au
~mergency exists for ~the preservation of the public safety and that in order to
~romptly meet said emergency it-is necessar-y to pass'Ordinance 307 as an emergency
Ordinance. Roll Call - All Ayes.
Ordinance No.307 offered by Holm seconded by L~nge, An Ordinance authorizing the sale by t~
{he City Treasurer of $10,O00.00 Emergency debt Cer+~ificate. Roll Call - All Ayes.
~:otion by Lange seconded by Spekulant to adjourn at
'secretary tb the Council
10:~5 P.~. Roll Call -All'Ayes.
. ;~ ' qfAYOR / ~
Pegular Eeeting
January 13, 1953
5~eetLog called to c_~ier at
~resent. HoLm absent.
Ro3.! Call - Lange, Deeble, Speku!ant, Stopka
~inutes of the last~ re~alar meeting were read and appro%~d ~h the following Correction:
bn Resolution grant, in== pay increases for city 'employes, v~ich should read as follows:
kesolution offered by L~nge seconded by Hob, BE IT ~%]EKEBY RESOLVED by the City U~-unci!
of the City of Columbia Heights, that a pay in'crease of $12o50 per month be granted all
~ity employes, ~×cluding the ~dinicipal J%~ge, Oity Attorney, City k~auager and Liquor
~tore Eanager. Deebl~ offered an~ Amendment 'to ~his~Resolution and that pay increases
shoul~ be as follows~: 19 ~e~.ploye~ $12.50 incfease and 25 employes $17.50 increase.
~conded by Stopka. R~l~ Call - Holm, Langef Speku3. ant- No~. Deeble and Stopka -Yes.
Roll Call on Resolution - Holm, Lange, Spek~lant, Stopka - Yes. Deeble No.
i~gotion by Spekulsnb seconded by Ls~nge to pay the following bf~!s out of their proper
fu_uds: Roll Call - Ail
Arthur Holm
Nil~red Carpenter
Griggs,Cooper Co.
Griggs,Cooper & Co.
Thomas Baird
Dennis Roach
C!a~ton S J_nge r
Fei~x Sochacki
Ralph J. Corbett
Gerald A. Rose
8,762. I0 Aefomotive Ind~ustrie s 338.88
5.84 Ale~ite Co.of l{inn.
~.00 Amekican Case Iron ?ip~ 90.65
123.~5 American Linen Supply
438.32 Ne ill C!eland 3~. O0
!)~6.40 Col.His.Fire Deot. 66.00
39 · 6~ Col.Hts .Fire Dept. 6.00
4~.92 Ool.Hts.Firemen' s Relief 110.06
~3.73 Col,Heights Re cord ~ ~4. CO
78.94 Columbia Tool & Die Works 2.80
25h.)41 Delegard Tool Co. 18.~O
Bills Cont'd:
Deme~les Bros. Wire & Iron ~orks
Didlier Safety Equipment
Eidem & House r
First Natignal Bank of Mpls.
Fred L. Gray Co.
Halling Bros. Motor Supply
Donald W. Ha~stad
Chet Herringer
Hoff Rubber Stamp Co.
H.A. Holden Inc.
International City Mgrs. Assoc.
International Harvester Co.
Albert ~. Johnson ~achine ~orks
Johnson Auto Supply Co.
Lsng ' s Hardware
Leer Bros. Inc.
Lyndale Saw & Tool Cp.
Management Information Service
2o .5o
Gladys E. Miller,Npls.City Treasl!35.75
Miller Davis Co.
Mp!s. Iron Store
Harry Nold
Jo~hnH. Nordin
Northern Sanitary Supply
Northern States Power Co.
North Star~!otor Parts
M.G. Outmette
Ovshak Prtg.Co.
Parsons Electric Co.
Patsey ~otors
A.T& Paulson
Peks Inc.
Petroleum Division
Petty Cash Fund, P.&O,.
P~oneer Steel Fabricators,
Richards Oil Co.
Rocket Oil Co.
Rockv~ll Mfg.Co.
H.A. Rogers Co.
Rosenwald Co~per Inc.
The George T. Ryan Co.
Victor ~af
John Seman
Standard Tire Service
~illiams Hard~are Co.
Wsterous Co.
Wilkinson Home Finance Co.
Wm.~H. Ziegler Co.
Ame~icau Linen Co.
As~esen Co.
Brunswick Balke Collender
105 · 33
Inc. 22.82
Brunswick Balke Collender
Coca Cola Co.
Coast to Coast
Coa~st to Ooast
Peter Tema
E ~. Crabtree
Ganzer Distributing Co.
Haldeman Langford
Jo~n~ Murz~
Nesbitt Bottling Co.
Peks Inc.
Pitts~burgh Plate Glass Co.
Seven-up Bottling Co.
American Linen Supply Co.
Automatic R~efrigeration, In6,
Carbonic Machine s
Chaska Beverage Co.
Coca Cola Bottlir~ Co.
Distillers, Dist.
John C. Doherty
James C. Divinells
Ebin Brothers
Ed.. Phillips & Sons. Co.
Ed. T. Foran Co.
Famous Brands
Ganzer Distr. Co.
General Sheet Hetal Corp.
Gold ~edal Bev. Co.
riggs Cooper & Co.
ohn Leslie Paper Co.
Johnson Bros. "66" Inc.
Johnson Paper & Supply Co.
Kato Distributing Co.
Kuether Distributing
LaEode Chemicals Co.
Mid-~est ~ine Co. Inc.
McKesson & Robbins
Monarch Cleaning Chem. Co.
Mpls. Brewing Co.
Old Peoria Co., Inc.
Pkbst Sales Co.
Petty Cash
Pilgrim Bottling Co.
Seven-Up Bottling Co.
Shelly Distr. Co.
H.G. Sipg Co.
Swiss Wine House
~illard ~iStr. Co.
Resolution offered by beeble se~ondeld by Lange, P~ IT B~BY ~w?~SOLV-~) by the City
Council of the City of Columbia He, ights, that t~e City Assessors Salary be set
at ~the rate of $3900.00 per y~ar, and this is to run for a period of s~x months.
Roll Call - All Ayes.
Resolution offered by Deeble seconded by Spekulant, BE IT ~H2~IEBY KESOLVED by the City
Council of the Oity of Cot~mbia Heights, that the salary of the Maintenance Foreman
of the Yfater and Sewer Depar+anent be set at $3900.00 per year. Roll Call r All Ayes.
Resolution offered by Lange seconded by Deeb!e, ~HEP~EAS: The City Council of the City
of Columbia Heights has been notified Ur the l~.~inneapolis Gas Oompa~ny that effective
January l, 17~3 gas consumption rates would be increased, and;
~{E5EAS~ the per ~u~it consumption and number of consumers for each line has sub-
stantiatly increased so that the revenue to the ~as Company for each dollar of
~nvestment has substantially increased and;
W]~MEAS, the differntial in rate between the City of Minneapdlis and its suburbs
appears discriminatory.
~ iT ~_P~EFOPg RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights as follows:
1. The City Council hereby registers its opposition to any increase in
~as consumers rate, and;
2. Hereby requests that the differential in rate bet~en t~e Ci.ty of
Ninneapo]is and its suburbs be abolished and the city of Columbia
, Heights consumers be billed on a rate similsr to that of the City
of ~inneapolis.
Roll Call - All A yes.
~otion by Deeble seconded by Spekuls~nt~ that the letter receiv~ed from the Hotel
and ~raartenders Union dated December 26th, 19~2 ~ tabled. Roll Call - All Ayes.
~otion by Deeble Seconded by Speku!ant, that the letter received .from Oppenheimer, Hodgspr~
Brown, Baer & ~olff dated January 12th, 19~3, be referred to the Planning and
Zoning Commission. Roll Call - All Ayes.
Resolution offered by Deeble seconded by Lange~ ~ IT ~wp_.~W_WTY Pd~SOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Columbia Heights, that the Col,&mbia Heights Record be designated
as our legal nev~paper until the 3].st of January 19~3. Roll Call - All Ayes.
The ~fayor requested~ that a motion be made for~ a bid on newspaper publications.
¥otio~ b~ Deeble seconced by Spe~lant, authorizing the City ~anager ~o advertise for
Bids for official newspaper publications in a newspaper with general~ cirulation in
ColYmbia Heights, bids to be opeued Januar~y 27th. Roll Call - All Ayes.
Resolution offered by Deeb!e seconded by Spekulant, .The .City Co,nc!! of the City
of Columbia Heights hereby resolves that the Colmmbia Heights State Bank be hereby
designated as a depository for moneys of the City of Col~mbia Heights for a period
of one year beginning the 1st day of January, 19~3, and~the Treasurer of this City
is bere~y d~ected to deposit moneys of this City in said Bank and the Co!~nbia
Heights State Bank is hereby authorized and directed to ho.nor and pay any checks or
or~ers~ ~en signed by the City Treas~_~er~ for the withdrawsg or transfer of funds on
deposit in said B~nk i$ ~,~hatever form.
~ ~ Ft~RTHER RESOLVED that ~ case such deposits ahall at any time exceed Ten
Thousand (~10~000~00) Dollars, said depository shall i~.ediately furnish Bond or
sec~rities in lieu of bond accordi~% to !ar~ and the First National Bank of
~finneapolis is hereby designated as a place for the safe-keeping of all secvrities
furnished in lieu of such bond. Roll Call - All Ayes.
Resolutdon offered by Deeble seconded by Spekulant~ The City~ Counc~_~ of the Cit~
of Columbia Heights hereby resolves that the First National Bar2~ of ~inneapolis be hereb~
designated as a depository for moneys of the City of Columbia ~W~ights for a period of
one year beginning the 1st day of January 19~3, and the Treasurer of. this City is hereby
directed to deoosit moneys of this City in s~id bank and the FLrst~ Natioual Bank is
hereby authori'zed and directed to honor and pay any cheDks, or orders, wb~en signed by
the City Treasurer, for the ,~ithdrawal or trmnsfer of funds on deposit fn aaid Barak
in ~habever form.
BE IT FtS{T~R RESOLVED~ That in case such deposits shall at any tim. e exceed Ten Thousand
(~l@,O00.00) Dollar~,-. said depository shall immediately furnish bond or sec~_~ties in
lieu of bond according to law~ ~ud the Federal Reserve Bank is hereby desigua**ed as a
place for the safe-keeping of all securities furnished Lu lieu of such bond.
Roll Call - All Ayes.
Resolution offered by Spek~,lant seconded by Deeble,The City Council of the City of
Columbia Heights ~EEPEBY ~LVES that the Fidelity State Bank be hereby designated
as a depository for moneys of the City of Columbia Heights for a period of one year
beginning the 1st day of janua~ 17~3: and the Treasurer of this City is hereby directed
to deposit moneys of this City in said bank and the Fidelity State Bank is hereby
authorized and d~_rected to houor and pay any checks or orders, when signed by the,
City Treasurer, for the v~thdrav.~l or transfer of funds on deposit in sai~ Bank in
whatever form.
BE IT FJRTHER RESQLVED, That iu case such deposits shall at ~uy time exceed Ten Thousand
($10,000.00) Dollar~, said depository shall immediatley furnish bond or s.ecurities in
lieu of bond according to law, and the Federsl Reserve Bank is hereby designated as a place
for the safe-keeping of all securities furnished in lieu of such bond. Roll Call - All Ayes.
~otion by Lange seconded ~ S~oekulant, that J.E. Saltiness,. h~O~ - ?th St. N.E. be
granted per~_~ssion to hook up to our sewer upon payment of the proper fee of $2~0.00.
Roll Call - All Ayes.
Notion by Lange seconded by Spekulant that the following Licenses be granted:
~rs. ~attie ~cCsllum Ice Station & Ice Truck
~m. Levy ~otion Picture Theate~
Stanley ~arsh , Restaurant & Cigarette
Hugh E. Oberg Gas Station (3 pumps)
Pugh,s Texaco Service " " (3 pumps)
Joseph Ocel, Jr. " " 2 "
Walter F. ~.ernat " " 3 "
Ed's ~X Service " " 3 "
Johnson Bros. "66" Inc. " " h "
Albert Johnson " " 3 "
Cla~e N ordwall Plumbing
John Tes~th
Tabaka P.& H. Co.
Walter Olak Heating
Clare Nordwall "
Krumbolz Co. "
H.O. Aurness "
Tabaka P.5 ~. Co. "
Fred Vogt & Co. "
Kueb~ Heat~_ug Co. "
Anderson & Dahlen, Inc. "
Ray N. Welter Heating Co.
B%~rnieces Heat~_ug & Sheet Metal Co. "
_Richfield Heating & Sheet Eetal "
Z~ill City Furnace Co. "
John M. Christianson Elec.Co. Electrical
Robert T. Lambie "
Npls. Elec. Service "
Lebn~ Electric
H.L. Grove r "
L.R. Drinkoll "
Hill Elec.Coo "
Industrical Elemtric Co. "
Elmer H. Fristedt ,,
~alter Le avey
C.M. Bouchard
O.B. ?hompson Elec. Co.
Heights Electric
Andrew E. Mulberg
Harris Brothers Plumbing
Harry Noid, 506-40th Ave.
" " 547-4Oth A~.
Harold N. Lieberman, 3911 Univ.
" " 500-.40th Ave.
Johm T. Chudek,4002 Central
Vane Switzer, 4000 Centrsl Ave.
~V.G. Osborne
Daniel P. Mikkelson
Mrs. Gise!a Terbay
Gabriel S. Bakos
Roll Call - All .Ayes.
Juke Box & Pin Ball ~achines
Juke Box & Pin Ball "
i Pinball - i Phonograph
2 P~_uball - i Phonograph
Juke Box and P~ball Machines
Juke Box
Cigarette & Off-Sale
ReSOlution offered by Deeble seconded b y Lange, ~E IT HEREBY RESOLVE~ by the City
Council of the City of Columbia Heights, that t~he dog license-fee for 1953 be set
at $2.00, v~bh no distLuction as to sex. Roll Call - All ~Ayes.
The Mayor requested tha%ia motion b~. made for a Special Meeting,
Notion by Deeble seconded by Lange, that a Special Meetin~ be set for J~nuary 22, 1953
at 7:30 P.M. Roll Call - All Ayes.
N_otion by $pekulant seconded by Deeble to adjourn.
s~cret~ry to the Council
Special Meeting
January 22, 1953
Meeting c~]]_ed to order at 7:40 P.M.
present. Lange - absent.
Roll Call - Hqlm, Deeble, Spekulant, Stopka
The purpose of this meeting was to-set new wa~er and se~r rates f~r Columbia Heights.
The Mayor asked that the Resolutioh placing the Water Tower charge on the water bills
be recinded~ and charged on our general taxes.
Resolution offered by Deeble, seconded by Holm, BE IT HEKEBY~L~ by the City
Council of the City of Columbia Heights that the Water Rate for Columbia Heights
residents be set at $2.00 for the' first 600 cubic feet or less, and 305 per hundred
cubic feet for additional water used, and
BE IT FURTH]ER RESOLVED, that the water rate for~users outside of Columbia Heights
be set at $2.10 for the first 600 bubic feet or less and 355 for each additional
hundred cubic feet., This to be for a period of one year s~arting February 1,1953.
The Mayor announced a recess of lO minutes at this time.
~ol! Call on the Resolution - Ail Ayes.