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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAug 27, 19404?-
Regular m~eting called to order ~ugust 27th, at the City ~ffices. ~ll members
Previous minutes read and approved.
Notion by Pritchard, seconded by 5pekulant that the communication from Chas. Swanson
City Clerk.~of Min;~eapolis, regardzng granting right-of-way to ~he City for the in-
stallation of sidewalks on Reservoir Blvd. be placed on file. Roll call - All ayes.
Notion by Oentzen, seconded by Spekulant to lay on the table until the next regular
meeting, t~e communication from the Board of rark Co~nissioners regarding the plant-
ing of nmerican~ £1ms on the boulevards.
.Er. P¥itchard appointed a committee of one by the ~ayor, to promot~ interest in a
Municipal Band.
Ord~nance.#.~_~offered by Bentzen, seconded by Jackson, being an Ordinance to
amend Ordinan~e-~-[~ ;~'~1~9, being an Ordinance to establish a commission to hold hearings
and pass on the discharge of City ~mployees. Roll call - All ayes.
Resolution offered~by Pritchard, seconded by Oentzen, whereas, when the assessment
roll for local improvement No. 38 was prepared, Lot 7 in Block 12 and Lot 6 in Clock
13, Au&itor's Subdvn of ~<on's 2nd Subdvn. were erroneously described as Lot 6,
Block 12, ~nd Lot ? in block 13, and ~hereas said assessment roll provided for the
levy of said assessment for the years bf 1940, 41, 42, 43 and 44; and, ~hereas,
it is no longer ~ossible to correct said assessment roll so as to include the 1~40
levy on correctly described property to-wit: Lot 7 in olook 12 and Lot 6 in Olock
~3, TH£ City COUNCIL OF ~iE CiTY O~~ COLU~BI~ HEIGHTS ~ii~Y BESOLVES: That the County
Auditor be and he hereby is authorizea ~ cancel all ;~ssessments for local improve-
ment No. ~8 on Lot 6 Block 12 and Lot 7, block l~; and the County Auditor is further
authorized to aesess lots 7 in Block
Annual Payment
19~l $21.26
42 21.26
4~ 21.26
44 21.26
45 21.26
Roll call - ~ll ayes.
12 andlot 6 in Block 13 in the following
Block Feet Total Assess.
12 189.19 $106.32
13 189.19 106.32
erest Tota?.
2.55 23.81
1.91 23.17
1.28 22.~4
· 64 21.90
Resolution offered by Jackson, seconded by Spekulant, Yfnereas a petition to install
sidewalks on both sides of the ~eS. Dlvd. from the intersection of said Res. Blvd. mith
Central Ave. to the intersection of Res. Blvd. and 40th Ave. N. E. has been presented
to th~ City Council a~d Jnereas the maid petition nas been referredto the City ~anager
for investigation and report on'the requisite number of signa~uzes, and the City
.~nager has made such report stating {he the requisit.~ number of signatures are
attachea to said petition; THE CiTY C~JNCIL OF T~ Ci~Y OF COLU~W~I~ HEIGHTS ~EPJ~BY
~SOLVAS: Section 1. Tna~ the City Council hereby fiads and determines that said pe-
tition for said i~nprovement is signed 0y the resiaent owners of more than ~1% of the
real estate to ce assessed for said improvement. Section 2. That the City Council
hereby d~termines to install cement sidewalks on bothsides of Reservoir Blvd. from
the int~rsecti:.n cf said Blvd. with Centr~l ~,ve. tc the intersection of 40th
~na to as ~ss ~ne c~sts cf ~m-:e~.~-~-,~+~ +;,:~..~ :,butting ~rop~rty. ?urthsr, that pur-
~nt to saia :.etiticn s:~id sidew:~l~:s ~ leid to a width :f ~ feet. oection 3-
i':~at the ~zti ,,.unag~sr z.~ ulrecte~ t~ estz._:~ zne costs of said improvement and
mm':t wLich 'ir~ benefltt~d ~..~.~b~, f~rtnsr, tn.~v th~ ~=~j ,..~nage~' report oack
L~so!ution ~'ffer.d. bo; J'~:~:csz. n, seconded by ~rit~:~&rl, ~ resc!utic, n to ma~e the
follo/~[:~ i...:~r.~vem~nt t~-'.,'_t: [:c imi.'.r~ve 42nS ~ve. [[. ~. i'rcm iq~s. -Jivd. west %0
meet t.~e ..r~aent t~rvit~ surf,.ce ~xt ur n~ar the west lane of Lot ~, block ~, R~s.
iiiiis, ~%lso from Central Y-~vc. wesc Cc Zh~ alley between C~ntrai Av~. e. na Van o~xren
St. uy surfacing sztid street oetween s~iu limits with ?atria. THE C/I~Y COUNCIL 0F
Section I. The City Council of the City of Columbia eights hereby determines to
make the foiicwlng improvement - to-wit: to improve 4~nd ~ve. from kes. Blvd. west to
meet the /resent tarvi~ surface at or n~ar the w~st lins of lot ], ~lock ~, Reser-
voir hills, also from Gentr~.! -~ve. west zo the alley between Central =ye. and ~n
~uren ct. oy surf ~cing sa~d strset ~:etween said limits ;;'ith Zarvia. Section 2.
Fh~t the City ,,~najar ce dir=ct~d tc est'..m~te tho cost of said i~nprovement and to
draft a llst cf ~:~e sevoral lots' a~d F~rcels of land fronting upon ~d adjacent to
a~cn proposed improvement which are benefitted thereby; further, t~at the City
~d~n~.ger r~icort back to the City Council as soon as may be. Roi1 call - All ayes.
Motion byPritchxrd, seconded by ~ackson, that thc City ~'dan:~gsr take down the City
office sign from the old City ~f£iccs. Roll c~,!l - ;~ll ayes.
,~;otion by Jackson, seccnied by o,,ekulant to -allow the bills out of t~e prodder
?. T. 01sson Salary I1~.2~ naze2 Trucker Salary 69.?5
Onus. LeRicheu× " 2~.00 Mary ~dwaras " 4.00
L .... T~osvold lO.00 Jonn Oehun 2~00
L. .~'. ~assett 4.00 ~. ~p~ulant 3.00
D. Jackson 3.00 LeRoy ~entzen 3.00
... J. Pritchard 3.00 Clyde C. Jonson 69.73
J:~des French 77.j0 ~alt~r C~,ttrell 69.73
Joe Podany 63.10 James ,~,Kenna 67.~0
Emil2Steinfeldt 9~73 Clyde brown 30.45
Earl Ci.~lxnd lO0.~O A. E. Sundserg 34. S7
Victor O~f ~4.38 Lucille ~,awklns 32.50
B_. J. ,,,.~rpi;y 72.30 LeRoy ~igue 31.~O
Dan 2uesnell ~l.O0 -~. =,troshe~o 6.73
Ja~es Stuot,~rd~ 20.2~ Dennis Roach 27.00
Julius ScM:ianl 41.63 ,,. E. ~ennings ~ 28.33
C. n. Fire De~t. 23.00
.~nton kcgich 8~.00 S. F. Kreskie 71.30
,~:~. ~cilugh 71.~0 R. Johnson ~.00
~nna ~,o~ur 36.83 F. ~enan
,~nne Tkach 19.20 P. 3udnick 28.00
Conl~ Zfg. Co. 427.~0 O. ,~. ~nnemann ~6.50
Dan De Mars 44.18 J. i~lurz~ 37.20
Emll oteinfeldt jO.O0 Schmahl 9-62
0sbo~rne-n._..erson 16.O8 J. k. Wors% 12.00
Roll ~ll --~ll ayes.
-,orion oy °cntz,on, seconded by -,z~cn~r~, tn:~t the City ~an~ger be instructed to
advertise for bids on Fire Truck. Aoll call - ~ll ayes.
[,iotion Oy Jackson? second=C cy o~kulant to