HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 22, 1935S~eciaI ~eetin¢ called ~o or~e~, N~%y 22nd, a~ ~he Qit~.Offices, a% 8 P~.. ~I~ Meeting ~alte~ for {~e ~rpose of can~assi~s the elec~io~ returns, a~ for' az4v other bus!ness which might co;~ before ~ction by Tjosvotd, seconded by Karrow, that the request of-Martin ~derson, for resta~rsL~t~ off and on sale licenses be Eranted. Eoll call - Ayes: Tjosvold. ~ayS: Miller, Bassett, _Farrow. ~otion bY Tjesvold, seconded by Nilter, tt~t be ~ppointed as ~ member of t~ Oivil Service Co~nission for a term of three years. Eoll call, all ayes, ' Motion by Bassett, seconded by ~iller, to lay aside the applications for red~zotions in Sa~es. Roil call, all ayes. Letter' read f2~m the Eelief Office, ~ith regard to d~linquent water bills. The Council will contact the office~ a~dm~e arrangements for 'same. Notion to adjoin by Tjos~old, seconded by ~mssett~ ~ ~ecretary/to ttie Oouncii ~ Whereas, the Oity of Col~mbia Eeights,, did on the 20th day of May, 1935 condu ct and hold a primary' election, s.u.d Whereas, the City Co~LU. cil of the City of' Oe~nmbl. a Eelghts did o~ :the ~2nd ~ of ~, hold ~ special meeting, ~d did ~v&s t~ re- t~s of' s~id Dri~- electio=~ ~d ~zere~s, the follewi~ resets were determined by szid c~v~s, of s~id privy election, to-wit: V'~.id ballots cast iE74 Void ~Ilots czst ~one To,al ballots cast 1374 Votes for ca~n.didates for M~yor: Votes for ca.dj'dates for Oo~uci!: Votes for candidates for Judge: Peter Tema 566 Balphorisp 505 Harold Hermanson 147 Lindholm 90 Schepke ~ L. A. Tjosvo!d A. O. Whhlford 449 Hans Severson E. Wolfe 435 Eaversack ~08 E, ~ Ear'row 330 lICe J~tmSon 677 ilion Ot~imette E~ndP~ss 249 Now, Therefore Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Colo~£oia Heights, that the following candidates, Peter Tema, and Raloh Crisp be and they hereby are decls~red to be nominated for the office of ~ayor, and L A. Tj~vold, A. C. Wohlford Hans Severson, and H. Wolfe be a~ud they hereby are declared nominated for the of fie of Co~Lucilz~mh, and Clyde Johnson, and ~Milton Ouimet~er, be and they hereby are de- calred to be nomiat~d for the office of Nunicipal Judge. Roll call - Ayes: Tjosvold, ~iller, Bassett, F~r~ow. Nays: None. Resolution offered by K~.rrow, seconded by Bassett: Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights, that the City Glerk be and she hereby is a~thorized and directed to make preparations for, and proper bsllots for Special Election to be held on the lieuor ~uestion, June 10th, 19S.5, in accordance with the S~e Liquor Ls~w. Roll call - A~e': Tjos~ld, ~iller, Bassett, Karrow. Nays: None.