HomeMy WebLinkAboutDec 27, 19340FFICIALPR0~EDINGS Regular meeting called to order Dec. 2?th at the City Offices, at @ PM. All mem- bers present. Previous m~nutes read and approved. Reading of the bills: D. 0. Quesnel $inking Fund 1st Nat. B~ of Npls. StnkingFund N. % Bell Tel. Mpls. Water Dept. Npls.~Gas. Co. Mpls. Gen. Elec. Wm. Wigand Air Reduction Sales A. Atroshenko Hans Severson Williams Hdwe. 15.80e Miller-Davis C o. 150.00~ N. Lazar 1752.50~ Heights Food Market 3150.00~ Carrie Piper ll0.TS~ 0vshak Ptg. Co. 2129.$5~ Henry Kook 1.00 ~ H. M. 0stmoe 312.S2~ M.W. Savage 2.00~ Dan Quesnel 17.62~ Roberts Hamilton Co. 20,00" Thorman Rosholt ~.00 ~ Reinhard Bros. .~ Belden Porter Co. 6.95~ 11.00~ 1.71 ~' 1. O0~ 18.00~ 16.51 ~ 1.08~ 10.00~ SO ,~1~ 43.45 ~ 11.65 ~ Resolution offered by Miller, seconded by Tjosvold that same be allowed out of the ~roper funds. Roll call, all ayes. Motion by Karrow, ~ that the City Manager be authorized to subscribe to .Municipal Finance Officer's Ass'n. for $10.00 per year. Motion lost without a second. Motion by Miller, seconded by Basset~, that the City Manager be authorized to sub- scribe to Municipal Finanae and semi-monthlyNew~Letter at the rate of $4.00' per year. Roll call, all a~es. Motion by' Tjosvold, seconded by Bassett, that the letter from E. A. Carlson regarding bill against County for deferred p~vments on excess poor relief be turned over to the City Attorney. Roll call, ~ll ayes. Resolution of£ered by Karrow, ~econdedby Bassett, Appointing the City Health Doctor for the City of Columbia Heights for 1935, beginning the 1st ds,v of January and ending Dec. Slst, 1935. Now, Therefore Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights, that D~. J. S. Blumenthal be and is hereby appointed the City Health Doctor for 1935. Roll Call, all ayes. Resolution offered by Karrow, seconded by Tjosvold, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights, That the salary of the City .Health Doctor be and hereby is fixed for the year-193~ a~ $75.00 and in addi- tion thereto he shall receive $2.00 for placarding homes and $2.00 for removing same on all,contagious diseases. And be it further resolved that when a person or oersons home is placarded for a con- tagious disease and there being further development of the same disease, the Health Physicia~ shall render .his services in such cases. Roll call, all ayes. Resolution offered by Tjosvold, seconded by Bassett, Now Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights, Anoka County, That the Columbia Heights Record be and hereby is designated as the Official News Paper for the City of Columbia Heights for the year 1955. Roll call, all ayes. Motion by Tjoavold, seconded by Bassett, that W. J. Shields be g~uted an electrical license. Roll call, ~ll aves. Motion by Miller, seconded by Tjosvold, t~hat Williams Electric Company be granted a renewal of their electrical license. Roll call, all ayes. Motion by Miller, seconded by Karrow, that the followi~g Plumber's licenses be granted. Pete Kolby, ~>47-~Oth Ave. - Rudolph Swanson, 4101 Central Ave. - John Teseth, 605-40th Ave. and Gu.st Holm, S722 Van Buren St. Roll call, all ayes. Motion by Tjozvold, seconded by Karrow, th~.t the following gasoline station licenses be granted. 0stmoe's Service Station, 558-40th Ave. - Standard 0il Conrpany, 40th and Central, - W. L. Hoff, S824 Central Ave. - Central Auto Service, $964 Central, Jake HaUgen, S968 Central Ave. Roll call, all ayes. Motion by Karrow, seconded by Miller, that the following Ice licenses be granted: Columbia Heights Ice Co., ~Oth & Van Buren and 40th at Forest Park, - C. A. B~ker 41st Ave. S. W. Cormms~. Roll call, all ayes. Motion bY Karrow, seconded by Miller, that the following 'Off' Sale licenses be granted. Stanley Schultz, 4201 Jefferson St. - Dan Walthers, 604 - ~Oth Ave., R. Bromberg, 4287 Jefferson. Roll call, ~l s~yes. Motion by Karrow, seconded by Tjosvold, that the ~ollowing ~0ff' and 'On' sale licenses be granted. D~nielson Drug Company, S988 Central Ave , - Buffum Drug, 427-~©th ~veo Roll call~ all ~ves. Motion by Miller, seconded by Bassett, that the following 'Off', 'On', ~d Res- taurant licenses be granted: Hjalmar Holen, 500-40th Ave., - ~rs. Andrews, 42©0 Central Ave., - Oscar Jenson, 40~0 Central Ave., - John Kol~erg, 4~56 University Ave., - Tom Resha, ~06-40thAve., Stanley Kreskie, 4024 Centr~l Ave. - Charles Lakotos, 400~ Central Ave. Roll call, all ayes. Motion by Kari'ow, seconded by Miller, t~at Carl Sorenson be granted a renewal of Pool Hall license at 8$8-z!Oth Ave. Roll call, all ayes. Motion by l~iiler, seconded by Tjosvold, that Zephyr 0il Comoany be granted a Filling Station license for 573-40th Ave., s~oject to payment of proper fee by the first ~f the year. Roll call, all ayes. Motion by Tjosvold, seconded by k~il!er, that the Heights ~nusement Company be granted a theat~:r license. Roll call, all ayes. Motion by Kar:'ow, sedonded by Tjosvold, that the Liability Insturance be granted to Joe Wargo. Roll call, all ayes. Motion by Tjosvold, seconded by Karrow, that the fees on the safe deoosit boxes be set as follows: $1.~0, $2.00 and $4.00 with 10% added. Roll call, all a~.es. Motion by Tjosvold, seconded by Miller, to accept deed for Blk 10, Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6 and s~ne be recorded. Roll call, all ayes. ~ by Miller, seconded by Bassett, that the following restaurant licenses be granted Martin Voss, T. Wilson, ~d A. Malmstrom. Roll call, all s~ves. Motion by Miller, seconded by Bassett, that the Secretary to the Council t[~pe the Altuual ~~Report on the Public Relief. Roll call, all ayes. Motion to adjourk by Karrow, seconded by Tjosvold. Secreta~ to the Council