HomeMy WebLinkAboutDec 11, 1934 OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS Regular meeting called to order December llth, at the City Offices present. All members 2O5 Previous minutes read and approved. Reading of the bills: James McKenna Hazel Trucker Leonard Keyes Nick Munsch Mary Edwards LillianErickson ~ C. DeMars James French Gene Jenkins Walter Cottrell Clyde C. Johnson Cash JOEuBehun Ha~s Severson (Trea$) Dr. Blumenthal Standard 0il Co. Minn. 0il & ~Refinin~ Borchert-Ingersoll 0o. Warner Hdwe.. Co. Midwest 0il-Co. Wm. Zeigler. Thorme~ Rosholt Co. Air Reduction Sales Co. Chas. Krabbe Ira Criswell W. J. Purcell Joe Fedork~. Lucille Hawkins 150.00m Alec Brant 120.00~ Thomas Resha 25.00~ Gust Holm ~0.00~ Miller-DAvis Co. 6.~0~ Karadio SalesCo. 8.001 The Juckem Co. 90.00~ H. E. Buffum 1S0.00~ Waterous Co. 130.00 ~ Dawson Hdwe. 130.00 z Heights Serv. Sta, 125.00 ~ L. H. Dean lO.O0 ~ Williams Hdwe. Co. 21.00~ Central Lbr Co. 108.00~ Auto Salvage Co. 6~.00~ 0stmoe Service Sra. 9.97~ H. E. Buffum 68.61~ Martin Voss 7.~9~ H. M. 0stmoe ~l.~0~ Carl Sorenson S2.73~ Col. Hghts .Record 59.59~ Leonard Keyes 57.62~ Henry Keok~ ll.08 ^ Sharon & Levy 1.25~ L. Nordin 32.50~ Sinking Fum~l 4.50~ A. Astro~henko 8.50~ Clyde Brown AO.00 ~ 1.00 1.00 4.~0% 1.85'I 47.60~ 5.05~ 19.00,, 20.79% 37. 2~. 00~ 21.56 35.00" 73.36 40 .-00~ · 23.14~ 125.40 .10. O0 1.60 41. O0 6.906 15.00'~ ------ 15.55 5566.66 8.00 8.00 Resolution offered by TjosvolA, seconded by Miller that all City employees be paid in full for the month of December, because of Christmas falling on the next meeting d~. Roll call, all ayes. Resolution offered by Kar~'ow,. seconded by Bassett, that the bills be allowed out of the proper funds. Roll call, all ayes. Motion by Karrow, seconded by Miller, that the letter from the Fire Department be placed on file, and that the City ~uager be autho~zed to remove the governor from the Fire Truck for tests, and to report back to the Council. Roll call, ~ll a~es. Motion by Tjosvold, seconded by Karrow, that the request of W. Leigh Carey, Receiver for Columbia National Bank, for space in the City Offices in which to p~y dividend checks, be grauted. Roll call, ~ll a~es. Motion by Tjosvold, seconded by Bassett, that Mr. Mood~v be paid $1~0.~for his services in connection with the sale of the City Hall Bonds, as agreed at the time he took them over. Roll call, all ayes. Resolution offered by Karrow, seconded by Miller: Whereas at a regular meeti~held on February l~, 193g, there was a shortage of $~0. in the Police & Court Fund and $280. in the Poor Relief and the Council ordered a 206 transfer °f $700'00 fr°m the Administrati°n t° the ab°ye menti°ned funds' ssme t° be ~ transferred back to the Administration Ftmd on receipt of ,money from the County. ~ Now, There, fore be it Resolved by the City Cotmcil that the smn of $450. from the ~ Police and Court Fund and $250.00 from the Public Relief be and hereby are ordered ~,~ transferred to the Administration .Wb~ud. Roll Call - ~,ves: Tjmvold, Miller, Eassett, Karrow. Nays: None. Motion by Karrow, seconded by L.ltlier, that the Deed to the Bank Building be placed on file. Roll call, all sjfes. Motion by Miller, seconded by Tjosvold that the City Manager reply to the letter from the League of Minnesota Municipalities and inform them that ~e will be glad to have them represent us at the Decer~er 14th meeting. Roll call, all s~ves. Motion by Karrow, seconded by Miller, that the City Manager be authorized to get an estimate on cost of repairs for sound ducts for the Fire Siren and bring same back to the next Cotmcil meeting. Roll call, all.aves. Reading of the Poor Bills: Dr. Walter H. Ude Dan Walthers Spekulant ' s Groc. Plymouth Groc. 0akwood Groc. National Tea Co. The Leader Store Krobas Groc. E. Johnson Dr. H. Foster Dr. H. Good C. A. Baker Fuel Dr. Blumenthal Cederberg St o.re John Christism Clover Leaf Creamery Danielson Drug Co. Col. Motor Sales Dr. H. Heckler R. N. Mester Pehling' s Groc. Pittman's Shoe Store R. F. Burr $.50~ Mrs. 01ga Walker 88.6~ Otto Swenson S2.50~ Schultz Groc. 102.97- Pilgrim Coal AO.0C~ 0ak_hill Dairy Farm 62.00~ Mpls. Leader S6.0S~ Kreskies Dept. Store $8.0©~ David Jones 24.30~ Mr. L. Jarvis 1.00~ Franklin Creamery 6.0~ Hilltop Groc. 6.75~ Bungalow Store ~2.~9~ Central Auto Serv. 6.~0~ Central Lbr. Co. 16.75~ City L~kt & F rnitttre ~.9~ Eood Guild St~re 17.65~ L. ~'. Basse~t 8.86~ Ds~vton Co. 2.00~ Kaplan's 10.00~ Northland Milk Co. 5.0©~ J. C. Penney Co. S.40~ M. W. Savage 60.00~ St..~mdrew's Hosp. 10. O0 3.75~ 9.03~ 45.65 5. 4.3~: 11. SO 10. 1. 10 o 47.20~ 12. O0 69.40 15.00 4.65~ 4.20 9.47 6.29 104.82 Resolution offered by Miler, seconded by Tjosvold, to allow the above bills/ Roll call, all ayes. Resolution by BassetS, seconded by Tjosvold, that Judge Keye's resignation be accepted and placed on file, and that he be given a vote o£ th~s for his cooperation with the Council, also that the Council wishes him the best of success in his new position. Roll call, all a~ves. · Motion by Karrow, seconded by Miller, that the next regular meeting will be held on the 27th day of December, due to the fact that Christmas falls on %he regolar meeting date. Roll call, all ayes. Motion to adjourn by Miller, seconded by Bassett. Se~rea~y to the Council Mayor