HomeMy WebLinkAboutNov 27, 1934OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS
Regular meeting called to order November 27th, 1964 at the City Offices. All
members present.
Previous minutes read and approved.
Reading of the bills:
James McKenna
Hazel Trucker
Leonard Keyes
Mary Edwards
James French
Gene Jenkins
Walter Cottrell
M. C. DeMars
1st Nat. Band of Mpls.
Midland Nat. Bank
Elaine Howe
J. ~ Carroll
Henry Kook
Central Lbr. Co.
Clyde C Jotmson
65.00~ Chas. Erabbe 5.00~
60.00~ Helen Eckstrom 19.AO~
12.50~ Earl Nelson 3.00~
2.00~ Mertens Lock Co. 7.20~
4.00~ J.J. Sampson
65.00~ Thomas & Grayson .50
65..00~ Mpls. Gen. Elec. ¢o. 313.26
65.00q L.W. Northfield 36.60
45.00~ MPls. Gas Co. 1.00~
800.00~ Wentworth Coal Supply 4.25~
750.00 ~ Miller-Davis Co. 5.25
14.00~ Lucille Hawkins ~0.00
28.006 Dan Queanell 5.00
1~.66~ Clinton Schultz
161.85 q Wm. Collins 19.00~
62.50~ Nick Munsch 2§.00~
Resolution by TJosvold, seconded by Karrow, to ~pay the bills out of the proper
funds. Roll call, all s~ves.
M~by Karrow, seconded b¥ Miller, that the donation and dedication by the City
of Minneapolis of the opening of McLeod Street from ~Sth Ave. N. E. southerly to
McLeod Street, as laid out East and West, to the Northeast corner of the NW 1/~
of Section ~, Township 60, Range 2~, and be it further resolved, that the proper
city officials be authorized to record same to the County seat. Roll call, all
Motion by Tjosvold, seconded by Miller, that that portion of 40th Ave. N. E. from
Tyler to Stinson Boulevard, be added as a part of the original project, hereto£or
approved by the Council for~Awork. Roll call, all a~es.
Resolution offered by Miller,~donded by Tjosvold, that the City Clerk be authorized
to cancel the penalty of $7.68 on the water bill of S. H. Eahm for water used at
Forest Park last summer for recreational purposes. Roll call, all a~es.
Amendment to resolution passed by the Council Ma~ 8th, pertaining to reduction of
taxes on Lot 3, Block 61, Columbia Heights Annex to Minneapolis, offered by Karrow
seconded by Miller.
Whereas application has~ been made for a reduction in the assessed valuation of
the following described real estate situat&A in the City of Columbia Heights, to-wit:
Lot 3, Block 61 in Columbia Heights Annexto Minneapolis.
and Whereas, the City Council has investigated the said application and determined
as follows:
That the true and full value of all structures and improvements on said laud on May
1st, 193B did not exceed the sum of $9,000.00
NOW T_w~EFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights,
that we recommend to the County Board that the true and full value of said structures
for said year be reduced to and fixed at the sum of $9,000.00 and if the taxes have
been paid while tl~s application is pending that refundment proportional to the
amount of the reduction, made in assessed valuation be authorized. Roll call, all
Notion by Earrow, seconded by T~osvold, to accept Drawing ~811 of the olams
for Sanitary Sewer extension, as approved by the Board o£ Health, and that the
same be placed on file. Roll call, all ayes.
Letter from Champlin Oil Company regarding Fire Protection, held over until next
Motion by Mil~, seconded by TJosvold, that the application of Mrs. Mable Ballard
for Doctor, Hospital and Burial expenses, for ~rs.- Adela Ballard, be referred to
the City Attor. ney for investigation. Roll call, all ayes.
Motion by Miller, seconded by Bassett, that the letter from SERA with reference to
Mr. Karrow, be held over for investigat~pm. Roll call, all ayes.
Motion by TJosvold, seconded by Miller, to adjourn-.
secretary fo the GDuncil