HomeMy WebLinkAboutOct 23, 1934195
Regular meeting cal]al to order Oct. 25rd, 1934. at the City Offices. Ail members
Previous minutes read and approved.
Reading of the bills:
James McEenna 65.00~ N.W. ~ell Tel. Co.
Hazel Trucker 60.00~ Mertens Lock Co. 4.~0~
Leonard Xeyes 12.50~ Henry Eook ~0.03~
Mary Edwards 2.00 ~ Mpls. Gen. Elec. 308.18
N. T. Munsch 25.00 A Reminder 1.00~
Lillian Erickson 17.00 ~ P. 0. Nelson §.00~
James French 65.00~ Miller-Davis Co. 6.10~
Gene Jenkins 65.00~ 2uffalo Meter Co. 3.27~
Walter Cottrell 65.00~ Vern Lundeen 3.75-
Clyde Jolmson 62.50~ Dan Quesnell 1~.0~
M. 0. DoMars 45.00~ Joseph Wargo 9.80-
Cash 5.00~ John~ehun 21.00~
1st Nat'l 2ank 1170.00 ~ Super Groc.
1st Nat'l ~ank 250.00 * Hans Severson (Treas.) 22.00~
Lucille Hawkins ~0.00 ~ Hazel Trucker 3.74~
Sharon & Levy 15.00 ~ ........ Henry 0stmoe 56.61
Mpls. Gen Elec. 2.00~
Resolution offered by Miller, seconded by Bassett, to allow same out of the proper funds.
Roll call, all a~res.
Motion by Tjosvold, seconded by Earrow, that the Mayor work with the 0ity Manager an~
contact the school board, with reference to work projects. Roll call, all ayes.
Motion by Earrow, seconded by Miller, that the request of the P.T.A. to hold a dance at
tho High School, Oct. 31st, be grsmted and the usual fee Be cancelled. Roll call, all
Motion by 2assett, seconded by Miller, that the licenses of 0. Jenson 34~7 Morgan Ave. N.,
be laid aside until next meeting to allow for investigation. Roll call, all ayes.
Motion by Tjosvold, seconded by ~assett, that the co~unication of Municipal Finance
Officer's Ass'ri. be placed on file. Roll call, all ayes.
Motion by
permit to
Motion by
Xarrow, secozlcled ~yMiller, that the Women's Farmer Labor Club be granted a
hold a dance at ForeSt Park, Oct. ~Yth, be granted. Roll call, all ayes.
TJosvold, seconded by K~r~-ow, to d~ny the request of V. Oontoski for Plumber's
· oll call, all ayes.
Motion by TJosvold, seconded by Miller, to refer the letter from the State Highway
Comm~ssioner with regard to gas pumps located on the sidewalks, to the City Attorney.
Roll call, all a~res.
Resolution offered by Karrow, seconded by Tjosvold:
Whereas, L. W. Northfield & 0ompany has filed affidavit to the City CoUnCil of the City
&f Columbia Heights, stating that the buildings on Lot 15, ~lock 2, First Subdivision of
~lock 'F', Columbia Heights, Anoka County, Minnesota, were wrecked and demolished on or
about April 28th, 1~$,
and ~ereas, this Council knows the same to be true, we hereby request the L. W. North-
field Company be re~ded the amount of tax paid on said buildings, which true~ and
full value was placed at that time in the amount of $1800.00 for the year of 193S.
providing a~ said L. W. Northfield Com~p~ny make proper ap?lication to the
County Treasurer. Roll call, all a~es.
Motion by Miller, seconded by TJosvold, that the OLD Age Pensions for the following
be rejected and returned to the ~ounty Auditor.
~11 Emelie 211iatrault
$12 Peter West
~2~ fillard A. C. Wentworth
~5 Soph~v Collins
~ Clarence TompEins~
$85 LeRoy Henrtck Dean
~'6;~ Minnie Tear, or
~ Catherine Dura~
Roll call, all a~ves.
Motion to adjourn by Miller, seconded by Bassett.