HomeMy WebLinkAboutOct 9, 193419'3
Regular meeting called to order October 9, 1934 at the City Offices. Ail members
Previous minutes read and approved.
Reading of the bills:
James McKenna
H~zel Trucker
Leonard Keyes
N. T. Munsch
Mar~ Edwards
James French
Gene Jenkins
Walter Cottrell
Clyde Johnson
M. C. DeMars
J. E. Carroll
Dr. Blumenthal
65.00~ City of Minneapolis 17.80~
80.00~ John Leslie Paper Co. 6.01~
12.B0~ Dawson Hdwe. 4.80~
25.00~ Clinton Schultz 67.25~
&.00~ City of Minneapolis 562.00
4.00~ J.R. Murph~ 6.00"
65.00~ Dr. J. S. Blumenthal 2.AO~
65.00~ Henry Kook 6.80~
6§.00~ Lucille Hawkins ~0.00~
62.50~ Sharon & Levy 15.00e
45.00~ Cash 5.00~
~0.00~ Carrie Piper 2.50~
31.~5 ~ Carl Sorenson 40.00~
Leigh Carey (Receiver) ~00,.~0~
Resolution offered by TJosvold, seconded by ~arrow to allow same out of the proper
funds. Roll call, all a~ves.
Motion by TJosvold, seconded by Miller, to place the communication of Leeds Cutter.
on file. Roll call, all a~es.
Motion by Harrow, seconded by Tjosvold, that the proper City Official be authorized
to send a map of the City to the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Roll call, all a~es.
Resolution offered by Bassett, seconded by Tjosvold, that the unexpire~premium on
fire and windpolicies, approximately $15.00~' on the Beak Build.%ng, be paid.
$6,000. wind - Expires August 1935.
$9,500. fire - " April 1935.
Roll call, all a~es.
Motton byBassett, seconded~y Miller, that the request of the I.C.C. Baseball
Team to hold a dance at 0akwood School, Frida~ October 12, 193~, be granted.
Roll call, all a~es.
Resolution by Bassett, seconded by Tjosvold, that as long as the present City
Offices are acceptable to Miss Walters and the State Board of Control, that the
Relief Office be transferred here. Roll call, all a~es.
Resolution offered by Miller, seconded by Bassett, that the Budget for 1935 be
as follows, and~he ~lene be certified to the County Auditor, to ~xmbe collected
from t~prope~$axes.
Budget - 1935.
Police and Cou~t
St. Maintenance
~oor Fund
Emergency Certificates
$10,800. O0
4,080. O0
6,000 o00
Motion to adjourn by Karrow, seconded by MilLer.
$~cretary 'to the Oounc~l ' )