HomeMy WebLinkAboutAug 28, 1934 OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS
Regular meeting called to order Aug. 28th at the City .Offices.
Previous minutes read and approved.
All members present.
Rea~ling of the bills:
Jam~s McXenna $5.00
Hazel Trucker
Leonard Keyes 12.50~
C.' E. Oding 1.46
John Backer 1.80
Neptune Meter Cb. 299.97
Wentworth Coal Col
C. St. Paul Mpls. R.R. 5.67a
Lucille Ha~kins 20. O0
M. C. De_~__~rs 45.00~
John Behun 21.00
Ovshak Pig. Co. 9.50
Miller-Davis Oompam~
~en. Fireproofing
Mary Edwards
N. T. Munsch
Lillian Erickson
James French
Oene Jenkins
Walter Cottrell
Olyde Johnson
Elaine Howe
Dan Quesnel
Carl Olson
~5.00 '~
65.00 ,~
65.0O '~
62.50 ~
Resolution offered by Miller, seconds& by
prgper funds. R oll call, all a~es.
Harrow, that the bills be allowed out of the
gesolution offered b~ Tjosvold, seconded by ~assett, that the bill of R. C. Annie in
the amount of $3.00~oe allowed. Roll call, all s~es, except Harrow, No.
Resolution offered by ~Josvold, seconded by Miller,
]~e it resolved by the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights, that the names of
the following streets be changed: -
Robbins Avenue N.E. as laid out in Silver Lake Addition and. extending from Stineon Blvd.
on the North, to Stineon Blvd. on the South, be ~own and designated~ hereafter as
Stinson ~lvd;
That H Street lying along the Ely Ci. ty Limits and extending from Robbins Avenue NI~, to
the City Limits be known and designated hereafter as Stineon ~lvd;
That ~ Street between 43rd and 4~th in Walton~ s S~V Acres Addition, be known and
designated hereafter as Benjamin Street;
That Fairdale' Street, extending from ~he Soo Line Railway, (so-called) to 40th Avenue,
be known and designated hereafter as McKinley Street;
That 44th Avenue, as laid out from Block 2 of Walton's Sunn~ Acres, and extending from
Arthur Street to the North City Limits be known and designated hereafter as Arthur
And also that certain Street lying between Block 2 of Walton's Sunn~ Acres, and Block
1 of Walton~e ~nd Subdivision, from 44th to 4~th, be known and designated hereafter as
Arthur Place. Roll call, all a~es.
Resolution offered by Karrow, seconded by Miller,
Be It Resolved ]~ the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights that the tract of
land hereinafter described be dedicated and opened as a public street and thorough-
fa~e, to a width sixty-six feet from McLeod Street to Reservoir Blv&. Said tract lying
and being in the County of Anoka, State of Minnesota specifically described as follows:
Beginning at the South one-quarter (S~) Section Corner SeCtion Twenty-Five (25), Township
Thirty (30), North Range Twenty Four (24) West of the 4th Principal Meridian, thenc~
Nly on the North and South Center line, said Section Twnenty-five (BS), a distance of
thirty-three feet, thence Ely on a line parallel with said Section a distance of thirty-
three feet, NI~ from South line aforesaid, Section Twenty-five (25), a distance of Five
Hundred Thirty-Three feet nero or lees to the West line ~ the Reservoir Blvd, (if ex-
tended Nly) thence Sly along the west line of said Res. Blvd (if extended) a distance
of thirty-three feet to the South line of said SeCtion ~ thence .Flay a~ng~.th~ South.
line of Section ~§ to place of beginning, all in Section 2.5, Townsnxp ~u,-s. A~age ~
West of 4th P. M. Also beginning at the intersection of the E line cf McLeod St
~s laid out North and South in Reservoir Hills according to the plat thereof now on
file ~ud of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Anoka County
Minnesota) and the Section line common to Sections 25 and 36, in Township ~0, North
J~uge 2~4 West of the 4th P. M., thence Ely along the North lin Section 36, a distance
of Eight Hundred Eighty-three feet more or lees to the West ~ine of the Reservoir Blw
~a distance of thirty-three feet, thence Westerly on a line parallel with said Section
for a distance of thirty-three feet South of aforesaid North lib:eof Section 36,
a distance of Eight Hundred Eighty-Three feet more er less, then East of McLeod as
aforesaid, thence North on said East line of McLeod St, a diets_ce of Thirty-three feet
to place of beginning, all in Section ~ 35, Township 30, North Ra~e 2~4, West of 4th
P.M.. Reserving therein the perpetual right of wa~ of existing waterm~ins and other
appur.tenances now installed in place and for the maintenance of s~ne.
Roll call, all a~es.
Resolution offered By Tjosvold, seconded by Bassett - Roll call, all a~es.
For the opening of McLeod Street to a width of 30 feet.
The land proposed to be used for a public street and more specifically described as
follows: Be~ning a t a point on the North line of Section 36, Township 30, N Range
24, W of 4th P.M. distant 30 feet East from the Most h'Ely corner of P~servoir hills ~
A~dition, according to the plat thereof now on file and of record in the Office of the
Register of Deeds in and for anoka County, Minnesota, thence Sly on a line parallel with
and distant 30 feet Ely from the East line of McLeod Street as laid out'North and South
in Reservoir Hills Addition, as aforesaid, to a point where it is intersected by a line
parallel with and distant 30 feet Nly from the North line of McLeod Street as laid out
East and West thence Ely on a line 30 feet north of and parallel to 'the North line of
McLeod Street as la~d out East and West to the l~[ly line of Reservoir Bouleeard thence
SWly along the 1~ ly line of the aforesaid Reservoir Boulevard to its intersection with
the North line of McLecd Street as laid out East and West thence ~ly along said North
line of McLeod Street to its intersection with the East line of said McLeod Street as
laid out North and South, thence Nly on the East line of aforesaid McLeod Street to its
intersection with the North line of Section 36, Township 30, Range 2~, thence Ely on
said North line, Section 36, a diets, rice of 30 ft to place of beginning, 'all in Section
36, Township 30, N Range 24, West of the 4th P.I.
Motion by Tic, old, seconded by Miller, that the resolution setting the salary for the
Municipal Ju~lge, be held over until next meet. ing. Roll call, all ayes.
Mr. TJosvold was requested to h~ve a representative of the Gas Compsu~y at the next
meeting to explain the situation.
Motion by Ears-ow, seconded by Bassett to ad~journ.
~ec~&tary to'the Council ~