HomeMy WebLinkAboutAug 14, 1934OFFICIAL PROCeeDINGS 181 Regular meeting called to order Aug. 14th, 1934 at the City Offices. members present. Previous minutes read and approved. Ail Reading of the bills: R. J. Murpt~ lS.80~ Dr. J. S. Blumenthal 27.00~ ~Tames McKenna 65.00~ Nord~ns 9ara~e 9.10~ ~azel t~rucker 60.00, R. E. Buffum AO.O0~ Leonard Keyes 12.50~ J. E. Carroll 123.25~ Mary Edwards 2.00~ Walter Rognurd Lilliau Erickson 6.00^ Henry Kook 11.~0 James French 6B.O0~ Miller-Davis 5.00 Gene Jenkins 65.00~ L. B. Fink 78.76~ Walter Cottrell 65.00~ Dawson Edwe. Co. Clyde Jo~on 6~.50~ Air Re~uction Sales 1.20w N. ~. Munsch ~5.00~ Boustead Elec. Co. 24.75~ M. C. DeMars 45.00n City of Mpls. '~1.00~ Cash ' 1.00~ Clyde Brown ?.~0~ Warner Ildwe. .7.Z8~ Andrew Koss ~0.~0 Ovshak Prg. co. S.~ Clyde Johnson (t-.00 Art McCallum 1.00~ Col. Motor Sal~s ~arre Starr 1~.00~ R. M. Ostmoe ~lanche Christofferson 20.00~ Ovshak Ptg. Co. ~ust Holm ~.70~ Sinking Fund ?~7~.77~ Ado~ Schwartz, T~eas. AO.O0~ Sinking Fund AOOO.OOa Dan Quesnel 1~.00~ ~n. Collins 1~.00 Geo. Ma~W 4.00~ Gordon Rognrucl Central Lbr. Co. 58.84~ Carrie Sandbo Gust Holm 4.62~ Sharon & Levy 15.00 Lucille Ilaw_a~k~_ne ~0.00~ A. R. Smith 5.00 Mpla. Gen. Elec. 344.62~ N. W. Bell Tel. Co. ~1.65 James Clark Resolution offered by TJosvold, to allow same. Amendment offered by Miller, seconded by ~assett to allow all, with the ex- -- ception of the bill of Annie Elec. Co. in the amount of $3.00. Roll call, all aves. Resolution seconded by Miller, Roll call, all ayes. Resolution offered by Earrow, that the bill of Annie Electric Oompan~ be de- nied, due to the fact that the purchase was not made by the City Manager, who is the official purchas~g agent, w=**= Resolution lost without a second. Motion ~y ~Josvold, seconded by Bassett, to hold the bill over until next meeting to allow for investigation. Roll call, all ayes, except Earrow, No. Motion by Miller, seconded by Tjosvold, that the recommendation of the City Engineer to change the names of Stinson between ~?th Avenue N. E. and Robbina Avenue; RoBbins Avenue from Stinson to H Street and H Street from Robbins to 45th, to some one desi~nation instead of three, and the City Engineer's recommendation to change the name of F Street from 4~rd to 45th, to some proper ___m~m~ ~_, and also that certain street kn$~a as 44th Avenue from Arthur Averse to 45th Avenue, running *-= through Block 2 of Walton~ s ~,~-y Acres Addition, be changed to preferably Arthur Place, aud that the matter be refsere~ to the Councilmen 1.i.ving in the ward, and that they report to the next meeting. Roll call, aAA ayes. Motion by Tjosvold, seconded ~y Miller to hold the resolution relating to the salary for the J~_~dce of Municipal Oou~t, over until next ~a~ting. ROll call, all Motion By Miller, seconded By Tjosvold, that the Fire Department request for ~ Fireworks license be placed on file and that they be given first chance for 1935 for the corner of 37th and Central Ave. Roi1 call, ail a~es. Rea~ing of the poor BillsL KorBa~ Grocery Fra~tn Creamery X~z ~ Natio~ Tea Co. Dr. ~. Yo~ ~. O. Ce~rberg ~th ~ 0'~ell - ~ ~ W~lthers Carl Sorenzon 15.00~, Brombergs lrocery 10.00~ 17.~0'~ Hilltop Grocery 10.00~ 1.59~ N. Lazar .98~ 13.00~ E. M. Christian 8.~0~ 8.00 ~ Andrew Spekulant 3.00 6.00~ Ohleen Milk Co. 2,.7,5 6.24~ Webster Smith Co. - Anok~ ~.15 ~.'00 ~ Flour City Furniture 6.00 ~5.00 ~ Resolution offered By ~assett, seconded by Miller, that the Bills Be allowed out of the proper funds. Roll call, all ~a~es. Motion By Miller, seconded by TJosvoId, that the City Clerk Be authorized to issue a dance permit for Forest Park; up to Sept. 1st, an~ that the rate of $7.~0 be lal~id in two installments. Roll c~ll, all a~ves. ~esolution offered By TJosvold, seconded B~ Miller, that the followi~g cha~ges be made in the electric lighting system. Roll call, all a~es. Turn off - 1 - A3r& and Srd St. ~# # 1 - ~rd and ~nd St. '# # 1 - 4~nd and 3rd 'St. Tarn On - 1-1AO on 4~nd and University e e # on ~3rd 'and UniverSity Repowt made b~ Mr. Tjosvold, that nothing lu~ been done yet about the z~ax gas rate proposition. Motion by Earrow, seconded by TJ~old, that the applications for old age pensions Be held over until next meeting for further consideration and 'legal advise. Roll call, all a~es. S~cretary ~-the Council