HomeMy WebLinkAboutJul 10, 19340FFICIA~ PROCEEDINGS 175 Regular me~ting called to order July 10th, 1934, at the City Offices. All me, ers present with the exception of Mr. Crisp who was ill. Previcaxs minutes read and approved. Resoling of the bills~ James .McXenna ' Hazel .Trucker Leona:d Xe~es Lillian Erickson James .French Gene Jenkins Walter Oottrell Clyde Johnson Louis Bassett R. W. Earrow Miller-Davis G. J. Railing Dr. ~lumenthal League Of Minnesota Dawson !Idwe. H. M. 0stmoe Midwest 0il Co. Imper~ml Machine Standard Oil Co. Central Auto Service HcKesson-gpla';' Drug Wm. Zeigler Thorman Rosholt James Clark Gene Dax~,~aer ty Lucille ~awkins H. E. ]hff~ 6,5.00~ T~in -City Stamp 1.10~ 60.00 ~ 0astral Su~pl~ .86~ 12,~0~ Col. Hghts Fire ~pt. 2.~ A.H.. ~th 10.~ 4.~~ Walter ~~ 10.00 ~ 68.~~ ~eat Fire Appr. 6.~ ~5.00~ 0stye Se~ice Sra. 4.79~ SB.~ W.S. Nott Co. 1.~ 22.~ ~ ~fred ~b 6.~ M.O. De,rs ~.~ 6.~ ~ls. Elec. Steel Cast. 121.~ 295.29~ HeiSts Se~tce eta. ~9.~* 29.25~ Centr~ ~br. Co. ~.~ Centr~ Lbr. Co. 10.03~ ~.25~ ~ Xook 12.05~ '~6,~67~ L.A. TJoavol~ '-'~ :~~.~."~ Peter T~ 12.~ 13.74~ R.J. ~ 6~.~ 8.9~~ R.J. Miller 1.~ 10.~~ Bert~ ~e~ 1.~ 7.~~ ~ace ~d 1.~ 1~.~ C~istena Mc~od 1.~ ~. ~ ~ Jo~ ~e~r 1. 10.~ Nor~n G~e ~.~ ~.~ ~on & Le~ ~.~ ~.~ R.L. Crisp 1.~* Resolution offered by Tjosvold, seconded by ~assett, that same be allowed out of the proper funds. Roll call, all a~es. Motion by Bassett, seconded l~j Karrow, that the bill of R. J. gurph~ (Special Police) be allowed at $130. per month. Roll call, all a~es. Motion by Karrow, seconded by Bassett, that the following be conf~maed as appointed to the Library Board. 3 Years Mr. TJosvold, Mrs. Odin, MrS. ~lythe Roll call, all ayes. 2 Years Mr. Nelson, Mrs. Munsch, Mrs. Russell Motion by TJoevold, seconded by ~assett that ~om Reeha Be granted ~ restaurant license, and off and on sale lieense. Roll call, all a~res, except Ka~row, No. Motion by Tjosvold, seconded b~ Bassett, that the claim of Monte M. Percanak~ for $10,000. for personal and property injuries, be turne~ ove~ to the City Attorney. 176 Motion by TJosvold, seconded by 2assert, that the resolution regarding sufficient toilet facilities, be held over until next meeting. Roll call, all ayes. Reading of the poor bills: E. M. Christian Danielson D rug Northland ~ilk ]~assett ~ s Grocery ¢ol. Hghts Food Mkt. Sylvia Hendricks Jo .hnson Groc. P1 ~2mouth Market An.drew Spekulant Wm._ Pgue John Skovran O o E. Cederberg 36.8~~ 73.60"' 3A.04~ 4.00 ~ 14.00 ~ 16.00 '~ 11.50' 52.00*' 47.00~ 8.00~ 12.00,~ Clover Leaf Creamery Framklin Creamery C. A. 2aker ~u~alow Store D. L. Coon L. E. Jepson National Tea Mrs. F. S. $indelar Dan Walthers Ereslctes Andrew Jacobson Carl Sorenson Motion by Karrow, seconded by TJeevold, that the bills be allowed. ayes° Motion by TJosv01d, seconded by Bassett, to ad~ourn. 11~. 36 ~ 34.34" 66.00* 10.00~ 10. O0 '~ 40.00 '~ 21.00~ 4.00¢' 15.00'~ 9.85~, 10. O0 ~ Roll call, all Secretary,~o the Council Ma~or~