HomeMy WebLinkAboutJun 26, 1934173
Regular meeting called to order June 86th, 19~4 at the City Offices.
Prevtou~ minutes rea~ and approve~.
All members
Resoling of the bills:
James McXenna
l~zel Trucker
Leonard Xeyes
MarF ~dwarde
Lillian Er ~ick~on
~ames French
Walter Cottrell
Cl.v~e Johnson
M. C. DeMars
Central National Ba~_
let National ~(apls)
Sinking ~
James 'Clark'
John ~rLu
~t~G Toes
¢it¥ of ~le.
Air Rec~Gotion Sales Co.
Miller-Davis C o.
~liz&beth Q~e sael
~ertrude Organ
Thcs. Ostmoe
Grace Eaiser
Hild~ Christopherson
All A~enrude
U~garet Xinne
. SO.O0
Grace Lombard
Lillian Hagen
~lanche Christopherso~
Edith HoXm
Grace V. Dahl
~therine Miller
Vera Brubaker
Berttm Ammerman
Frances Weir
~ttie LeCu~er
~arbara Lubanak~
N. W. ~ell Tel. Co.
Mpls. ~en. Elec.
Roberts Ih~milton
A. Y. McDonal~ Mfg. Co.
John Behun
Lucille Hawkins
E. W. Karrow
Col. Hghts Record
0vahak Printing
$. J. Reiling
Helen Eckstrom
ClFde ~rown
Henry Xooh
Christina McLeod
1~.65 ~
lS.90 ~
lS.AO ~
15. ~
Resolution offered by Miller, seconded ~y ~Josvold, to allow same out of the proper
funds. Roll call, all a~es.
Motion by Earrow, seconded By ~assett, that the application of Tom Resha be hel~ over
until next Oouncil meeting, to allow for non-resident investigation. Roll call, all
Resolution offere~ by Miller, seconded by TJosvold, that the sale of $10,000.00 City
Bonds be published in the official City Newspaper. Roll call, al-1 a~es.
Motion 1~ Earrow, seconded by ~assett, that the application of Agnes Gregoire for
restanrant, off sad on sale licenses be reJecte~. Roll call, all a~es.
Resolution by Miller, seconded ~y ~assett, that the City Attorney be instrncted to
write an amen~nent to that portion of ~_Be d~nce or~inance pertaining to the ~ees and
have it at the next meeting. Roll call, all ayes.
Motion by Karrow, seconded by Miller, that the request cf Nele Holm for reduction
the assessed valuation of the following real estate, be denied, - $. 49.~ ft of Lot
S, Block 8 - School Dist. ~5, Reservoir Hills. Roll call, all a~es, except ~Josvold,
voting no.
Motion By Earrow, seconded by ~assett, that the letter from Victor Lind, 42~3-~rd St.
be place~ on file. Roll call, all ayes.
Letter read from The League of Minne~ta Municipalities with regard to new service on
zoning. Motion by Tjosvold, seconded by Miller, that the City Clerk be instructe~L
to contact Mr. Smith of the League a~d have him appear at a Council meeting to explain
same. Roll call, all a~es.
Motion by TJosvold, seconded by Miller, to place letter from the Mtuict~ Finance
Officer~e A~soclation, on file. Roll call, all a~es.
M~tion by TJosvold, seconded by Miller, that the City. Clerk. be autheeized to subscribe
to the Minnesota Tear Boo~. Roll call, all a~es. ($5.00)~
Resolution offered by Miller, seconded by Earrow, that the City Attorney be autl~lAzed
to return endorsements to the Maryland Casualty Compa~, eliminati~g Relief Workers.
Roll call, all s~es.
Motion by Miller, aeco~ed by ~assett, to ad~ourn.
Secre. , ito the Council. '
Omissio~ -
Co~ulcilman TJosvold, introd~ced the following resolution and move~ its adoption:
A Resolution directing a~vertisment of[ call for bids ~or City
Hall ~onds.
~EAS~ at a special election duly and legally called smd held in the City of
Columbia Heights, Anoka County, Minnesota, the voters approved the issu~uce of
$10,000~000 City Hall Bon~s of said Oity,
NOW T~ORE lie IT RESOLVED By tt~e Council of the City .of Columbia Heights,
Anoka CSunty, Minnesota, that the Council will meet on the 16th d~v of ~uly, lg34,
at 8 o~lock, P.]~. at the City Offices in said City to receive and consider bids
for the sale of $10,000.~0 City Hall ~onds of said City and that the City Clerk
be a~l she hereby is authorized and riected to give due notice thereof by publishing
a notice of such sale once in eac~ week for two successive weeks in,he official
Passed by the Oouncil ~une ~th, lg3~.
Piled and recorde~ with me this
26th d~y of ~une, 1934.
Ma~or.. .~.T,. Ct_ten
SecretaA~ to ~_~e CounciI
Councilmaa Earrow seconded the motion to adopt said resolution and upon roll call
it was adopted by the following vote:
A~es~ ~Jo$ovld, Miller, ~assett, Earrow.
~87s: None.