HomeMy WebLinkAboutJun 21, 1934OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS · pecial meeting called to order June 21st, 1934 at the City Offices. All members present. Meeting called to order for the is,u'pose of oa~vassing the election returns and for ax~ otBer bea~ness that might come before the meeting. Motion b~ TJosvold, seconded by Miller that the Hilltop Golf Links be granted a restaurant license. Roll call, all a~es. Motion by JJosvold, seconded by Miller, that $20. be taken out of the Main- tenance Fun~ and a~ied to the subscription for oiling streets between 40th and 42nd ~nra~rw Avenues on 5th Street. Roll call, all a~es. The Council of the City of Columbia Heights, Anoka County, Minnesota, met on tho ~lst da~ of June 1934, at the City Office in said City at S:O0 o'clock P.M. to act as a canvassing Board. The meeting was called to order by the Me,or and upon roll .call the following members were found present: TJosvold, Miller, ~assett; Earrow, Crisp. The returns of the special election held June 18th, 1934, as filed with the City Clerk By the Judges and Clerks of Election were submitted to the Council. After the Council had careful~ ex,seined the same and full~ advised itself in the premAsea. Councilman Earrow introduced the foil&wing resolution and moved its adoption: A Resolution declaring the result of the Special City Election held June 18th, Whereas, a special election was held in the City of Col;;m_~ia Heights, Anoka County, Minnesota on the 18th da~ of June, 19~4, for the purpose of voting upon the following proposition, to-wit: · Shall the City of Columbia Heights, AheMs County, Minnesota, issue its bonds in the amount of $10,000.00 for the purchase of a needful public buildAng for use as a City Hall, such bonds to be numbered and to mature as set forttx in the resolution now on file in the office of the City Clerk?# and Whereas, the Judges and clerks of election have certified the returns thereof to the City Clerk, which said returns are now Before this Council and h~ve been carefull$ examined, NOW, TH~REYORB ~E IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Col,~mbia Heights, Anoka County, Minnesota, as follows: (1) That this Council hereby finds and determines .that the vote cast on maid proposition was as follows: First Precinct: Yea- 1~6 No- 204 Second Precinct: Yes - 134 No- 179 Third Precinct~ Yea- 296 No- 167 Fourth Precinct: Yes- 101 No- 98 (2) That the proposition of 'issuing said bond8 having received more than a majority of ttm votes cast at 8aid special election in favor of the issuance of said bonds, the proposition of issuing said bonds is hereby declared to have carried. Passed by the Council June 21st, 1934. Ma~or Filed .and recorded with me this 21st d~V of ~une, 1~°34. Ma~y Edward~ Secretary to the Council Councilman TJosvold seconded h he motion to a~opt said resolution and upon roll call it w~s adopted~y the following vote: Ayes: TJosvold, Miller, ~ssett, Earrow. Na~8: None Secretary/to the Council \