HomeMy WebLinkAboutApr 24, 1934157
Official Proceedings
Regular meeting called to order April 24th, 1934 at the Citja Offices. All
members present.
Previous minutes react and approved.
Reading of the bills:
James MoXenna
Ilasel Trucker
Mary Edwards
Ltllian Erickson
Miller-Davis Co.
Central Tire & S~pply
Typewriter E~ch.
Air Re&action Sales Co.
Joseph Wargo
Carl Smithson
John Bekaa
C. H. Fire Dept.
H. Severson
Henry Lemm
65. O0 ~ Henry Xook 4. O0
60.00~ N.I. Bell Te1. Co.
2.00~ Mpls Gen. Elec. Co. 344.17~
4.00~ Leanard Keyes 12. ~0~
9.10~ James French 65.00~
1. ~0~ Gene Jenkins 65.00~
i~.O0~ lalter Cottrell 65.00~
13.52 ~ Clyde Johnson 6~. 50
5.00~ Cash 5.00~
2.50~ M.C. DeMars 45.00~
50.~0~ 1st Nat. Bank-Mpls. 1170.00~
2.50~ Joha Olson 6.00a
18.50~ L. ¢oenen l~. 50~
Resolution offered by TJosvold, seconded by Miller, to allow same. Roll call,
all ayes. .
Motion by Bassett, seconded by TJosvold, that the following dance permits be
Ci~mbia A.¢. Diamond Ball Team -American Legion
May 12, 1934.
Gita~os - Forest Park- Ma~ 30th.
Roll call, all a~es.
Motion by TJosvold, seconde~ by ~assett, to grant the following 'Off'
George Anderson - 3953 Central Ave.'
Stanley Schultz - 4201 Jefferson St.
Roll call, all aves.
Motion by Miller, seconded by Bassett that the request of the Central National
Bskk to ~k make the following substitution in collateral, be granted.
$10,000 State of Minnesota 4~ State Highway ~onds due June 1,
1938, in place of:
$10,000. State of New York 3% due May 8, 1934.
Roll call, all aves.
Motion by TJosvold, seconded by l~assett, to set the Fireworks license fee at
5.00 for the year 1934. Roll call, all aves.
Motion by Miller, seco~ed by ~_~rrow, that the request of the Fire Department
to sell fireworks at 37th & Central - East side - be granted. Roll call, &Il
Motion by Earrow, secondea by Bassett, that the request of ~m. Dazinet for
MerrF-Ge-Round license be granted. Ma~ 5th to 12th incl. 4028 Central, north
of Ereskies. Roll call, all aves.
Motion by Tjosvold, seconded by Miller, to place the letter from the Columbia
Heights Improvement Asstn on file. Roll call, all s~es.
Motion by TJosvol~, seconded by Miller, that the request of the Farmer-Labor
Party for ~ance at forest Park on or before Ma~ 4, 1934, be grante~. Roll call,
all a~es.'
Motion by Tjosvold, seconded by Miller that the City Manager itemize the C.W.A
bill and bill the School ]~oard for one-third of same. Roll c&ll, all ayes.
M~Stel by Tjosvold, seconded by Miller,
Be it resolve~ by the 0ity Council of the City of Columbil Heights,
That the City of ColUmbia Heights avail itself of the provisions of Chapter B99
of the laws of Minnesota for the year 19~9, and all acts amende~ory thereof,
relating to Police Civil Service Commissions, and the City Council does hereby
expressl~ accept the provisions thereof. Roll call, all a~es.
Motion by TJosvold, to ls~ aside the appointing of three Civil Service ~ommiss-
ioners Until next meeting. Motion lost without a second.
Motion by Bassett, seconded by Miller, to confirm the following appointees
recommen~led by the Ms, or: Ea~ Ernest - 1 one ~e~.
G~t ~ - 2 ye~8
Yre~ ~ncer - 3 ye~s.
Roll c~l, all ~es.
Resolution offere~ by Miller, seconde~ by TJosvol~,
Resolved by the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights, that The
Minneapolis & St. Paul Suburban Railroad Oompan~, is hereby authorized and
directed to build, MainSa~n and operate a wye at 40th Ave. N. E. and Van Ibaren
Street o n the northerly side of 40th Ave., extending into Van Buren Street,
including the laying of all necessary tracks, switches and the placing of the
poles, wires and any other special work necessary to a proper completion and
operation of such wye. Roll call, all ayes.
Motion to a~journ by TJosvold, seconded
the Council -- ]