HomeMy WebLinkAboutMar 27, 1934Regular meeting called to order March 27th, at 8 PM at the F~tgh School Building. All
members present.
Previou~ minutes read and approved.
Reading of the bills:
~ames McXenna'
Ilazel Trucker
Leonard Eeyes
u~_~ Zdwarde
Lillian Erickson
Central Auto ~Service
0stmoe Service sra.
Sinking ~ud
G. ~. Reiting
Western Metal Prod.
Miller-Davis 0o.
Air Re~uction Sales
Clyde ¢. ~ohnson
Dr. E. C. l~berg
Dr. Blumenthal
Dr. Heclcler
Dr. Foster
Central Lbr. Co.
Dan Walthers
Hilltop Gro.
~iller~Davi s Co.
The W~!_-~_ Optical Co.
Adolph Schwartz
The T~pewriter Exchange
75.00A Aud~ Eoas 11.75
65.00~ Il:. Severson 2.~0
1~.50~ Xenneth Stinson ~.~
3.~ A. McC~I~ 5.~
4.~ E. L. ~~on 5.~
~ ~wson ~we.
~ ~1 Severa 2.~
~.65~ Ost~e Se~[ce sra. ~.~
8.11 M. C. ~s. ~.~
5.74~ Centr~ LBr. Co. . 26.86d
~.~ Nor~n ~e 14.85
37.~ ~ Wi~ 6.~
. ~ C~I ~e~
9.~b L. Gr~ffin 11.75
13.~ ~ls. ~n. ~1~. ~.71~
7.~ ff. W. Bell aele~ne 65.70q
~.~ ~ls. Water ~tll
4.~ A. ~, Sc~de .36,
4.~ ~1 Sorenson
~9.85e ~o~ Leslie Paper Co. 4.~
~1.10~ Oit[ of ~ls. ~8.~
5.~~ ~oe. W~ ~.~,
~.~ ~o~ ~e~
16.~~ H. M. 0stye ~9.33
~.~ Crowl~ ~e ~azi~ ~ 10.85a
~.~ R emin~r ~.~
17.00~ C~l. Sorenson ~.~
Motion by Nassett, seconded by Earrow, to allow same out of proper funds.
Roll call, all
MotionbyBassett, seconded b~ TJosvold, to refun~eo. Naset $4.0~for dog license.
The dog h aA been disposed of, before Mr. Naset took. out a license. Roll call, all
Motion b~ Earrow, seconded by Bassett, that the request of C~rleS Lokotos for a
rester license and beer license be held oter until next meeting. Roll call, all
Motion by Bassett, seconded by Tjosvold, that Edith Dondineau'A rest~aran, t license be
transferred to G. E. Norton. Roll call, all a~ee.
Motion by Earrow, seconded by Bassett, that the request for 'Off and '0~ sale license
be granted G. H. Norton. Roll call, all ~Ves.
Motion by Bassett, seconded by Miller, that the request of Richard ~romBerg for 'offI
sale license be granted. Roll call, all a~es.
Motion by TJosvold, seconded by Bassett, that the request of Sterling Electric Compan~
for electrical license be granted. Roll call, all a~es.
Motion by Earrow, seconded by Bassett, to reconsider the above and have the elect~ical
inspector at the next meeting. Roll call, all a~es.
Motion by Earrow, seconded by Miller, that the request of Sterling Electric Company
for electrical license be denied. Roll call, all a~es.
Motion t~ Miller, seconded by Xarrow, to reject the two bide for assessing because of
the fact that they didntt specify for the entire year. Roll call - A~es: Miller,
Basset. t, Earrow. Na~s: TJ~old.
Secon~ reading of Ordinance ~112.
Roll c.all, all a~es.
Ordinance offered by Earrow, seconded by Bassett.
Preamble to Ordinance ~11~, '2sing au Ordinance entitled 'An Ordinance authorizing
the sale by the City ~reasurer of $~500.00 Emergency Debt Certificate.
Amendment offered by ~osvold, to read 'Central National Bn~ in place of the Sinking
l~und. Lost without a second.
0fferedby Earrow, seconcledbyBassett. Roll call, all ~x a~es, except. TJosvold.
Ordinance ~113 offered byMiller, seconded b~ Bassett, to adopt same. R oll call,
all a~s, except Tjosvold.
Resolution offered by Earrow, seconded by Bassett.
~hereas, the City Treasurer has this ~ been duly authorized to se~l $2~00. Emergenc~
Debt Certificate, to ~e dated the 27th d~y of March 1934, to bear i~terest at the rate
of six. per cent per annum., parable at the maturity of said Certificate, and both princi
paland, interest to become due and parable on the 1st d~y of Dec. 19~4, and Wh~reas
there is sufficient money in the $inking Fund ~o take care of the demands thereon, and
it is desireable and beneficial to the City of. Columbia Heights, Minnesota, to invelt
some moneys in the Sinking Fund in said Emergency Debt Certificate.
N0! THERE~0~ BE IT ,RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights, that
$2~00.00 be transferred from. the Sinking Fund and invested in said Emergency Debt Cer-
tificate. Upon the maturity of said Certificate the amount thereof and interest is to
be returned forthwith to the Sinking~und. Further Resolved that the City. Treasurer be
and abe hereby is autl~eized to make the necessary transfer and investment in accordanc
with this
resolution. Passed March27th, 1934. R oll call, All ~yes, except TJosvold.
Resolution offered byE arrow,
James French
falter Cottrell
Clyde ~ohneon.
R oll call, all a~es.
sedondedbyBassett, to pa~ the following bills:
75.00~ ~ene ~emkine 75100~~
75.00~ 0ity of Mpls. 258.00
off and oG sale
Motion b~ Earrow, seconded by ~assett, to revoke the/license of Gust Lind~olm, ~ecaxt~e
of ~ violation of. the ordi~ce. Roll ~all, alll a~es.
Motion by Earrow, seconded by Bassett, to la~ aside the resignation of the a** Secretary
to the Council. Roll call, all ayes.
Motion to adjourn by Earrow, seconded by TJosvold.