HomeMy WebLinkAboutMar 13, 1934151 OFFICIAL Regular ~eeting c$11e~ to order Ma~t[ 13, 1934, at the Hig1~ School Building at 8 FM. All ~ember~ present. Previous minutes read and approve~. Reading of the bills: ~ames McXenna Kazel Trucker ~eonard Keyes M. ¢. DeMars Gene Jenkins Clyde Jolm~on Dr. ~lumenthal ~ Winge Lillian ZriCkson 100.00 75.00~ Adolp~ Schwartz 6.0~ 6§.00~ H.E. ~uffum ~.~A ~s French ~5.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ter Cottrell 1~.~ ~ ~ ~ Central Auto Se~io° 14.~ 4.~ ~lph Sc~tz' :- . 174.00~ Resolution offere~ by Tjosvol~, 8econ~e~ by ~assett that the bill8 be allowe~ out of the proper funds. T~o question cf Workmen's Compensation Insurance under the RWA, referred to the City Attorney. Motion by E~rrow, seconde~ by Miller, that the communication from the ~eague of Minnesota Municipalities, dated Feb. ~7th, be placed on file. Roll call, all eyes, Motion by TJosvold, seconded b~ EsCrow, that ~.0.0 be allowed the Yire Dept for 16 policies and premium.~'i!R~II call, all a~es. Motion by Miller, seconded by Bassett, that M. sale license. Roll call, all a~es. Motion by ~Josvold, seconded by Miller, that the request of the 'Live Wire' Club for ~ance license be granted. Roll call, all ayes. (April ~, - Iligh~School) Motion by Miller, seconded by Bassett, that the City Manager be .i~tructe~ to ~?~ ~ the electr~c~ Compa~v and have them d~sconnect ~ street lights that the Council ~. Roll call, all eyes. ~e It Resolved, by the city Council of the City of Columbia Heights, that the salaries of the following city officials a~d employees be reduced as fOllows: City Clerk l~O.O0 per month. City Man~ger 1~0. O0 # Utility Man 90.00 # # All police officers 1~0.00 # # ~ec~ to Council ~.00 per meeting. Be it ~arther Resolved, that the above nameA salar~ reductions shall be effective of and beginning on the 1st d~v of April, Of£ere~ b2 Miller, seconded by TJosvold, Roll call, all a~es. Resolution offered by Miller, seconded by ~sett, that beginning with the first regular meeting in April, all special an~ regul,a~v meetings of the Council be hel~ on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month~ the City Offices at 8 PM sharp. Roll call, all a~es. Resolution offered by ]~assett, seconded by TJosvold, that the Police Phone be disconnected. Roll call, all a~es. Motion by TJosvold, seconded by Miller, that the Ma~or appoint a Com~,~ttee of three, including himself, to take up the question of hospitalization with St. Au~rews Hospital a~d City Hospital. MI1 call, all ayes. Motion to act3ouz~ b~' ]~asset, t,, seconded by ILtller. Secretary ,to the Council Reading of Ordinance ~ 112.