HomeMy WebLinkAboutJul 7, 1916in the County of .... _/~__'_~~ ..................... and State of ~Iinnesota, including all acco.u.n .~audite~ by said Council. MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of .................................. in the County of ................................... and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Iv7 by said Council. MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of .................................. in the County of ........................................ and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. in the COunty of ..... _: _. and State of Minnesota,'including all acconnts by said Council. Wa~er Mains -- of the Village'Clerk, Columbia Heights, 1916. will be received at this office until ~uesd~ "~e four~aen~ day of 3uly, 19~6. uu~lei~ht o'~loek p, m. :for '~he ~. ~, · ' w;i;,?' '.'~{" i,, a:'e.' ']{.'.,',' ~h plaus and .,' ,,,~{ .... ?, · ~, .."l~e %~, '~.'am'{i.. %i .i..e,..~} l {:ach ir,i "m., ,,. ,,,..., ,m-'.,~d by a certifi~ ~heek ~a[ ~ five per ceuc ~u per cent) of the to~l bid~, ~hi~h,uheck Shall be made ~yable ~. ~. ~o~on. ~t]~e ~asurer as ~ ~a~n~ for the ex~uMon of ~he ~on~t. if ~. ~o bids wiHbe conslder~ no~ 8ccompani~ by the ~ui~.de~sit- -- '-- in p~ls must be print~ or w~en ~dress~ ~ the under~gn~ and the ~rk~, ,Proposals for the ~nstruc~on Water Mains." ~he pro~sals ~H ~ opeu~ by the village council at eight o'cl~k p. m. at the council r~m . on F~day ~he four~enCh day of July. 1916. The right '~ ~ject any or all propo~s is re- ~ se~y the o~er of the V{llage' ~uncil. J, ~. TRULL. Village Clerk, July 4-11 S}clewaiks Office of the Village Clerk, C~lumbia Heights, ~Iinn.. June 27th, 1916. Sealed proposals will be received at th.is ot~ioe until %Vednesday ~he fourteenth day of July, 1916. until eight o'ctoek p, m. for the construction of sidewalks in accordance with plans and speci~ fications on file in the office of Mr. J. :E ~tU]. ,village engineer at 314Nicollet Avenue.~ne- apolis. Minnesota. :Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check equal ;to five per cent (5 per cent) of the total bids, ~vhichcheck shall be made payable to F: I-I. 3,[orfion, village treasurer, as a guaranty :for the execution of the contract~ if awarded, Bio bids will he,considered not aeeom~panied ~ thetrecluired deposit. iPropo~als must be printed or written in ink. addressed to the undersigned and the envelope marked, '!:Proposals.for the Construction of Sid~ walks." The :. '" 'P :'. .... reed by the vills4~ room ' .' . day of July. 1916. ~heright ~o reject any or all proposale ]sre- served. .By order o~ the Village council, J. YN. ~HULL, :Village Cleck. July 4-11