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HomeMy WebLinkAboutFeb 14, 1983o -ic A . PROCEEDINGS CO',.UMB A .E G.TS C TY COU,C L REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 14, 1983 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Nawrocki at 8:00 pm. 1. Roll Call Hovland, Petkoff, Norberg, Hentges, Nawrocki--present 2. Invocation The Invocation was offered by Pastor Richard Mork from First Lutheran Church. 3. Minutes of Previous Meetings Motion by Hentges, second by Hovland to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meet- ing of January 24th; the Fire Department Relief Association, Volunteer Division Meeting of January 25th; and the Special Council Meeting of January 31st as presented in writing and that the reading be dispensed with. Roll call: All ayes 4. Oral Petitions Two residents of Fifth Street voiced their concerns with the removal of snow from their sidewalks. 4a. Proclamations Mayor Nawrocki proclaimed the week of February 13-19, 1983 as Columbia Heights Jaycee Women Week. 5. Ordinances and Resolutions a. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 1031 Fuel Stations in RB Districts Motion by Hentges, second by Hovland to waive the reading of the ordinance there being ample copies available to the public. Roll call: All ayes Discussion followed regarding other locations that would allow major fuel stations if this ordinance were amended as well as which stations already operating could expand. The Mayor expressed a concern that a major fuel station could be built in any of the few areas left for construction in the City. Councilman Norberg felt this ordinance was not equitable as he is aware of another station wishing to expand that was in another zone. The City Attorney suggested that this station could have the Planning and Zoning Commission investigate a zoning'change that would provide for it to expand. Motion by Norberg, second by Petkoff to return this ordinance to the Planning and Zoning Commission to consider the item of expansion for the existing definition of the LB zone. Roll call: Petkoff, Norberg--aye Hovland, Hentges, Nawrocki--nay Motion fails. ORDINANCE NO. 1031 BEING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 853, CITY CODE OF 1977, PERTAINING TO MAJOR FUEL STATIONS WITH MINOR REPAIRS BEING ALLOWED IN RETAIL BUSINESS DISTRICTS The City Council of the City of Columbia Heights does ordain: Section 1: Section 9.113(2) of Ordinance No. 853, City Code of 1977, passed October 29, 1981, which reads as follows,, to-wit: 9.113(2) Conditional Uses Within any "RB" Business District, no structure or land shall be used for the following uses except by conditional use permit. (al Accessory buildings. (bi Dwelling units provided. (c) The units do not access the first floor, and access to dwellings is a~ exclusive entrance. Regular Counci~ Meeting February 14, 1983 page 2 (d) Offstreet parking lots subject to Section 9.116(2). (el Public utility structures which shall conform to the yard requirements and architectural style of the neighborhood. (fl Open sales lots subject to Section 9.116(14). (gl Motor fuel stations (minor) subject to Section 9.117. ~ (h) Restaurant, cafe, tea room, bar, prepared food outlets subject to Section 9.116(15). (il Drive in businesses subject to the following requirements: (il Hours of operation shall be confined to the period between IO:O0 am and l:O0 am for those serving food or drink. (ii) The entire area shall have a drainage system approved by the City Engineer. (iii) The entire area other than that occupied by the structure or planting shall be surfaced with a material which will control dust and drainage to the approval of the City Engineer. (iv) A box curb at least six (6) inches above grade shall separate the public walk from the lot except at approved entrances or exits. (v) The lighting shall be accomplished in such a way as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent land in residential use. shall hereafter read as follows, to-wit: 9.113(2) Conditional Uses Within any "RB"Business District, no structure or land shall be used for the following uses except by conditional use permit. (al Accessory buildings. (b) Dwelling units provided. (c) The units do not access the first floor, and access to dwellings is exclusive entrance. (d) Offstreet parking lots subject to Section 9.116(2). (el Public utility structures which shall conform to the yard requirements and architectural style of the neighborhood. (fl Open sales lots subject to Section 9.116(14). (gl Motor fuel stations (minor) and major fuel stations with minor repairs (not to exceed 4 bays) subject to Section 9.117. (h) Restaurant, cafe, tea room, bar, prepared food outlets subject to Section 9.116(15). (il Drive-in businesses subject to the following requirements: i) Hours of operation shall be confined to the period between 10:00 am and 1:O0 am for those serving food or drink. ii) The entire area shall have a drainage system approved by the City Engineer. iii) The entire area other than that occupied by the structure or planting shall be surfaced with a material which will control dust and drain- age to the approval of the City Engineer. iv) A box curb at least six (6) inches above grade shall separate the public walk from the lot except at approved entrances or exits. v) The lighting shall be accomplished in such a way as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent land in residential use. Section 2: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after thirty (30) days after its passage. Reg61ar Council Meeting February 14, 1983 page 3 First reading: Second reading: Date of passage: January 24, 1983 February 14, 1983 February 14, 1983 Offered by: Seconded by: Roll call: Hentges Hovland Hovland, Petkoff, Mentges--aye Norberg, Nawroc~i-- nay b. First Reading of Ordinance No. 1032 Motion by Hovland, second by Petkoff to waive the reading of the ordinance there being ample copies available to the public. This ordinance received a first reading at a previous Council meeting and the Council requested that the Planning and Zoning Commission review it. Two changes were recommend- ed by the Commission, changes that substantially change the ordinance thereby requiring another first reading. The City Attorney prepared a revised ordinance which incorporated the recommended changes. The City Manager addressed the changes which dealt with the minimum square footage required and the minimum seating capacity. Councilman Mentges stated he felt if the ordinance is changed the fee for a liquor license should be chang- ed as well. Motion to amend by Hentges, second by Petkoff to delete from (c) (iii) "food storage and preparation facilities, and bathrooms of at least 3,300 square feet located on the same floor" and replace with "of at least 2,000 square feet on the same floor," Roll call on amendment: Petkoff, Hentges--aye Hovland, Norberg, Nawrocki--nay Motion fails. The City Attorney had amended (c), third paragraph in the revised ordinance to read: "No license shall be granted under Section 5.501(10)(c) (iii) for the sale of any in- toxicating liquor except in conjunction with a food purchase." Roll call on motion to waive the reading: Hovland, Nawrocki--aye Petkoff, Norberg, Hent- ges--nay Motion fails. Motion by Norberg to table the reading of the ordinance. Motion fails for lack of a second. The City Manager read Ordinance No. 1032. ORDINANCE NO. 1032 BEING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 853, CITY CODE OF 1977, PERTAINING TO MINIMUM FLOOR AREA REQUIREMENTS FOR PREMISE5 LICENSED FOR LIQUOR The City Council of the City of Columbia Heights does ordain: Section i: Section 5.503(IO) of Ordinance No. 853, City Code of 1977, passed June 21, 1977 which reads as follows, to-wit: "5.503(10) Places eligible for license are as follows: (a) No license shall be granted, or renewed, for operation on any premises, on which taxes, assessments or other financial claims of the City or of the State are due, delinquent or unpaid. In the event an action has been commenced pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 278, Minnesota Statutes, questioning the amount or validity of taxes, the Council may, on ap- plication by the licensee, waive strict compliance with this provision; no waiver may be granted, however, for taxes or any portion thereof, which remain unpaid for a period exceeding one year after becoming due. (b) No license shall be issued for the premises owned by a person to whom a license may not be granted under this ordinance, except any owner who is a minor, alien, or a person who has been convicted of a crime other than a violation of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 340.07 through 340.39. Pro- vided, however, that no such person may have a financial interest in the Regular Council Meeting February 14, 1983 page 4 operation of the business at such locations. (c) No on sale license shall be granted for a restaurant that does not have a dining area, open to the general public, with a total minimum floor area of 3,000 square feet or for a hotel that does not have a dining area open to the general public with a total minimum floor area of 2,000 square feet. (d) No license shall be granted for any place which has a common entrance or exit between any two establishments except that a public concourse or public lobby shall not be construed as a common entrance or exit. (el No license shall be granted for any hotel or restaurant building, the nearest point of which building structure is within 200 feet of the center of the main or front door of a church measured in a straight line. A church shall have only one main or front door for the purposes of this chapter. The erection of a church within a prohibited area or a change of location of a main or front door, after an original appli- cation has been granted, shall not, in and of itself, render such pre- mises ineligible for renewal of the license. No license shall be granted for any hotel or restaurant building, the nearest point of which measured in a straight line, is within 300 feet of a school building. (fl No license shall be issued for premises other than a hotel or restaurant. (gl No license shall be granted for any premises which does not have a sprinkler system. 5.503(10) Places ineligible for license are as follows: (al No license shall be granted, or renewed, for operation on any premises, on which taxes, assessments or other financial claims of the City or of the State are due, delinquent or unpaid. In the event an action has been commenced pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 278, Minnesota Statutes, questioning the amount of validity of taxes, the Council may, on application by the licensee, waive strict compliance with this provision; no waiver may be granted, however, for taxes or any portion thereof, which remain unpaid for a period exceeding one year after be- coming due. No license shall be issued for the premises owned by a person to whom a license may not be granted under this ordinance, except any owner who is a minor, alien, or a person who has been convicted of a crime other than a violation of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 340.07 through 340.39 Provided, however, that no such person may have a financial interest in the operation of the business at such location. (c) No license sha.ll be granted for a restaurant that does not meet one of the following minimum criteria, to-wit: (il a dining area open to the public of at least 3,000 square feet. (ii) a dining area open to the general public in a hotel of at least 2,000 square feet, or (iii) a dining area open to the general public together with customer waiting areas, food storage and preparation facilities, and bath- rooms of at least 3,300 square feet located on the same floor. Regdlar Council Meeting February 14, 1983 page 5 In determining minimum area pursuant to this subdivision, a bar facility within the restaurant, the primary purpose of which is the selling and serving of liquor where persons purchase or consume or are served liquor at an elevated counter, along with service areas in conjunction therewith shall not be considered. No license shall be granted under Section 5.503(10)(c)(iii) for the sale of any intoxicating liquor except in conjunction with a food purchase. (d) No license shall be granted for any place which has a common entrance or exit between any two establishments except that a public concourse or public lobby shall not be construed as a common entrance or exit. (el No license shall be granted for any hotel or restaurant building, the nearest point of which building structure is within 200 feet of the center of the main or front door of a church measured in a straight line. A church shall have only one main or front door for the purposes of this chapter. The erection of a church within a prohibited area or a change of location of a main or front foot, after an original ap- plication has been granted, shall not, in and of itself, render such premises ineligible for renewal of the license. No license shall be granted for any hotel or restaurant building, the nearest point of which measured in a straight line, is within 300 feet of a school building. (fi No license shall be issued for premises other than a hotel or restaurant. (gl No license shall be granted for any premises which does not have a sprinkler system. Section 2: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after thirty (30) days after its passage. First Reading: February 14, 1983 c. First Reading of Ordinance No. 1033 Pertaining to Clubs Motion by Hovland, second by Ngrberg to waive the reading of the ordinance there being ample copies available to the public. Roll call: All ayes ORDINANCE NO. 1033 BEING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 853, CITY CODE OF 1977, PERTAINING TO CLUBS The City Council of the City of Columbia Heights does ordain: Section 1: Section 9.112(1) of Ordinance No. 853, City Code of 1977, passed June 21, 1977, which reads as follows, to-wit: "9.112(1) Within the "CBD" Distric~ no structure or land shall be used except for one (1) or more of the following uses: Permitted Principal Uses Businesses providing the following sales and/or services: Regular Council Meeting February 14, 1983 page 6 (a) (b) (d) (e) (f) (&) (h) (J) (1) (n) (o) (P) (q) (r) (s) (t) (u> (v) (~) (x) (Y) (z) (bb) (cc) (~) (ee) (fl) (hh) (ii) (~) (kk) (~) (.~) (oo) (pp) (qq) (rr) (ss) (tt) (uu) (77) (zz) (aaa) (bb ) Antiques. Appliance sales and service. Art and school supplies Bakery goods. Banks Barber 5hops. Beauty Parlors. Books and office supplies. Bowling A11eys. Broadcasting studio. Business School. Bus and Transportation center. Candy, Ice cream, popcorn, nuts, frozen desserts and soft drinks, but not where a drive-In servlce Is provided. Camera and photographic sales and repalr. Carpets and rugs. £1ubs. Coins and stamps. Costume and formal wear rental. Delicatessen. Department stores. Drugs. Dry cleanlng and laundry pick-up locations Including Incidental pressing and repair. Dry cleaning and laundry self-service facility. Employment agency. , Florist Shop. Floor covering. Frozen foods, not Including a locker plant. Furniture, Includlng upholstery, when conducted as a secondary use. Fur products and the processing of furs when dlrectly related to retail sales from the slte. Gifts or noveltles. Glass, china and po'ttery. Grocery, fruit and'vegetables. Hardware. Hobby crafts ~ncludlng handicraft classes. Hotel. Interior decorating studio. Jewelry, time pieces and repairs. Leather goods and luggage. Library, both public and private. Liquor store (off-sale) Meat market, but not including processing for a locker p'lant. Musical Instruments and repairs. Newsstands. Offices-business and professional. Offices-governmental. Paint, wallpaper and related materials. Pet shop, provided the operation shall not include the boardlng of pets for a fee, the maintaining of pens outside of the bulldlng or the operating so as to cause an offensive odor or noise. Photographic studio. Pipe and tobacco shop. Post office or telegraph sub-station. ' Prlntlng shops ~hlch occupy not ~ore than three thousand (3,000) square feet of gross floor area. R'egular Council Meeting February 14, 1983 page 7 (ccc) (dad) (eee) (fff) (gg~) (hhh) (iii) (kkk) (iii) (,.~) (ooo) (~p) Pool halls. Records, television, radio, hl-fi and recording equipment. Savings and loan offices. Sewing machine, related equipment and sewing classes. Shoes end shoe repair. Sporting goods. Stationery supplies. Taller shop. Theater, not of drive-in variety. Television studio. Toys. Transportation center. Travel bureau. Variety store. ,, is herewith amended to read as follows, to-wit: 9.112(1) 'CBD" Within the District no structure or land shall be used except for One (1) or more of the follo~Ing uses: Permitted Principal Uses Businesses providing the following sales and/or services: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (k) CL) (n) (n) (o) (p) (q) (s) (t) (u). (v) (w) (x) (y) (z) (aa) (bb) Antiques. Appliance sales and service. Art and school supplies Bakery goods. Banks Barber S~ops. Beauty Parlors. Books and office sup~lles. Bowling Alleys. Broadcasting studio. Business School, Bus and Transportation center. Candy, ice cream, popcorn, nuts, frozen desserts and soft drinks, but not ~here a drive-in service is provided. Camera and photographic sales end repair. Carpets and rugs. Tennis, racquetball, handball, table tennis and boxing clubs along with clubs defined by Hinnesota Statute J340.07, Subd. 15. Coins and stamps. Costume and formal wear rentalt Delicatessen. Department stores. Drugs. Dry cleaning and laundry pick-up IDeations Including incldental pressing and repair. · · Dry cleaning and laundry self-service facility. Employment agency. Florist Shop. Floor covering. Regular Council Meeting February 14, 1983 page 8 (cc) (dd) (ee) (ff) (~)_ (hh) (ii) (Ii) (ii) (~) (ppi (q~) (rr) (ss) (tt) (uu) (w) (YY) (zz) (aaa) (b~b) (d~d) (cee) (~f) (ggg) (hhh) (iii) (~]) (kkk) (~) (,~) (nrm) (aaa) (ppp) Frozen foods, not Including a locker plant. Furniture, Including upholstery, when conducted as a secondary use. Fur products and the processing of furs when directly related to retail sales from the site. Gifts or novelties. Glass, china and pottery. Grocery, fruit and vegetables. Hardware. Hobb) crafts Includlng handicraft classes. Hotel. Interior decorating studio. Jewelry, time pieces and repairs. Leather goods and luggage. Library, both public and private. Liquor store (off-sale) Meat market, but not including processing for a locker p'lant. Musical instruments and repairs. Newsstands. Offices-business and professional. Offices-governmental. Paint, wallpaper and related materials. Pet shop, provided the operation shall not Include the boarding of pets for a fee, the maintaining of pens outslde of the bulldlng or the operating so as to cause an offensive odor or noise. Photographic studio. Pipe and tobacco shop. Post office or telegraph sub-station. ' Printing shops which occupy not more than three thousand (3,000) square feet of gross floor area. Pool halJs. Records, television, radio, hi-fi and recording equipment. Savings and loan offices. Sewing machine, related equipment and s'ewlng'classes. Shoes and shoe repair. Sportlng goods. Stationery supplies. Taitc~ shop. Theater, not of drive-ln variety. Television studio. Toys. Transportation center. Travel bureau. Variety store. Section 2: Section 9.112(2) of Ordinance No. 853, City Code of 1977, passed June 21, 1977, which reads as follows, to-wit: I'9.112(2) Conditional Uses Vlthln any e'CBD'm Business District, no structure or land shall .be used for the following uses except by condltlonal use permlto ' Regular Council Meeting February 14, 1983 page 9 Accessory structures. (b) D~elllng u~Its provided: The units do not occupy the first floor. · t) That a roof Intended for usable space shall be enclosed by · wa11 or fence not less than five (5) feet In height.' (c) Open sales lots provided that: The lot Is surfaced and graded according to a plan submltted by the apPllcant and approved by the City Engineer. The assembly, repalr, or manufacture of goods shall not occur within an open sales 1at. If the operation of the open sa]es lot be self-operated 'or automated In total or In part. a site plan shal! be submitted Indicating the location of such devices. · . There Is located thereon a building devoted to and used In such sales use which Is at least as large In floor area as such occupation and use. (d) Off-street parking lots subject to Section 9.126(2). Ce) Parking ramps. Ch) Public utllity structures. Vending machlnes (coins operated) ~hether they be for service or product shall be permitted Inside of a bulldlng; when located outside of bulldi'ng they' shall be consldeFed as a bulldlng and conform to all api)llcable regulatlons. Should the vending machlne be the prlnclpal use on the site, off-street parking shall be provided · ratio of one (I) space for each two vending devlces. . Restaurants, cafe, tea room'; tavern,bar, provided ·ald deslgn Is to only serve customers seated at tables, counters or booths. fi) Arcades" is herewith 'a~ended to read as follows, to-wit: "9.112(2) . .Condltlonal Uses Vlthln any "CBD" Buslness District, no structure or land shall .be used for the folIo~Ing uses except by ~ondltlonal use permit, ' Cb) Accessory structures. D~ellIng ur~Its provided: t) The unlts do not occupy the first floor. Regular Council Meeting February 14, 1983 page l0 (ii) That a roof intended for usable space shall be enclosed by a wall or fence not less than five (5) feet in height. (c) Open sales lots provided that: (i) The lot is surfaced and graded according to a plan submitted by the applicant and approved by the City Engineer. (ii) The assembly, repair, or manufacture of goods shall not occur within an open sales lot. (iii) If the operation of the open sales lot be self-operated or auto- mated in total or in part, a site plan shall be submitted indicat- ing the location of such devices. (iv) There is located thereon a building devoted to and used in such sales use which is at least as large in floor area as such occu- pation and use. (d) Off-street parking lots subject to Section 9.112(2). (e) Parking ramps. (f) Pubtic facility structures. (g) Vending machines (coins operated) whether they be for service or pro- duct shall be permitted inside of a building; when located outside of building they shall be considered as a building and conform to all applicable regulations. Should the vending machine be the principal use on the site, off-street parking shall be provided at a ratio of one (1) space for each two vending devices. (h) Restaurants, cafe, tea room, tavern, bar, provided said design is to only service customers seated at tables, counters or booths. (i) Arcades (j) Tennis, racquetball, handball, table tennis and boxing clubs that provide facilities such as auditorium or bleacher areas for viewing such that exhibitions are possible." Section 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after thirty (30) days after its passage. First reading: February 14, 1983 d. First Reading of Ordinance No. 1034 Pertaining to Signs on Buildings Facing Parking Lots Motion by Hentges, second by Norberg to table the reading of Ordinance No. 1034 for clarification from the City Attorney. Roll call: All ayes e. Resolution 83-02 Changes i'n Non-Union Group Salary Ranges Motion by Norberg, second by Petkoff to waive the reading of the resolution there being ample copies available to the public. Roll call: Ail ayes RESOLUTION 83-02 ADOPTING CHANGES IN NON-UNION GROUP SALARY RANGES, ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR NON-UNIONIZED CITY POSITIONS, & CHANGING EMPLOYER'S CONTRIBUTION TO FRINGE BENEFITS Regular Council Meeting February 14, 1983 page 11 WHEREAS, the City of Columbia Heights adopted a Wage Compensation Program for Non- Unionized City Employees effective January 1, 1980 (Resolution 80-47) which indicated that on an annual basis changes will be adopted in Group Salary Ranges based upon reliable survey data; and WHEREAS, the City of Columbia Heights annually reviews the Employer's share for var- ious insurance programs for its non-unionized employees to compare what is paid for other employee groups in the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Columbia Heights establishes salary ranges for groups of non-unionized City positions as indicated on the attached schedule which is on file in the Office of the City Manager, effective January 1, 1983; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Columbia Heights establishes the salary for specific non- unionized City employee positions to be effective as per the attached schedule upon such affected City employee fulfilling the requirements specified in the Wage Com- pensation Program for a salary change for such employee; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Columbia Heights establishes the Employer's share of non- union employees' insurance programs, effective January i, 1983 at $120.OO per ~x)nth; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Employer contribute On a dollar-for-dollar matching basis up to a maximum of $300 per year per affected employee toward a deferred compensation, defer- red annuity, or individual retirement account as approved by the Employer, to be effective upon adoption. Passed this 14th day of February, 1983. Offered by: Norberg Seconded by: Petkoff Roll call: All ayes Bruce G. Nawrocki, Mayor Jo-Anne Student, Council Secretary CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 1983 PROPOSED NON-UNION EMPLOYEES PAY SCHEDULE POSITION ENTRY 6 MOS. I YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR Payroll/Accounting Clerk 1,188 1,242 Secretary to the 1,307 1,366 City Manager Council Secretary ** 1,399 1,463 ** Plus $100/month for Deputy City Clerk Duties 1,296 101-83 1,426 i,526 1,350 1-22-83 1,485 1-1-83 1,590 1-1-83 Regular Council Meeting February 14, 1983 page 12 Administrative Assistant to the City Manager Library Director Deputy Fire Chief Director of Recreation and Community Services 783 I-1-83 2 189 1,864 1,945 6-18-83 I0-18-83 2,263 2,338 2,346 2,426 2,506 2,44] 2,524 2,608 1-]-83 5-17-83 Fire Chief 2 530 2.616 Finance Director 2,026 2,412 2,586 2,691 2.703 2,789 2,687 2,778 2,870 2,961 1-1-83 6-1-83 12-1-83 Police Chief 2,851 2,948 3,046 3,143 2,937 3,038 3,138 3,238 Public Works Director 2,487 1-1-83 2,666 1-1-83 2,774 2,875 1-1-83 3,053 3,240 1-1-83 3,338 l-]-83 f. Resolution 83-03 Designating Depositories for Funds of the City of Columbia Heights Motion by Norberg, second by Petkoff to waive the reading of the resolution there being ample copies available to the public. Roll cal]: All ayes RESOLUTION 83-03 DESIGNATING DEPOSITORIES FOR FUNDS FOR THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS BE IT RESOLVED, that the Marquette State Bank of Columbia Heights and the Northeast State Bank of Columbia Heights be hereby designated as the depositories for moneys for the City of Columbia Heights, ~nd the Treasurer of this City is hereby directed to de- posit moneys of this City in said Banks, and the Marquette State Bank of Columbia Heights and the Northeast State Bank of Columbia Heights are hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any checks or orders, when signed by the Mayor, City Manager and Trea- surer for the withdrawal or transfer of funds on deposit in said banks in whatever form. AND, that the following financial institutes be designated as official depositories of the City of Columbia Heights for investment purposes; Marquette State Bank of Col- umbia Heights, Fidelity State Bank, Northeast State Bank of Columbia Heights, Twin City Federal, Third Northwestern National Bank, First Federal, First Security State Bank of St. Paul, American National Bank of St. Paul, First National Bank of St. Paul, Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner, and Smith, Inc. AND, the Treasurer shall have the authority to wire transfer funds from one official Depository to another for purpose of investing city funds. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in case such deposit shall at any time exceed the sum for which its deposits are insured under the acts of Congress of the United States relating to insurance of bank deposits, said depository shall immediately furnish bond or se- curities in lieu of bond. The following are hereby designated as the places for safe- R~gular Council Meeting February 14, 1983 page 13 keeping of all securities in lieu of such bond, The Marquette National Bank, the Fed- eral Reserve Bank, Northwestern National Bank, First National Bank of St. Paul, Manu- factureres Hanover Bank, Midland National Bank. Passed this 14th day of February, 1983. Offered by: Norberg Seconded by: Petkoff Roll call: All ayes Bruce G. Nawrocki, Mayor Jo-Anne Student, Council Secretary 6. Communications a. Planning and Zoning Commission 1. Sign Services/First Federal, 4101 Central Avenue Sign Variance The Commission recommended approval of a variance to allow a 3' x 30' identification sign in addition to the existing 3'x 6' time and temperature sign on the south side of the building and certain placement or removal of the signs presently standing or displayed. If granted this request would require a 96 square foot variance to the ordinance re- quirement. Councilman Norberg noted that this action could set a precedent for granting a variance to the sign ordinance to virtually anyone who applies for one. Discussion' followed regarding the actual dimensions of the sign presently displayed. There was some differences of opinion as to the exact measurements of the signs. It was felt that this matter should be determined before any action is taken. Motion by Hentges, second by Norberg to table this item until the next regular Council meeting and that the City Manager should get additional information. Roll call: All ayes 2. Joseph Sturdevant, 4848 Seventh Street Height Variance Motion by Norberg, second by Hentges to concur with the Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation and grant a height variance of 2½ feet to allow the construction of a second story on the garage at 4848 Seventh Street. Roll call: All ayes 3. Columbia Heights Mall 4OOf Central Avenue Variance The City Manager advised the Council that it had been requested that this item be re- moved from the agenda of this Council meeting. 4. Columbia Heights Mall/Marshall's 4095 Central Avenue Variance Motion by Petkoff, second by Hovland to concur with the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and grant an 18 square foot variance per surface (total 36 square foot variance) to permit the construction of a two-sided 50 square foot per surface freestanding sign at the north end of the Columbia Heights Mall parking lot. Councilman Hovland stated that there was a hardship because the unique shape of the lot limits visibility of the north end of the mall. Councilman Norberg voiced concern with this type of precedent-setting. Roll call: Petkoff, Hovland,-Nawrocki--aye Norberg, Hentges--nay b. Traffic Commission Proposed Lane Designation--4Oth and Central Avenue Motion by Norberg, second by Hovland to concur with the Traffic Commission recommenda- tion that the westbound left lane may either turn west or go straight ahead going west on 40th Avenue; Lane 1--left or straight through; Lane 2---straight through; and Lane 3--right turn only. Roll call: All ayes Regular Council Meeting February 14, 1983 page 14 c. Insurance Committee The minutes of the January 28, 1983 Insurance Committee meeting were received. This was an informational item. RECESS: 10:45 RECONVENE: 11:05 7. Old and New Business a. Old Business None b. New Business I. Authorization to Seek Bids for Spring Clean Up Week April 23-May l, 1983 Motion by Hentges, second by Norberg to authorize the City Manager to seek bids for the 1983 Spring Clean Up Week to be held April 23, 1983-May 1, 1983; and furthermore, that Council approve the following rates: $2.00 per car load; $5.00 per small trailer or pick-up truck per load; and combinations of above to be billed by unit. Roll call: Ali ayes 2. Establishing Refuse Service Rates Motion by Norberg, second by Petkoff to establish the following special multiple dwel- ling service rates for garbage and refuse removal: 2- 2 yard vats with 1 pickup per week ........ $50/month 2- 2 yard vats with 2 pickups per week ...... $100/month Roll call: All ayes 3. Engineering Services Contract with the City of St. Anthony Motion by Norberg, second by Hentges to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to execute an agreement with the City of St. Anthony for the purpose of providing engineering ser- vices. Roll call: All ayes 4. Authorization to Retain George M. Hansen Co. to Perform Audit of Revenue Sharing Program for Year Ending December 31, 1982 Motion by Hentges, second by Hovland to perform the audit of Revenue Sharing Program for the year ending December 31, 1982; and furthermore, that the cost of such an audit not exceed $975. Roll call: All ayes The cost for this audit will be paid from Rev- enue Sharing money. 5. Purchases a. Sewer Rods-Public Works Motion by Norberg, second by Hentges to authorize the purchase of 185 3/8" and 31 5/16" sewer rods with couplings from MacQueen Equipment, Inc. in the amount of $1,286.60 F.O.B. the Twin Cities based.upon low, informal quotation received. Roll call: All ayes b. Mechanical Seals for Pump Station #3 Motion by Norberg, second by Hentges to authorize the purchase of two Durametallic seals #103471 from Durametallic Corporation for $389 each (totalling $778) based upon quo- tation received; and furthermore, that the Council understands this purchase to be a proprietary item. Roll call: All ayes Regular Council Meeting February 14, 1983 page 15 6. Minnesota Police Recruitment System The Council received materials from the Police Chief regarding the Minnesota Police Recruitment System formerly known as the Suburban Police Recruitment System. These materials addressed three items for Council information; Joint and Cooperative Agre- ement, resolution authorizing participation in the System; and, directors from the City. Chief Anderson addressed the changes contained in the materials. Motion by Petkoff, second by Hovland to waive the reading of the resolution there being ample copies available to the public. Roll call: All ayes RESOLUTION 83-05 AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE MINNESOTA POLICE RECRUITMENT SYSTEM WHEREAS, the City of Columbia Heights is authorized by Minnesota Statutes 471.59 to enter into joint and cooperative agreements with other governmental units; and WHEREAS, the City currently is a member of the Suburban Police Recruitment System (SPRS), a joint powers organization formed to recruit candidates for entry-level police positions in the cooperating governmental units and to assist the cooperating governmental units in evaluating candidates for these positions; and WHEREAS, it now has been proposed that the SPRS be reformed on a statewide basis, and a Joint and Cooperative Agreement accomplishing such a reformation has been presented to and reviewed by this City Council; and WHEREAS, this Council has determined that it will be advantageous to the City to par- ticipate in the reformed organization; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Columbia Heights, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Dissolution of the SPRS hereby is requested, with all assets of the SPRS to be transferred to the newly-formed Minnesota Police Recruitment System (MPRS). 2. The Mayor and the City Man,ager hereby are authorized to execute, on behalf of the City, the Joint and Cooperative Agreement which establishes the MPRS and which provides for City pariticpation therein. 3. Stuart Anderson and Ken Nygaard hereby are designated as the City's initial Director and Alternate Director, respectively, in the MPRS. 4. The City Clerk hereby is directed to file a duly executed copy of the Joint and Cooperative Agreement as provided therein, together with a certified copy of this Resolution. Offered by: Petkoff Seconded by: Hovland Roll call: All ayes Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of February, 1983. Mayor ATTEST: Regular Council Meeting February 14, 1983 page 16 7. Council Work Sessions It was decided there will be two Council work sessions, Tuesday, February 15th at 9:00 pm, and Thursday, February 17th at 9:00 pm. 8. Reports a. Report of the City Manager The report of the City Manager was submitted in writing and many of the twelve items it contained were discussed. A letter had been received from the Mayor of Blaine sug- gesting that consideration for the use of future Community Development Grant Funds be given to a race track facility in Anoka County. A copy of this letter had been in- cluded in the Manager's Report and it was discussed. There was a Council consensus that no Community Development Block Grant funds should be used for a race track fac- ility in the county and that the Director of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority should be so advised. b. Report of the City Attorney There was nothing to report by the City Attorney at this time. 9. Licenses Motion by Norberg, second by Hovland to approve the licenses as listed upon payment of proper fees. Roll call: All ayes lO. Payment of Bills Motion by Hovland, second by Petkoff to approve the payment of the bills as listed out of proper funds. Roll call: All ayes Adjournment Motion by Norberg, second by Petkoff to adjourn the meeting at All ayes Bruce G. Nawrocki, Mayor /~nne Studen't, Counci'~'-Secretary