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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 17, 1982 (2)OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MN. MAY 17, 1982 The special meeting was called to order by Mayor Nawrocki at 11:03 pm. 1. Roll Call Hovland, Petkoff, Norberg, Hentges, Nawrocki--present 2. Purpose of the Special Meeting To award construction bids for special assessment projects. The City Manager and the Public Works Director reviewed the 1982 street and utility improvement projects. Some of the bids came in higher than was est- imated and presented at the assessment hearing. Three projects that were of concern were Project #8024, alley, 39th to 0strander Park, Tyler to Polk; Project #8202, Quincy Street sanitary sewer; Project #80]7, Reservoir Boul- evard storm sewer. The Public Works Director gave his department's tabulations defining the percentage differences between the hearing estimates as presented and the bid costs as submitted. Also discussed in detail were the specifics of all of the other areas included in the special assessment projects. The company that submitted the lowest total base bid for the package was higher in some parts of the project than were other bidders. The Council was concerned about whether some portions of the project could be dropped after the bid was awarded. Various methods for dealing with the high cost of parts of the bid were discussed. Motion by Norberg, second by Hentges to award the bid to Northwest Asphalt, Inc. on Iow total base bid and not to exceed $610,982.90. Roll call: Norberg, Hentges-- aye Hovland, Petkoff, Nawrocki--nay Motion fails. There was additional discussion on Project #8202 (Quincy Street sanitary sewer) regarding the sources of funding. Motion by Hovland, second by Petkoff to proceed on this project (Project #8202) on the basis of indicating a policy of assessing the $18.33 as estimated at the hearing with the balance of costs to come from negotiated contract with Hill- top, and negotiated reduction costs with the contractor, the balance to come from the General Fund. Motion to amend by Hentges, second by Petkoff that a portion of the funding come from the P I R Fund if the City Attorney advised that it is a legal source or from the Sewer Utility Fund if it is not legal. Roll call on amendment: Hovland, Petkoff, Hentges, Nawrocki--aye Norberg--nay Roll call on amended motion: Hov]and, Petkoff, Hentges, Nawrocki--aye Norberg-- nay Potential contractual changes for specific parts of the special assessment pro- jects were discussed and it was determined that those items would be brought back for Council consideration before any final action was authorized or project was dropped. Motion by Petkoff, second by Hovland to award the bid to Northwest Asphalt, Inc. to exceed $610,982.90, based on low total base bid and authorize the Mayor and City Manager to negotiate a contract for same. Special Meeting May 17, 1~82 page 2 Roll call: Hovland, Petkoff, Hentges, Nawrocki--aye Norberg--abstain Councilman Norberg left the meeting at 1:22 am. Motion by Hentges, second by Petkoff to award the bid for Project #8200, bit- uminous seal coat to Bituminous Roadways based on the low, competitive formal bid in the amount of $66,717.67 and that the Mayor and City Manager be auth- orized to enter into a contract for same. Roll call: All ayes Motion by Hovland, second by Hentges to award the bid for Project #8203, mis- cellaneous concrete repair, to Lindah) and Carlson, Inc. based on iow, formal competitive bid in the amount of $25,669.65, and that the Mayor and City Manager be authorized to enter into a contract for same. Roll call: All ayes ADJOURNMENT ~ Motion by Hentges, second by Hovland to adjourn the meeting at 1:30 call: All ayes Nawrocki Mayor Keith Masuda, Secretary, Pro-Tem