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Official Proceedings
Columbia Heights City Council
April 27, 1981
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Nawrocki at 8:05 pm.
I. Roll Call
Logacz, Heintz, Norberg, Hentges, Nawrocki--present
2. Invocation
The Invocation was offered by Fred Salsbury, Public Works Director.
3. Minutes of Previous Meetings
Motion by Heintz, second by Hentges to approve the minutes of the April 6th Public
Hearing-Shopping Center; the April 6th Public Hearing-Office Facility; and the April
13th Public Heari~g-41st Avenue; as presented in writing and that the reading be
dispensed with. Roll call: All ayes
4. Oral Petitions
There were no oral petitions presented.
5. Ordinances and Resolutions
a. Resolution 81-24 being a resolution regarding labor agreement between the City of
Columbia Heights and the International Association of Firefighters, Local No. 1216
The City Manager spoke to the changes in the contract. Only four major areas were
Motion by Heintz, second by Norberg to waive the reading of the resolution there being
ample copies available to the public. Roll call: All ayes
WHEREAS, negotiations have proceeded between the International Association
of Firefighters, Local No. 1216, representing Firefighters of the City's
Fire Department, and the City's labor consultant and management bargaining
team, and said negotiations have resulted in a mutually acceptable contract,
for the calendar years 1981 and 1982, and
WHEREAS, a copy of said contract is available for inspection at the office
of the City Clerk and is made a part hereof by reference,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the contract agreement as negotiated,
be and are hereby established as the salary and fringe benefit program
for calendar years 1981 and 1982 for Firefighters and Captains of the
Columbia Heights' Fire Department.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Manager be authorized to
execute this agreement.
BE IT ALSO FURTHER RESOLVED that the reading in full of the actual contract
be, and it is hereby, waived.
Regular Council Meeting
April 27, 1981
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Passed this 27 day of April
, 1981.
Offered By: Logacz
Seconded By: Hentges
Roll Call: All ayes
Bruce G. Nawrocki, Mayor
Jo-Anne Student, Council Secretary
b. First Reading of Ordinance No. 949 being an ordinance amending Ordinance No.853,
City Code of 1977, vacating the existing 41st Avenue N.E. and conveying a portion
thereof to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Columbia Heights, Minnesota.
Motion by Heintz, second by Hentges to waive the reading of the ordinance there being
ample copies available to the public. Roll call: All ayes
The City Council of the City of Columbia Heights does ordain:
Section 1:
That part of 41st Avenue Northeast, lying easterly of the southerly
extension of the west line of the East 11.00 feet of Lot 31, Block 4,
Reservoir Hills, Anoka County, Minnesota, and westerly of the south-
erly extension of the west line of Lot 39, Block 4, Reservoir Hills,
Anoka County, Minnesota, together with those portions of the five
foot (5') strips adjacent to said 41st Avenue, lying between the
above described extensions and acquired by the City of Columbia
Heights for road purposes, all of which is hereby vacated.
Section 2:
Section 3:
The City of Columbia Heights shall convey by Quit Claim Deed to the
Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Columbia Heights, Minnesota, the
following described real property, to-wit:
k'hat part of the North half of the vacated 41st Avenue Northeast as
platted in Reservoir Hills, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying between the
southerly extension of the east line of Lot 36 and the northerly exten-
sion of the east line of the west 170 feet of Lot 10, Block 5, Reservoir
Hills, Anoka County, Minnesota.
The Mayor and City Manager are herewith authorized to execute any documents
necessary to carry out the intent of this ordinance.
Regular Council Meeting
April 27, 1981
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Section ~:
This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after thirty
(30) days after its passage.
First reading:
Second reading:
Date of passage:
April 27, 1981
Offered by:
Seconded by:
Roll Call: ]
Bruce G. Nawrocki, Mayor
Jo-Anne Student, secretary to
the Council
c. First Reading of Ordinance No. 950 being an ordinance amending Ordinance No.853,
City Code of 1977, selling certain real property to the Housing and Redevelopment
Authority of Columbia Heights, Minnesota
The suggested total price for the two parcels specified in the ordinance is $23,295.
Motion by Heintz, second by Logacz to waive the reading of the resolution there being
ample copies available to the public. Roll call: All ayes
The City Council of the City of Columbia Heights does ordain:
Section 1: The City of Columbia Heights shall sell and convey to the Housing and
Redevelopment Authority of Columbia Heights, Minnesota, the following
described parcels of land, to-wit:
Lot 23, Block 30, Columbia Heights Annex to Minneapolis,
according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record
in the office of the County Recorder in and for Anoka
County, Minnesota
Lot 6, Block 27, Columbia Heights Annex to Minneapolis,
according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record
in the office of the County Recorder in and for Anoka
County, Minnesota
Section 2:
~he Mayor and City Manager are herewith authorized to execute Quit Claim
Deeds to effect the conveyance of the City's interest in the said pro-
Section 3: The purchase price shall be
Regular Council Meeting
April 27, 1981
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Section 4: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after thirty
(30) days after its passage.
First reading:
Second reading:
Date of passage:
April 27, 1981
Offered by:
Seconded by:
Roll call:
Bruce G. Nawrocki, Mayor
Jo-Anne Student, Secretary
to the Council
6. Communications
a. Traffic Commission
The Public Work's Department requested the purchase of noise abatement signs. These signs
will complement the efforts to step up enforcement of the noise enforcement program.
There was considerable discussion regarding motor vehicle noise.
Motion by Logacz, second by Norberg to authorize the City Manager to purchase and instal
25 noise abatement signs at a cost of $650; and furthermore, that such monies be transfe
from General Fund Unallocated Balance to the account 101-4240 to cover costs involved.
Roll call: All ayes
b. Action Alert- Revised Governor's Budget
The League of Minnesota Cities has forwarded an Action Alert explaining in more detail
the impact of the Governor's revised budget message upon local government. The City
Manager feels that by keeping a cap on tax increases the City of Columbia Heights is
being penalized by the Governor's proposal. Councilman Norberg suggested that the state-
ment from the League is inflammatory and the the Governor's message is that spending
must be cut as well as levels of service rendered. Mayor Nawrocki concurred with the
opinion of the City Manager and feels that the irony of the budget message is cities like
Columbia Heights who have displayed responsible attitudes toward finances is being pen-
7. Old and New Business
a. Old Business
1. Engine Analyzer
A request to purchase an engine analyzer had been made at a previous council meeting. At
that time staff had been requested to review the need for this item and for the shop fore-
man to attend this meeting to support this request. Discussion followed regarding need
for a new analyzer versus repair and updating of the one the City presently owns. It was
the opinion of Councilmen Heintz and Hentges that the old one could be modified and meet
the needs of the City. Councilman Norberg observed that the cost of electronic gadgets
has been dropping dramatically in the last few months and suggested the same thing might
happen to this type of item. He cited calculators as an example.
Motion by Hentges, second by Heintz to reject the bids for an engine analyzer.
Roll call: Heintz, Norberg, Hentges--aye Logacz, Nawrocki--nay Motion passes
Motion by Hentges, second by Heintz to authorize the City Manager to expend up to $1,400
Regular Council Meeting
April 27, 1981
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for the repair and modification of the City's engine analyzer. Roll call: All ayes
b. New Business
1. 1981 Columbia Heights Jamboree
A letter from the Columbia Heights' Lions Club was received requesting the use of Huset
Park for the Jamboree from June 23 through the 28th. Lion's Club member, Gene Heffner,
came to the Council meeting. Discussion followed with regard to clean-up procedures as
there were some problems with this last year. It was suggested that Mr. Heffner meet
with the Public Work's Director to compile a list of what needs to be done, by whom,
and who is responsible-for any charges.
Motion by Heintz, second by Hentges to grant the Columbia Heights' Lion's Club the use
of Huset Park for the dates of June 23rd through June 28th, as approved by the Park
Board. Roll call: All ayes
RECESS: 9:25
2. LAWCON/LCMR Grant Application-Huset Park Improvements
This application is being requested by the Park Board. The grant monies will be used
exclusively for development in Huset Park. The total grant request is $103,000
(50% of the total cost) and would be used to develop an additional lighted softball
field and a new lighted soccer field. Councilman Hentges objected to these monies being
used only in Huset Park. Councilman Logacz explained that the consultant for this project
advised this improvement would accommodate all professional activities in Huset thereby,
freeing all other parks for strictly neighborhood activities.
Motion by Heintz, second by Logacz to authorize the execution of a preliminary application
seeking 1982 LAWCON/LCMR funding in the amount of $103,OO0 for the purpose of providing
additional improvements in Huset Park.
Roll call: Logacz, Heintz, Nawrocki--aye Hentges--nay Norberg--abstain
3. Establishing Salary for Firefighter
Motion by Heintz, second by Logacz to establish the salary for Keith Flermoen, Recruit
Firefighter I, in the amount of $16,978 per year as per the terms of the labor contract
with Local No.1216; such salary to be effective May 16, 1981. Roll call: Ail ayes
4. Final Payment to Kurth Surveying, Inc. for Sullivan Lake Survey
Motion by Heintz, second by Logacz to authorize the final payment to Kurth Surveying, Inc.
in the amount of $1,580 for work relating to the survey of Sullivan Lake and the prepara-
tion of a registered land survey. Councilman Hentges noted that this payment is much
higher than original quotation and that this dollar amount was not authorized by the
Roll call: Logacz, Heintz, Nawrocki--aye Hentges--nay Norberg--abstain
5. Offer to Purchase Sullivan Lake Property
Leonard Vanasse has shown interest in purchasing property located at Sullivan Lake.
Staff has advised against this purchase agreement.
Motion by Heintz, second by Logacz to reject the purchase offer of Leonard W. Vanasse.
The City Manager was advised by the Mayor that if any developer comes forth with a
proposal that would be to the benefit of the City for this area he should bring it to
the Council. The Mayor also felt that it would be a waste of time to actively seek
developers at this time because of the poor complexion of financing.
Roll call: All ayes
6. Establish Parking Restrictions at Voss Parking Lot
Regular Council Meeting
April 27, 1981
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The Police Chief is recommending that no overnight parking be allowed at this site.
Motion by Heintz, second by Hentges to authorize the City Manager to post "No Over-
night Parking" signs at the Voss Parking lot and that the Police Department be
instructed to enforce the parking restriction. The City Attorney advised the Council
the time limit for parking on publicly owned property must be set by the Council.
Motion to amend by Heintz, second by Norberg to establish parking restrictions on
this lot between the hours of 1 am to 6 am.
Councilman Logacz felt any businesses in the area that operate until ! am should be
given a grace period for their patrons or customers to leave. He thinks a restriction
commencing at 1 am would be a hardship.
Substitute motion by Logacz, second by Hentges to set the hours of 2 am to 6 am for
the parking restriction. Roll call on substitute motion: Logacz, Hentges, Nawrocki--aye
Heintz, Norberg--nay Passes
Roll call on amended motion: Logacz, Norberg, Hentges--aye Heintz, Nawrocki--nay
Motion passes
7. Award of Bids
a. Cash Registers
A request had been made by the Finance Director to advertise for bids for three new
cash registers for the off-sale liquor stores in the City. It was recommended that t~e
bid received from Northwest Cash Register be awarded. Councilman Norberg felt the rent/
buy analysis submitted to Council was poorly done and feels the figures are not ac-
curate. He requested additional information regarding month to month rental versus
a long term lease.
Motion by Norberg, second by Heintz to table for further consideration for additional
information until the next regular meeting and to direct the City Manager to investigat~
long term leasing. Roll call: All ayes
b. Shared Ride Program
Suburban Taxi, Inc., who presently has the Shared Ride contract with the City of Columbia
Heights, has been purchased by Town Taxi, Inc. Suburban filed a termination of services
notice with the City and bids were advertised for and opened on April 24, 1981. Only
one bid was received, that was from Town Taxi Co. lnc..
Motion by Heintz, second by Hentges that Town Taxi Co., Inc., bid for the Shared Ride
Para-Transit Program Contract be accepted in the amount of $2.10 per passenger carried
and that the Mayor and City Manager be authorized to enter into a contract for same, sub-
ject to approval by the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation; and furthermere,
that staff be authorized to include Hilltop in the Program by agreement with the City of
Columbia Heights and Hilltop, subject to the approval of MN/DOT, with Hilltop paying ap-
roximately 1/20th based on a population percentage or actual sales, and pursue the item
of transferability between Para-Transit vehicles and MTC buses, also subject to approval
by MN/DOT. Roll call: All aves
c. Miscellaneous Concrete Award of Bid
Motion by Norberg, second by Hentges to award the bid and authorize the Mayor and City
Manager to execu£e a contract with Area Cement Co. of Woodbury, Mn. for two awards:
Bids A & B for $10,022.10; and Bid C for $23,201; based upon low, formal bid received.
Roll call: AI: ayes
8. Authorization to Purchase
a. Lawn Mower Purchase Program
Motion by Heintz, second by Hentges to authorize the City Manager to purchase two com-
mercial grade lawn mowers from R.L. Gould & Co. in the amountiof $630 total, based upon
low, informal quotation received. Roll call: All ayes
Regular Council Meeting
April 27, 198i
page ]
b. Printed Envelopes
Motion by Hentges, second by Heintz to authorize the City Manager to purchase 25,000
standard #10 envelopes and 20,000 standard window envelopes from Curtis 1000 in the
amount of $685.45, based upon low, informal quotation received. Roll call: All ayes~
9. Authorization to Proceed with Changes in Fixed Asset System
The cost of this action have been negotiated and is less than $500 so no action is
needed by the Council at this time.
10. Other New Business
Councilman Norberg had concerns regarding an item that may place the City in the position
of liability.
Motion by Norberg, second by Hentges to direct the City Manager to request the City Attor-
ney to investigate the City's liability and other implications regarding the consumption
of liquor by City employees while on expense accounts or at City functions and report
back to the Council at the next regular meeting. Roll call: Logacz, Heintz, Norberg,
Hentges--aye Nawrocki--nay
8. Reports
a. Report of the City Manager
This report was presented in written form and the City Manager briefly discussed four
items on the report.
Councilman Hentges introduced an item for consideration at this point. He suggested that
the City should get out of the on-sale liquor business by closing the Municipal Lounge.
He suggested the City sell the land to the HRA for development and that the monies
realized from this sale could be appropriately used to benefit the youth of the com-
munity and other citizens by putting it into the proposed community center. Councilman
Norberg felt this suggestion had considerable merit.
b. Report of the City Attorney
Details were given regarding a meeting with Dick Merrill, attorney for the Ostlund brothers.
Also, details regarding the Stop-Order issued were reviewed.
9. Licenses
Motion by Heintz,second by Hentges to grant approval of the licenses, upon payment of
the proper fee, and that the fee be waived for the Columbia Heights Hockey Association.
The fee that was waived was done so on the basis of a telephone poll of the Council by
the City Manager. Councilman Norberg questioned the legality of the poll. He has no
quarrel with the organization requesting the waiver, just the methodology used to collect
councilmembers votes. The Mayor said he approved the method employed to ratify the action
of the City Manager. A special request for a food permit was received from a teacher at
the Senior High School for an event being held in five days. Being unaware of the pro-
cedural requirements for applying for this permit the application was received too late
to be listed for approval at this council meeting.
Motion to amend by Heintz, second by Hentges that the license for a softball tournament
food permit, subject to completion of the application and approval by Anoka County and
that the fee be waived. Roll call: Ail ayes
Roll call on amended motion: All ayes
I0. Payment of Bills
Motion by Heintz, second by Logacz that bills, as listed, be paid out of proper funds.
Councilman Norberg questioned one bill that reimbursed the HRA for a duplicate service
Regular Council Meeting
April 27, 1981
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rendered. This item dealt with a bill that was paid to the City twice by the HRA.
Councilman Norberg felt that any organization that pays such a large sum twice is
not too observant as to where its money goes.
Roll call: Logacz, Heintz, Hentges, Nawrocki--aye Norberg--abstain
Motion by Logacz, second by Heintz to adjourn the meeting at ll:05 pm. Roll call:
Al I ayes
Bruce G. Nawrocki, Mayor
Anne~Stude~t, Coun~]l Secretary