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HomeMy WebLinkAboutJul 26, 1971104.
Motion by Jeska, seconded by Heintz that the license application as
listed be granted upon payment of proper fees. Roll Call - All Ayes.
Petition on 42nd Avenue Project.
Kenneth Hentges was present and presen~t a petition with approximately
97 signatures on 42nd Avenue from University to Central and requested
me Council hold a hearing. He said he felt that by the time of the hearing
he would hav~ more than 50~ of the signatures required. ~Si.nce~ he
did not, the Council denied the request and told him to come back
at the next Council meeting.
Police Department Salaries.
A discussion was'held on what kind of offer should be made to the
Police for 1971 salaries. Mayor Nawrocki suggested cost of living
increase and because of excessive pensions costs caused partly because
the men chose to get benefits that are ~in excess of the way the
pension fund was funded, that we therefore can justify not ~meeting
other departments on other things incl~d~i'ng salary..
701 Hearing.
Motion by Jeska, seconded by Land to call a special meeting to be held
August 2~,.1971 at 8:00 p.m. in the Field House for a public hearing
pertaining to the lohg range comprehensive plan subject to verifying
that someone can make the presentation and proper notification is
given to the public. Roll Call - ~ll Ayes.
Motion by Jeska, seconded by Logacz to adjourn at 12:20 a.m.
All Ayes.
k~_~e~'~et~ry to the Council
Regular Meeting
Bruce G. Nawrocki, Mayor
Roll Call -
July 26, 1971
The meeting was called to order at 8:15 p.m.
Jeska, Nawrocki - present. Logacz - absent.
Roll Call:
Land, Heintz,
Motion by Jeska, seconded by Heintz that the minutes of the last regular
meeting be approved as presented in writing and the reading dispensed
with. Roll Call - All Ayes.
Payment of Bills.
Motion by Jeska, seconded by Heintz that the following bills be
paid out of their proper funds: Roll Call - All Ayes.
Ual Bjornson,St.Treas.
Famous Brands, Inc.
Johnson Bros.Whle. Liq.
Old Peoria Co., Inc.
Ed Phillips &Sons
Metro Area Management
Payroll Account
Famous Brands, Inc.
Griggs, Cooper & Co.
A. A. Battery Co.
Ability Tire Co.
Address0g~aph Corp.
Am. Cast Iron Pipe Co.
Apache Hose & Rubber
Auto Gear Co.
B & E Patrol
Bill Boyer Ford
Brookdale Ford
Central Machine Corp.
Col. Hts. Agency
Co. Heights Fire Dept.
Col.Ht$. Fire Dept.
Col. Hts. Fire Dept.
Col. Hts. Pharmacy
Col. Hts. Poi.Petty Cash
Coway Fire & Safety
Credit Publishing Co.
Davies Water Equip. Co.
Mitch DeMars
Eddie's Automatic Trans.
Electric Motor Spec.
H. E. Erickson Co.
Fadden Pump Co.
Hall Equipment Co.
Donald Hanson
Royhl Hedblad
Heights Auto Wash
Hoover Wheel Alignment
Iten Chevrolet
Aunt Jenny's Rest.
Albert Kordiak
Lowry Lbr. Co.
MacQueen Equip. Co.
Mel's Van 0 Lite
2,296.07 Miller Davis
262.49 Miner-McAlpin Agency
1,280.32 Mpls. Electronic Bal.
36 28. Minn Fire Equip.
128..99 Modern Clean-up Serv.
14.00 Motorola Commun.
43,737.37 No. States Power Co.
187.79 Northside Welding
1,758.74 North Star Concrete
118.40 N.W. Bell Tel. Co.
862.29 O lson's Plumbing
14.63 0vshak Prtg. Co.
49.49 Oxford Chemicals
135.15 Phillips Petro. Co.
42.66 Harry K. Russell
95.83 Secretary of State
325..00 Sep-Ko Chemicals
18.22 Spencer Sokolowski
63.44 Standard Oil Co.
423.20 Sun Newspapers
864.00 Survive
26.5.00 Tracy Prtg. Co.
424.00 Uniforms Unlimited
250.00 Victor Comptometer
26.64 W & W Generator
38.48 Wallace Supply Co.
15.00 Warning Lites
11.00 Welle Auto Supply
689.35 Whe~ Service
17.85 Williams
178.27 Bernard W. Young
12.50 Ziegler, Inc.
1.92 Payroll Account
6.90 Apache Office Sup.
309..06 Butler Industries
4.95 Clarkson Company
10.00 Demco
70.50 Gopher News
13.74 The Greystone Press
3.24 Instructor
17.00 Lundblad's Bindery
2.96 Monarch Book Co.
52.00 Outdoor Life Book Club
160..00 Roger A. Podany & Assoc.
49.50 Postmaster
!17.O0 St. Paul Book & Stat.
35.14 Charles Scribner's Sons
$ 7.3O
Scott Publishing
Shoppers Charge Serv.
Supt. of Documents
Time-Life Books
Universal Carloading
U of M - Audio Visual
Weston Woods
Investment - Fidelity Bank
Derksen Builders
Dunkley Surfacing
Fidelity Bank & Trus.
Heights Electric
Hewitt Associates
Metro Sewer Board
No. States Power
Postmaster of Mpls.
John Terpskra
Alvin P. Theis
Tracy Printing
Malcolm O. Watson
Am. Forestry Assoc.
Coca Cola Btlg.
Col. Hts. Park Petty Cash
Lyle Signs
N.W. Bel 1 Tel. Co.
Olson Plumbing
Pepsi Cola Btlg. Co.
5 95
16 OO
14 31
13 28
3 71
10 35
215 52
3,709 25
35 O5
395 OO
13,237 57
4,211 46
3OO 00
41 45
8O O2
320 O0
State Treas.
A. Weisman Co.
A & B Sporting Goods
Am. Handicrafts
Col.Hts. Recr. Com.
Gopher Athletic Supply
Gary N. Scholla
S peed-O-P r int
Chester Ewer
Donald Hubert
Emil Koistinen
Edcle Mattson
3M Company
Modern Air Condt.
N.W. Bell Tel. Co.
Col.Hts. Water Dept.
Mpls. Gas Co.
NW. Bell Tel. Co.
Total Bills
54 8O
87 68
19 84
39 68
59 52
6O O0
1,875 O0
4 5O
159 32
3O 1 87
779 57
Bids on Copy Machine.
The City Manager reported he has not had an opportunity to examine
the bids on copy machines and requested a time extension on the award
of bids. Motion by Jeska, seconded by Heintz that consideration of
award of bids on copy machines be tabled until the next regular Council
meeting for additional information. Roll Call - All Ayes.
Bids on Roller.
Motion by Land, seconded by Heintz that the award be made to the
best bid of Hall Equipment Company for a 1969 Gallon S/N 53359 in the
amount of $7,780.00. Roll Call - All Ayes.
Bids on Air Compressor.
Motion by Jeska, seconded by Heintz that the bid on an air compressor
be awarded to Minneapolis Equipment Company for a Worthington 160 CFM
in the amount of $3,500.00. Roll Call - All Ayes.
Bids on Low Boy and Bull-dozer.
The City Manager reported invitations were sent out for informal
bids on the sale of used equipment - the old low boy and D-7, the
bids to be opened in August.
Ordinance #763 Relating to Commercial & Industrial Garbage Pick-up.
A first reading was held on Ordinance #763 establishing procedures
¢or the maintenance of sanitary rubbish accumulation at commercial
and industrial property.
Emergency Ordinance #766 Relatingto Purchase of Air Conditioner.
The City Manager reported the air conditioner in #3 liquor store broke
down and it was found repairs would exceed the cost of the unit.
The new unit was installed July 1st at a cost of $1,875.00. The
Council members were not totally in favor of this ordinance and
Councilman Heintz stated if it were a furnace in the winter it would
be different, but you can wait for an air conditioner for a few days
or weeks to go the normal bidding procedure.
Preamble to Ordinance #766 being an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance
Directing the City Manager not to advertise for bids for purchasing
and installing an air conditioning system" was offered by Land,
seconded by Heintz. Roll Call - All Ayes.
Ordinance #766 was read.
Roll Call - All Ayes.
Offered by Land, seconded by Jeska.
Resolution Re: Final Payment for Stinson Righ.t-of-way.
Appropriation of Municipal State-Aid Funds to C.S.A.H. Project,
Offered by Land, seconded by Heintz, WHEREAS, it has been deemed
advisable and necessary for the City of Columbia Heights to provide
right-of-way for the construction of a project located on C.S.A.H.
No. 4 (Stinson Boulevard, 45th Avenue to Fairway Drive) within the
limits of said City, and WHEREAS, said construction project has been
constructed in accordance with standards approved by the Minnesota
Department of Highways and identified as S.A.P. ~2-604-05, NOW,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That we do hereby appropriate from our
Municipal State-Aid Street Funds the sum of $4,482.04 dollars to
apply toward the construction of said project and request the
Commissioner of Highways to approve this authorization. Roll Call -
All Ayes.
Ordinance #767 Relating to Storm and Sanita-y Sewer Replacement in Jefferson.
The City Manager presented Emergency Ordinance #767 relating to
utility replacement as needed in Jefferson Street, 39th to 40th
Avenues. The Manager said at the time we let the contract for
utility installations on Main Street in conjunction with the
construction in that ~ area, the specifications stated that the
City had the right to add on certain utility replacement work in
Jefferson, if deemed advisable, and necessary. Upon reviewing the
bid of Luxenburg who is the low bidder on all the work so far this
year we noted there were two items which did not get bids, one
being 33" reinforced concrete pipe installe~ and deep 8I' plastic sanitary
~X~sewer pipe. All other items involved in the Jefferson Street work
were included on a unit price basis. He said after reviewing the
situation with the City Attorney, the attorney pointed out under
the circumstances it would not be proper to put an addendum on the
Contract, but it would take special Council action such as an
Emergency Ordinance. The Preamble to Ordinance //767 being an
ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Directing the City Manager not to
advertise for bids for storm sewer and sanitary sewerreplacement
in Jefferson Street N.E. between 39th and 40th Avenues, was read.
The Preamble was offered by Land, seconded by Jeska. Rol! call-
A11 Ayes.
Ordinance //767 was read and offered by Land, seconded by Jeska.
Roll Call - All Ayes.
Recess was called at 8:57 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 9:05 p.m.
Appointment to Planning and Zoning Commission.
Motion by Jeska, seconded by Heintz that Mr. Kenneth Ballard be
appointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission effective as of
the regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission to be
held August 3rd, 1971. Roll Call - All Ayes.
Appointment to Human Rights Commission.
Motion by Land, seconded by Jeska that Mrs. Becky Riley be appointed
to the Human Rights Commission for a three year term. Roll Call -
All Ayes.
Human Rights Commission State League Dues.
Motion by Jeska, seconded by Heintz that the dues be authorized for
our Human Rights Commission to join the State League of Human
Rights Commission at a cost of $50 per year. Roll Call - All Ayes.
Northern States Power Company Utility Easement Request, 44½ and 42½ Ave.
A request was received from Northern States Power Company for a
utility and drainage easement on the back lot line of new lots
on 42½ Avenue and 44½ Avenue. Mr. Warren Johnson from N.S.P. was
present and a discussion was held on the feasibility of underground
service for these building sites. Mr. Johnson stated that the
underground service would cost each resident a minimum of $220 per
building ~te and at least eight consecutive owners would have to contract
with N.S.P. before any underground service could be provided. He said
the service would be placed in a 10' easement adjacent to the front
property line and that grades would have to be determined on these
easements. He said the terraine and multiple ownership is not
adaptable and makes it somewhat impossible to establish such a grade.
Therefore, the overhead lighting from the rear property line is
recommended and that easements have to be ~acquired before the
line can be built. No petitions have been received ~by the
City Council for any underground service. The Council asked
questions and Mr. Johnson discussed the request at len]th and the
Council did not feel that it was a City obligation to obtain these
easements and therefore no Council action was taken.
Mr. Olinkamp from 44th Avenue who had previously inquired about the
underground service should receive a letter from the City Manager
stating the points discussed by the Council.
Recess was called at lO:O0 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 10:17 p.m.
Lot Subdivision Request for 1330 - 43rd Avenue.
Motion by Jeska, seconded by Heintz that the lot subdivision request
for 1330 - 43rd Avenue (N. 150' of W. ½ of Lot 3 and N. 150' of all
of Lot 4, Block 3, Reservoir Hills, be approved as requested upon
payment of outstanding special assessments in the amount of $254.27
and upon granting of necessary utility easements. Roll Call -
All Ayes.
Lot Subdivision Request for 120.8 - 43rd Avenue.
Motion by Heintz, seconded by Jeska that the lot subdivision request
for 1208 - 43rd Avenue (Lot 7 (Ex. E. 55' of S. 165') (Ex. E. 130'
ly. N. of S. 165') Block 3, Reservoir Hills,) be granted upon granting
of necessary utility easements. Roll Call - All Ayes.
Alley Paving Petition.
A petition was received signed by three property owners, one of which
owns a considerable length, requesting alley paving of the alley south
of Peters Place west of Reservoir Boulevard to the southeasterly corner
of said alley. Motion by Jeska, seconded by Heintz that the City
Manager be authorized to advertise for ~ a hearing on the alley
~project as described, the hearing to be held August 9, 1971,
at 8:00 p.m. Roll Call - All Ayes.
Resolution Relating to Legislative Redistricting.
The resolution was offered by Heintz, seconded by Jeska, WHEREAS,
representative government is based on the one-man, one-vote principle,
as well as upon the principle of continuity of interest with each
constituency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That the State
Legislature is hereby requested to redistrict forthwith, so that
elections may be held for all legislative offices during the 1972
fall elections ~A~X~KX~~x based on properly apportioned new
districts. 2.. That said redistricting respect the Columbia Heights
municipal and Anoka County boundaries, and that the City of Columbia
Heights not be split into more than one House or Senate district so
that the continuity of interest of the citizens of Columbia Heights
may be maintained. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this Resolution
be sent to applicable Legislators, and to the Governor of the State
of Minnesota. Roll Call - All Ayes.
Garbage Service Contract.
The City Attorney reported the Council must make a decision by
August 1st on whether or not to extend the option for the garbage
collection service for another year. The Council members discussed
the City Manager's cost breakdown comparing operating the service
ourselves or having Modern Clean-up contract for it. The City
Manager was directed to Contact Modern Clean-up and X~ tell them
they legally cannot negotiate a higher price ~XX~X~X~X on
~X~X~ the existing contract and ask them what they want to
Resolution on Storm ~Drain - H.U.D. Application.
The Resolution was offered by Land, seconded by Jeska, Resolution
authorizing filing of application with the Department of Housing and
Urban Development, United States of America, for a grant under
P.L. 89-117. WHEREAS, pursuant to P.L. 89-117 the United States of
America has authorized the making of grants to public bodies to
aid in financing the construction of basic water and sewer projects:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
Columbia ~Heights that 1. Malcolm O. Watson be and he is hereby
authorized to execute and file an application on behalf of the
City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota with the Department of Housing
and Urban Development, United States ~X~Government, for a grant to
aid in financing the construction of storm drains and appurtenances
and an assurance of compliance with the Department of Housing and
Urban Development regulations under Title VI of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964. 2. That Malcolm O. Watson, City Manager, be and he
is hereby authorized and directed to furnish such information
as the Department of Housing and Urban Development may reasonably
request in connection with the application which is herein authorized
to be filed. Roll Call - All Ayes.
Motion by Heintz, seconded by Land that the licenses as listed be
granted upon payment of proper fees. Roll Call - All Ayes.
Motion by Jeska, seconded by Heintz to adjourn at 11:48 p.m.
All Ayes.
Roll Call -
Bru . Nawrocki, Mayor
Secretary to the Council