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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNov 23, 1970152. Newsletter. The City Manager reported he has been checking on costs of publishing a newsletter to all citizens. Licenses. Motion by Land~ seconded by Reintz that the licenses as listed be granted upon payment of proper fees. Roll Call - All Ayes. Request to Attend Bituminous Conference. Motion by Land, seconded by Logacz, that the City Engineer be authorized to attend the Bituminous Conference at the University of Minnesota, December 2nd and that expenses in the amount of $15 be approved. Roll Call - All Ayes. Motion by Jeska, seconded by ~'All Ayes. ~ .....w~..,~ __( "-' '~" S..ecretary to the Council ,f OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS Regular Meeting The meeting was called to order at 8:10 p.m. Jeska, Logacz, Nawrocki - present. Neintz to adjourn at 1/11:58 p.m. Bruce G. Nawrocki, Mayor Roll Call November 23, 1970 Roll Call: Land, Heintz, Motion by Jeska, seconded by Heintz that the minutes of the last regular meeting be a~proved as presented in writing and the reading dispensed with. Roll Call - All Ayes. Motion by Land, seconded by Heintz that the following bills be paid out of their proper funds: Roll Call - All Ayes. Payroll Account Canada Dry Btlg. Cond. Beverage Co. Griggs, Cooper & Co. Johnson Paper & Supply Ed Phillips & Sons Postmaster Election Judges' U.S. Leasing Corp. Val Bjornson, StateTrea. A. A. Battery Co. Acme Auto Co. $ 4],199 24 Am. Linen Supply 296 53 Auto Gear Co. 136 70 Band Box 203 33 Bill Boyer Ford 128 91 Brookdale Motors, Inc. 35 34 Chapin Publishing 420 O0 Col. Hts. Agency, Inc. 2,591 28 Col. Hts. Fire Dept. 71 59 Col. Hts. Fire Dept. 4,364 35 Com. of Administration 152 47 ~rystal Motors 17 O0 14 7O 21~ 8l lO 85 22 54 24 26 12 50 216 00 295 O0 198 O0 12 27 2 3O 153. Cy's Mens Wear $ 48.45 James Dooley 316.66 Electric Motor Repair 7.25 Friden Division 57.00 Fridley Office Sup. 68.22 Gestetner Corp. 37.30 Royhl Hedblad 10.OO Heights Shell Ser. 18.00 Homelite 11.75 Hoover Wheel Align 17.O0 Insty-Prints 47.25 Keep Fill Products 8.04 Albert Kordiak 160.00 Kremer & Davis, Inc. 15.O0 J. N. Larson Chevrolet 17.11 MacQueen Equip. 24.00 John P. M~rchiniak 25.OO John P. Marchiniak 10.OO Metro Area Management 5.00 Midway Tractor & Equip. 5.12 Miller Davis Co. 147.30 New Minar Ford 11.24 Minnesota Insurance Ag. 31.O0 Minn.Assessors Assoc. 10.O0 Modern Cleanup 1,OOO.O0 Northfield Company 37.81 North Star Concrete 210.60 No. States Power 4.00 N.W. Bell Tel. Co. 25.00 Ovshak Prt. Co. 29.50 Shoppers City 15.88 Shoppers City 6.74 Spencer Sokolowski 750.00 Standard Oil Co. 1,156.81 Sun Newspapers 315.60 Thompson-Hayward 3~35 Unity Hospital 24.50 Water & Sewage Works 15.00 Steve Wodziak 34.00 Zander Lettering 6.25 Zander Lettering 1.40 Payroll Account 3,144.48 Am. Linen Supply 7.87 Audio Electronics 698.00 Brunswick Corp. 58.00 Coca Cola Btlg. 41.50 No. Lexington Land. 875.00 Pepsi Cola Btlg. 7.40 Donald F. Pertinen 8.00 Progressive Design Ass¢, 2,O72.71 Roger Sheehy 9,487.35 Sperior Equip. Div. 129.38 Col. Hts. Recr. Comm. 114.75 Northland Milk Co. $ 8.37 Pommer Mfg. Co. 10.53 Gary Scholla 17.O0 Famous Brand 754.21 Griggs, Cooper 1,855.85 Johnson Bros.Whlse. 1,493.51 Johnson Paper &Sup. 147.12 Old Peoria Co. 2,672.74 Ed Phillips & Sons 3,595.35 Am. Linen Sup. 133.72 Coca Cola Btlg. 172.50 Col. Hts. XK~Agency 4,571.O0 Consol Bev. Co. 348.60 Ganzer Distributor 2,109.O2 Gold Medal Bev. Co. 15.00 Hamm's Twin City Sales 1,913.00 Emil Koistinen 36.80 Liquor Control Com. 5.00 Eddie Mattson 177.60 Mpls Btlg. Co. 48.75 N.W. Bell Tel. Co. 4.50 Pepsi Cola Btlg. 70.20 State Treasurer 12.00 Col. Hts. Water 130.55 Col. Hts. Dairy Queen 2.99 Hts. Electric 145.89 Master Tank Serv. 224.00 Mpls. Gas Co. 498.20 Mobile Radio Eng. 52.00 Motorola Commun. 235.00 N.S.P. Co. 3,509.28 N.W. Bell Tel. Co. 753.41 Olsons' Plumbing 72.95 W & G Rehbein Land. 150.96 Wyatt Bros. 25.73 Anderson Aggreg. 624.96 W. H. Barber Oil. 96.23 Dunkley Surfacing 811.87 Bert T. Hansen Const. 385.00 North Star Concrete 7,613.76 Olson's Plumbing 960.00 Olson's Plumbing 556.14 Orfei & Sons 1,182.67 Richard Oil Co. 655.20 Total Bills$112,gl2.70 Presentation to Mr. Burton. A Certificate of Appreciation was presented to Mr. Don Burton who resigned from the Traffic Commission after 7½ years of service to the City. Ordinance #743 - Parking Meter Rates. A first reading was held on Ordinance #743 setting parking meter rates in the City of Columbia Heights to five cents for 30 minutes and ten cents for 60 minutes, and raising the fine for violation to $2.00. Mayor Nawrocki pointed out that the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce were made aware of this proposed change and they indicated no objections to this change. Ordinance #744 - Prohibiting the Sale of Non-returnable Beverage Containers. A first reading was held on Ordinance #744 prohibiting the sale of certain non-returnable or dispos~le beverage containers. Several students from the S.C.A.R.E. organization at the High School were present and a discus~on was held on when an appropriate time wOuld be for a second reading and a public hearing on the ordinance. It was decided to delay action on the second reading until other communities in the metropolitan area have had a chance to catch up with Columbia Heights on the matter. Resolution Urging State Legislature to Promulgate Legislation Prohibiting. Sale of Non-returnable Containers. The Resolution was offered by Logacz, seconded by Jeska, WHEREAS, the City of Columbia Heights is considering the adoption of an ordinance prohibiting the sale of certain non-returnable or disposable beverage containers; and WHEREAS, the City of Columbia Heights recognizes that action prohibiting the sale of beverages in these non-returnable containers should be passed at the state leal, NOW, THEREFORE, the City of Columbia Heights resolves: That a copy of Ordinance #744 be given to the State Representative and State Senator for the district encompassing Columbia Heights and urges the elected officials at the State level to promul§ate legislation (at the State level) prohibiting the sale of the so called non-returnable containers. The resolution was adopted. The Council members asked the staff to see that copies of this resolution be sent out to any committees considering legislation in this area. Request to Purchase Program Panel for Bookkeeping Machine. The City Clerk-Treasurer was present requesting authorization to purchase a new program panel for the bookkeeping machine. Mr. Theis explained this panel would do the quarterly reports, PERA reports, and W-2 Forms and would serve as a great timer saver eliminating the process of putting all the figures on a work sheet and having a typist type them up in stencil form. 155. Motion by Heintz, seconded by Land that the City Manager be authorized to purchase a new program panel for the bookkeeping machine in an amount not to exceed $750, the $750 to be transferred from the P.E.R.A. fund to the Capital Outlay Furniture and equipment portion of the Clerk-Finance Officer portion of the budget. Roll Call - All Ayes. Request to Call for Bids on Underground Wired Lights. The City Engineer reported the property owners on Hart Boulevard have agreed to participate in the cost of installing underground wired street lights and he requested to call for bids on these lights. The Council members said they would like to see an outline of what is being proposed before bids are received. Motion by Jeska, seconded by Logacz that the City Engineer be authori~zed to prepare specifications for underground lighting with underground wiring for the Hart Lake area. Roll Call - All Ayes. Report on Acceptance of 1970 Salary Offer by Local 664. The City Manager reported receiving a letter of acceptance of 1970 salary ~~package from members of Local 664 representing Sewer & Water Department employees. He said the original resolution was passed a few months ago and was contingent upon acceptance by the union. Set Price on Remote Reader Installations. The City Manager reported installations on remote readers would begin Tuesday morning and he would like to set a flat rate price for the installation. He said we had tentatively set a price of $21 but it appears we may lose money on them at this price. Motion by Jeska, seconded by L0gacz that a price of $25 be established. After a lengthy discussion on the time involved in installing the readers and some of the problems anticipated, a suggestion was made to table the item, install readers in the Council members homes, and see how long it actually takes. Motion by Heintz, seconded by Land that the motion to set the rate on installation be tabled until such time as we have put in some units and can determine our actual costs on same. Roll Call - All Ayes. Bids on Folder-Inserter and Mailing Machine. Motion by Heintz, seconded by Jeska that the City Manager be authorized to call for bids on a folder-inserter and mailing machine, bids to be opened at the last regular meetin~'~ December. Prior to advertising for bids, descriptive material~ prospective biddable machines be furnished to the Ci~ Council. Roll Call - All Ayes. 1.56. Appeal Denial of Truck, Trailer License for 3854 Central. Mr. Clarence Peterson of Heig~s Mobile, 3854 Central, was present to appeal the Planning and Zoning Commission denial of a truck and trailer license for his station. The request was denied because the Planning Commission felt a fence should be put up on the north and west side of the property adjacent to the property owners on the west side in accordance with the license ordinance. Mr. Peterson said very probably Mobile Oil would not be interested in putting up a fence as this was his own endeavor and he presented a petitiOn signed by his neighbors stating no objections to the rental business and stating their wishes to leave the trailers at their location without a fence. Motion by Heintz, seconded by Jeska to grant the request on the basis of the petition from the residents indicating they have no objection to the operation, that the petition be placed on file. Roll Call - All Ayes. The Council members indicated they would like to have Mobil Oil notified that something be done for stabilization of the embankment behind the property. Garbage Complaints. A discussion was held on the manner used in handling garbage complaints after Mayor Nawrocki reported a missed pick-up at 1730 - 49th Avenue where the owner had two plastic cans which were not picked up four weeks. The resident at this address now owns two galvanized cans but would like to have Modern Clean-up pick up the contents from the plastic cans as he does not know what to do with them and has complied with the ordinance by purchasing two galvanized cans. Library Agreement. Mrs. Deeble, Librarian, was present to report on the 1971 contract with the Anoka County Library for service to residents of both the City and County Library District. After a lengthy discussion, it was ~cided to take no action on the contract until the Council has a chance to hear from other Library Board members on this. Report on Towing Service. The Police Chief reported some problems with respect to the towing service company being moved to a new location down on Nicollet Island. The Council members asked for more information particularly on how long it takes someone to get here when they are called to tow a car. State-Local Fiscal Problems Conference. Motion by Jeska, seconded by Land that the request for authorization for two people to attend a state-local fiscal problems meeting at the Leamington Hotel on December 15, 1970 be granted. Roll Call - All Ayes. 157. Burl ington-Northern Presentation. It was reported Burlington-Northern Railroad will present a film and discussion session on the area for their new switching yard at the Field House, Tuesday, November 24th. Notices were sent to residents affecl~d. Bids on Sewer Cleaning Compounds. Motion by Heintz, seconded by Jeska that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for sewer cleaning compounds, for 1971, bids to beopened December 14, 1970. Roll Call - All Ayes. Report on Educational Assistance Allotment. The City Manager reported a resolution setting an allotment for tuition and books for the Police Department was discovered in a salary resolution passed in January, 1969. A report on who was presently attending school was submitted by the Police Chief. No action was taken. Request authorization to attend NLC Convention. Motion by Heintz, seconded by Jeska that expenses for Mayor Nawrocki to attend the National League of Cities Meeting in Atlanta, George, the week of December 7th, be authorized in the amount of up to $500. Roll Call - All Ayes. Report on Vacation Time for Certain Employees. The City Attorney repor~c~on a situation where an employee of the Engineering Department took a leave of absence from the City to go into the armed services. He has since returned and would like to have the vacation time which accrued while he was in the service, such as was done a few years back for another employee of the city. A lengthy discussion was held on what would be a reasonable vacation under these circumstances and the Attorney was instructed to get more information and report back at the next meeting. Licenses. Motion by Jeska, seconded by Heintz that the licenses as listed be granted upon payment of proper fees and that any restrictions that have been on the licenses in the past continue. Roll Call - All Ayes. Legislative Proposals. It was reported the Anoka County Association of Municipalities is looking for proposals to the 1971 Legislature and any we may are to be submitted. It was suggested to propose changes in the police pension fund. 158. I Appointment to Joint Purchasing Committee. A Joint Purchasing Committee has been formed within the Anoka County Association of Municipalities and a representative from Columbia Heights would be desirable. The Council members asked if John Barna, Administrative Assistant, might be interested in this committee. Motion by Jeska, seconded by All Ayes. Sec;t~'etary to the Council OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS Special Meeting Heintz to adjourn at ~/]:50 p.m. Bruce G. Nawrocki, Mayor Roll Call November 30, 1970 The meeting was called toorder at 8:03 p.m. Jeska, Logacz, Nawrocki - present. Roll Call: Land, Heintz, Also present were the City Manager, City Attorney, staff members from the Engineering Department and the Assessor's office, and approximately I 2 00 citizens. Mayor Nawrocki stated the meeting was an assessment hearing for review of various improvement projects which have been completed this past year, all or a part of which the cost will be assessed against the adjacent property. The proj'e'cts were as follows: Project #497 - Street Opening, Gravel Base, Sewer on Tyler Place and 44½ Avenue. It was reported the cost on this project came to $23.15 per foot, the assessment to bespread over a 10 year period. There were no questions raised on this project. Project #600 - Street Opening, Gravel Base, and Sewer in 42½ Avenue. The cost of this project was assessed at $20.77 with the recommendation that the assessment be spread over an eight year period. The only question on this project related to clarifying any additional assessments that might take place on 42½ Avenue such as sidewalks, curb and gutter. Project #622 - Platting and Concrete Alley Paving, Fillmore to Pierce, 46th to 47th Avenue. The assessment for this project was $8.74 and the recommendation was to spread the cost over a five year period. There were no questions on Proje ct #622. Project #634 - Curb, Gutter and some Base Work, Stinson and Fairway Drive. This project was done in conjunction with the county paving work on these streets. It was recommended to spread the assessments for three years. No questions were raised on the project