HomeMy WebLinkAboutNov 14, 19440FFI CIAL PROCEEDI),'GS
Regular Meeting
Move~er 14th, 1944
The meeting w~s celled to order at 8:30 P.~. All -.members nresent, l~[ir, utes of the
orevious meeting read and ao~_roved.
The Council discussed the ~.tter of refundiz~g the $10~,000 City of Col~zmbie Heights bonds
bearing interest et the rate of ~ now held by the State of Minnesota.
Resolution offered by ~!yga~rd, seconded by Soekul.~_ut. A resolution deeming it necessary
~nd exoedten~ to issue tke bonds of the City of Col~3J~bi~ Hei,'~hts in the amount of
~105,000 for the 'ouroose of reftuuding a like orincioa~l ~moun% of bonds of the City now
outstanding. %?HEREAS, the City ha.s heretofore duly snd legally issued its reftu~ding
bonds to the State of Minnesota of w~ich there are now outstanding, bearing interest at
the rate of 3%. ~105,000 maturing on July in the years and ~.~'~ounts ~~s follows:
1945- $2,000; 1946- $12,000; 1947- $12,000; 1948- ~12,000; 1949- ~12,000; 1950-
$12,000; 1951- $12,000; 1952- $1~,000; 195S- $1~,000; 1954- $5,000. Ai~ '.THEREA$,
the State of ~,',innesot~ is in certain instances .ner'~.~itting bonds of municipalities held
by it to be reftu~ded 52~ 0aying ~ oremium reorese~:ted by the differe~.~ce between the
rate, which these bonds no;v bear, and the 2~,~ r~te w~ich the State can secure on
Government bonds; and ':~HEREAS, it enoears thet new reftu~ding bonds c~n be sold bearing
interest at a r~te not to exceed I ~/4% wLich will show a considerable saving to the
City and its taxpayers. ~70~?, THER~0RE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of
Oolumbi~ Heights, In Anoka Cotu~ty, I~,'innesots~, as follows: 1. That for the ouroose of
refunding the $105,000 bonds of the City of ColuJ~bi~ Heigkts, be~ring $~ interest, now
held by the $~ate of Minnesota, or such cart thereof ~.s ,,"m~ be legally refunded, it is
advisable, exp. edlent and necessary to issue snd there are hereby authorized and directed
to be issued the negotiable couoon bonds of ~he City of Coltu~bia Heights in the aggregate
amount of $105,000. 2. That said bonds shall be known as Refunding Bonds, lC~44 Series,
shall be dated December l, 1944, shall be in the denomt~ation of $1,000 each, shall be
nt~nbereel from I to 108, botl~ inclusive, and shall :~ture i~ the order of their nLtmbers,
lowest number first, without option of prior ~j~nent as follows: ~12,000 on December 1
in e~ch of the years in 1946 to 1948 both inclusive; ~" on
, ~l..~,000 Deceraber I, 1949; and
:$14,000 on December I in each of the years from 19~3 to 195S, both inclusive. 3. That
this Council will meet on the 12th day of December, 1944 at 8:00 o'clock P. ~,[. in the
City Hall in the City of Colttmbie Heights to receive and consider bids for the s~le of
said bonds such bids ~o be for a total of $105 ,000 ,snd in the alterrm~te for a total
of ~50,000 being $5,000 due each year 1947 snd 1948, and $10,000 due each year 1949 to
1952, both inclusive. That all bids shall be sealed and filed with the City Manager at
or before the time fixed for the ssle and accomnanied by a Certified Check or Ceshier's
Check, payable to the order of the City Treasurer, in the amo~3~t of 2~ of the fece
value of the bonds bid for, the CoLu~cil reserwing the right to reject any or all bids.
Tha-t the City E~.n~ger be ~.nd hereby is ,nthorized e~nd directed to give due notice of
such sale by ~ublishing notice thereof once in each week for two successive weeks in
the Coltuabia Heights Record, the official newsoaoer of s~id City, being a legal news-
Caper 0ubltshed in the City of Col~3~bl~ Heights, ~tnnesota. Roll Call - A:~es; Bentzen,
Jackson, Nygaard, Soel~l~nt, Bassett. Neys: None.
Motion by SoeL-ula. nt, seconded by Jackson, t]mt the City I,:~nager be euthorlzed to
advertise for bids for sale of $108,000 Refunding Bonds of the City of Col~3~ubia Heifh~s.
Rol.1 Call - All ayes.
Motion by Nyga~.rd, seconded by Bent~zen, that City Manager write One. CrLt?,e, secret~ry of
the State ~noloyees Retirement Assdciation reouesting permission to recall the $16,000
City of Column?cia Heights bonds held by said Association. RollCall - All ayes.
Second re,.ding of AJ~eni~ent to 0rdin~nce Ifc. 17~ - Trsiler 0rdi,~nce.
First reading of ~lendment to Ordinance No. 193 - Horse Ordinance.
Motion by Nygaard, seconded by Spel~ant, that the con~mzaication from the Minnesota
Dept. of Health,together with report covering water main extensions in this city, be
olaced on file. Roll Call - All ayes.
Motion by Spet~alant, seconded by Jackson, that the letter from John Hogan, 4~15 Stinson
Blvd. protesting grading done by the City which he deemed detrimental to his property,
be olaced on file. Roll Call - All ayes.
Notion by Jackson, seconded by Spekulant, tl~.t the communication from the American City
Magazine regarding club subscriotions to the magazine be olaced on file. Roll Call -
All ayes.
Mr. Ray Pearson aopeared before the Council (on behalf of Myrtle Pearson, licensee of
beer parlor at 4010 - Central Ave. N.E.) as per request made by the Co~uucil at the Oct.
2~th meeting. Council issued warning to Mr. Pearson, stating tk~t his license could be
revoked for the violation co~mitted, a~d cautioning him to be more strict in dealing with
Co~rmrmnication read from the Anoka Fire Deoartment requesting this city to oarticipate in
an all County Service-board to be situated in Anoka.
Notion by Nygaard, seconded by Jackson, that the City Nan~ger be instructed to write to
the Anoka Fire Department declining their offer to include this City's servicemen's names
on s~h a County board. Roll Call - Ail ayes.
~otion by Jackson, seconded by Spe~:ulant, that the letter from the Chief of the Col.
H~ghts Fire Dep't. regarding the establishment of the local department on a civil
service bmsis be turned, bver tb~ the City Attorney for investigation. Roll Call -
Ail ~yes.
(See note - end of minutes) ·
Amen~uent to Ordinance No. i?S - Trailer Ordinance - offered by Jackson, seconded
by Pygaard. Being an Amen~nent to grant the Cou~ucil ~ower to extend the time of
temporary occupation of trailers in special cases. Roll Call - Ail ayes.
Resolution offered by Spekul~t, seconded by Nygaard. A resolution adoptinE assessment
roll for Local Imorovement No. 108 and determining that said improvement be made and
ratifying and confirming all other proceedings heretofore had. Roll Call - ~&ll ayes.
Resolution offered by Jackson, seconded by Bentzen. A resolution adopting assessment
roil for Local Improvement No. 110 and determining that said ~nprovement be ~.de and
ratifying and confirming all other proceedings heretofore had. Roll Call - Ail ~yes.
Resolution offered by Bentzen, seconded by Soekulant. A resolution adopting assessment
roll for Local ~rovement No'. 111 and a~.term~nzng that said i~rovement be m~de and
ratifying and confirming all other proceedings heretofore had. Roll Cs. II - Ail ayes.
Resolution offered by Nygasrd, seconded by Jackson. A resolution adooting assessment
roll for Local Tmorovement No. 11~ and determining that said improvement be made and
ratifying and c~afirming all other oroceedings heretofore had. Roll Call - Ail ayes.
Resolution offered by SpeLm~lant, seconded by Nygaard. A resolution adopting ~ssessment
roll for Local In~rovement No. 118 and determining that said improvement be z~de and
ratifying'and confirmin~ all other proceedings heretofore had. Roll Call - Ail ayes.
L.~. Bassett
Andrew Spek~lant
I tying Nygsard
DAvid Jackson
Roy Bentzen
R0sella C. Johnson
P2 Then. 01sson
Hazel A. Trucker
Gordon Peterson
F. M. Gillett
Walter E. Cottrell
Clinton F. Schultz
Harry B. Hansen
Joe Podany
Merle Glader
Clyde C. Johnson
Myrtle D. Anderson
Fred W. Tatting
E. Steinfeldt
Omar Sch'vart z
William 0stmoe
Alex Atroshenko
Joe Homza
James McKenna
Eari Cleland
Victor Sar
Clyde Brown
Walter Ploc?~, cki
Lucille Hawkins
A. E. Sundberg
0. W. Dunemann
Dan DeMars
Gerhard Nansen
Dennis Roach
},{itch DeMars Jr.
E. Steinfeldt
$,oec. Fund- 'N.H. Tax
" " Bond Acct.
Johanna Eremer
Ellen Schoen
Vera Eriesei
Cora Severson
Dorothy Tigue
Clara M. Reinhart
Grace Lombard
Mary Ts,mm
Harriet Julkowski
Marine H. Anderson
Evelyn Passage
Anna M. Bennethum
Eunice Gorecki
Zementa Deeble
Doris Schoeller
Edith Kuss
Hazel Heule
Edith Holm
Geneva A. Hinz
Roger ',?. Bushey
John Christiansen
Fra~ Gagnie
3. O0 'K
S. 20~.
58.99,r',,,, ",
eo.9 v
62.. 9_0~~
8~. 23 W'"',,,
52.45 ~k
83.2~'~ ,,
69. O0
', 16.80'/'k
1~. 20
13.20 ~
12.20 '
12.20 -,
12.20 ..~
12.20 ,,
l1.70 ~
ll. ?0 ?
11.70 ~
10.95 ~
3.00 ~'~,
S.O0 \
l,[.~rvi n Grosslein
Vernon Hoium
Dr. J. S. Blmnenthal
Col.Hgts. ',?ater & Sewer De~t.
Col. Heights Fire' Dept.
Il II il
The Firestone Co.
John Teseth
Dependable Motore Inc.
Bruce-Sifford Studio
Johnson Auto SupDly Co.
Jay ':'t. Craig Co.
Goodin Co.
The ;?syne Pm~p Co.
7later 7~ork Engineering
Northern States Power
The ~orthland 0il Co.
U. S. Supply Co.
Air Reduction Sales
'g. S. l'Tott Co.
0ggie Sorensen
Heights Service Station
John Seman
Milton G. 0uimette
L. ¥~. Northfield
Johnson Service Station
'Namer Hdwe. Co.
Rocket 0il Co.
~merican Cast Iron Pine Co.
City Treas. - hetty cash
Dombosch Bros. & Co.
L. ;f. iforthfield Co.
Johnsons Service Station
Nesbitt Bottling Co.
Coca Cola Bottling Co.
Mpls. Dist. Bowling Ass~n.
Brtu~swick-Balke-Co iIender Co.
Thomas '~alker 'Vrecking Co.
Chss. Ganzer
Fra,~?_lin Co-Operative Crr%v.
E. B. Crabtree Co.
Johnson Paper & Sunoly Co.
American Linen Co.
Park Board - Petty cash
Col. Heights ~Tater Den't.
American Linen Co.
Ed Phillips & Sons
S. F. Kreskie
Fred Spoor
Rosella C. Johnson
Helen M. Chudek
Frsr~, Coenen
Anna Tkach
Margaret Anderson
Donald Knut son
Felix Sochacki
SDec. Fund- ~V. H. Tax
1225. O0
1. O0
~. 55~
sss.7 ,
?~. 3~'
~ 76.24
16. ~0
SS. 15~
Spec. Fund - Bond Acc~t.
$. K. Kreskie
Distillers Distributing Co.
Old Peoria
Griggs-Cooper & Co.
tgcKesson & Robbins Inc.
FamoUs Brands Inc~
Geo. Benz Sons Co.
Ninn~apolis Brewing Co.'
W. J. Chew
John'C. Doherty
Chas: Ganzer
Coca'Cola Bottling Co.
242. ~0~.
2SO. 55~
McKesson & Robbins
John Set,an
Hartin Agency
National Cash Register Co.
Monarch Soap Co.
Johnson Paper & Supply Co.
Goodin Co.
American Linen Co.
N. A. Gunter
Oonlyn Nfg. 0o.
Col. Heights N.L.S.-petty cash
Ed Phillips & Sons
Grace Munsch
55. O0 \"-
5. O0"x
8; 91'~,---
59.71 ~'--.
S. O0 ,,-
72.8 By-..
825. ~D -,~
Resolution offered by Nygaard,' seconded by Spekulsmt. BE IT PSIREBY RESOLVED by the City
Oouncil of the City of Col~2bia Heights t?~.t the' Treasurer is authorized and hereby instructed
to transfer the s~m of $?00 from the Lieuor Fund' to the Fire Fm~d; smd that there are
sufficient moneys in said Liquor Fund to make subh tr~%sfer. Roll Call - All ~yes.
Resolution offered by Jackson, seconded by Nygsard. BE IT HEREBY ~SOLVEDby the City
Council of the City of Columbia Heights that the' Treasurer is authorized and ,hereby
instructed to transfer the sum of $300 from the Liquor Fund to the Street Fund; and that
there are sufficient moneys in said Liquor Fund to ~ak.e such transfer. Roll Call - All eyes.
Resolution offered by Jackson, seconded by Spekulsmt. BE IT ~REBY RESOLVED by the City
Council of the City of Colmubia Heights that the' Treasurer is authorized s.nd hereby
instructed to transfer the sum of $900 from the Licuor Fund to the A~ninistration Fund;
and that there are sufficient moneys in said Li~U°r Fund to make such transfer. Roll
Call'- All ayes.
Motion by Jackson, seconded by l~yga~.rd, that the' bills be allowed out of their pro'~r
f%md§. Roll Call - All ayes.
Resolution offered by Bentzen, seconded by Jacksbn.. THE, CITY CO~CIL OF THE OITY OF
COLD]:~IA HEIGHTS HEREBY RESOLVES: That the City' Clerk be end she hereby is directed
to c~rtify to the County Auditor of Anoka Co%mtythe assessments for the following
local imorovements: Local Improvements Nos. 108', llO, lll', ll4 and llS.' Roll Call -
~ (See resolution bottom of page)
City'Manager r~oorted water main extensions on Cleveland St. and Stinson Blvd. comoleted.
Moti?n by Jackson, seconded bY Spetn~,lsnt, that m?~~djourned.
Sec~,.etary to-t~t~e C~il .
· Hea~i_ng on Local Imorovements_ ~os. 108, llO, lll, ll4 and ll6 conducted at this meet lng
as ~oer notice published in the legal newsoaoer of the city. There were no property owners
oresent whose orooerty was adjacent, to. any of above listed ~morov~men~s Hearin~ no objec-
t, ions to said. i~rovements, the Co%mcil oassed the following resolutions:
~Re~olution offered by Jackson, seconded by Soe~alant. BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City
Coz=~il of the City of Columbia Heights that the' City Manager be and he hereby is author-
ized and directed to oublish a notice in the legal news'caDet of the City that assessments
on t~e local i~worovements as listed below, the sssessmeD-t rolls of ,which were duly adopted
at the regular meeting of the Council held ]~ov. ~4, 1944, may be maid in full at. the City
Offiqe without interest or penalty until Dec. 15; 1944. Local I~mrovements ~!os. 108, llO,
lll, ll4 and ll6. Roll Call - All ayes.