HomeMy WebLinkAboutJun 6, 1944I;.ot~on by ~?yg~ard, seconded by ]~entzen, that next re~l.r Corn,ell meeting be ne~d on
June 6~n. Ro~l C~ll - All ayes.
Motion by My~rd, ;eco~ded my Bentzen, tb~t mee~ln; ~e ~dJourned
SecPeta~ to th~cil
Regular Meeting
J~.e 6, 19,t,4
The meeting was called to order at 8:35 P. l.i. All members present. .'.,:inures of the
previous meeting rend an4 aoproved.
Mr. ~riffith anoeared before the Council in re~-~rds to the ccr~dit!on of the ~,l].ey in
Block 57. 4r. 0!ss,n advi,ed t t noag~aae be estn.,isbe~, ~s ~mh act!on '#o]ld harm
rather than benefit the greater oercent?.ge of lots in the block. '..'.r. Oriffith pro-
tested this decision. Subseou~nt discussion. Decided that City .,.onoee. should set
stakes Showing pro,er frade to dr~,~n al. Icy and then reeuest pronerty owners to decide
whether or not they wish such gr,:de established.
Mr. Sauber and Mr. Anderson asked audience of the Council i;~ regards to the ho~e
stables, requesting to 5mow the CoUncil's decision in the matter. ',,tr. Peterson, acting
city attorney, stated th~.t he had not been contacted by Atty. Bessessen nor received ar~v
material from hir~ to be incorporated in the letter to the Attorney-General as oer their
agreement. The residents orecent at the meeting urged that action be started and
Peterson assured them he would contact their attorney im~.~ed~ately in the ratter.
I.'otion by .~gaard, secanded b~- Bentzen, t~"t the coramumlcation from the Minnesota A~nuse-
merit Co. inviting the Council to be their guests Jtme 12th fi~,n-tng the League Convention
be placed on file. Roll Call - All ayes.
Petition from Joseph Marek, 4101 Jefferson St. to install ~ tile drain across the alley
in Block 56 C.~M.A. just east of ffefferson St. to mr¢.vide drainage forlot 23 Blk. 56.
Motion by Soekulant, seconded by Nygaard, t!at petition be granted subject to Mr.
l~arek's pumchase of the lot intc which the water is to be drained (Lot 22)or that he
show written permission fro:~ the County Auditcr Roll
· ~ - All
, ,.license. +.
Mr. Sundberg appeared before the Council in regards to the p~um~ng appx~ca~on of
Sam Brown. The pl=nbing inspector advised the Council to reject ~aid application.
Motion by Spekulant, seconded by Jackson, t?mt the a?plication of Sam Brown be granted.
Roll Call - Ayes: 2~one. Nays: All.
Motion by l'7ygaard, seconded by Jackson, tlmt tt.e license fee in the amour, t of $6.75 be
refunded to Sam Brown. Roll Call - All ayes.
L:otion by Nygaard, seconded by Bentzen, that ~he re<uest of the l,;orthern States Power Co.
to install three (S) pole~, in alley between .~ain and Caltforn'.a Sts., ~Sth and 39th Aves.
be granted. Roll Call - All ayes.
Comm~nication read fro:.', the ~¢narcn Soap and Chemical Co., ~= ....
,: .... '~ Fifth St .... E., making
ap.n. lic~tion for a r.~antu~acturir~g oermit .... in the City of Colu::'~ia '-'~,t,-,~,+~.,.,.,~ ~-is ar~plic-
ation was accompanied by a reconm~endation for acceptance from the Planning Commission.
Motion by Jackson, seconded by Nygaard, tkat the application of the Monarch Soap and
Chemical Co. be granted. Roll Call - All ayes.
~,~otion by Jackson, seconded by 1,?ygaard, that the commt%uication from l,~yor l~rvin Kline
of Minneapolis,e:.:tending a welcome to the Mayor and Co~cil during the League of Minnesota
},~icipalittes Convention, be filed. Roll Call - All ayes.
Motion by Jackson, seconded by ~lygaard, that the r~quest of Ray HoI.[strom to grace a~d cinder
43rd Ave. to a point 300 ft. east of Reservoir Blva. be turned ove~ to the City Manager to
check and figure cost of Job. Roll Call - All ayes.
ldotion by Bentzen, seconded by Spekulant, that the co~mication from the Board of Park
Oo~-~issioners,requesting that a temporary s~ointment be ~u~.de to fill the vacancy left by
Mr. Von Dell when he entered the Service, be tabelled tu%til the next meeting. Roll Call-
All ayes.
Resolution offered by Bentzen, seconded by Jackson. The City Co~uucil of the. City of
Colm~ia Heights hereby resolves: That the City Cotuucil of the City of Columbia Heights
determines to ~e the following Locsl Invor¢,vem~nts:
Job ~ll0 - Surfacing on ZSth Ave. from 5th St. to the east line of Lot, 39 Blk. 84,
also on Madison Place from 3Tth to 5Sth Aves.
" ~109 - Surfacing on Tyler St. from 3gth to 41st Ave.
~fl08 - Surfaci~g on Lookout Place from 5th St. to '.-!0th Ave.
~l~l - Surfacin~ on Q~incy St. from S?th to Sgth Ave., also on 38thAve. from
Q~incy St. to west lot line of Lot $ Block 88.
" ~112 - Su~facing on Quincy
o~. from a ooint 9.8 North of so~th lot line of
Lot 9 Block 65 to 4Otb Ave. - ~ll6 -Surfacing on 6th St. from
~lS - Surfacing on 5th St. from A4_th to 45th Ave. N.E. - 44th to 45th
"~_ - Surfacing on l~onroe St. from ~nd to 43rd Ave. N. E.
" ~ll5 - Surfacing on 4th St. from 42nd to 45th Ave.
and, That the City' Manager be snd he is hereby directed to prepare s~u estimate of the
cost of said i~'~rovemenMand to draft a list of the several lot~ and parcels of land
fronting uoon and adjacent to such proposed i~rovement~ which is benefitted thereby.
Roll Call - All ayes.
Resolution offered by Jackson, seconded by Bentze~. BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by th~ City
Council of the 0ity of Col~mubia Heights as follows: (I) ~'~st the Cotu~cil hereby determines
that th%, prnoerty described in the list attached hereto will be benefitted by such local
i~mrovement. (2) Tlm.t this Com~cil will meet on the 20th day of Jm~e, 19.z4_.at eight
o~clock P.[~i. at tha 0ity Office in said City where all osrsons interested ha2' ao~ea_r and
bs heard by the Cozu%cil with resoect to benefits ~ud to the orooortion of th=~o~' of the
improvement to be assessed against their property; and that the City Manager be and he
hereby is authorized and directed to oublish a notice of the time and place when. and where
such oersons msy be heard, once in the official newspaper of the City not less than l0
day~ prior to the date of such meeting, together with a description by bom~daries of the
district benefitted by such im'~rovements. Said notice of hearing to be for hhe local ~
in®r~,vem~nts as listed in the above resolu'tion. Roll Call - All ayes.
The City I;ianager reported on the investigation of the sitttation at Jackson Pond and
advised that the pond be keot at the oresent level. Discussion. It was decided to
r~tain the water at the present level, for the time being at least.
Resolution offered by Bentzen, seconded by Speku!ant. BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the
City Council of the City of Cold, ia Heights that the City Treasurer is authorized and
hereby instructed to 2~l~e the fo~--~w~,~,- t ~ ~ $700.00 to the
r~-~.,s~ers frc.~ +~'~ Liquor Fund;
Police Fu~d; $500.~0 to Fire F~xd; $1200.~.~ to Street F~m; ~,~ .00 to the Ad:~!~:istra-
tion ~d, $~0C.00 of which ts for convention purposes; '~
a: ....... there ~re s~flc~ent
moneys in saiJ Lictor F~n~d to :~.~ke such truth,f ers. Roll Call - All
S~e~,~,~,~ , *~ ,~'-~., ~-.:: .~ :~ out ,~-~ proper
funds. Roll Call - All ayes.
L. ~,;. Bassett
Andre.w Spekulant
Irving Nygaard
David Jackson
Roy B~nt zen
P. Theo. Olsson
Hazel A. Trucker
L. A. Tjosvold
Gordon Peterson
F. ~. Gillett
Rosella C. Johnson
Fred L. Gray
Cvshak Prtg. Co.
Let a 'Parke r
L. :?. Northfield
Walter E. Cottrel!
Clinton F. Schultz
R. J. Murphy
Joe Podany
}~erle Glader
Clyde C. Johnson
Myrtle D. Anderson
Johnmons Service Station
Mason' s l~blishing Co.
i',i:~land Paper & St~ti3ner~, Co.
Cmar Schwartz
Wm. Ostmoe
Dr. J. S. B!u::~enthal
A. E. Sundberg
James McEenna
Earl Cleland
Victor Saf
Clyde Brown
Alex At ro shenko
Joe Homza
State Farm l~iut~,l Ins. Co.
Grant Storage Bettery
Landers l~orblom Chrlstenson Co.
City of Minneapolis
Milton G. Ouimette
Rex Oil
Lucille Hawkins
Ovshak Prtg. Co.
Northern States Power Co.
F~moloyers ]~utual Ins. Co.
~lotor Power Equip. Co.
Col. Hgts. '~?ater & Sewer
Bakers Suner Service
Fowler Electric Co.
I. A. Stevens
Heights Service Station
Spec. Fund - W.H. Tax
~ - '~ar Bo~s
S ~ M Tire Co.
L~arvin Grossleln
~arner Hdwe. Co.
Johnsons Service
Vita Cap
G. Hansen
Danish Seed Co.
~orthern States Power Co.
Park Board (Petty Cash)
Cc!. P~ts. ~?~ter ~ Sewer
Trench Variety Store
N. ~. Bell Telephone Co.
AncOna County k~Adttor's Office
Col. Hgts. Ht~ School
O. ~. L'uner~nn
!,[ols. ~nc. Athletic Assoc.
C. J. Ho!~a~rd
Tb.o:;~%s ~al~er Co.
E. B. Crabtree
Seve~-~p Bottling Co.
Fr~ltn Creamery Co.
Chas. G'~u z er
Coca Cola Bottling Co.
~!ftch DeL~ars Jr.
Jack l~iles
E. Steinfeldt
F. Tatt~.~g
Rose Hill ?'ursery
A. E. Strobel
Paul A. Schm!ft ~lusic Co.
C. ~T. Dune~mnn
D~ Delars
Gerhard I~ansen
Dennis Roach
Spec. F,Lud -'??r Bonds
" " - ~.7~. Tax
115.9 .8~'~
S4. e6~k
3S. 88~
5.8~ -
48. O0 ~
74.80 ~
s4.z9 %
S. F~ Ereskie
Fred Spoor
R. C. Johnson
Helen M. Chudek
Frank Coenen
Anna ~:~ch
Betty Heller
John Chudek
Donald Enutson
Felix Sochackt
Spec. Fund - Tar Bonds
" " - W. H. Tax
Ed Phillips & Sons Co.
Distillers Distributing
F~0us Br~.nds Inc.
S. F. Ereskie - Rent
82.15~ Grtggs-Cooper & Co. 2541.49~
75. ~4~ 1;~¢Kesson & Robbins Inc.. 659.~E
$6.?~ 01d Peoria Co. 708.76~'~
37.8~ 7~. J. Chew 172.65~,~
54.i~, Coca Cola Btg. Co. 11.10~
C~.s G~.nzer 860,19~~
Zo,9~~ St~dard Cigar & Tob~cco Co,
43,4~. }~c,Liquor Stores Assoc, 10
g0 ~[cKesson & Robbin~ 1~.~
19.6 ~vin .City Exterm. Co. 6.00'~
35.0~y~ Johnson Paper Co. 18.
57.64~ ~jnerican Linen Co.
480.69 ~l. A.. G~ter 58. o9
229.9~ ~.~inneapolis Brewing Co.
90.00~ John C. Doherty S23.95
Mot.ion by !~ygaard, seconded by Spekulant, to allow $~0.00 each for l~yor and Councilmen
to attend the League of Minnesota Dku~icioalities Convention to be held June 12-lAth;
Mr. Bentzen'.s allowanc~ to be paid out of the Liquo~V%uud; and that the City l~anager,
City Attorney and Liquor Store Nanager present bills, of exoenses incurred which .shall
be paid by the City. Rol.1 Call - All ayes.
city ~anager reported a request for tile to be installed in Rearrgt. of Block "C" 0n~ '.
42nd Ave. between University Ave. and the Lind!s prooer~y on Third S~. City L~m~ger
to estimate cost of tile and reoort at next meeting.
Eotion by }~yg~ard, seconded by Jackson, that meetingbe adjourned.
Sec.~tsr~ to th~_~L~u~cil
Special l~eeting
Jtuue 20, 1944_
A soecial meetinE of the City Council was held Tuesday, June 20th - meeting called to
order at 8:40 P. N. All members oresent. This meeting was called to provide hearing
for those property owners benefitted by the following local i~rovements:
Job ~ll0 - Surfacing on $Sth Ave. from 5th St.' to the east line of Lot S9 Blk.-84;
also on Nadison Place from S?th to SSth Ave.
~108 - Surfacing on Lookout Place from 5th~St. to 40th Ave.
~109 - Surfacing on Tyler St. from Sgth to~Alst Aves.
~lll - Surfacing on Quincy St. from S?th to Sgth Ave.; also on SSth Ave. from
Quincy St. to west 'lot line of Lot S Block 88.
" ~ll2 - Surfacing on Quincy st. from a point 9.8 north of south lot line of
Lot 9 Block 85 to 40th Ave.
~llS - Surfacing on 5th St. from 44th to ~Sth Ave.
" ~ll~ - Surfacing on Nonroe St. from 42nd to ~$rd Ave.
~ll5 - Surfacing on 4th St. from 42nd to ~Sth Ave.
~ll6 - Surfacing on 8th St. from~th to ASth Ave.