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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 18, 1943 A delegation again appeared Before the City Council in regard to the Question
of the Hilltop. and Oak~roov® ~ld~u~ StaBles aa hein~ a ~b~sam~e. There were around
60 people wh~ attended. The Fridlay Town B~ard, conelsting"'of Walter Osborne, Peter
CIar~ht, ~ry ~adaraon and Mrs. Tom Healy was present. Dlaousele~ ~ the que~tIon
Mm%ion by Bentzen seconded by Jackson authoriz~ng the City Attorney 'to draw
be re~ at the next ~e~tIn~. A copy of thl~ Ordinance is ~o ~e mailed
~o ~he Fr~dley To~n Board. ,Boll Call - Ail ~es.
~ot~on by Spekg/ant seconded by Bentzen to grant ~'he Electricians License of
F~ed $. Ft-aaler of 9I~ S~. 3rd Si., Hlnneapol~so Roll Call - AIl Ayes.
Motion b~ ~ackeOn seconded by Nygaard to grant the Ice Truck License ~f .~'ames
~cCullum. Roll OalI- Ali Ayes.
Preamble to Ordinance Ho. /q~ Offered by Bentz~n seconded by Spe~calamt.
Emergency Ordinan~e offered by Jackson seconded by Nygaard prohibitin~ the
unauthorized interference 9f the raiain~ or plantin~ of an~ plant, fruit~ veEetable
berry u~ed or intended for human consumption within the City of Columbia HelEhts
aud providin~ · penalty for the violation thereof. BoIl Call - All ~yes.
~mtion by Jackson seconded by NyEaard that the above ordinance Be published.
Roll Call -Ail Ayes.
Motion by Sackzon seconded by Spekulant to pla~e on file the communication
from Gordon C. Peteraan. Roll Call - Ali Ayes.
Motion by ~ygaerd seconded by Sackaon to ~lace on file the communication from
League of Minnesota Mu~/cipali%ies in re~ard to the convention to be held at the
Lowry F~teI on ~une ~, 11, & l~th. Roll CalI- All Ayes.
ReaAIutian offered By ~ygaa~d seconded hy Spekulam% &uthorizimg the City Treasurer
t~ ~ransfer $1~00.00 from the Liter FUnd to the ~Ire Fund. Roll Call - Ail Ayes.
~tion by ~ackson seconded by Nygaard to