HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 17, 1998 Work SessionC ,TY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Joseph Sturdevant Councilmembers -~90 40TH AVENUE N.E., COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MN .~542 ~-~78 (612) 782-2800 TDD 78~-2~06Donatd G. Jolly Marlaine Szurek Gary L. Peterson Robert W. Rueltimann City Manager Walt Fehst ADMINISTRATION NOTICE OF COUNCIL WORK SESSION Notice is hereby given that a Council Work Session is to be held in the CITT OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS as follows: Meeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Location of Meeting: CITY COUNCIL~CITY STAFF MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1998 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM AGENDA 2) 6) 7) 8) Feasibility Report for Sullivan Lake Sanitary Sewer and Wastewater Pumping Station Improvements - ~-,/]~ V~ City Wide Storm Water Study: Update on Localized Problem/Issues Replacement of Unit #234 MT Trackless 1998 Equipment Block Grant Authorization to Purchase One Unmarked Downsized Vehicle Repainting and Marking Van Using Money Donated by BFI. Ordinance Amending Code Regarding Keys Left in Ignition of a Police Vehicle. LaserFiche Maintenance Purchase of Jukebox & Scanning Equipment The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights'services, programs, and activities. Auxiliary aids for handicapped persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the City Council Secretary at 782-2800, Extension 209, To make arrangements. (TDD/782-2806 for deaf or hearing impaired only) CITY Of COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF DISABILI~Y tN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CiW of Columbia Heights Public Works Department Work Session Discussion Item Work session date: August 17, 1998 Prepared by: Kevin Hansen, Public Works Director/City Item: Feasibility Report for Sullivan Lake Sanitary Sewer and Wastewater Pumping Station Improvements Background: The City Council awarded the feasibility report preparation, design services, and construction administration to RLK- Kuusisto at their October 13, 1997 meeting. Attached herewith is the feasibility study with design alternatives and final recommendations for the Sanitary Sewer Lift Station and new Sanitary Sewer pipe construction. Analysis/Conclusions: Two anticipated development proposals, the Medtronic Expansion and St. Tim's Senior Housing project required the sewer line relocation and increased pumping capacities for the lift station. The project is funded through an economic development program grant in the amount of $250,000 and TIF Funding in the amount of $42,310 for a total budget of $292,310. Representatives from RLK will present the report to the Council and be available for any questions. Requested Action: Accept the feasibility report for the Sullivan Lake Sanitary and Waste Water Pumping Station and authorize the final design of the improvements as recommended in the report. City_ of Columbia Heights Public Works Department Work Session Discussion Item Work session date: August 13, 1998 ,~ Prepared by: Kevin Hansen, Public Works Director/City Eng Item: City Wide Storm Water Study: Update on Localized Problem/Issues Background: Through the process of investigating and preparing comprehensive engineering studies for various locations throughout the city, several other sites were evaluated in the scoping process but deemed more localized to not warrant detailed engineering study. Analysis/Conclusions: The following areas are included in the localized areas: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 4116 Cleveland 1156 to 1206 Khyber Lane 4201 2"d St. N.E. Main Street & 2nd Street (38th to 39th) 45th and Taylor Street 4960 Fillmore St. 4232 3rd Street A summary of each site's surface water related problem and recommended course of action will be presented by Public Works at the work session. Requested Action: This information is provided as an update and no specific action is requested of the council at this time. Staffdoes request council input/commentary on Public Works recommended plan of action for each site. Ci_ty of Columbia Heights Public Works Department Work Session Discussion Item Work session date: August 17, 1998 ~'"~x J Prepared by: Lauren McClanahan, Public Works Superintend Item: Replacement of Unit #234 MT Trackless (4-wheel drive multi-purpose tractor) and the following attachments: . 120" rotary mower deck · 51" two stage snow blower · 5' angle snow plow · 60" x 34" power angling sweeper Background: In 1988, the city purchased the MT Trackless for $38,881.00 with the intention of improving sidewalk maintenance and mowing operations. This unit has operated for 3,721 hours and has proven to be a real workhorse for the city. It served as the primary bulk lawn mowing machine until 1996, and continues to be the primary sidewalk maintenance machine. The tractor and attachments are worn out. The repair cost have been high in the last five years, but understandable when you consider the extreme adverse workload. After careful consideration staff recommends that sidewalk maintenance equipment should be on a five-year instead of a ten- year replacement schedule. Discussion: The MT Trackless and its closest competitor, the Holder, were field tested at various locations in Columbia Heights by the Public Works crew. The MT Trackless ranked fu'st in performance and operator preference. The MT Trackless has the speed to travel quickly from one location to the next, the power to move steadily through heavy snow, and the versatility to mow steep hills. Last year sidewalks on Johnson St. by Rarnsdell Park, and 44th Ave between Central Ave. and McLeod were added to the maintenance schedule. With the increased interest in walking trails and bike paths it is possible that additional areas will be added in the near future. The MT Trackless and attachments are available for purchase from MacQueen Equipment Inc. as per State Contract for a cost of approximately $80,000.00 with trade-in. Delivery time would be 60 to 90 days. The 1998 Capital Equipment Replacement Fund indicates that $122,000.00 has been budgeted in 1998. Requested Action: Staff requests that an MT Trackless with attachments be purchased off the State Contract for $80,000 from Parks Capital Equipment Replacement Fund. DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: COLUMBIA HEIGHTS POLICE DEPARTMENT July 29, 1998 Walt Fehst, City Manager Thomas M. Johnson, Chief of Police ~ 1998 Equipment Block Grant BACKGROUND: The Columbia Heights Police Department has been granted an equipment block grant by the U.S. Department of Justice in the amount of $24,605. In order to accept this grant the city must agree to a match of $2,734. The department would like to use this money to pay for equipment that we would normally not be able to afford. This would include misc. training equipment, computer equipment, upgrades to our indoor gun range, etc. ANALYSIS/CONCLUSION: At the present time, it appears that there would be adequate funds available in the 1998 Police Department budget to cover the match. The grant is available to us as soon as a Public Hearing can be held and the resolution is approved. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Direct the Police Chief to place this item with the appropriate resolution on the August 24~ Council Agenda. RESOLUTION 98-XX BEING A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT BLOCK GRANT AND APPROPRIATING MATCHING FUNDS WHEREAS, the City of Columbia Heights Police Department has been granted $24,605 in an equipment block grant from the U.S. Department of Justice for the purpose of funding equipment, and WHEREAS, a condition of the grant is that the City provide $2,734 in local match for this grant, and WHEREAS, The City of Columbia Heights Police Department has provided the U.S. Department of Justice a proposal for implementation of funding for this grant. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights that: The City of Columbia Heights enter into a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice for the project entitled "Local law Enforcement Equipment Block Grant Program". For the period October 1, 1998 to September 30, 2000. That $2,734 be appropriated from unexpended funds in the police department 1998 budget to pay the local match. Passed this day of ,1998 Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: Joseph Sturdevant, Mayor Jo-Anne Student, Council Secretary COLUMBIA HEIGHTS POLICE DEPARTMENT AGENDA SECTION: Consent NO. unmarked downsized vehicle CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meetin~ of: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT { CITY MANAGER POLICE I APPROVAL: BY: Thomas M. Johnson~ BY: DATE: ..... ~' % DATE: BACKGROUND: The State of lViinnesota has been awarded the contract for the delivery of mid-sized unmarked police vehicles for 1998. This award is to Superior Ford, I. ac. of Plymouth, Minnesota. The base vehicle price listed in the award for the mid-sized s~n is $17,241. As ia past years, the de~cts for the mid-sized sedan iaclude, but are no~ ~y limited to, engine block heater, noise suppression package, and the deletion of silicone hoses. Add-oas include battery conlxolled driver's side deck release, driver/front passenger door lock control, and driver/front passenger window control. After the deducts and add-ons, the price of the car comes to $16,134. t998 Ford Taurus: 4-door, base price with add-ons and deducts Plus sales tax 6.5% Total $16,134.00 1,048.71 $17,182.71 GRAND TOTAL $17,182.71 ANALYSIS/CONCLUSIQ.N: The Police Department has reviewed both the Hennepin County bid and the State of Minnesota bid for police vehicles and have found that the State bid is lower. It is our recommendation to the Council that a new mid-size administrative vehicle be purchased from the State of Minnesota bid, which has been awarded to Superior Ford of Plymouth, Minnesota. The Police Depm:i,,,ent will reduce its department fleet bY one vehicle upon receipt of the new vehicle. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to authorize the purchase of one 1998 Ford Taurus unmarked mid-size vehicle, tI~ State of Minnesota bid g417583. With funding coming from 431--42100-5150, and that the Mayor and City Manager are authorized to enter into a contract for same. TMJ:mid 98-234 COUNCIL ACTION: DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: COLUMBIA HEIGHTS POLICE DEPARTMENT August 6, 1998 Walt Fehst, City Manager Thomas M. Johnson, Chief of Polic~) Item for August 17, 1998 Work Session BACKGROUND: Early this year our officers were able to obtain through a DWI forfeiture a 1989 Ford Aerostar Van. Tl'ds van is in excellent shape and is a seven passenger van. In order to convert this van to for use by our department we are proposing to repaint the van to match our new squads. We are also proposing to mark it as our DARE and Anti Graffiti Van and to be used for transporting our Graffiti Trailer, and for transportation needs of our Explorer Post. ANALYSIS/CONCLUSION: We have approached Bi:ri about contributing the $1550 that we estimate that it will cost to repaint the van and to place the decals and markings on it. BFI has generously offered to donate th/s amount and in return they only ask for some recognition on the side of the van. RECOMMENDATION: We would recommend that the council approve our moving forward with the repainting and marking of the van using the money donated by BFI. David Weidenfeller Community Affairs Manager July 29, 1998 Columbia Heights Police Department Officers McGee and Dietz 559 Mill Street NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3882 Dear Officer(s) McGee and Dietz: Congratulations. Browning-Ferris Industries (BFI) is pleased to support the fine work of the Columbia Heights Police Department. Within the next 30-40 days, you will be receiving a check for $1,550. In addition to a check, you will also be receiving a Tax Reporting Form. Please take a moment to complete and return it to the address listed. If you have any questions, please call me at 914-2158. All of us at BFI wish you the very best in your endeavors and a continued success. CC Chief of Police, Columbia Heights City Manager, Co!.umbia } Ieights Cit3, Mayor, Columbia Heights 9813 Hying Cloud Drive. Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55347. Fax 612-946-5333 www.bfi.com COLUMBIA HEIGHTS POLICE DEPARTMENT DATE: August 6, 1998 TO: FROM: Walt Fehst, City Manager Thomas M. Johnson, Chief of Poll SUBJECT: Council Work Session Item on Changing Ordinance Number 10.305 (3) BACKGROUND: In January of this year we began a program in conjunction with the Anoka County Sheriffs office aimed at reducing the number of Auto thefts in our Community. Part of this program is the use of a "bait car" with the keys left in the ignition. When we researched our current ordinances and state statute we found that we would be violating the law ff we left the bait car unattended with the keys in the ignition. Since we did not want to be in violation of our own ordinance we put the bait car under constant surveillance while we had it out which is expensive and defeats the purpose of the program. ANALYSIS/CONCLUSION: Below is how the ordinance currently reads and how we would suggest it be amended: 10.305 (3) No person in control of a motor vehicle, as owner or operator, shall permit such vehicle to stand unattended anywhere within the city, whether on public or private property, without first lock/ng the ignition and removing the key from the vehicle. REVISED: 10.305 (3) No person in control of a motor vehicle, as owner or operator, shall permit such vehicle to stand unattended anywhere within the city, whether on public or private property, without first locking the ignition and removing the key from the vehicle. (a) RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to waive the first reading of Ordinance 10.305 (3) An Ordinance amending Ordinance 10.305 (3), as ample copies are available to the public.. Move to schedule a second reading of Ordinance 10.305 (3) for September 8, 1998. CITY COUNCIL LETTER Work Session Meetin of: 08/17/98 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Agenda ORIGINATING DEPT.: CITY MANAGER NO: FINANCE APPROVAL ITEM: LaserFiche M aintenance BY: WILLIAM E.LRI3~,,~ BY: NO: DATE: 07/28/98 ~ DATE: With the implementation of the City's LaserFiche Optical Imaging System, it is necessary to keep up-to<late with that software's upgrades, patches and technical support. Software is constantly evolving and the City needs to be able to have access to the latest versions of the software and access to technical support staff for troubleshooting purposes. Currently, LaserFiche is up and running successfully. Staff are able to search for and find items in the LaserFiche system in a matter of minutes rather than manually searching through stacks of paper. And the system is continuing to grow. Chxrrently there are over 16,000 documents in the system consisting of over 100,000 pages, including all City Council minutes going back to 1914, City Ordinances dating back to Ordinance 1 in 1921, and agenda~ and minutes for rmmerons other City boards and commissions. To maintain this vast database, updates and technical support have been required. To that end, an ongoing annual malutenance contract with Compulink, the makers of LaserFiche, through Software Tailors, an authorized LaserFiche support cemer, is required. The annual maimenance currently costs $3,659.00 and is expected to go up slightly each year. In the initial purchase of the LaserFiche system, the City Council authorized the first year maintenance contract with Software Tailors, but did not provide for ongoing maintenance. Software Tailors provided the City with its LaserFiche system and is familiar with its workings and is therefore the best choice for providing ongoing support in tandem with Compulink. At the present time funding for the LaserFiche system comes from the Cable TV fund number 225. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to authorize the Mayor and the City Manager to enter into a maimenance contract with Sofrware Tailors for ongoing annum maimen~nae of the LaserFiche Optical Imaging System. COUNCIL ACTION: ~ 0 ~,~'~,~ PH, 612-785-1337 =~lOi;I.J' : 7968/7980 UNIVERSITY AVE. NE. · MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55432 Invoice ~ 12862 Inv. Date Jul 16 98 DUE DATE Jul 26 98 TERMS Net Due i0 Days Page ~ 1 C~.ty Of Columbia Heights 590 40th Ave. NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 City Of Columbia Heights 590 40th Ave. NE Columbia Heights, MN =~ "" Cust om e'r" ~ C!T006 Customer PO ~ Work Ord e ~'$~ Salesperson CLJ De scri pt i on Unit Amount LaserFiche A~,nual Suppc~t 1. 00 ea 3, 659.00 3,659.00 Lase'~-.Flch~ Sr, apshc.'~ Ar~r~u~l Suppc. rt i.00 ea 325.00 325.00 Sub-Total Sales Tax DownPayment Net to Pay S, 984.00 0.00 4,242.99 CITY COUNCIL LE'I'I~R Meeting of:. December 23, 1996 AGENDA SECTION: ITEMS FOR CONS I DERATI ON ORIGINATING DBPARTNrBNwI': CITY MJdqAGER NO. 0 FINANCE AGREE~ WITH SOFTWAR~ TAILORS FOR INFORMATION COIvlMITTEE LAS]~P, FICI-IE D OCU/vfE NrI'./vIANA GF_~ DATE: On October 14, 1996, Council authorized staff to prepare and publish a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a computerized document management software program to be used throughout the City. In phase I of the project, the document management software will be /nstalled on the computers of 30 key users. The program will be serviced with a dedicated network server. Documents generated by employees (beginning with City Code, Council minutes and Council resolutions) will be saved in a central location and accessible to the 30 key users. Security on documents can be set at any level needed. Once document management software is fully operational, it will store documents generated by employees and materials scanned into the system. The central location of information accessible by desk- top computers will make it much easier and more efficient for staff to access. The RFP for a computerized document management system was requested by 15 vendors. Five sealed proposals were submitted to the City by the deadline of 12:00 noon on November 27, 199/5. The Vendor Selection sub-committee, consisting of interested division/deparument heads and selected members of the Management Information Committee, met on December 3 to discuss the proposals. There was good representation of all the d~s.mnents. A summary of the vendors, products and prices is attached. The proposals were evaluated by the group for the software product best meeting the needs of the City and cost. A_MI Imaging Systems was el/minated because of the high cost. Stringer Business Systems, Inc. was eliminated because of the extensive hardware network required. A minimum of three dedicated servers were required compared to one. Stringer also wanted to supply and service the optical drive and scanning hardware, instead of these items being truly non-proprietary. NETLink International did not provide enough informat/on to adequately evaluate the product proposed. This was viewed as a lack of commktment on the company's part. This narrowed the field to one software product (LaserFiche) and two vendors. PC Pros and Software Tailors, Inc. were requested to clarify or provide more information concerning sections of their proposal and provide demonstrations. A cost comparison is attached. Based on the demonstrations, Software Tailors was judged to be the most knowledgeable about Laserfiche. Currently, the City also contracts with Software Tailors for network support and maintenance. Staff has found them to be knowledgeable about their product and responsive to our needs. Staff is requesting authorization to enter into an agreement with Software Tailors, Inc. R.ECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement with Software Tailors, Inc. for the LaserFiche electronic document management system and related hardware, installation and training as t~sted in their proposal of November 21, 1996, with funding to come from the 1996 cable television fund budget. COUNCIL ACTION: c_ o ~_. ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - LASERFICHE VENDOR PROPOSALS SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION ,_ TAILORS PC PROS Document Management System $0 User LaserFiche Package Snapshot Module COLD Module Server with the following: Pentium 200 MHz, Novell Certified 256K Pipeline Burst Cache 96 MB RAM 9 GB Hard Ddve, $081 Adaptec Controller Kit Medium Tower Case 3 1/2" Floppy Drive CD Rom Drive (internal on file server), 4X 2 Sedal, I Parallel Port Video Card Novell Certified lO-Base-T Network Card 101 Enhanced Keyboard Dos 6.22 3 Year Carry-in Warranty 14" SVGA Monitor IntmnetWare Novell 4.11, 5 user (Based on Number of Servers) HP DAT Ddve, Server Based HP, 8 GB, External Adaptec Controller Seagate Arcada Back-up Exec, Single Netware Sewer HP DAT Drive Supplies (approximate) Uninterruptible Power Supply Tdpp Lite Network Pro 675 Include NLM and Cable Installation Performance Bond Annual Maintenance $17,840 $19,765 $2,495 $2,000 $2,500 $2,500 $5,650 $4,373 $895 $3,127 $2,010 $1,581 $8O $8O $345 $299 $3,100 $1,900 $1,200 $90O -- $3,000 $3,890 $3,490 Total Proposal Cost $40,005 $43,015 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: AUGUST 24, 1998 AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPT.: CITY MANAGER NO: FINANCE APPROVAL ITEM: PURCHASE OF JUKEBOX AND BY: WILLIAM ELRITE BY: SCANNING EQUIPMENT DATE: 8/13/98 DATE: NO: In 1996 the Information Management Committee recommended to the City Council the purchase of a LaserFiche program for permanent record storage. This is a multi-phase program. In 1996 the fa'st phase of the program was started w/th the purchase of the basic system and setting up 30 initial users on the system. The program is now expanding so that all computer users in the City have access to the stored data. Attached is a list of the current data that is in the LaserFiche program. Under the initial plan, phase 2 encompassed the purchase of a jukebox which would actually hold the laser disks and the storage of the information. This information is currently being stored on a computer hard drive and does not meet State archive standards. The purchase of the jukebox and laser disks will meet State archive standards. It is also proposed to purchase a production scanner which will allow us to scan documents in-house. Scanning of all documents with the exception of Police Department records is now being outsourced. The cost to purchase the scanner is $6,907, and the jukebox is $11,733. Attached are various excerpts from previous documents that have gone to the Council on this project, including the init/al plan. As can be seen from the initial plan, the actual cost of the scanner and jukebox are down significantly. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement with Wybrite for the purchase of an optical jukebox and production scanner at a total cost o£ $18,640. IVE:dn 9808131 COUNCIL ACTION: and are working on Finance. Community Development, Recreation, Library and Public Works will all be added by the end of the year. Here is an updated list of documents available for general viewing. Administration - Cable Commission agendas, 1998, minutes, 1987-1998; City Charter Commission minutes, 1971-1972,1975,1980- 1998; Annual Reports 1940-1997; Green Sheets, 1998, SCORE reports, 1998. Community Development Downtown Development Comm/ttee agendas, 1977-1981, minutes, 1977-1981 & resolutions, 1977- 1980; EDA Board agendas, 1996-1997, minutes 1996-1997, resolutions 1996-1997; HRA Board agendas, 1969-1970,1972-1996, list of bills, 1981,1987-1994, minutes, 1969- 1996, resolutions 1969-1970,1972-1975,1977- 1995. Finance - MIS Project Reports, updated monthly; State Contract List, updated monthly. Library_ - Library Board minutes, 1940-1997. Mayor/Council -City Council agendas, 1992- 1997, minutes, 1914-1998, minutes indexes, t951-1966, A-Z; ordinances, 1921-1997; resolutions, 1921 - 1961,1970-1988,1991-1997; resolution indexes, by subject. Public Works - Traffic Commission minutes, 1961-1996. Recreation -Park Board minutes, 1939,1946- 1970,1973-1991; Park & Rec Board minutes, 1991-1997. Please realize that this list is by no means complete, and it lists only documents currently available for general viewing. Any document that has been put in a restricted area is not on this list. There are also documents in the process of being scanned that are not on this list yet. As always, we encourage everyone to use LaserFiche to find information. If you need assistance doing so, don't hesitate to either review your Information Systems Guide or contact MIS. TIP O' THE DAY MUltitasking. You've all heard it, but who really knows what it is or how to do it? Simply put, multitasking is what Windows is about. It allows you to have multiple programs (tasks) running simultaneously. This allows you to be more productive. You can open up several programs and take info from one for use in another. Or, if you are interrupted a lot, you can simply switch to the program that has the information the person wants, then switch back once they are gone. Th.is all sounds good, but how do you do it? You may have noticed that whenever you open a program, a rectangular box with its name appears on your taskbar. Simply by left- clicking on these rectangles, you can switch between open programs. Alternatively, you can press the <ALT> and <TAB> keys together to switch between programs. Hold down <ALT> and press <TAB> once and you get a small window that lets you cycle through programs by pressing <TAB> until you are on the one you want. Let go of <ALT> and it takes you there. Try it out and see all the things you can do at once! Ertmart] Vl'Oonne[[ CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DATE: TO: FROM: KE: AUGUST 12TM, 1998 WILLIAM ELRITE, FINANCE DIKECTOR ALEXANDER C EDWARDS, Ntis COORDINATOR OPTICAL JUKEBOX AND PRODUCTION SCANNER QUOTES I have to date received two quotes on an optical jukebox and a production scanner, one set from Wybrite and one set fi.om Soft-ware Tailors. GTI has not yet responded to my request for a quote. The prices were as follows: Production Scanner SoRware Tailors - $1,280 for the computer system to control the scanner, $325 for the monitor; $230 for a SCSI controller, $5,760 for Bell & Howell 1500FB scanner, and $707.50 for installation, for a total of $8,302.50. Wybrite - $4,961 for Bell & Howell 1500FB scanner, $1,596 for computer, monitor and SCSI controller, $350 estimate for installation, for a total of $6,907.00. Optical Jukebox Software Tailors - $10,385 for lVfl3I SCSI Express jukebox, $325 for SCSI controller, $1,160 for 20 disks, $1,062.50 for installation, for a total of $12,932.50. Wybr/te - $9,368 for MDI SCSI Express jukebox, $185 for SCSI controller, $58 for SCSI cable, $1,230 for 20 disks, and an estimated $892.50 for installation, for a total orS11,733.50. At this point Wybrite is the low bidder for both systems. While it is true that Software Tailors is familiar with our LaserFiche system, we have received excellent customer service from Wybrite in the past and I see no reason that it would fluctuate now. Therefore I am confident in recommending Wybrite as the vendor we chose for these systems. I have attached copies of the quotes to this memo. Please do not hesitate to contact me for additional information if necessary. M~t~ng of: D~.~mber 23, 1996 AGE~"DA SECTION: I TEbtS FOR CONS [ DERAT I ON O~G~A~G D~~: ~-~'~ ~AG~ ~: A~O~ON TO ~ ~0 ~ BY: ~A~ BY AG~ ~ SO~ T~O~ FOR ~0~ON ~~ DA~: On October 14, 1996, CouncH authorized staff to prepare and publish a ReXluest for Proposal (RF'P) for · computerized document management softw~.~ prelim to be used throughout the City. In phase I of the project~ the document management sort',yarc will be installed on the computers of 30 key users. The protz'am will be serviced with a dedicated network server. De~.m'~ents generated by employees ('be~irming with City Code, Council minules and Council resolutions) ~ be saved in a central loc·don and accessible to the ~0 key users, Securit~ on decumen~ can be set at any level needed. Once document _ma~f;ement software is fully operational, it will store documenu genera~:l by employees and materials aoanned into t.M system. The cen=aI lc, c~on of ire'ca-marion accessible by desk- top computers will make it much e..asier and more efficient for sr~"t to access. The R.-:P for · ccrmputerized document msaagamem system was requested by 15 vendors. Five sealed proposals ~,~re submiu~:l to the City by the cle~dline of 12:00 noon on November 27, 1996. The Vendor Selection sub-commiuee, co~_s!~ting of interested divisionkleparunent beads and selected members of the Management L-florin·don ¢omminee, met on December 3 to discuss the proposals. There wa food representation of ail the deparmaenu. A ~mmsry of the vendor~, products and prices is ·~ched. 'rne proposals were evaluated by the ~oup for the sof~var~ prcxluct best meeting the needs of the CitF and cost. AMI Imaging 8),stems was e!irni~ated because of the high cost. Stringer Business Systems, Inc. was ¢~i,~i~ated because of the exmnsiv¢ hardware ne~ork required. A minimum of throe dedicated s~rvers were required compared to one. $~inger also wan~l to sxxppty and servic~ the optical drive and scanning hardwm~, instead of these imms being truly non.proprietary. N'ETJ_ ~in~ International did not provide enough informa~on to ~:lequatel¥ evaluat~ the product proposed. This was viewed as s la~:k of commi:anent on ~ compimy's pan. This narrowed the field to one software procti~ot (Lase. rFiche) and two vendors. PC Pr~s and Software Tailors, Inc. were r~luested to clarify or provide more i~crrmadon concerning sections of their proposal and provide demons=~tions. A cost comparison is axe:hod. Bas~ on the demonswar, ions, Software Ta/lors was judged to be the most knowledge, able ·bout Laser'hche. Cun~ndy, the City also conur~cts wi:h Software Tailors for network support and ma/ntenance. Staff has found them tn be knowledgeable ·bout their product and responsive to our ne~d$. Staff is requesting authorization to enter into an agreement with 8oftware Tailors, Inc. t~COM]vIE'N'DED MOTION: Move ~n authorize the Mayor and Ciq, Manager to enter into an a~re~ment with 8of~w·re Tailors, Inc. for the LaserFqcha elec=onic cl~cument management system and r~tated hardware, install~on and ~ainin$ ~ listed in their proposal of l',Iovember 21, 1996, with fundin~ to come from the 1996 cable television fund budget. COUNCIL ACTION: TO: FROM: DATE: RE: CITY OF COLUMBIA [[EIG~$ KEN ANDERSON BIlL ELRITE TOM JOHNSON CHARLES KEWATT BECKY LOADER KAN'DY QUAI-~ MARK W~NSON LINDA L. MAGEE CAROLE BLOWERS, CHAIR INFORMATION MANAO~ CO1VfM~ OCTOBER ~, 1996 REVISED REPORT/RECO~ATION$ FROM TI-EE INFORMATION MANAG~ COIVIM1TrEE AND MISCELLANEOUS ISSUES Attached for your review is a revised report and recommendations from the committee. The committee met on Thursday, October 3rd, to review the comments received from all of you. We have made some changes to address those comments: We have added an additional one page comparison with Plan A and Plan B options, costs, pros, and cons. The cost of upgrades reflect upgrading 486's for essential users to pentiums for faster speed, and rotating the 486's to those with current 386's and 286's not in the pilot program. The committee also discussed the following issues raised: The issue of division/department heads setting up an efficient procedure~policy for creat- ing/saving/archiving documents was discussed yesterday. The committee feels strongly that division/departments heads should come up with a standard procedure to be used throughout the city. The committee discussed how various departments would want their records filed. The Police Department, for example, would prefer them to be stored by case number, then name, then address. The Assessing Deparunent prefers them to be stored by proper~y identification number, then property address, and then name. Retrieval of Council records should be ba.~.d on a subject. Hopefully, this information will give you some guidelines. The issue of security was again discussed, and the comrnit3.ee feels that eazh division/department head must identify documents saved in their are~, and who should have access to that information, both within their own area and outside of their department. The trenching for the conduit to finish the networking between the library and Recreation and City Hall can be done by the Public Works Department the week of October 7th, if approval is received on October 7th by the council. Although the RFP is not completed, work is continuing on it and hopefully it will be finished in a week. Approval of this revised report will be sought from you at the stuff meeting on Monday. If your approval is given, the committee plans to present this to the Council at Monday night's work session at 7 p.m. If possible, the committee would appreciate your support of our recommendaxions by being present at the work session on Monday night. In s~rnrnary, it is the commitlee's intention to ask the Council's approval at Monday ~xight's work session on the following: 1. To use the 1996 funds that have been set aside to: a. finish the networking of the Library and Recreation to City Hall b. upgrade the personal computers of all essential users that have been identified by you c. provide Windows training for ali essential users that have been identified by you 2. To proceed on schedule with the pilot program computerized storage/retrieval system as recommended in our report and send out a RFP as soon as possible. ?l~Se C.~ me if you ha,~e questions prior to Monday's s~ff me, ting, 'l'h~k you, Attachments REPORT/RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT COMM1TFEE FORMATION OF THE COMM]WIqEE The Universal Filing Committee was originally established by the then City Manager, Pat Hentges, in the spring of 1995, with the following members: Jo-Anne Student, Joanne Baker, Kathy Young, Barb 8andberg, Ralph Duray, Mary Dugdale, Jane Gleason, Kathy Pepin, Becky Townsley, Jeanine Schrnidt, Carol Femling, Janice McGhee-Fetzer, Ed O'Donnell, Deb Novak, and Carole Blowers as Chair. The charge of the committee was to investigate the possibility and feasibility of a universal filing system for the City. In July of 1995, the committee's name was changed to "Information Management Committee", to more accurately reflect the work of the committee which quickly expanded beyond its original charge. WHAT THE COMMITTEE HAS BEEN DOING The committee met seven times in 1995 and six times thus far in 1996. Also, in May of 1995, we toured the Fridley City Hall to view their central filing system. In June of 1995, we toured the Maple Grove City Hall to view their optic document scanning/storage system. In addition, several committee members attended a local seminar on June 12, 1996, regarding document management systems. On July 10th and August 19th, the committee and division heads respectively were given demonstrations of a computerized document storage/retrieval system. Based on our meetings/tours/discussions, the committee identified several priorities beyond our original charge, but which all dealt with the handling of the City's mass of information. These priorities were: current retention schedules needed to be dispersed to members of the committee all divisions/departments need to be connected to the network (Recreation, Library, and Community Development still were no0 - original software should be stored off-site - mandatory annual clean up day(s) city-wide should be established to work on computers/fries and hard copy fries in individual departments - the current "central filing area" in Administration should be continued, where resolutions and ordinances, property records, deeds, abstracts, titles, and agendas are fled - a data privacy class for employees should be held. Report/Recommendations from the IMC Page 1 Oaober 4, 1996 an RFP for document storage/retrieval should be presented to the City Council after review by the committee and division/department heads Many of these priorities have been completed or are in the works. The committee also concluded that a universal f'fling system at City Hall would not be the most beneficial for all employees. Being that employees are scattered over four different buildings (Library, Recreation, Public Works, and City Hall), it was not efficient to have a central f'fl.ing area at City Hall that would be easily accessed by all employees. Therefore, since that conclusion was made, the committee has been pursuing and studying information on the idea of optical document storage/retrieval for the City of Columbia Heights for the past several months. Much discussion has gone into what the committee felt this system should be able to do or have, i.e.: large sized monitors, large scanner for maps, etc., workspace for the equipment and personnel to do the scanning, training to all users, ongoing service, upgrades to existing computer system, networking capabilities, and ability to clean up old, faded, or dark items (just to name a few). If the City does not pursue optical scanning, the City must consider (as an alternative) replacement of our current microfilming machines. This would allow compact storing of mass quantities of information, but would not address an efficient manner in retrieving information for all employees. There is much time involved in retrieving information from microf'flm form (finding the right microfiche page, inserting it in the reader, locating the document, printing a copy of it, and return the microfiche page to its original location). Not only is a lot of t/me involved in retrieving information, but the quality of copies is poor. The cost of a new microf'flm machine in 1994 was $14,400-$20,000. The city would need three microfilm machines: one for the Police Department, one for Administration, and one for Public Works. REASONS FOR OUR RECOMMENDATION The main arguments for having a computerized document management/storage system are: 1. We need better quality of storage. At the present time, there is a lack of storage space and quality of storage. 2. We need easy retrieval of information for everyone, which in mm saves time and money. At the present time, no such retrieval method is used or is available. 3. We need easy sharing of information between city departments, including those in different buildings, with security in place for sharing that information. 4. The cost of the microf'flrning machines is high, compared to the quality of items produced, and time it is supposed to save. Repon/Recommendahoas f~om ~h~ IMC Page 2 October 4, 1996 FIRST REQUEST TO THE COUNCIL At a work session in March of 1996, the request for an optical document storage/retrieval system was made to the Council by the committee. The Council was briefed on the formation of the committee, and its work to date by the Chair of the committee. The MIS Coordinator addressed Council members on the specifics of the optical scanning system under consideration and recommendations from the committee. At that work session, some City Council members had specific questions, and requested that a survey be done of cities in the metropolitan area. Specific questions that were to be researched Wel~: - Do you have an optical scarming system? - If so, from whom was it purchased and when? If so, what kind of problems have you encountered that were unexpected? Is support services available, and if so, at what cost? If they do not have such a system, are they thinking about it? A phone survey was done by volunteers of the committee. A detailed survey summary is attached. It should also be noted here that there are several counties, law firms, state agencies, and other businesses who are currently using a computerized document storage and retrieval system and have used this type of system successfully for some t/me. FURTHER INVESTIGATION BY THE COMMITTEE In the course of making phone calls for the survey, it was learned that a software package for document storage/retrieval has been used at the City of Oakdale since July of 1995. Since we learned of this, our MIS Coordinator has met with the supplier of this software package, NetLink, to gain further information on the product, and to arrange a demonstration for the committee. An Carruth from NetLink gave a presentation of PC-DOCS, a document storage and retrieval system, to committee members on May 23, 1996. In June, the committee met to discuss PC-DOCS, and to formulate a suggested plan with dates and costs for this project This information was presented to Division/department heads by the Chair and MIS Coordinator on July 10, 1996. Concerns surfaced from that presentation which needed further consideration/clarification from the committee. These concerns were: - a demonstration of PC-DOCS should be set up for division/department heads - a RFP for this system should be prepared for review by the division/department heads a plan for the training for employees on Windows needs to be devised essential users for the pilot program need to be identified by division/department .- a policy of how to create and save documents in the most efficient manner must be completed - a security access plan for documents in system must be completed Report/Reeomme,,da~io~ from the IMC Pa~e 3 Octob~' 4, 1996 PC'S for the essential users must be upgraded before the pilot project can begin the networking of the Library and Recreation with City Hall must be completed personnel needs throughout this project must be addressed. Since July 10th, the following concerns have been addressed: - our MIS Coordinator set up a demonstration of PC-DOCS for division/department heads and the Council, which was held on August 19, 1996 - a sub-comminee was formed on July 25th to develop an RFP for review by the committee and division/department heads - we are looking into Windows training alternatives for all employees (PC-DOCS is Windows-based) and the possibility of doing different levels of training - division/department heads have been asked to identify their essential users by August 29, 1996. Further, it is the recommendation of this committee: that all division/department heads be responsible for seuing up an efficient procedure/policy for creatingtsaving/archiving documents for their own division/department. - that all division/department heads be responsible for assigning security levels for accessing all documents created/savexl/archived for their own division/department that all division/department heads be responsible for taking an inventory of the computer skill levels of their employees to determine who needs what type of Windows training in preparation for the PC-DOCS program. It is realized that all employees will need some training, which can either be done in mass at our location or off-site. Advanced Windows training could be given to key people in each division/department by the MIS Coordinator. The actual training of the PC- DOCS program should be the responsibility of the vendor from whom the system is purchased from. based on the information provided from divisiorddepmw',ent heads regarding essential users for the pilot project, the MIS Coordinator will then be able to determine what upgrades must be done to whose computers and at what cost - networking between City Hall and Recreation and the Library be completed as soon as possible - the MIS department identify its personnel needs to proceed with this project, starting at the point of Windows training to actually starting the PC-DOCS program. chart summarizing the steps, the timetable, and costs involved for this project. Attached is a OUR REQUEST TO THE COUNCIL Based on these recommendations, it is clearly evident that in order to reach our goal of having RepcmYRe~ommencl~iom from the IMC Page 4 October 4, 1996 an document storage/retrieval system in place by 1998, the following must happen in the . following order: the networking of the Library and Recreation Departments to 'City Hall must be completed - we must upgrade the personal computers of the identified essential users for the pilot program - the essential users must be trained to use Windows - the document management software, support, imaging server can then be purchased - if needed, a person would be added to the MIS Department on a contract basis to continue orientation and training for staff and on-going maintenance of the document storage/retrieval system - the City Code, resolutions, ordinances, and minutes should be the first items placed in the system - optical storage should then be added - ongoing support must be continued - all software packages used in the city must be interfaced with the new system (GIS, Fire, Assessing, Licensing, etc.) - scanning software and hardware can then be purchased - at least a part time person to do scanning will need to be hired - additional licenses for 15-20 more users should then be purchased - an outside soume could be hired to scan in high priority records that were previously microf'flmed - a large scanner should be purchased (E-Size) - we may need to continue to have an outside source scan in microfilmed records on an ongoing basis. Repem/Recomme~datio~ from the IMC Page f October 4, 1996 SUMMARY: Based on the above plan, the committee requests that the Council allow the original amount of $?0,000 which has been in the budget for the past two years, and $75,000 budgeted in 1997 for a records management/retrieval system be used to: complete the networking of the Library and Recreation to City Hall upgrade all the computers of the identified essential users of the pilot program provide for the essential users training in Windows environment, with different training for the different levels of users' expertise (i.e., beginning, intermediate, advanced) purchase the document management software and support for 30 users purchase the imaging server purchase optical storage purchase the interfacing with City-specific programs, i.e., Assessing, Fire, GIS, Licensing, etc. convert the ex/sting City Code, minutes, resolutions, and ordinances £rrst into the system (NOTE: On PC-DOCS, as new documents are created, they are immediately put into the storage/retrieval system.) have a contingency fund of $36,300 to provide the MIS Coordinator assistance on a contract for basis. The committee feels that the funds budgeted will cover the above items, if the Council allows us to proceed. Then, the committee recommends that we proceed to Phase IV in 1988 and in 1999, or as soon as they can budgetarily be done. Rqx~xeRe. comm~ndafions from the IMC Page 6 Omober 4, 1996 7 STEI~ THAT MUST BE ACCOIVIPL1SHED ~A'I-IETHER A COMPUTERIZED DOCLrMENT STORAGE./R.ETRI~VAL SYSTEM 12v~LE~ENTED OR NOT: 1. MIS Depa.,xment must ~sess t.heft personnel needs so that sufficient personnel is" ava.Liable to upgrade personal computers ~d complete new,,ork.i, ng. 2. MIS D~pa.,'tment will complete the network/rig of Community Developmen't, Library, and Recreation to City Ha.ti at a cost of approximately $10,000. 3. MIS Deparunent will upgrade the personal computers of all employees at a cost of approx/ma~ely $50,000 ($20,000 for pi.lot program users; $30,000 for ~ others). 4. Train all employees, a.s n~decl, to a Windows environment at a cost of approx/raately $$,000 ($3,000 for pi.lot program users; $5,000 for all others). TOTAL: $68,000 PIAN A: CON~ MICROlq~,MING 1. Purcha..~ ~ (1 ~ ADM, I ~ PD, 1 ~ ~) new mi~of~ ~ of ~pro~ly ~,~ m~ 2. ~h~ 3 p~ ~,~ l~P~)~a~tof ~pro~ly $18,~ ~st of ~pro~ly $2,1~ a. NO~: H ~LICE $6,~ should ~o 5. ~: P~ T~e Pe~on to do 30 ~w~ $12,~ 6. Supplies N~: MicroF~ $6.50/ro9 Ch~mic~ ~velo~r ~5./~ Chemi~ F~er ~5d4 g~ C~ TOT~: Approx~a~ly $80,1~ plus supples on ~ ongo~g bmis. PLAN A PROS AND CONS: PROS: - initial costs are cheaper - Ls a.n acceptable archive medium - L~ss involvement by the MIS I~pa.rtmem - Miz~.mal extra u-a.m.mg involved CONS: E~sy to mist'fie or los~ microfiche - Copies not always readtable Few users at one time ca~n a:cess im'ormation - T~e w~ ~ ~g for ~o~auon - No ~oss ~fe~n~g of ~ av~le - ~o~afion ~ible o~y by ~o~ ~o Mve ~ ~uipment 1~ at ~ offi~ - Two ~dioon~ ~ mi~r~ ~o~ (~ for ~b~c Wo~; 1 for Fm~c~~oon~ - ~gh ~r supply Report submirmcl by Carole Blowers, Chair, Information Management Commit'me. This Report wa~ reviewed and approved by members of the Information Management Committee. 10/96 PLAN B: INITIATE COtVIPUTERIZED DOCUMENT STORA GF_dR.ETRIEVAL SYSTF..M 1. Copying/Posage costs for prin~g/sending ~ out at an appro:cirna~e cost of $200. 2. Hire i.n~m or contractor to ~s~ with project, at a cost not to exc~d $36,300 3. Start pilot A. Licenses for ~ users ~ · cost of $30.000; serv~ z~ · cost of $Z500; and mLscel.l~n~ous costs of $5,000. B. Purchase jukebox at a cost of $20.000 ~d ongoing support at $3,000 C. Documents to be includ~cl m the pilot program: Resolu~ons~ ordinances, city code, council minutes ~. Adv~cl pz~gr~m stages. A. Purchase ~vo 1! x 17 scanmng work~oons ·t a to~l of B. l. nterf~ce prograph with current sofr~'~r~ pa~l~ges used by the City (GIS, Fire, Licensing, A~sessing) ~t programming costs es0.mated ~t C. Hire Pa.n ~me Person to do scanr~ing 30 h.rs/w~k $ I D. Add addioonal licenses for 20 users at a cos~ of $20,000 E. Purch~e on~ E-siz~ sca.n, ner ~t ~ cost of $20~000 F. H.Lre an outside source m do scar~mng: cost un.k~own ~t th~$ Supplies Optical DLsks: $1?~./pc. approx.~a~ly (compa~ to 162 ro~ o£ micro£~L'n -- $1,053 for the same amount of storage) TOTAL: $179,000 plus supplies on ongoing basis Plan B PROS AND CONS: PROS: - C~n have many employ~'-s using system and sharing i.~orm~oon ~ zt the sarn~ - In.form~ion city-wide i~ c~mra~z~ - Q~a.Lity of r~cor~ stor~l i~ be~r - ~ system addr~ss~ spac~ n~:L~ ber~r, both a~d off si~ l:a.s~ quicker s~.rch c~p~b~Ses for Ln.forma~ic - Et~c~'onic f'~Lng r~duces duplication o£ handle: documents CONS: - I-/dgher inidal cost - Heavier toll on the MIS - Training must be done CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: August 24, 1998 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA ORIGINATING CITY DEPARTMENT: MANAGER'S NO: SPECIAL PROJECTS APPROVAL ITEM: NO: AUTHORIZE QUOTES FOR PURCHASE BY: JEAN KUEHN BY: OF LCD PROJECTOR AND SCREEN DATE: August 14, 1998 DATE: In preparing the 1999 budget, Cable staffhad included the purchase of an LCD projector and the necessary projection screen. Staff was directed to pursue this for 1998, as it would be helpful in the budget and Truth in Taxation presentations to the public. Monies were not included in the 1998 budget for this item, however, funds could be appropriated from the Cable fund balance for the purchase. The projector would not specifically enhance cable viewing but would facilitate presentations in the council chambers, as well as other city offices, and would enhance communications with residents and increase the audience understanding of materials presented. MIS and Special Projects Coordinators have begun gathering information for the purchase of an LCD projector. The Proxima 5900 is the machine borrowed on several occasions from the School District and performed very well for us, and was easy to operate. Retail on this machine is $5,999 but through the State Contract the cost would be $5,249. The Panasonic 595 will be demonstrated to staffon August 19, as we have no first hand experience with that unit. Cost would be $4,700. Staffis in agreement that the LCD projector should not be permanently mounted in the Council Chambers since we would reasonably anticipate using this unit in the Conference room, Murzyn Hall and possibly off-site for community presentations. Staff would prefer a permanently mounted projection screen in the Council Chambers. The best location for such a screen is still under discussion. Cost for a manually operated 6' x 8' screen would be approximately $200 for a totally manual screen. A screen with tension control that rises slowly would be $500-$600, and a fully electric screen would be between $800 and $2000. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to authorize staff to seek quotes for an LCD projector and screen with funds to be appropriated from the Cable fund balance for the purchase. COUNCIL ACTION: