HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 473ORDIN~YCE NO. &7~ ~ BEING AN ORDINANCE At{ENDING ORDINANCE ~207 BEING AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE REGULATION AND KEEPING OF DOGS IYiTHIN THE CITY OF COLIFA~IA HEIGIITS THE CITY OF COLD~,O3IA HEIGHTS DOES ORDAIN: Section 1~ That every owner or keeper of a canine or feline animal within the limits of the City of Columbia Heights shall cause the samd 20 be registered, numbered, described and license in the office of the City Clerk of said City. Such licensing shall be for the whole or unexpired portion of the year ending on the ensuing thirty-first day of January. Provided that no license shall be required for a canine or feline animal while it is less than three months old. Provided further, that no license shall be issued for a canine ani- mal unless the owner or keeper thereof shall show written evidence that the said canine animal has been innoculated for the prevention of rabies. Such owner or keeper shall pay therefore to the City Clerk such sums for an annual license fee as the City Council may by resolution adopt. Providing, however, that the City Council may provide for higher license fees for female feline or canine animals than for male or spayed female. Section 2. The City Clerk of said City shall in the matter of issu- ing such license perform all duties fixed by the general laws of the S~ate. He shall provide and fur~ish for each licensed canine or feline animal a metallic tag upon which he shall have stamped or engraved the registration number of the animal and the year when registered. The design of such metallic tag to be changed each year. Any person who shall make, seal, purchase, possess, or shall place or allow to be placed on their canine or feline animal any metallic tag or of the same form or shape or intended to be like the official tag or shall at- tempt in any way to counterfeit the design adopted for such official tag shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. In case the said metallic tag is lost or stolen after having been re- gularly issued as herein provided, the owner or keeper of such animal upon presenting and surrendering to the City Clerk the license or receipt issued when the animal Eas registered, n~nnbered~ described and licensed, as herein provided, shall receive a duplicate tag and duplicate license upon the pay- ment of g.25 %0 the City Clerk, which said duplicate license shall be regis- tered~ described and issued in the same manner as the original license. The City Clerk may, before issuing such duplicate tag and license, re- quire an affidavit to be made and furnished by such applicant for a duplicate license and tag, setting forth the fact that such tag has been lost or stolen and is not at that time in their possession. Section ~ Every keeper or owner of a canine or feline animal within said City shall place and keep around the neck of such animal owned by him a collar upon which shall be securely fixed the me,at tag as above mentioned. Section &. No person having custody or control of such canine or feline animal shall permit the same to go about any street in said City or to run at large within the limits of said City. SeCtion 9, Ne person shall keep or suffer to be kept on his prem~ses or on premises occupied by him within said City, nor permit, nor suffer to run at large in said City or any street thereof any canine or feline animal of a fero6ious or vicious character. Section 6. No owner or keeper of a female canine or feline animal shall pernit or wuffer the same to run at large or to be in any street, alley or public place in said City while the same is in heat. Section 7. City Council of the City of Columbia Heights shall either appoint a full time animal supervisor or shall enter into a contract with a person, firm or corporation whose duties shall be to enforce this ordinance. In the event the City Council deems it advisable to enter into a contract with a person, firm or corporation whose dutieis shall be to enforce the provisions of this ordinance, said contract shall provide as the City Council sees fit, certain fees for the keeping and disposal of animals here- in governed. Section 8. The City shall provide an adequate point or facilities where all canine or feline animals taken into custody by an animal supervisor shall be kept and properly fed u~til disposed of a~cording to the provisions of this ordinance. Section 9. ~ithin 2~ hours after taking a canine or feline animal into custody, the animal supervisor shall, if the animal has on it an offi- cial tag, le~ve at the address shown on the certificate of registration a notice that the animal is in his custody and will not be disposed of if li~ot redeemed ~ithin a ~t~ted time, which time shall not be less than three full days after such animal was taken into custody, except as is hereinafter pro- vided. Section 10. Every owner or person having the custody of a canine or feline animal may redeem the same from the animal supervisor by paying to such supervisor a fee as established annually by council resolution for board andkeep for each day or fraction thereof as such animal is held in cus- tody by the animal supervisor. Section 11. Upon expiration of the time hereinbefore provided, a canine or feline animal in the custody of the animal supervisor shall be disported of by shooting or gassing the same. The animal supervisor shall keep an adcurate account of all ~nimals received ~t the point and all animals killed and released therefrom. Section 12. No person shall keep a vicious canine or feline animal within the limit of the City of ~olumbia l~eights. Upon conviction for the viola- tion of this section of the ordinance the Court shall in addition to imposi- tion of sentence direct the animal supervisor to take the animal in que,stion in custody and forthwith dispose of the sa~e as may be directed by the health commissioner. Section 1~. Uhenever any canine or feline animal within the City of Col- umbia ~ei~hts shall have bitten any person, the same shall be reported ~o the Health offic~and if the health officer of the City of Col,~$bia Heights shall so request, it shall be the duty of the animal supervisor, and he is hereby authorized, to take to the pound such animal and there keep said animal for such time as said health officer may request to give such he~lth officer an opportunity to determine whether such animal is diseased and no diseased animal shall be killed until so ordered by the Health Officer. Section ~&. Nothing in this ordinance shall prevent the animal superv:~or from disposing of a canine or feline animal in less than three (5) days waiting period as aforesaid where ~uch animal is injured and in the opinion of such supervisor the one humane act would be one of disposal. Section 1~. Ail ordinances or parts of ordinances that conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. S~ction 16. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction thereof he punished by a fine of not to exceed $100.00 or by inDr~onment of not to exceed ninety days. M~ction 17. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage. First reading: September 8, 1959. Second Reading: October 26~1959 Offered by: Chios Seconded by: Kin9 Roll Call: Ayes: Ail Nays: Secretary to the Council I[AYOI% ~ ,7/ -- ~ /