HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 472 ORDINANCE NO- 472
-section..1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation
to fail to dispose of garbage and rubbish which may be or mai
accumulat~aupon property owned or occupied by him or them in a sanitary
manner at least once a week. Eve~ person, firm or corporation who
shall fail or refuse to make provision for and secure such disposal,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
-Section. 2- The ~ord "garbage- as used herein shall include only organic
refuse resulting from the preparation of food and decayed
and spoiled food from any source.
The word "rubbish- as used herein shall include all inorgan-
ic refuse matter such as tin cans, glass, paper, ashes, sweepings, etc.
Sect.ion .,3. Every householder or occupant of any dwelling house,board-
ing house, restaurant or any place of business, having, gar-
bage to dispose of, who does not otherwise provide for the disposal of
such garbage in a sanitary manner, shall provide himself with one or
more fly-tight metal cans sufficient to receive all garbage which may
accumulate between the times of collection. Each can shall have a
capacity of not to exceed thirty (30) gallons and shall be provided
with a bail or handles and a tight fitting cover. No garbage shall
be burned in any yard or open area.
Section~. All garbage and r~bbish accumulating between the times of
collection shall be placed in the cans provided for in
Section 3 hereof. Ail garbage must be wrapped and unwrapped rubbish
placed in the same container.
S_ecti.on 5. Garbage cans shall be kept at or near the back door of the
building'using the same or at the rear of the proper~ if
there is an alley and shall be accessible to collectors at all reason-
able times. Collections shall be made from no location other than
therein provided.
Section 6. It shall be unlawful for any ~erson, firm or corporation
to collect garbage or rubbish without having first secured
from the Council a license so to do. That all collections shall be
made within the ~ormal business hours of the day and shall be made in
such a manner as to minimize disturbance and the flow of traffic in
the area where the collections are being made.
S--ect!o,n ~7~ Any person, firm or corporation desiring a license to
collect garbage or rubbish shall make application for
the same to the City Clerk, upon a form prescribed by the Manager.
The application shall set forth (1) the name and address of the
applicant; (2) a list of the equipment which he proposes to use in
such collection; (3) the place or places to which garbage is to be
hauled; (4) the manner in which said garbage is to be disposed;
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(5) File with the City Clerk a copy of insurance policies covering
Public Liability in the amounts of 20 thousand and 40 thousand, ~nd
property damage in the amount of 5 thousand. Said application shall
be submitted to the sanitation officer for his investigation and
report. If the sanitation officer finds that the applicant is re-
sponsible and has proper equipment for such Collection and that no
nuisance is liable to be created by the granting of said license,~
he shall endorce his approval Upon the application. A license fee
as set by Council Resolution shall accompany the application and upon
granting the license the fee shall be deposited in the general f%md.
No license issued hereunder shall be for a longer period than one year,
a~d all licenses shall expire on December 31 in the year of issuance.
Sectip~nJ 8. Each licensed garbage collector shall provide'a covered
tank or wagon, so constructed that the contents will not le~
leak Or spill therefrom, in which all garbage collected by him shall
be conveyed to the place designated in his application. The wagon or
conveyance used shall be kept clean and as free from offensive odors
as possible, and shall not be allowed to stand in any street, alley
or public place longer than is reasonable necessary to collection
of garbage.
Section. 9. Licenses for collection of rubbish and garbage from 1:he
residences wit/%in the City of Columbia Heights, shall be
issued to such persons as have a .contract with the City of Columbia
Heights for such purposes. Such licenses for the collection of and
disposal of garbage and rubbish Or licenses for the collection of
rubbish only from commercial, industrial, schools, churches and other
public or semi-public establishments shall be issued by the City
Council as herein set forth. The times and frequency of collection
shall be set forth in the Contract provided for collection from
residences as set by the City Council each year. The collection and
disposal of garbage and rubbish from commercial, industrial, schools,
churches and other public or semi-public establishments shall be at
such frequency so as to maintain the high standard of health in the
.S.e.c.t.i.on %0. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the
provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction there-
of be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punished by a fine of not
less than Two Dollars (82.00) nor more than One Hundred Dollar~
($100.00) and costs or by imprisonment in the City Jail for not ]~-ess
than five (5) days nor more than 90 days.
Section.~.l. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict
herewith are hereby repealed and specifically repealing
Ordinances 92, 321 and 336.
This ordinance shall beiin full force and effect from
and after its passage and publication according to law.
First reading: 9/8/59
Seconded reading: 10/13/59
Offered by - Orendorff
Seconded by - King
Roll Call - All Ayes.
to council