HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 462ORD I HC[
NO. 462
Published in the Columbia Heights Record, Tl~ursday, Sept. 17, t959
Title ...............................................
Definitions .......................................... 3.
Establisbn}ent of Districts ............................ 4.
Uses Permitted In or Excluded From Districts ...... ~... 5,
Uses Permitted, R-1 Distrlcts ......................... 5, i
Uses Permitted, R-2 Districts ........................ 5,2
Uses Permitted, R-3 and R4 ......................... 5.3
Uses Permitted, R-C Districts ........................ 5.4
Uses Permitted and Excluded, P Districts .............. 5.5
Uses Permitted and Excluded, O-1 and C-I-S Districts .. 5.6
Uses Permitted and Excluded, C-2 and C-2-S Districts .. 5.7
Uses Permitted, M-1 Districts ........................ 5.8
Uses Permitted, M-2 Districts ........................ 5.9
Additional Use Permissions and Restrictions ........... 5.10
A, Uses Permitted In Districts
B. l~asement Dwellings
Additional Uses Permitted with Special Use Permits .... 5.11
Non-Conforming Uses ...............................
Automobile Parking and Loading Spaces Required ..... 7.
Yards, Lot Sizes, Open Spaces ........................
Side Yards Required ................................. S.1
Rear Yards Required ................................ 8.2
Front Yards Required ...............................
Lot Areas Required .................................. 8.4
Lot Widths Required ................................ 8.5
Lot Coverage By Buildings ...........................
Minimum Floor Area Required ....................... 8.7
Additional Regulation -- Yards, Lot Sizes~ Open Spaces 8.8
A, Areas and Widths of Existing Lots
13. Yard, Lot Area Measurement From futur~;
Street Lines
Yards, Courts and Lot Coverage For Dwelling
D, Minimurr~ Spaces and Facilities For C-1-S and
C-3-S Districts
E, Site Plans
F. Structures tn Yards and Courts
Building Height Limits .............................. 9.
I~oard of Appeals .................................... 10.
Amendments ........................................
Zoning Administrator, Permits, Plats .................. 12~
Certificate of Occupancy ............................. 13,
Enforcement, Viotation~ Penalties ..................... 14.
Interpretation ....................................... 15,
Conflicting Laws, Ordinances Repealed ................ 16,
Validity ........................................... 17.
Date Effective ....................................... 121.
1,'O 1 ,I Jb U/~:
%eethm l. 'JTi'I,I;:. Tixls et.dill-
anco shall be known as th.~
ZONIN(; ORI)INANCi,i of the
city of (k)umbia Ileights.
Secl[on 2. I'URPOSE. The
reguh'[th>ns and the districL map
established hereby have been
lll[tdk~ ill accordance witi~ a plan
of hind use whoso purpose
to promote tho health, sa[ekv
ordm', convenience, prosperity,
and generat welfare and have
been made with eonsideralion
to Hm character of each district
and its peculiar suitability for
t)articular usea and with a view
to c(,nserving tile value of build*
Jags and land and e~cotlragil~g
the mo~t appropt'iate use of
land throughout the eib;.
S,~ctior~ 3. D~FINIq'ION~. For
the l)tn'pose of tiffs ordinane,:
CPi'Lain terms and words are
hereby defined aBd shall hav~
lhe followin~ meansings unless
it shall be apparent from the
context that a different
ina is intend~'d.
Words used in the present
tense include ,the future; wop(l:i
in the sin~tdar mmzber include
tho I)hn'at, and words iii Iht)
plural lltlZlibop include the sin~
utar; thr, word 'building"
clude~ the word "strtletnre",
cept as ll];ly otherwise be spool*
fled. 'i'h,~ term "used" shall
mean 'u.sed or intended to bo
liSP(l, OP ltrl'ltl l~Od oP designed
for use". The t(-rm
shall mean "occupied or intended
tO 1)/2 I)Ct'tlllit't[, O1' auranged or
tl~:'si~ll('{l fo!' occtl[Kt llcy'.
word "including" shall m,:,ztn
eluding htlt not limited tu".
Additiotud t ~'l'llts Itlld
~tl'(Y h~'l't'hy tlct'itlctl aS fulox~s:
I. AU'I'r )M()III[.I,: ('AMP: Land
lrav(,lin~ by auion~obile or olh,
el'wise, Or o(',:upiod l,y trailer
~t>actt(,s or movable dwellings,
~xmms or Meoph'tg 'qltat'tc-.l':,;
any kind.
2. AU'I'OMC)fg[LE COU~T: A
]~ttil(ling or group of two or moro
buildings containing guest room~
or apartments with automobile
stol'ago space provided hi eon-
zltx.?tifnl therewith, arid tlSC, d pri-
m:trily for tho ttecon)othttion
/ttllomobih, travelers; inchtding
thost, designated as atltO Cltt)hts
fir ('otlrts, lllL)tOl' hMges or
3. ' ~().XItl)rNC; It(:)[ ;SN:
dwelling Whet'oill 3 Of nlor0
for compensation, but not
eluding a 1}Llilding having 'I0 or
IllOr0 gLl05t
4. /R;ILDING: A structure
having a root st!pI)orled by col-
titans or walls, inchtt/ing Lents
and mobile homes, whcthcl' 1110%'-
able ur stationary.
5. BUII,D[~G, AC{q,:SSORY:
A subordinate buiklin~ the use
of ~v}fi('h is incidental to that et
tho main building on the same
6. BUILDING, MAIN': A build-
ing in which is eomhteted the
principle use et tho lot on which
it is situated.
7. tZUIL,D[NQ SI't'~ op
ING I,C)T: See "Lot".
8. DkV[,',LI,ING UNIT: A room
oP group or rooms /zleludhlg
cooking aCCOlllothL tiotts, OeCL1-
pied by one family or one poi'-
son. and in ~vhich not more
two persons, othop {hah mere-
bOPS et the l';tlllily, are lodged
OP boarded for contp('nsation
any one Lime.
I,Y: A detached bn[lding con-
raining oho dwelling tLnit.
10, I%Vi~I,I,ING, 2RVO FA:M-
II,Y: A building containing two
dwelling units.
11. D~VNLf,IN( L
A buhting containing 3 or more
dwelling units.
12. I:)~Vt.:I ,LINCl (;I~OUP: A
[:roup or row ot dwettings ouch
containing one or more dwell-
lot, as defined horein, an(1 having
a court in common, including a
t)tli~g:t]ow cotlrt or
cuurt, hut not inch (i ~4 an auto-
Illobi]o CC)tlr[ o1' artltnnob]le
'I3, DUMI~ (or 3LINI(
Any area used fL,r the
of ,]ti{d( or disc;tt'tN'd m;tttu'i:tls,
rubbiML trash, c~ns, bottles,
garbage, w,idch,% machh~ery or
1-I ~SI::N'I'f,k f,
The phrase "];:ss,.nlial Services"
Tl~OrtllS tho (TOCliOrt, COH:;{rtlctiO~;
alteralion, or m:dnlenanee by
public uLiliti(,s of by govern-
SiOllg Of sn('}l tl:t(]cr~{rotmd
overhead ~a.4, *,l,',elrietd,
[)r water- tL'ansatisMOn et' distri.
su<'li public ulilitics op Roveru-
nlontal dpp:ti'lnlonts Of
Si()ItS Of ;tS ~l'e l'e(ltlh'Od l'oF pt'O-
teelion of the t)ut)lie health, safe-
ly op general wel[are; inc!tldinK
tOWel'S, poN, s, wirea,
drains, sowers, pipes, co~ldtli[a,
cables, fire alarm boxt,s, police
boxes, and accessories in connee-
/ion therewith, but not including
buildings o~ micro-wave relay
strueLures. I;'op the purpose of
ttds definition the wm.d "build-
in~" (loc~ ~o[ iht'hide "sit. itc[ufos
tot essenthd seuviees.
]5. FANIII.Y: One or more
~ocsons, with their domostie
servants, and with riel to ex~
eeed Lwo hoar'dots or
occupying a (tw(,lling unit as
s~ngte, non-profit, housekeepin~
unit, as disth~(lUtshed from
group occupying a here1, board-
in house, club, dormitory, fra-
let'ni[y or sorority house,
]0. CARAG [~, I'T:'[VAT~: An
accessory buil~ling or p;trt o[
main building used for the stc~-
ago Ot~ly Of tll0LOf vehicles as
accessory use,
17. GRADN: The average
x'ation of the [irdsiwd gt'ound at
ihe exLot'k)r walls et It l)uilding.
For buildings adjoiuiug a
therefrom, the gr:ttle shall be
lhe elevation of lbo sidewalk
opposite th(t center of the wall
neapest the sit'et,t, and where
adjoining Illoro lh;m one street,
shall be the ~,leV:tti011 0f the
sidewalks oppoMIo all xv:ttls near-
est the
(IN 1,'FiI~T): '~'hp yin'fiche dis-
polnL of the ruof or in case
of pitched fuels, to the mean
{CVt'I J)uLWO{'II t}ht O;1V~'S aRd
the highest l,~iak uf the roof.
19. t fOMl;: (;C('U['AT[ON:
in ft (]wol[hlE or wi!biff an aece~
mmnh(?rs uf ':t f:ttnily therein,
and which i.~ clcat'ly inciden[~
and secondary to the.residential
use of the pr:.fises and docs
not change its character.
OFFICE: The office or studio
of physician, surgeon, clergy-
~n'an, architect, artist, engineer
rear. yard whose width ts the
shortest distance between said
side line and the main building.
p6rtion of a side, front, or rear
yard, nearest the designated lot
line and having the Width or
or similar professional person, depth in the Distri'et in which
located in the d~velling of the. located.
principle practitioner, but not '
incldding any display of such: Section 4. ESTABLI~IqSViENT
tlse outside~ the dwelling. OF DISTRICTS.. The following
~ twelve kinds of districts are
21~ LoTf _An ~entire parcel or hereb5> established within the
~tradt of lafid occupied or to be
occupied,by a main building and
its accessory buildhngs, o~; by a
group such as a dwelling group
or automobile court and their
acce*,s0ry buildings, including
'the Yards and open Space. s re-
quired therefore by this ordin-
ance and other applicable law.
~2. LOT DEPTH: the average
depth from the front line of the
lot to the rear line of the lot.
93. LOT WIDTH: The width
at a distance back of the front
lot line equal to the required
front yard depth. ·
~% Building or use that does not
conform to the regulations here-
in for the district in which it is
person, firm corporation, muni-
cipal department or Board duly
'authorized to furnish and fur-
nishing under 'public regulation
· to the pUblic; !i~lectricity, 'gas,
heat,:' powe~5 steam, telephone,
telegraph, other communication,
.video, transportation or water.
27. STORY: That portion'of a
building included between the
· surface of one floor and the
'sugface of the floor or ceiling
or roof above it. .& basement
is a story for the purposes' of
height regulations if the vertical
distance from grade to the ceil-
~ing is more than 7 feet, or if
'uSed~ fo? bus,ness or for
or a caretaker. -.
28. STORY, 'HALF: A story
with al least two opposite, ex-
terior sides meeting a sloping
roof not more than 2 feet above
the floor of such story.
29. STREET: A Public or
private thoro~ighfare, which af-
fords the principle means of
'access to abutting property.
30. STRUCTURE: Anything
constructed or, erected on or un-
'der ,the ground or;attached to
something, on ,or under 'the
. ground.
City of Columbia Heights:
1. R-l--Residential Districts.
2. R-2--Residential Districts.
R-3--Limited, Multiple
Dwelling Districts.
4. R-4---General Multiple
Dwelling Districts.
5. R-C--General Multiple.
Dwelling and Limited Com-
mercial Districts.
6. P--Public Facilities
7. C-I--Local Commercial
8, C-I-S--Local Shopping
Center Districts.
9. C-2--General Commerdial
10. C-2-S--General Shopping
Center Districts.
11. M-l--~tmited Industrial
and Manufacturing
12. 1Vf-2--General Industrial
and Manufacturing
B.. DISTRICT I%TAP. Said Dis-'
tricts are shown upon the Dis-
trict Map as published in thg~
Columbia Heights Record= ac-
companying this, ordinance. Said
map and all notations, refer-.
encee, and other information
shown thereon, shall be as, much
a part of this ordinance ;as
the matters affd information set
forth by said map w~re all fully
described herein.
For determining the boundaries
of. the districts shown on the
district map, .the following rules
shall apply:
1. Where boundary lines are
obviouslM following street, al-
ley, lot or property lines, or
section lines, such lih~s shall
be the boundary- lines. Area
withirl lakes ,are declared to be
in P Districts.
2. In Unsubdi~ided property or
where a' district boundary di-
vides a lot or parcel of prop.
erfy, the location of any such
boundary,, unless, the same is
~indicated by dimensions shown
on the district map, shall be
determined by the u~e of the
scale appearing on such map.
3. The Board of Appeals' estab-
lished hereby shaH, ripen appli-
cation or upon its own motion,
determine the location of boun-
daries in cases' where uncertain-
ty exists, after the application
of the ru,les.
Areas hereafter annexed to the
City of Columbia t-Ieie;hts shah
be considered to be in R-1 Dis-
tricts and may be changed
wholly or partly to any other
district or districts only by
amendment, as provided - for
herein. Within 90 days after
the effective date of any annex-
ation, the City Council shall
cause studies initiated by or for
the Planning and' Zoning Com-
mission as, required for deter-,
mining the need if any for any
change, and for reporting back
to the City C6uneil within ~80
days after such annexation d~te.
Section 5. USES pE~~
DISTRICTS. iNTo building~ shall
hereafter be erected, construc-
ted, reconstructed altered, en-
larged, or moved, nor Shall any
use permitted herein lin the dis- 3. Gasoline servic~ stations and 3. Advertislng signs, appur~enan~
trier in, which, Ieee.ted, subject accessory greasing, servicing, to the use of the prop~ty on
io other applicable .re~lalio~ cleaning and washing ,of auto- which displa~d.
hereof,~ ~d ohly afte~ ~e issu- mobiles, ineludin,g minor ad-.
anco of the n6eessary permits as justments and repairs, but not 4. Automobile display and
provided in Section 12 ~nd other'gener~ repairs, overhauling, re- sales rooms, parking lots and
sections hereof, building, demolition~ or spray structures, and gasoline ser-
Each bu~ding hereafter eretted painting, vice stations, and when acces-
sory thereto, the re~il sale of
shall be located o~ a lot, a~ de~ 4. Ho s pit als, convalescent gasoline, oil, grease, ~d aut~
f~ed herein, and ~ no case shall homes, rest homes, homes for mobile parts and accessories,
~ere be mo~e'than:i main build- ~e aged..
mg 'on 1 lot 'except: as may be and the washing, cleaning,
greasing and servicing of auto-
o~erwise provided: herein.,~ , : . 5. Offices ,and office, ~buildings mobiles, including minor ad-
'' Each build~g c~ntaining any, for bus.ess and: professional justments and repairs, but not
dwelling mitts' or guest rooms .uses, inclUding banks, medical general repairs,, overhauling,
shall be erected on a lot at least and den~l cl~i~, ~d for pub- rebuilding, demolition or spray
one line of which abu~ for not ]ic and public ufi]k~ uses inctud- painting.
le~ than ~ feet ~ong aPublic ~g telephone exch~ges.
strut or along a permanent,
unobs~cted easement of accel. 6. Restaurants, refres~ent 5. EakerleS, cafes, confectioner-
,to the tot from:a pubHe:~reet s%ands, but not any selling or les, and ice crem and soft
as approVed by the zoning ad- se~ing alcoholic beverages, drink shops, i n c 1 u d i n g the
preparation of food produc~
ministrator a~ adequate for tim 7. Uses permitted in C-1 Dis- for retail sale from their sites
pu~ose, trlcts, on]y.
Section 5.1. USES PERM~
R-1 D~S~ Section 5.5 USES P~MIT- 6. Frozen food lockers for ser-
~ USES P~~ ~ ~ EXCLUDE~, P D~- -vice to families and individuaI~
. ~ 7. Liquor stores sell~g pack-
1.~ One fa~lY dwellings. ~' P .~tr~c~ include such land, aged goodm
2.;Crop and ~ee farming,~ fruit water and sw~py' areas as are
and berry ~sing, and non-owned, controlled resisted, 8. Radio (k.~. or F.~L) or
commercial gardening, plant used or held for future, use for television broadcasting stations
nurseries and green houses, but public and r~lat~ purposes by and ir~smitters and micro-
not genial farming, dairying the City of Columbia Heights' wave radio relay s~uctures.
or stock, m]~aI or poultry or other governmentaI or public
raises or feed~g;~ ~agency. 9. Theatres, lodges and assem-
3. ~urcheS; ,~aPish houses; ~n- ' bly facilities having a seating
vents, child;nurseries,~ nursery A. USES PERMI~D. capaciW of less than' 300 per-
schools, and ~vate educational sons, but not includlng outdoor
schools like publi$ elementary 3' Public, buildings and uses. theatre.
and secondary schools. 2. Public parks, ~ playgrounds, ]0. Other ~tail stores and shops
4. Public buildings and uses, in-i atlfletic fields, golf courses, ail- offices and small service busi-
cludlng elementary an~d ~second- por~, .parking ~eas. . nesses catering to neighbor-
cry schools, school athletic hood patronage, deemed to be
fields, parks,~ playgro~ds, ~_ 3. Public streets, alleys, ease- as appropriately and desirably
brar~es, rousers, community merits and other public ways, ]ocaied in C-1 and C-1-S Dic-
centers and~ recrea~on cente~, highways ~d fl]orbughfares, iricts as those enumerated
polic~ and f~e stations, utilitY~4' Public d~s, sewers, water othe~ise detrimental to per-
pumping stationS, ' above, and not dangerous or
~ . . lines water storage, treatment sons residing or %vorldng in the
~. Golf courses, eountw clubs, and pnmping facilities, and otb- vic~ity ~ereof, or to the public
tennis courts, =swimming pools er ~ublic utilitY' and public %%{elfare, and not impairing the
and addRionaI~ private recrea- service facilities.
tional uses, all' non-commercial, use, enjo~nent or ~value of .any
6. Sign~; inclu~ng mail box ~d 5. ~emporaw public housing property, except any ~ses ex-
eluded hereinafter.
fir e protection identification, required and desired to
official traffic si~s, and the ]iev~ a critical housing~ short-B. USES ~CL~ED..
followlfig; -- one only sign n~ age.
more' ~an 12; square feet. in 6. ~ DweIUngs d~ dweiilng units 1. Uses exc;u~ed~from C-2 ~d
~area 'Pd~thining 'to~ the {lease, fo} employees having duties in C-2-S Distr[cts.
hire or sale of l~d or.a build- connection with any praises 2. Wholesale or jobbing bus1-
ing on which located, one only requiring them to live thereon, nesses.
outdoor_bulte~n board no~ more including families of such em-
lhan 24 square feet in area ~ployees when living with them. 3. ~anufacturing or p~cess-
for a church pr school on the : .
property on ~hich located, and 7. Other public pu~oses and ins other than accessory uses
customarily incidental lo
one only name plate of not uses, except any excluded here- mitred retail sales and services
~more than one square .foot in inafter. ~
area pertnining to a home oc- uses.
cupation or pertained use, pro- ~. USES ~CLUDED. 4. Commercial recreation uses
riding none except official traf-
fic signs and si~s for non- 1. Dwellings or dwelling units -such as amuscm~t parks,
profit and ch~itable organize- except those enu~erated under bowling a]leys, billiard and
iions shall be. illuminated by Uses Permitted; pool halls, dance halls, and
other than the reflector skating rinks.
method. / 2. 'Private trades, businesses,
or indnstries, except any that 5. Taverns, ~eer gardens
ION: Any change in or addi-
tion to the supporting members
.of a structure, includin~ any
]argement~ or extension of out-
side building dimensions or
,building height or depth, includ-
.lng repairs, alteration and
32. USE: The purpose for which
.land or a building or structure
thereon is or is to be used, oc-
cupied or maintained.-
33. USE, ACCESSORY: A sub-
ordinate use on the same lot
with the principle use and inci-
~dental and accessory thereto.
34. YARD FROtN~r: A yard ex-
. tending across the full width
of a lot whose depth is the
shortest distance between the
front lin~ of the lot' and, the
main building, including an' ~en-
closed or covered porch, provid-
ed that the depth shall be meas-
ured fern a future street line or
a street on which a lot fronts,
when such line is shown on the
.district map or official ~map or
is, otherwise established.
35. YA/iD, REAR: k yard ex-
tending across the full width
of the lot whose depth.: is ~the
shortest distance between the
rear lot line and the main build-
36. YARD, SIDE: A yard be-
tween the side line of the lot
mncI, the main ~ building extend-
ins from tho front ~ard to the
Section 5.2 USES PERA1/T-
1. Uses permitted 'in R-1 Dis-
2. ~i~vo family dwellings.
Section 5.3 USES PERAIIT-
TED, R-3 AI~.D R-4.
t. Uses, permitted in R-2 Dis-
2. N[utiple d~vellings and dwel-
ling groups. Buildings larger
than 4 unit to require planning
conunlssion authorization.
3. Boarding and l'gdgi~g houses,
frat6rnity and soi~ority houses.
Section 5.4 USES PERMIT-
1. Uses permitted in 11'{-3 ahd'
R-4 Districts. -
2. Automobile courts, hotels
motels, and tourist homes, pro-
vided no businesses shall be con-
ducted except as a service for
guests thereoL
3. Private Clubs, lodges, librar-
ieS, and mus'eums;
1. Clothes cleaning or launder-
Lng pick-up stations, clothes
pressing 'and tailoring shops,
and self-service launderies.
building or land be used for..2. Flower, fruit, and vegetable
any purpose other' than for a sales and stands.
are only accessory uses and
necessarily incidental to per-
mitted uses.
3. Any uses which are object-
ionable because of emission' of
odor, dust, smoke,~ gas, vibra-
tion or noise or because of
subjection of ..life, health' or
propei~ty to hazard.
Section 5.6. USES PERMIT-
1. Uses permitted in R-C ]Dis-
tricts, Section 5,4 subdivision
A, 2 ~ 3 including those re-
quiring use permits in such
'districts, but without such
requirement in C-1 and C-I-S
Districts, provided that hospi-
tals, convalescen!; homes, rest
,homes and homes for the aged
are permitted onl~ with special
use permits.
2. Retail stores and shops and
small service businesses such
as: art shops, professional stu-
dios, clothing, drug, grocery,
fruit, meat, vegetable, confec-
tionery, hardware, sporting
goods, stationery, music, vari-
~ety and notion stores; house-
hold appliance, nxmre and
'furnishing stores and repair
shops; stores and ~hops for bar-
bers, beauticians, cabinet rn&k-
: ers, elecYcriCians, j e w e'l e r s,
'xvatchmakers, loc4:smiths, paint-
~rs, plumbers, shoemakers, tail-
ors, dressmakers, clothes pres-
ers, job printers, blue-printers
~ photographer~,
bars serving any but non-aco~
hotic beverages on the premises.
6. Mortuaries.
7. Used ear lots.
Section 5.7 USES PERMrr-
1. Uses permitted in C-1 and
C-1-S Districts.
2. Advertising signs.
3.. Bakeries, candy maki.ng.
4. Bars, taverns, 'night clubs.
Cleaning and dyeing plants.
6. Department stores.
7. Engraving, photo-engraving/
lithographing, printing and pub-
lishing and bookbinding picnic.
8.' I-Iousehold equipment repair
9. Laboratories; medical, dental
and optical, and nqn-hazardous
and in-offensive laboratories ac-
~ cessory to permitted UseS, in
the same building.
10. Laundries.
Loft buildings.
12. Music conservatories, danc~
ing studios.
;~ lqepair ami ~torage garage~
14. t~etal~, wholesale ancl'J6~ 13. Veterlnar~ hesplta~, w~th2~"Any'ot~r-i'~d/~';0~her~e ~] Salt, ga~ 0~ ofrwelis, o= drill- conforming uses ~s m~y be re-
bing businesses, animal kennels and pens corn- p.rohlbitod by law, with certain lng, gravel pi~, mineral explor- quired to ,conform to the re~utao
pletely enclosed;, uses permitted only with special ation or recover, dumps, in P, tfons hereof, and for extousior~
~5. 'Sign painting shops, paint use permits. . ~/I-1 and M-2 Districts. and enlargements of buildings
shops., ~4. Watch, clock rhaking. ~ and uses.
· B. USES PERM1TI~D WITH ~. Buildings for essential serv-
~6. Theatres, lodges,' assembly .115. ~Velding. SPECIAE USE PERMIT ices, cemetery, crematory, mau- A. Parkng spaces shall be pro-
halls, auditoriums, arenas, soleum and other places for the vided at the ratio of 1 parking
churches. 16. Other wholesale, processing, I. Acid 1Vfanufacture. disposal of human dead, conva- stall for:
-- lescent home, rest home, gov-
t.7. Tire repeat shops, manufacturing, eormtrucfion or 2. Cement, lime, gypsum or plas- ernmental, public utility and 1.. Each dwelling unit in an),
service uses deemed to be as ter of paris, manufacture. 'public service uses, micro-wave dwelling or other building.
18. Vocational a'nd trade appropriately and desireable lo-
schools. ~ coted in'Si[s1,' Limited Industrial 3. Distillation"af ~g~es. coal, t~r,'-' radio relay structures, hospitals,
institutions~of an educational, 2; Each sleeping accommoda.
· . - ' and' Manufacturing Districts, as petroleum, refuse; g r a i n or philanthropic or Charitable na- tion in any automobile court,
119. Other retail or wholesale those enumerated above, and ~vood. ture, in any distr][ct, when re- motel or tourist home, and each
sales and service uses deemed emitting no objectionable or
to be as appropriately and de- unpleasant noise, vibration, 4. ]~)ump,'dog pound or ga~rbage, quired for the public health, camp unit in any automobile
safety, convenience or welfare, camp.
sireably located in .C-2 and odor, smoke, dust or gas. not_ offal, dead animal or fish
C-2-S Districts as those enumo unsanitary or injurious to 'the duetion or dumping. .3. C a m p grounds, automobile 3.. Each 3 sleeping aeeomoda-
crated above and which will- public health; Lists of such camps, trailer courts in P, t1-4, tions in any hotel, boarding
not be dangerous or other~vise' ~/dditienal uses xvould be par- ~. Drilling or exeavatlon for, or C-2, C-2-S, M-1 and M-2 Dis- house, fraternity ' or sorority
detrimental to person residing mitred subect to performance removal of oil, gas, or other hy- triers, house, or dormitory, in addition
or working in the vi, einity up to desi~eable standards, with drocarbons, or minerals, to the number of parking stalls
thereof, or to the public wel- permits therefore revokable in 4. Automobile parldng lots in P, required for its dining and eh-
fare, and will not impair the the event such performane~ is 6. Explosives manufacture o r 1%-1, P~-2,/R-3, 1%-4, and t%-C Dis- tertainment uses.
use. enjoyment of value,of any not had, may be made by t[~e storage, triers and parking structures in
property, but not inelffding any Z o n i n g Administrator and 1%4 and RC' Districts for' re- 4. Each 3 beds in any hospital
uses excluded hereinafter, Board of Appeals to assist in ?' Fat rendering., quired off-street parking spaces 5. Each 6 b~ds in any sanitari-
- B. USES PERMITTED WITH administering this ordinance. 8. Fertilizer Ynanufaeture. for a use'xvithin 500 feet thereof, urn, convalescent home or simS-
SPECIAL USE PER~. 9. :Gas, illumir~a'ting or heating, 5.Districts.~tVfortuaries in R-C and C-1 lar establislunent.
1. BUS, taxi, truck terminals manufacture. 6. Each 3 seats or. slimier ac-
and storage facilities, railroad t..Such uses enumerated unde~ ~ 6. The extension of a use into commodations in any restau-
lines, spurs and passenger ter- USES EXCLUDED, .belOw, as I0. Glue manufacture, a district~where otherwise pro- rant, theatre, auditorium, stadi-
mina:s, but- not railroad yards, upon application therefore with 11. Stone quarr~z, gravel pit, rock hibited %rhea a lot is in two or urn, church, entertainment use,
substantiating information fur- crushing and cutting, gravel more districts, hall for meetings, dancing or so-
cial events, and other use where
2. Creameries, dairies, Ice nished by the applicant, may .and sand washing and grading. Section 6. NON-CONFORMING such accommodations may be
cream plants, be considered appropriate in
the proposed location in an M-1 12. Refining of petroleum, refin- USES used by 12 or more .persons
at the same time.
3. Ice and cold storage plants. District, subject to such condi- ing or smelting of ores. T h e lawful, non.conforming
tions as may be 'set in approval
4. ]Kartuaries. of special use permits there- 13. Stockyard or slaughter of an- use of land or a building %xisting 7. Each 250 square feet of ground
fore. imals, except poultry or rab- at thb date of enactment of this floor area in business or corn-
S..Shops for the following and 'bits. ' - ordinance n~ay continue, provid- mercial use, each 500 square
similar occupations; Black- C. USES EXCLUDED. 14. Tannery. ed no structural alterations ex- feet of basement floor area, ancl
copt those required hy law or or- each 500 square feet of floor
smith, machinist, mason, tin- 1. Blast furnaces:' 15. 'Any oth~r use which is ob-dinanee, are made therein. If area above the first floor in
smith, jectionable by- reason of emis- changed, the ~se shall conform to such use, provided that for such
Used car lots, farm equip- ~' Boiler works, sion of odor, dust, smoke, gas, the provisions hereof. No non- establishments as drive-in mar-
6~n~nt sales lots. 3. Dog pounds,- vibration or noise, or because conforming building or non-con- kets and similar and other busi-
er subjection of life, health or forming use of land shall be, eh- nesses catering to drive-in pa-
T. Warehouses. 4~ Forge plants, property to hazard, larged or moved. ~ tronage, and for uses in C-1-S
If any non-conforming use of~ and C-2-S Districts the required
C. USES EU<CLUDED. ~. Junk yards or the baling of Section 5.10. ADDIni~)NAL USE ~and is discontinued for 180 days, ratio shall be 4 parking stalls
junk rags. PERMISSIONS 'A2qDRESTI%ICo it shall not be resumed and anY for each 250 square feet of to-
1. Any use permitted in onIy 6. Pumping or wh61esale stor- TIONS future use of such ],and shall con- tal area in business or commer-
M-2 or tn only M-1 and~ M-2 age of crude petroleum. A. USI~S PERMITTED IN DIS- form to the provisions hereof. No rial use within buildings and
Districts, T. Railroad yards, roundhouses, TRICTS dump o/' junk yard. ~shall be con- outside:
tinued after the adoption of this
2. Any use excluded from' ~/I-1 repair shops. .- ~: 1. Accessory buildings and uses ordinance for more than 12 8. Each 3 'persons -(including
or Ni-2 Districts. '~_8.' Sawmills, l~lanning mitls.- and those eust0martly incidental months, proprietors)
S. Junk Yards, 9. Steam power plants'Of Public Hc and private ways and ease- A non-co~ifo'rming use of a any' institutional, pub]ia, bust-
utility nature, ments, ess~htlal services, dxvell- structure may be e xt e n d e d. ness or industrial use.
4. Manufacturing and proce~- ing units for 'servants employed throughout the building, provid-
ing other than an accessory 10. Stone quarries, ~tone cut- on the premises or for private ed no structural alterations, ad- B. The following parking space
use customarily incidental to ting and crushing, washing and guests; private garage~, stables ditions or enlargements not re-~ requirements shall be met:
permitted commercial 'sales and grading, of stone, gravel and and pump houses, ~cuetures for quired by taw, a:re made, and ~L Each parking stall shall be
service uses. sand. yard and garden ornamentation, may be changed to a use permit- not less than 190 square feet
I~. Any use which is object~ona- 111~ Sugar refining, and private recreation purposes ted without a special use permit in area with additional area re-
ble by reason of emmission of are permitted in any district, in the same or in a more re- quired for satisfactory move-
odor, dust, smoke, gas,TMvibra- 12. Wool pttlling or scouring, except that; stricted district, ment in and out.
I tion or noise, or because of 13. NIunufacture of: a. No accessory use shall be A non- conforming structure 2. Access drivexvays to n s!ngIe
-subjection of life, health-or Acetylene; acid; alcohol or al- dangerous, obnoxious or of-destroyed or damaged by fire, stall or parking lot shall be not
property to hazard, cohoIic beverages, ammonia, fensive to persons residing in flood, wind, earthquake, explo- less than 12 feet, nor more than
bleaching powder; chlorine; the vicnity thereof, or Stol{air sion or other casualty, or by the 24 feet in width where crossing
Section 5.8 USE~ PETfMITTED, chemicals; soda or soda com- the use, enJoymen{ or value pubtib enemy, to the extent the front property line from a
M-X DISTRICTS, pounds; kiln-made., brick pot- of any property'; and where the cost of restoration street or road, except tha~
A. U~ES PERAfITTED. tery, torte tetra or tile: can- would amount to less than '50 per driveways serving p a r k i n g
dles (except by hand): cement, b. No accessory dwelling unit cent of its full market value pri- spaces for residential uses shah
1. Uses permitted in C-2 ~ gypsum, lime or~plaster..of par- in. any R-l, or R-2 District' or to such · casualty as deter- be from 110 to 118 feet wide.
triers, including those, requir- is, disinfectants; dyestuffs; em- shall be let for Hving pur- mined by the zoning adrninistfa-
in~ a' special use permit' in such .cry cloth or sandpaper; ex-plo- poses for compensation, tar may be restored. When de- 3. Required parking stalls for
sires or fireworks (or Storage 2. Crop raising and' flower, stroyed or damaged to a greater dwellings, motels, auto courts
districts. / of same); exterminators or in- shrub, tree, fruit, berry, vege- extent or to such ,an extent that and auto camps shall be locat-
2. Light' processing industries sect poisons; fertilizers; glass; robie growing and similar home demolition is reqnired by exist- ed on the same p.remises as the
consisting of the processing, glue or size: gelatin: grease, gardening may be an accessory ing or hereinafter' adopted laws use they serve. For ether uses
treatment and packing Of ma.- lard .or tallow (manufactured use on any dwelling lot or the or ordinances, or to protect the they shall be located on the
public health or safety, or xvhcre premises or within 500 feet dis-
excaptterials, alcoholg°°ds orandaleoholief°°dstuffS'bev- oriluminatingrefined ironer heatinganlmal fat):gas principal use on any vacant lot restoration is inet started within tance, provided that stalls re-
erages, fish, meat products, pie- (or storage of~ same): lamp or parcel. ~a period of one year and carried' quired for employees may. be
Ides, sauerkraut, soy beans, b 1 a c k; matches; linoleum; 3. A. home occupation or home diligently on, any restored or fu- ' located ~vithin 1200 feet of the
vinegar and yeast or anF linseed oil, paint, 0it, shelIae, professlonaI office, a~_ defined ture structure or use shall con- place x.of employment.
resulting in the emission of turpentine or varnish (except, herein, is permitted in a dwell- form to the provisions hereof..
strong odors, mixing only) oiIcloth or soiled lng in any district provided The provisions of this section 4. Parking stalls ma~' be intend-
~ products; paper or pulp; pie- there be no external evidence shall appl~ to any use that may ed for several uses in the same
3. Automobile, motor vehlele, \kiel: sauerkraut or vinegar; thereof except the display of a become non-conforming due to a vicinity, the number of stalls re-
ah-plane farm implement and '/)lastics; potash products; rayon name plate, change in the classification of a quired being the total of~ the
other assembling, or s/railer products; rubber or district in wkieh it is located, separate requirements. U p o n
gutta percha products (or B. BASEMENT DWELLINGS from the effective date of such shelving in an applleation to the
4. Bfeycle, motorcycle, out- treatment of same; . shoddy;~ No basement dw. elling~, shall change. Board of Appeals, however, that
board motor manufacture, shoe polish; soap (other tha~i hereafter be permittecl in any the parking demands of differ-
liquid soap); starch, gIucose d/strict, unle~ speciflcelty per- Any use which is permitted in ent uses in such joint arrange-
~$. Boat Building. ' or dextrin: stove polish, tar mitred under other, applicable or- a district only upon the issuance ment occur at distinctly differ-
roofing or water proofin~ or dinance. Ex~sting b asr m e n t of a use permit therefore shall, erent tirhes, the Board may ep-
S. Building materials, eontrae- other tar products; chewing to- dwellings shalI b~ subject to tLme upon its establis}maent, be con- prove and the City Council may
tars', lumber, fuel and feed bocce (or. treatment of tobac- limits and other requirements side. red a conforming use in that grant a reduction in the total
yards. ' co); yeast, heretofore or hereafter estaly- district, but subject to any cbn- number of stalls required.
ltshed for completion of whole ditions imposed by' suci~ use per- 5. Required parking spaces pre-
T.. Bulk gasoline and ell sta~ 114. Uses excludecI from M-2 dwellings as permitted in the dis.. mit. The provisiona herein for vided on a lot or in a building
tlon~ provided att applicable District.m - trtcts tn which located. . the continuance, of non-conform- shall be kept available for park-
:~fety regulation~ are com- "
plied with, but not tank farms. 15. Any other use, Which is Sec t i o n 511.. ADIS1TIONAL ingterfereUSeSwithshallactionnOt' preventthat mayer in.be demanding duringandtheshalltimeSnotOf parkingbe re-
objectionable by reason,of em- USES PERI%fITTEDWIT~SPE- taken' to abate any nuisance in duced in number, provided that
8; Concrete mixing, concrete mtsston of odor,, //ust, smoke. CIA/. USE PERMrrs~ any manner provided by law. upon application with a show-
products manufacture, gas. ~'bration ar noise, or be. The following uses and those lng of reduction of parking de-
cause of subjection of life, Previously designated as such Section 7. AUTOMOBILE mand, the Board of Appeals
9. Eleetr~platlng. health, or property to hazard, may be permitted In certain dis- PARKING AND L O A D I~7 G may approve and the City
10. Jewelry, silverware, musical Section 5.9, USES PERMIT- triers only after securing special SPACES REQUTt~ED. Off-street Council may grant a reduction
instrument, toy manufacture. TED, Ni-2 DISTRICTS use permits therefor, following parking and loading spaces shall in the total number of stalls re-
, , approval by the Board of s'~t~ be provided as fo]lo~vs, for build- quired.
11. Produce Markets, A.. USES. PEPa~'r~'~. 'peals and the issuance of ' ings hereafter erected, construct--
1. Uses permitted in M-I' Dis- permits by the City Council as ed or moved and for uses here- 6, Parking stall% truck'loading
12, Storage elevators, tricts. . ,~ :. ~ provided in, Section .10-hereof: after .establ/shed, for. such non- spaces, aisles and access 'drive-
~ ............ Io. qu~.~v i~
~-~ ......... /qzlualywa-d pwl~YtS~v
I III Illl ~ I ' I I__~L_ !1 I
Cit~ of col~mb~a~_He~l~ts
A~o~,~ 'COU~T~. M~IdI,,IF_.S, OT~
· Georce ~.. t~ro~n
.-- £nqineer --
ways shah be graded and sur- hoo~ and that of future neighbor-
faced for adequate drainage ancI he. ds. ~
freedom from dust, dirt, and L Permitte~l buildings and 6seE,
mud.. ditional required for each 3 feet
C. Truck loading spacem and. of building height in excess of
truck parking and storage spaces 35 feet up to a maximum depth
off-the-street shall be providedlas requirement oil 40 feet.
needed in connectioh with all
buildings and uses delivering and
reeeiving goods, materials and
'supplies by trucks.
Sec[i~n 8.. YARDS, LOT sIZEs,
· Yar.ds, lot sizes and 0t!en
spaces shall be as' required in
-Sections 8.1 through 8;8 and in
other sections hereof, for build-
ings ,.hereafter erected in Dis-'
tricts,, except as othemvise pro-
vide&, herein, Minimum open
3. C-l, C-2, M-1 and M-2 DIS,
TRICTS -- Depth' ofk/5 feet,
provided that on any lot ad-
joining any R-l, R-2, R-3 1~-4,
. R-C or C-1-S District, 1 foot ad-
'ditional depth is required for
'each 5 feet of b. uilding height in
excess of 35 feet.
Where the rear line of the lot
adjoins an alley, 5~ the width of
such alley may be included in
computing required rear yard
.with variations'.: of' minknurn except audible Pa~ng and-~ pm~sed ~a~, fa~ifi~ ~d
'widt~ and dis~ and'park- I~ding ~acas, dNve~ys, ~-.buildings shall be shown upo~the
~g ~space ratio, ~y be ap- sential so.ices,, w elks and approved site plan as required
2. R,2 D~I~ ~ 50 feet, or pian~ng space, , sha[ll, be not spaces and facilities, widths and
40 ~at ~r one-family ~ell~gs clear to a~ stree~ or alley line, d~t~ces regardless of larger or
if ~ lot is one'em ~ approved 'or to the bo~dary line of any ~aHer r~u~emen~ herein.
sub~v~i0n p~: ;, . ~er ~tricL than ~) fee~ : ~' ~e:Coune~ shall not approve
3. R-3 D~I~':~ Same as 2- Off-street automobile parking a site plan unless found suitable
~ R-2 D~tric~ for one ~d '~and.loa~naspace~aroundbuitd-
two-f~iI~ dweE~g~: 60 feet ~gs shah be separa~:e from the
for 3 an~ 4-~mfly dwelIfngs, or ' ed~ of the roadway-: in any
50 feet ii the .'lot ~ one on. an' ~treet by a curbed strip contain-
approved subregion plat. ]ng a walk not less than t0 feet
~ R-I ad R-C D~TRI~S '-- in width, ~ a phmt~ strip
S~e 'as ~'Ri~'-D~ for'with ~e~ and shrubs not less,
buildings centering '1 ' to 4 ' than 10 feet im wide, both to be
dwelling units, inclusive; 60 feet maintained ad~uately for these
for buildings containing 4 or ;pu~oses. ~iveways across such
more dwelling units; or 70 feet ,strip shah be where approved building or structure, ~om its
for buildings over3 stories~ or by th~ Zonin~ Administrator. lowest point upward, except ~
as to Ire arrangement and widths
of spaces, facilities, locations, and
proposed uses and in accordance
with the intent and purpose o[
this Ordinance.
AND COURTS. ~Ivery part of a
required yard or court shall be
open and unobstructed by ~any
spaces and facilities in C-l-S and
C-2-S 'Districts simll be as re-
quited in Section 8.8, and ih P
Districts-~hall b~ as recommend-
ed by th~ BoaPd of Y~ppeals and
approved by the City Coune~l' as
prov~kled in Section !0 hereof.
No lot shall be So reduced or
' dimin~hed, and no' ktructure shall
be so enlarged or moved,'as to
reduce' or diminish the yards,, lot
'area 0r open space required here-
in in ihe district in which located.
iNTo ya?d or other open space r~-
quired ~herein for any building
shall ,be considered as providing
a yard or open space for
other building, and no yard or
open space qn an adjoining lot
or parcel of property shalI ~be
considered as providing a yard
or open space on a lot %preteen
a building is to be erected.
Section 8.1. SIDE YARDS
A.. Sid, e yardi of a{ least, the
follbwing width in ,each designat-
ed district, are required:
1. 'R-1 DISTRICTS -- 12;D'er
· .cent of the lot width, .witk a
minii~um of 7 feet permitted.
9.~' R-2 DISTRICTS -- 12 ~per
cent of the lot width/ witl%
depth, except that {he rear yard 35 ,feet in height..~ 3. The off-street parking area follows:
depth actually on a lot. may not 5. C-l, C-l-S, C-2, C-2-S..MO 'shall"be four times Or more the 1 Aceesso buildin s are er
be reduced to less than 20 feet and M-2 DISTI%ICTS '--- Same aggregate floor area 'and all ~mt' ' ry g p -
- '.' ' ," · ' · · ' ~ea in a rear yard and shall
in any R-I, 1.<-2, R-3, 1.<-4, or R-C as m R4 and R-C Dlstrmts for other area planned for ultimate be not closer than 3 feet to an,
District, or to tess than 10 feet dwellings arid, for other build- business purposes in each C 1 S :
· ~ · · . · . : .' ' Iot line, when not more than 15
in any other district. ~ -~ngs contamm~g..dwellmg' umts, and C-2-$. Protract, and such ~ . . '
-' · ' "~ - ' -. .' . Iee~ In nelgnt, Wlr~ one
Non-resudentlai lot w~dths .shall area requ&rement shall not m
Section 8.3. FRONT YARDS be ~deo·uate for' the narticular c~l,,d~ d~iv~wav~ ,~,,lr 1~.~,,~, 'nonai zoot or mstance reqmrea
REQUIRED ' . ................................ ~, .
~ '- ,* for each 3 feet,, of add~tlonal
A. Front yards of at least the usem' end,the yards'Jec[uired 'in spaces, promenates, 'PlantinK, height to: a height limit of 24
foilowing depth in each, designer- .the districts in .w..~fah: located, spaces, and ether open' Spaces.
ed district are require: Section 8.6.' LO.~, C~VERAGE'4. ~ A screen' ~lan{in~ s+riD,-o· feet.
1. R-l, 1-<-2, tt:-3, 1~-4 and R-C BY BLrfLDINGS ; '. : /, less ,than ~', f~t irt ~vi~i~'S~ :~' Sills, cornices, buttresses,
DISTRICTS ~ 25; feet' mini- A, ,The percentage :of lot. area i. be prov/ded.~ ,within each C-1-S eaves, open Work fire balconies
mum or in linewith exKsiing ad* 'coverecL by a main building .and .and C-2-S District along all and fire escapes, chlmneys,
jacent dweliing~ or~ the front of accessory buildings shall not ex- ~boundaries that do not adjoin flues and Similar building ap-
' · purtenances, may, extend not
the properties, ceed the following' in the desig- streets.
2. C-I, C-2, M:I anti 1Vf-~ DIS- Rated districIs: '~ ~ 5. All Plahting strips shall be more than 3 feet into a required
WI~ICTS --:None, tmtess the I. R-I DISTRICT~. ~ 25.per planted and maintained. For yard.
frontage in a block between~ two cent. v/sion clearance fo~ traffic the :3. Uncovered /porches and steps
cross streets is partly in a C-l, 2. 1%-2 DISTRICT~ ~ 30' per height o£ planting w~[thin 52feet to building entrances may ex-
C-2, M-1 or 3/I-2 District 'and cent;
partly in anothe~ Distr/c~ in 3, ALL OT~IER DI~Ti~ ~ of any' driveway shalI, be. not tend not more than 8 feet into
more thor, 30 inche!l above the any re'quived front yard. or rear'
which case the front ~rarcI de~tk 35 percent for dwellings of' vari- elevation, oil top of curb along- yard and not more than 4 feet
required-in such District shalI o~.; kiruts and oth~r buildings side it; into any requirecI side yard or
apply along the entire: frontage, containing, dwelling- Units, in- Elsewhere it is. the h~tent ta pro- court.
B. FRONT YAFCD EXCIm~rlON' eluding, hotel~ motels,/ auto' duce tree and shrub growth, of 4. Walks, step~ on ground slopes,
Where front yard depths of ex- courts and traiIer:Jcourts; in- ~ good height and density as, early, retaining walls, hedges, and
tsting buildings.within ~ distance cluding the 'area .pccupiecI 5y as possible for 'a screen 0f suer, rural growth, fences, paved tot-
of' 150 feet on both; s/des of a~ trailem arid all 0the~ buildings plantin~; between, the develop- races, and paved areas, struc-
building to be 'ereeteff in any 1~-I, and structure~ in the case. of ment withirt -~uch district and tures used ornamentally or for
1l-2, R-3, 11-4 or, R-C District traller courts.~ ,' residenttal'~districts around it. ' essential services, when aeees-
average not more ~than 6. f~it Section 8.'/'. 1WlSqI~U1VI ELOOR 6. The Zoning Administrator sha11, sory t~ told austomarilY inet-
greater or not more tha~ 6 ~f~et AREA REQU. HIED. Any dwell- require the irmtal/ation of such. dental to the principal use, are
minimum of 4 feet for a one- less than the fr6nt- yard depth lng/'except any in a, dwelling signs; markings and traffic con-.
family dw~llir~g, and 5 feet for required in the distrlcl~ the~ front group, shall have a first floor, trol and regulato~ devices- as
3a two-family dwelling. :. yard~ depth for such buiIding: area of not .less' thru 7!0 square are necessary to promote vehie-
· R-3 DISTRICTS -- 12 Per: shall be not less than suck aver- .feat for: a one-'story buiIding and uIai- and pedestrian: safety ih
. cent of the lot width ~vith a rain- age. If the difference' IS morel·not Ies~ than 780 .square feet for any C-I-S and C-Z-S DistriCt
inure-maximum range of 4 feet
for1 family dwellings, of 5 feet
for a 3 and 4 family dw~iling,
and of 7 feet,for dwellings 6f 5
or more families, with 8 and 16
feet applicable .to over 2 story
4. R-4 and R-C DISTRICTS. --
Same ,as in R-3 Districts, With
I foot additional side .yard
width required for each 5 feet
of building height over 35 feet.
5. C-t, C-2, M-1 and M-2 DIS-
TRICTS -- Side yards are re-
qmred for a buddmg contaunng
permitted in yards.. No fence or
· hedge in any yard of a corner
lot within 20 feet of the corner
· at, the street intersection shall
be more than 3 feet above the
than 6 feet the Board of Appeals a building of one and :one-half development and its ~ accesa level of the denter of the road.
may recommend and the ~City storie~ or,more:: ,, ~: ~ -->- ,. drives · ·; ...... .... . ~ ', ..... - way nearest it;'
Council may va/W;' .the ffep~ll rc~:'seati0ri 8:.~ ;klhb~5~L' R~:' ~4-s 'and ~,2.s ;deve{onments 'SeeUon 9' gulLDrmo- ~m.,a~m,
q_uir.~. : ~'" . ' GIJLATIONS ,- -YARDS, LOT with the required spaces ~nd' fa-T~IIVIITS.' --'U *'~"'
~ecri n 8.4. LOT AREAS RE- Sr~.ES, OPEN SPACES, eilities according to the provi- A.. Heights of bnildings hereaf-
QUIRED A. AItEA AND 'WID.THS OF stone in this subsection and other ter erected, constructed, rocoR-
A. Lots of at the least the fol-
lowing areas in-'the designated
districts are required, such area
being exclusive of water or
swampy area, or any area sub-
jeer to flood. An approved sub-
division plat, referred to below.
is a subdivision plat i'ecorded Pri-
or to the passage, of this ordi-
EXISTIN~ LOTS~ Or~ an exist-
ing lot or parcel of pr°perty, of
record, owned singly, a~ one-fam-
ily dwelling may be erected, ex-
cept in. P,
1%{[-1 and M-2 Districts wllen the
lot area or lot widt!% or both, are
less than required in the district
in which leeated.
provisions here~n,, may' be shown structed, altered, enlarged ,or
in site plans, as authorized in moved~ shall not exceed the fei-
subsection E, in,whiclh permitted, lowing buHdin~ height limits in
buildings and uses racy be ap- desi, gnate'd districts.
proved closer to street anti alley L R',I, R-2, R-3, C-1 and 'C-~-S
lines and to the boundary Iinea of DISTRICTS -- 2%.I, stories, or
certain districts than 40 feet, ex-
cept R-1, R-2, R-3, or R-4 Dis, 30 feet.
any dwelling units and a side 'nance or one approved by the
yard is required for other build- CRy Council Subsequently.
ings on each side that adjoins 1. R-1 DISTRICTS -- 8400
any R-l, R-2, 1.<-3, 1%-4, R-C or square feet for a dwelling,, or
C-1-S District. None are re-, 7800 square feet if the lot is one
quit.ed other~vi~e, The width of on an approved subdivision plat
each side yard shall be not less 2. R-2 DIST1%ICTS -- 6500
than 12 per cent of the lot width square feet for ,a one or two-
with a minimflm range the same family dwelling, or 5000 square
STREET"LINE. On a let ad-
joining a future street line estab-
lished by this ordinance and
shown on the district map, or
othemvise ' established, measure-
ments for determining ~;equircd
lot a~ea and required depth or
as in R-3 Distric.ts, with I foot
additional side yard width re-
quired for each 5 feet of build-
ing height over 35= feet.
1. The side yard width on a
street side of a corner lot shall
be not tess than % the distance
of the front yard depth require-
ment for the lot to the rear
thereof when said lot to the rear
thereof has frontage along the
side street, .and no accessory
building on such corner lot shall
be closer to the side street than
the distance of the front yard
depth requirement for the lot
feet for a one-family dwelling if width oil an adioining yard shall
the lot is one on an approved 'be made from such future street
subdivision plat. line instead of fr~m the. existing
3. R-3 DISTRICTS:- Same as
is R-2 Districts for a one or
two - family dwelling; 72(10:
square feet for a 3 or 4 'family
dwelling; 1200 square feet, ad-
ditional for each dwelling unit
over 4. '
4. R-4, R-C, C-I and C-I-~ DIS-
TRICTS -- Same as in R-3 Dis-
tricts for buildings containing
1 to 4 dwelling units, inclusive:
600 square feet additional for.
each dwelling unit over 4.
right;ofovay line.
GROUPS. No build'nc of the
group shall be closer, to} the. side
of another, bu~dina than IZ feet
or to the rear or front of another
building than 30' feet.
Side, rear and front yards for
the entire Iot occupied by a
dwelling group shall be not le~s
than required in the district in
which located. '
Width of a cour~ iproviding ac-
E. SITE PLANS. Site plans of
one or more existing or proposed
dweIIings, or other buildings,
proposed lots, or buiIding ar-:
rangement on lots, with let sites
and shapes,' yard sizes or other
open spaces varying from the re-
quirements herein, and site piers
of proposed C-I-S and 'C-2-S Dis-
trict developments showing the
proposed location arc1 'arrange-
ment of buildings,~ parking spaces
and other required spaces- and
facilities, may be approved=by
the Board~ of Appeals and City
Council. under certain conditions
as, specified below ami subject to
such additional conditions of ap-
proval as may be set :in acting on
each case.
1. A site plan of proposed lots
o~ buildings and. lots. with lots
smaller than required in the
district in which located, when
arranged in groups or clusters,
to the rear thereof; provided,
however, that this regulation
shall not be so interpreted as
to reduce the buildable width
of a corner lot to less than 25
feet, nor to prohibit the 'erection
of an accessory building where
compliance with tiffs regular/on
,cannot ~easonably be had.
Section 8.2. REAI% YARDS
A. Rear yards of at least the'
following depths~ in each desig-
nated district are required:
1. R-I DISTRICT -r-. Depth
~qual to 25 per cent of the I0t
depth, With -a minimum of
feet permitted and a maxirnurn
of 40 feet required.
2. R-2~ R-3, R-4 and R-C .DIS-
TRICTS -- Same asin R-1 Dis-
1. Individual lot areas required
may be reduced by the Planning
Commission by not more-than
· 15 per cent xvhen the lot is one
on an approved subdivision plat
or sit~ plant on which the aver-
age area of ali lots is not less
than that required for the dis~
trict in which~ IocatecL ..
2. Each 2 guest rooms or sleep-
lng rooms in ,any auto. court,
hotel, motel, t6~ home or
similar accommodation shall be
considered as ~ dwelling ,unit.
~ in determining the. lot area re~
quirement ' ,
Section wmams
A. Lots of at ~east the following
widths in each designated dhtrict,
are required:
tricts, but with a minimum of 20 L 1~1 DISTRIcT -- 'fO feet,
feet permitted for one famity or 60 feet if the Iot Is one on an
~ ~lwellings,- and with 1 foog ad-, approved :subdivisiOn plat.
may be approved when addition-
cess to dwellings of a group shall . al permanently maintained open
be not less': than P.5 feet when space is shown, and when the
dwelIings are on one side 0nIy~ average lot area including such
and not leks than 35 feet when open space, but' not ineluding
on two sides~ with 5 feet wider streets or wetlands, is not less
required for each I0 feet that' the than the lot area requirements
highe~ buiIding- exceed.~ 25 feet for the district. -
in: hetffht.
Lot coverage. ~y alt '{aulldlngs' 2. A site pI/m of a butldJng on a
lot of ·record or a.portion of
shall b~ 3~ percent.er less..' such lot, with lot widtknarrow-
~Minlmum first'floor. ~t-ea of any' er and certain proposed yards
dwelIhng shall~ be 500. square feet., mmalIer and with Pat coverage
D, ~ SPACE~ AND; Iargar thar~ required in the dis-.
YAC1T,rFOES for C-I-S and .t~ict in which locat~.~l,, may' be
C-2-S DIST!~ICT~, ~for permitted,; approved if the let ares ~ not
building~ ancl:usem ir~ eaett C-I-8 less. tha~. requirect in the dis-
and. C-2-S Digtriets~'the following trier,
minimum spaces and 'facilities 3. Site plans of proposed C;1-S
around them are required for the and C-2-S District developmeffts,
purpose eli avoidin~ traffic con- with all the spaces and facilities
gestion,, traffic hazard and othe~ ~required in subsection. D,. but
2. 1.<-4 DISTi%ICTS· -- 3 stories,
or 35 feet.
3. R-C, C-2, C-2-S and M-1 DIS-
TRICTS -- ~ stories or 65 feet,
except as follows; not exceeding
35 feet on any portion of a tot
less than 15 feet distant, and not
exceeding 45 feet orr any portion
of a lot between 15 and 20 feet
distant from any portion of a
lot in any R-l, R-2, R-3 or C-I-S
4. M-2 DISTRICTS- 100 feet,
except as follows:
a. Not exceeding 35 feet on any
portion of-a lot less than 20
feet distant and not exceeding
50 feet on any portion of a lot
between 20 and 25 feet distant,
from any portion of. a lot in
any R-I, R-2, R-3, 1%-4, C-1 or
C-I.S Districts.
b. Not exceeding 75 feet in any
portion of any let less than 25
feet distant from any portion
of a lot in any ~l~-C, C-2 or
C-2-S District.
I. Established buildin2 height
limits shalI not apply to belfries,.
eupolas,~ spires, monuments, re-
die or teIevision antennae, flag
poles, chimneys or flues,, water
towers, or to poles, towers and
oth~r structure~ for essential
Services, nor to similar, strue-.
tures or necesskry mechanical
appurtenances extending from ~
~of upward and not occupying
more than 25 percent of the
area of such roof as projected
onto a. horizontal plane.
2. When permitted in a district
havln~ a building height limit of
1ess, than 65 feet, public build-
ings, e om.m un it y buildings,
schools, churches,, hospitals and
dangers, and of protecting and'. proved. ...... other instituttons~ public utility
conserving the ,resMential char. In each such~ esso; proposed in- and pub/lc ~erviee buildingg and
acter of any, adjoining ,neighbor- dividual lot areas and widths and those for essential .services may
ceed~ng q5 feet, provided the
side yard width and the rear
yard depth be each increased
foot ove~ ~d'above the district
requirement fo~ each 2 ~eet
bulldog heigh~ above the height
3. ~here the average slope of a
10t is greater than one foot rise
or fall in seven feet of disi~ce
from the established st~eet ele-
vation at the property l~e, one
story ~ addition to the number.
permitted in the dis~ict in
which said 1o$ is situated shall
be permitted on the downhill
_side of the building, provided,
~at the height of the building
shall not be increased above the
limit specified for said district
Section 10. BOARD OF
PE~. A Board of Appeals is
hereby established witt] ~e fol-
lowing administrative au~ority,
powe~ and duties:
GAN~ATION. ~e City Council
shall designate the planning com-
mission as the Board of Appeals.
~e zoning administrator shall
act ~ secretly for ~e board.
AH meetings, transactors a~d
records of action of the board
~shall be open to the public. The
bo~d shall adopt rules and reg-
ulatio~ for the transaction of
from by not more than the ~. LIM1TATION~ OF POWt~L9 hereby charged with the respon- sue permits or licenses sba]] ts.
number of stalls of Unused The' powers and duties of the sibility of administration and on- sue no such permit or ~license for
capacity' ~' Board of Appeals,.except its p~v- forcement of. the provisions of any use, structure or purpose if
(2) Where .any planned public er of interpretation, shall be lira- this ordinance, wif2~ the follow- the same would not conform to
or private off-street park--i~ed to action on specific app,;alS Lng powers and duties and such the provisions of this ordinance.
Lng facility, to be open et and applications only. No board additional as the City Council B. If any building or structure
the use of the public free action or recommendation to the may assign; is erected,, constructed, recon-
of charge or at a reason- City Council and no Council ac- 1. To issue, or approve, all per- structed, repaired, altered, en-
able rate, will, when corn- tion shall change or have the et- mits and certificates required large-] converted, maintained or
~pleted, cater to the park- feet of changing any rule, rogu-
ing demand in an area lotions, .provision or r~estriction of
within 500 fo.et thereof, t.he,this or~dinance,' w.it. hout following
b o a r d may recommend the~ procedure established herein
that the City Council es- for amendments, but shall effect
tablish a reasonable time only its application in a specific
period within which any case before the board.
use or uses within such C. BOARD OF APPF. ALS VOTE
a r e a shall provide re- -- HEARING'- COUNCIL AC-
b y this, ordinance, including moved, or if any building, struc-
tempqrary permits for temper- ture or land is used in violation
a r y non-residential buildings of this ordinance thc Zoning
and uses when necessary for ministrator shall order in'writ-
and incidental to the erection, lng the correction of such 'viola-
constr~uction, reconstruction, al- tion, If, witi~in 30 days or such
rotation, enlargement, moving longer time as the Zoning
or equipping and servicing of ministrator may in writing auth-
structures or uses permitted in orize, any such conditions have
qulred spaces for parking TION any district, not been corrected, he shall cause
stalls, anticipating th a t, The concurring vote of a m~- 2. TO cause any building, struc- appropriate action to be institu-
upon completion of all or a Jority of the members of · the tare, land, place or premises to ted for correction or abatement.
portion of such .develop-]3oard of Appeals shali~ be nec- be inspected and examined and C. The Zoning Administrator, or
ment, the provisions of essary for any action authorized to order in writing the remedy- City Attorney or other official
paragraph (1) above, may hereir/, prior to which the board lng of any condition found to be designated by the City Council
be applied, shall be required to hold a hear- in violation of this ordinance, may institute appropriate action
(3) As provided in paragraph lng and give due notice thereof, 3. To act as secretary for the or proceedings for the purpose
'4 under subsection B of including not ~less than 10 days ]3oard ~f Appeals, to relay any of:
Section 7. notice of the time and place action or recommendation of 1. Preventing any violation.
(4)/In a case where it 'is thereof, published in the l~gal the board to the City .Council: 2. l:~estralning, co rte c t in g or
clearly shown by the ap- newspaper. At the hearing, par- for its consideration, and to tel- abating such violation.
- pHcant' to the satisfaction ~ies at interest and their agents low-up as necessm~y until and~ 3. Preventing the 10ccuPancy of
of the board and the city shall be given :an opportunity to after Council action.
any building, structure Or land
' Council that the provision be heard. ]3. PERMITS REQUIRED in violation of this ordinance.
of space ~required herein Any action consisting of any' A building permit or special 4. Preventing any illegal, act,
for parking stalls, due to recommendation to the C i t y use permit shall be aplied for 'conduct, business or use in or
the particular nature of a Council shall be reported to the and issued before the erection,, about any building, structure or
proposed use or other con- Council within 30 days accom- construction, reconstruction, al- land in violation of this ordi-
dition would be unneces- Denied by the original applica- teration, enlargement or moving nance. .. ~
sary or a practical diffi- tion. ' 'of any building, except mirlor al- D. Any person, firm or corpora-
culty, or would create an Within 30 days thereafter, the teration~ or repairs not involv~ t/on violating the provisions of
unnecessary hardship, the Council ,shall consider the recom- lng enlargement, moving, change this ordinance shall be guilty o!
b o a r d may recommend mendations of the Board of Ap- or. use or establishent of a new a misdemeanor and upon convic-
that the City Council vary peals. Favorable action shall be use, and whose full value is less tion thereof shall be punished
1. INTERPRETATION.. Th e such requirement, by resolution, by majority vote, than $20. by a fine of not more than $100
board shall interpret the words, 3. APPROVAL OF SPECIAL referring to the recommenda- C. P E i% 1VI I T A~PLICATION, or be huprisoned for ,not more
terms, rules, regulations, provi- USE PERMITS FOi-{ CERTAIN tions of the'board, granting a PLAT- than 90 days. Each day ar{y vi°-
si°ns and restrictions of this or- USES. variance, modification or adjust- Each application for a building latlon shall' exist shall constitute
dinance, where there iS doubt as ' The Board of Appeals shall meat and approving or ordering permit or special use permit shall a separate offense. '
to the meaning: thereof, and 'consider applications for special the issuance of tim necessary per- be accompanied by a drawing or S e c t 1 o n. !5. INTERPI~ET.~.-
shall determine the location of use permits referred to it by the mit or special--use permit by the plat in duplicate drawn, to scale TION : ~,' ,. ·
boundaries of districts where' Zoning Administrator, as provld- Zoning Adminisfrator, subject to,'and showing the dirrmnslons and In interpreting and apPlying
uncertainty exists after therules ed in Section 5.I1 .and Section }uch conditions as may be es- location of lot, proposed build- the provisions of-this Ordinance,
~n Section 4 hereof for deter- 12 hereof. The issuance of any %at{lished. ' ings and ex/sting buildings and they shall be held et be the mini-
mining said boundaries have such permit shall:be recommend- Section 11. AMENDMENTS yards, proposed use of all build- mum requirements adopted for
been applied.
~ . ~ ed to the City Council only if the ~ The City Council may amend lags, and such Information on the. promotion of the public
board shall find that the pro- this ordinanceffrom time to time. front yard depths and other yard health, safety, orals, comfort,
2. APPEALS - VAllIANCES. posed use, including use of land, A proposed' amendment may be sizes on other, lots and such other convenience, and general wel-
The board shall hear appeals buildings, facilities and accesser- initiated by the: Council, may be information as the Zoning Ad- fare. Wherever the provisions
from and review any order, re- les, in the proposed location will recommended by the planning ministrator shall require for the hereof require a greater.width,
quirement, decision or delermin- not be dangerous or otherwise Commission, or may be. peri- enforcement of this ,~rdinancd. depti~ or size of yards, courts or
etlon made by the zoning ad- detrimental to persons .residing tioned fSr~by, any affected per- D..SPECIAL USE YERMIT ' other open spaces, or require a
~ministrator. ' Where there ~is dr workings'in' the~Vicinit~'ther6Y' Son~or i{8ks0nk 'dr-th~ir~ a~er{ts~ ' ~ A s~ecial: ~se'perrni} shall be'~10{~e~ 'height of building ~)r less
practical di£ficulty or unneqes- of, or to the public welfare, and A. I~EPORT BY' PLA~NNrNG applied for and' issued for such number of stories or less percent-
sary hardship in the way of will not impair the use, enjoy- CO MM IS S ION ~ PUBLIC buildings.and uses as are permit-1 age of lot occupancy or require a
carrying out the strict letter of ment or '~alue of any property, HEARt-NG~.
' ted herein in various districts greater lot area or width, a
this ordinance, th~ board in hewer, er, in no event shall a spe- Tl~e City Council shall require only after securing such a special greater .first .floor area, a larger
Passing upon an appeal, may cial permit be granted whicl~ a report from the Planning~Com. use permit. The Zonh~g Adminis-humber of automobile parking
recommend that the City Court- would allow use in a district not mission on any proposed amend- /rater Shall receive such appli- spaces, or impose other higher
cil vary or modify any of its contiguous to or adjoining a dis- merit before taking final-action cations, shall refer them to the standards than are required by
rules, regu]atlons Or provisions trict where the use applied for is thereon. 'The Planning ~ Comm~- Board of Appeals for approval or any ~ther statute, ordinance or
relating to the ~ construction, permitted. ~ sion shall: be required to ~i~old a disapproval, and if approved, regulations, the provisions of this
structural'changes in or altera- 4. CONDITIONS public hearini-thereon with no2 shall refer, them to the City ordinance shall govern. 'Wherev-
tion of building or structures In ~cting upon any matter the rice the same as required for the Council. The Council, upon ap-. er the provisions of any other
including yard, lot area, lot board may deterine and'recom- public hearing by the council, be- proval, shall order the Zoning statute, ordinance or regulation
width, lot coverage, first floor mend to the City Council that, fore submi{ting.its final report. Administrator or Building In-~require a greater ~vidth, depth'or
area, parking space, open space in order~ tO Protect the public 'Such final report shal be submit- specter to issue such' special use size of yards; courts or other op-
and height regulations,' or the health, safety, convenience and ted within 60 days after th~ time permits after securing written en spaces, or require a lower
use of land, buildings, or struc- Welfare, or to avoid'traffic con- of referral~ 6f ihe proposed agreements, or other required as-'height of building or a less num-
'tures, so that the spirit of this gestion or hazard or other dan- amendment 'to it, unless. /he surance of faithful observance of her of .stories, or less percentage
ordinance shall be observed, gers, or to promote conformity council agrees to an extension of such Conditions as may have been of lot occupancy or require a
public safety and welfare Se- of a proposed use ~vith the char- tittle. " -
cured, and substantial justice actor of adjoining property and ]3. ACTION BY CIT~/COULd. established in the Council's ac- greater lot area or width, a
~ great- first floor area, la larger
done. The board may also rec- uses and 'the district as a xvhole, CIL PUBLIC HEARING E, WI~I'HHOLDING PERMitS number of automobile parking
ommend the following to the or to protect such character, the After receipt-of~ the final re- FOlq. UNSAFE, UNSANITARY spaces, or impose other hlgher
City Council, in specific cases: isuance of a permit applied for port from the Planning Commis~ CONSTRUCTION standards than are required by
a. The establishment of require- should be subject .to the follow- sion or, in the event no such re- No permit shall be issued for the provisions hereof, the provi-
ments for yards, lot areas and lng or other conditions: ~ port is received, after 60 days any building or construction or sions of such statute, ordinance
widths, lot coverage, open a. Time limits within which the after the time of referral of the land alteration not in conformity 'or regulation shall' govern.
spaces and building heights, for permit shall be valid or a use proposed amendment to the com- with the reg&lations hereof, or S e c t i o n 16. CONFLICTING
buildings and uses in P Dist- shall be conducted, mission, the City Council may with the regulations and require- LAWS, O t~ D I N A N C
ricts, b. Adherence to modified yard, hold a public hearing, if deemed merits of etcher applicable ordi- PEALED
lot area, lot ~vidth, lot coverage, advisable, and shall act on the nances or codes, or for any xvhich This ordinance does hereby
b. Site plans, as authorized in floor area, parking space, open amendment. If a hearing is held, the Zoning Administrator or otb- specifically repeal ordinance 171
subsection E of Section 8.8,
hereof, spa. De and height requirements not less than 10 days' notice of er issuing officials determine as amended and all other ordi-
in'lieu of the requirements here- the time and place of the hearing xvould be unsafe or unsanitary, nances, the terms of which, are
c. Va. riation of the front yard in. ~shall first be published in thc Section 13. CERTIFICATE OF in conflict with the terms of this
depth required in a specific c. Provision of off-street parking official newspaper of the City Of OCCUPANCY
~ ordinance.
case where front yard depths spaces in specified amounts, Columbia Heights/At a hearing A. A certificate of occupancy, Section 17. VALIDITY
of existing buildings witliin a provision of spaces or easements~ parties at. Interest, · citizens, or stating that the provisions of this Sections, sub-sections, clauses,
distance of ~150 feet on both for screen planting, for utility their agents shall be given an op~ ordinance have been satisfa~tori- provisions and portions of this
sides of a building t~ be erect- lines or for necessary facilities portu~ity to be heard. ]y complied with is required psi- ordinance a~e deemed to be soy-
ed in any R-l, R-2, R-3, R-4 or and. services and provision of C. VOTE, A~-~ER PROTEST or to any occupancy or use of erable and should any section,
R-C District average more than other areas and open sphces. · Pas-sage of an amendment over any structure, prior to an~ sub-section, clause, provision or
6 feet greater or more than 6 d. Limitation of use or speclfich- an unfavorable report of the change of use of an existing portion of this ordinance be de-
feet less than. the front yard tlon of manner of maintaining Planning Comr~issior/ or in the ~ structure or prior to any change clared by a court of competent
depths required for the Dist- and conducting same.' event a certain
' I protest m filed of any non-conforming use. jurisdiction to be unconstitutlon-
riot. e. Drainage or sanitary require- shall require the favorable vote B. Applicdtion for a certificate al or invalid; the same shall not
ments. -of four-fifths of all the members of occupancy shall be made to affect the validity of this ordi-
d. Modification of the require- f. Structural requirements and of the City Council. To be et- the Zoning Administrator or his nance as a whole or any part
meats of Section 7 for the pro- location of buildings and struc- fectbJe 'in this regard, a protest appointed agent prior to ecru- thereof other than~ the. part so
visio.n of automobile parking tares, against a ~proposed amendment paney of the structure or use. declared to be unconstitutional or
stalls as follows: g. Dedication to the public or shall be filed, duly signed by not Within 10. days thereafter he or invalid.
(1) Where existing off-street reservation of areas required ,less than 30'Per cent of the prop- his appointed agent shall Inspect Section 18. DATE EFFECTIVe:
parking facilities, ope.n/to for public or protective pus- erty owners directly, affected by same and shall sign and issue a Th~s Ordinance'~shall take effect
the use of the public free poses. '- the p~oposed amendment, or 30 certificate of occupancy only if and be in force from and after
of charge or .at reasonable The City Council may requi~,e per cent ~of the property o~vners found to be. in conformity %Vith 30 days after its passage.
rates, have unused park- a written agreement, deposit .'ot~ within ann ~,~+ ,,( the~ proposed the provisions of this ordinance.
lng cap~city, the board certified check or funds, a bond, A. The City Manager of lhe City Section 14. ENFORCEMENT, WARREN ARMSTRONG
may recommend that the or other assurance of faithful ob- change.
City Council reduce the-servance Of conditions, the Viola- Section 12., ZON~'~'G ADMIN~. A.' Ail departments, officials, Attest:
parking space requirement tion of which' shall invalidate the ISTRATOR, PERMITS,' PLATS and employees of the City of Co- EVA PRIX'CHARD
for any use distant not permit and shall be considered a of Columbia Heights shall act as l~mbia Heights who are vosied Clerk
more than 500 feet there- violation of this'ordinance, the Zoning:,Administrator and is with the, duty or authority to is- Sept. 10,
Excerpts from ORDINANCE 462
Following are excerpts from Ordinance 462 as pertain to R-i, Restricted
Residential district:
Section 5.1 USES PERMITTED R-1 District
1. One Family dwellings
Crop and tree farming, fruit and berry raising, and
non-commercial gardening, plant nurseries and green
houses, but not general farming, dairying or stock,
animal or poultry raising or feeding.
Churches, parish houses, convents, child nurseries,
nursery schools and private educational schools like
public elementary and secondary schools.
Public buildings and uses, including elementary and
secondary schools, school athletic fields, parks,
playgrounds, libraries, museums, community centers and
recreation centers, police and fire stations, utility
pumping stations.
Golf courses, country clubs, tennis courts, swimming
pools and additional private recreational uses, all
Signs, including mail box and fire protection i~entifi
cation, official traffic signs .........
Side yards of at least the following width in each
designated district are required:
R-1 Districts - 12 percent of the lot width, with
a minimum of 7 feet permitted.
Rear yards of at least the following depths in each
designated district are required:
1. R-1 District - Depth equal to 25 percent of the lot
depth with a minimum of 25 feet permitted and a
maximum of 40 feet required.
Front yards of at least the following depth in each
designated district are required:
R-1 Districts - 25 feet minimum or in line with
existing adjacent dwellings on the front of the
Lots of at least the following areas in the designated
districts are required, such area being exclusive of
water or swampy area, or any area subject to flood.
An approved subdivision plat referred to below is a
subdivision plat recorded prior to the passage of this
ordinance or one approved by the City Council subsequently.
R-1 Districts - 8400 square feet for a dwelling, or
7800 square feet if the lot is one on an approved
subdivision plat.
Lots of at least the following widths in each designated
district are required:
R-1 District - 70 feet or 60 feet if the lot is one
on an approved subdivision plat.
The percentage of lot area covered by a main building
and accessory buildings shall not exceed the following
in the designated districts:
1. R-1 Districts - 25 percent.
This Ordinance shall take effect and be in
force from and after 30 days after is passage.
First reading: September 8, 1959
Second reading September 14,1959
Passed: September 14, 1959
Offered by - King
Seconded by' - McCline
Roll Call - Ail Ayes.
Secretary to City Council