HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 459NO ORDINANCE 459 IN THE FILE
First reading of Ordinance No.459, An ordinance granting unto Suburban
Sanitation Corporation, a Minnesota Corporation, its successors and
assigns, a Franchise and right for a period of 10 years to maintain
and operate a garbage and rubbish incinerator for the burning of Garbage
and rubbish from the City of Columbia Heights as well as from other
Municipalities; to use and occupy the Streets, Avenues, Alleys, Bridges
and other public places of said City with sanitation trucks and other
motor vehiclez carriers and other necessary or useful equipment for
the picking up and hauling of such garbage and refuse to said incin-
erator plant for the inhabitants of said Municipalities, and others;
providing for regulation of rates or charges; for the election by the
municipality of the type of service; and providing for authorization to charge
and collect rates for services; and prescribing the terms and conditions
of the grant and the penalty for the violation of the same.
Motion by Chies seconded by King, that Frank Golusky be paid the sum of
$681.00 in full settlement of claim, also Alice Korst the sum of.$500.00
in full settlement of claim. Roll Call - All Ayes.
Motion by Julkowski seconded by King, that Plumbing license be granted
to A1 Hillsdale Plbg. Co., 8500 Center Drive, Spring Lake Park, and
Nygards Plbg.~ & Heating Co., 7318 Taylor St.N.E. ~ mpon approval
of the plumbing inspector. Roll Call -Ail
Motion by King seconded by Julkows~i, that the meeting adjourn at 9:35 p.m.
Roll Call - All Ayes.
Secretary to City Council -/
~~icatton--Amendrnent of 195
~ - Miller-Davis Co ,'~[inn,~apolis
tate of t linnesota,
Counly of_..A~oka ................................................ j
..... Edward Kaspszak ,
.............................................................................................. being duJy sworn,
on oaih says; that he now is, and during all the times herei~t stated has been
the publisher ........ and printer. ....... of the newspaper known as
do[umbra H~ghgs R~eovd
facts herein stated. ' ............................... , and has fidl' knowledge of the
That for more than one year immediately prior lo the publication therein of the printed
hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the E~zglish language from its
........... ~Ok~ .......................................................................................... State of 3Iinnesola on
........... .~hM.~.~.d.~ ......................... of each week in colum~t and sheet form equivalent
space to 450 runm't;g inches of single column two inches wide; h~s been isued from a known
office established in said place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary
material for preparing and printing the same; ...................
has had i~ its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns devoted to local news
of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its
said known o~ce of publication, has contained general news, corn merits and miscellany, has
duplicated any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate mallet a~d
advertisements; has been circulated at and near its said place of publicalion to the exlent of 240
copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has been entered as second class mail matter in
the local post office of its said place of publication; that there has been on file in the o~ce of the
C~uuty Auditor qf said county the affidavit of a person having first hand knowledge of the facts
consti&~ting its qztalification as a newspaper fi>r publication of legal notices., and that its pub-
lishers have complied with alt demands of said CountX A uditorfor ro . '. '. ' · ·
That the printed 0~~ ~ bffo ~ p of, of ~ts sa~d qualificahon.
. w~ cm yrom ~ze columns of said newspaper; was published
therein in the ~ngtlsh language o~ce each week for .....
~'~Xthat it was ~rst so published on the
. ~ ~ ~w=r case atplzaoe~ which is acknowJedged ~o have bee~ the
s~ze an~ kind of ~ype used in the pubtlca~io~ of said ..............................................................
abedefghijktmno Bqrst uvwxyz
That a copy of each of ~ssues was fil~d i~iamly after ~ublica~bn ~ith the 8tare
-¥vZ~y ~ub[~ ~-~R.4 ~ ~ ............................ ~.c.~ ................