HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 450Being an ordinance re!atin.,~ to the regulation an~t issuance of licens;es
for certain trades and occu~,ations.
Sec. 1. No person, ?erson~;, firm or corporation shall operate in
the followin~ enumeraled fields withoutfirst securing a license as here-
inafter [~rovided from the City of Columbia Heights.
Sec.2. .~y person, persons, firm ~r corporation who shall desire
to conduct a busines, s dealing in secondhand merchandise and goods, pawn
brokerage, junk o~' auciioneering, shall m;fi:e a~;plication in writinTI for
license to conduct such business to the City Council of th~ City of Co-
lumbia ilcights and when granted by the s'~id City Council 07 the City of
Columbia !ieia~hts, such license shall be issued biz the City Clerk to the
a~[q~licant therefor upon presentation by the aPPlicant of a receii,'g from
the City Freasurer showing the paf. ment of the license fee re~luired. The
fee for such license shall be s~t yearly by the resolution of the City
Council of the City of Columbia iieights and the license i~eriod coveredby
any such license shall terminate the firsZ day of Janu~ry next following
the issuance of the said license. The fee for such license shall be
Sec. ). If any }erson shall viol 'i'e any of ihe i~rovisions of this
Ordinance, he sh~.ll u?on conviction thereof, be i, unished by a fine not
exceeding ~t00.00 and be impris~u~ed until such fine is pa~d, not excee,ling
ninety days.
Sec.f~. This ordinance does specifically repeal all provisions of
Ordinance No.
Sec. ~ This ordinance shall toJ~e effect and be in force and effect
from and after thirty days after its passage.
1st reading May 11,1959
2nd reading May 25, 1959
~assed: May 25, 1959
Offered by: Proft
'Seconded by Chies
ATTEST: Roll Call - All Ayes.
Secretary of C~t:y Council
,~iAYO~ OF CITY OF C.ti,