HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4280tI!) IN.,hN C,E NO.
The ~t;y Council of %he C~ty of Columbi~t I[eisi~'ts does ordain:
Section 1. To control and reguta%e thc i, arkin~ of motor vehi-
cles on ocr'rain of public s%reets and avenues in the Ci%y of Columbia
l[e'ii:{hts, Minnesota, the use of mechanical devices commonly known as
park:[n~ me%ers be and is hereby adopted.
SecLion 2. Said parkin?~ me%ers shall be ins%ailed al~d erec%od
Sect ton 5. The insta]lation or erection oi' part:in,~ metera
nat.ion o'!} f;Ite sOreets and avenues or par'ts 'khe~'oo.['~ and the p,-""
motor ve~ticiea is controlled and regulated by said parl:in~{ meZers.
Section t~. Parking meters installed in parkin~ motor zones
shatl be installed upon %ho curb immediately adjacent to 'the indivi-
tltttt] l, al'kJn~l spaces, and ench parkin:j meter shall be so construc-ted and
ad;iu~Coa ,,s %0 show when properly operated a signal that the space
adjacent ~o which it is 'in ....... ].ed is or is uot lesal]y in use.
Sectiou 5. Lines or markings pain%ed upon the eu~'b or s%ree6
adj~eeng to each parkinrj; me%er shall be made desi~l.n~ting 'the parkinS
apace for which said me'keF is %0 be used, anti each vehicle pa~'ked
;tdjltCOll'[5 'kO ;%1'1~z parkin./,f m(~'i, or shall park within slti,t lines or markin~s.
] 8 shall be untnwful '8o park any vehicle across any such line or ma~.k-
:in~.,:s, o]' 'to pork a vehicle in such a posi[ion '6t~i.t it shall not be
en'[,:i re ly wi thin thc space fiesigna%ed by such 1 inos of niart-in/,js,
exccp'i; :in the case of' couuaeucial vehicles re,~uic.[np' more '(;htUl olio
s,,:,eo, the~ sttch vehicle shall be Pequired to pay for '6he space used.
Section 6. 1% shall be unlawful for any i;ci.soll {,o CallSO~ a]tow,
permit or suffer any vehicle re~is%ered in his name or opc,'ated or
.nv s ..... ee ailjacent to ' ' ' is installed a
dui'in which %he me'tot is skowin~{ a sijnal indiea'tJnS %ha% such spa. ce
is illei~ally in use -- othei'. %!lal~ sttch %ime as is necessary %o opera'Se
'6]ie me:gor %o show !cf_;al pa.i"kins -- between 4i~e ]~mrs of p:O0 o'clock
O,.ll~. alltl 6:0( O'C].OCk i~.hi. OJ' /ti!},' t!o,y~ Sundaya and ]eSa] holidays
Section 7-a. Parking meters, when installed and ~roper]y
operated, shall be so adjusted so as to show legal parking durin;~ a
pepiod of twelve minutes upon and after the deposit '~herein of a
United Stages one cent coin, 2~ minutes upon qnd after the deposit of
two United States one cent coins, ~6 minutes u~on end after, the deposit
therein of three United Sta~es one cent coins, ~lS minutes ul~on and
after ~;he deposit lherein of Eour United S'~;ates on~ cent coinc,
minutes u?en and afte.~, the deposJ. 6 therein of J~iYe United States one
cent coin:~, or one United ~6,~es five cen~ coin l'a~aaent of the
said amounts for 'the above period shai'l be made i'oz. parkint; :in the
areas in which parkings( :~e~ors are instal!ed as above provided.
SecgJon 7-b. Commercial vehicles may use the metered spaces
before M~c hour of 12 o~c]ock noon, without [,he dcpoait, of a coin
Lhe [)afl:in3( mci, er space.
Section 2. It shall be un]awful to deposit or cause to be
de?os:iLeal in any parking mci;er any slug, device, or metallic sub;~'i,i~ute
J'or a one cent or a five cent o2' a '6el~ cent coin of tho Vnited States.
i;ection 9. It shall be unlawful for a~ly unm~thorized fei'son
desLroy, o;' [mpaJp t, he lls(~i'tt'[llcs5 oi' itlly parkinlf meter ins'tailed
pursuanL Lo [his ordinance, or hitch any aniI:ll~],s 'thereto.
Section 10. It Sltall be the d'uay of the Chief of ?elite, or
his duly authori:~ed deputy of thc City of Columbia izeights 6o i{ee~ an
account of all vie]orions o; this ordinance.
(a) Chief o~f Police or his duly attthorized del,ut-y shall keep
;~11 ilcoouil't o]] i!itd roi~or% the number of each parking meter which
indic.les th,'6 ghe vehicle occupying the parking space adjacent to such
l, arkiny meter is or has been parked in viol;~t[on of any of the
visions of ghis ordinance, 6he date arid koul' of such viola'ilea, the
the know]
cJ,eums'l.,~.nees atiendin5 such violation.
['b) Tho Chief of Police or his duly authori:<ed de2uty is to
aLi;ach to auch vehicle notice s~a~ing, it kas been pa. ri:od in violation
of b~i~:; ordinance and instz'uc-6in ' the owner or o?erator 'go report to
tho office of the Clerk of Court, or her d~tly authorized deputy of thc
City o.f Co.lumbia l[ei:'jhts, ill regard to such v.i. ola'~J, on. i't shall
the dui,? o1' Lhe Clerk of Court to account and hand'Ic '6he filles herein-
i~i'[,t>:' ~et forth.
The ownel' or operator .may, within 2;~ hour's after' the time when such
nominee ~s a%~ached to sach w~hJcle, ?ay 2he C1
e_~,~ of Court o~' ho~' duly
aut[~orized de~uty in full sati~.;faction or'such violation, thc sum of
f~/'ty cones (5C~).
ocction 11. Zny person violatirl2; any p~'ovision of this ordin-
ance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon c~r~viction thereof,
shaJ:t be i,unishable by a fine of not less than Two 9ol].ars (~;;[~.00) and
not exceeding Fifiy Do~lars (~;~pU.00) or by impz'isom~ent in the 0ity
Jail ['or a period noL exceeding thirty (]0)
..... ' 12.
oect~.on The co:ins dei:osited in parkin:.~ me'te~-s are ~'eq.~i:'ed
and sho]l be ~sed to defray the expenses of i~roper re,~uln'tisn of
tr;~ff'ie u'~on '6~e i,~blic, streets of ~he City of bolmnoia lleights; to
provide for the cost ol:f sui,ep¥ision, regulation a~d control of the
OarL:in~4 of vehicJe~ in ~rkinZ mt:ret zone~ :tnd to cover %he cost
t'lt L'Olllt S(~ ~ lJ tl!~O l'Vi S J O1t~ I~UOL' e' C-'~. l' on, inspection, instal 1 ation,
maintenance, eonLrot and use of t)arkin:fme'~bc, rs and '" ' ' .
Section 13. It shall be the duty of the City Manage~' to desia'-
depo:;ited in ~aid parkin;~' meters, and it shat], be 'the duty of the City
Man:~[er or his desip;na[;ed delmty to count 'klm ~oney and piece it
a ~;p,>ci~,l ['und to be Kllowll z~s 'thc "Parking ~ueter ?'and" which rune[ shat. l
of ~,e~'~,+n:s, ~akJnf.,, :~uch co]ieci:ions shall be ~'~tlo[[ in such ~tlilollll%
{,!lc '" ~ .
C~L[~ (ouncil shallac' s'l'.,an:~'-e
Section ]~!. This ordinance shall be deemed ~o be in addJ.'tion
on~[ :3ttl)p]omeii%al,~, i,o '
,mu not in conflic~ with nor a repeal of existin~
ordinance~ of this City, [m'C shall be an t~ttdition,t ?rov:Ls.Lon :fo~' the
Sec'Lion ]5. If any section, p~r't oY aec~ion, sonte~;ce, clause
of pt,z'aso of this oz'dinance shall be hold ~,<) be unconsti6uLionai or
.;!{Va[ {l~ , =Lhe l'c~aainill,,2, pi'ovisioris befool' sha].l ~ ncv.z~.~,ele~ o , ' ", ~ ~ s , .,'omz~ ~{ n
:.,.ezL{t..~f;i~.J-~[: Thi~: ordinance does specil'ie~!'iy repeal 0rdin,u:ce
';~ection t7. Thi::. o:'din~:nee sha].l be in force :,nd take cf:feet
Second .:eadin~)~: February 9, 1959 C[[TY
SecoDd~d by Proft
Ro~l C~ll - All'Ay~s. . . . · Secretary to City Council