HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 386ORDINaNIDE NO. ~ BEING HN ORDINANCE ENTITLED ~N ORDIi~NCE REGULATING THE iN$T~LL~TION, OPERaTIOI,I AND ~QkINTEN~NOE OF ELECTRIC WIRES, .-~PP~RaTUS AND PLANTS ¥~ITHIN THE CITI OF COLUi.fBiA HEIGHTS; AND REPE~LINC~ ORDIi~NCE$ Ii~ CON- FLICT HEREWITH. THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIC~HTS DOES ORDAIN: SECTION I: That the City of Columbia Heights does hereby adopt by reference the 1955 Edition of the Minneapolis Electrical Ordinance. SECTION ii: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after thirty days after its passage. First reading: May 28, Second Reading: June ll, Offered By: Seconded By: Roll Call: Knutson Hosch All Ayes VILLAGE OF RICHFIELD PUBLIC ;:0RK$ DEPART~ENT PROTECTtVE INSPECT 10b! OtVtSt0N NOT ICE TO ALL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS AND ELECTrICiANS, ENGAGED CONSTRUCTION IN THE VILLAGE OF RICHFIELD. IN ELECTRICAL REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS OR THE RICHFIELD VILLAGE COUNCIL HAS ADOPTED THE MINNEAPOLIS ELECTRICAL ORDINANCE AN~ ALL OF THE RECENT AMENDMENTS AS OF dANUARY 9, 1956, BY REFERENCE. THIS INCLUDES THE RECENT CHANCES WITH REGARD TO~ MINUMUM SERVICE SIZES FOR SPECIFIC TYPES OF BUILDINGS AND HOMES, SPLIT UTILITY CIRCUITS, PLA~:S AND SPECIFICATIONS, )LLUf;INATtCN SUB-FEEDER TAPS~ SERVICES IN OLD BUILDINGS, GASOLINE DISPENSING AREAS~ ADDITIONAL APRLIANCES~ OUTDOOR SIGNS, OUTLINE AND COVE LIGHTING. WE WiSH TO CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING RICHFIELD PEQUIRE;MENTS: 1o ALL SE~VtCE CONDUIT TO BE INSTALLED ON EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS TO NEAREST POINT OF ENTI~Y I N~¢O 2. OL,rYDOOR METER. HU~ OF PROPER SIZE TO BE LOCATED OUTSIDE ON O0¢.~STfC tNSTAJ,,J.,~TIONS, 3~ SERVICES MUST BE GROUNDED D}RECTLY TO THE dELL CASING. SPECIAL PERMISSION REQUIRED WHERE THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE. 4. WHEN A SERVICE CONDUIT ENTERS THE METER HUB THROUGH CONCENTRIC KNOCKOUTS~ A PISTAIL GROUND OR BONDING dUMPER MUST BE PROVIDED. 5~ IN ALL CASES~ THE,GROUNDING CONDUCTOR MUST BE OONT1NUOUS FROM THE COmbINATION NEUTRAL AND TERMINAL !N THE SERVt0E ENTRANCE SWITCH~ T0 A GPOUND CLAMP 0N THE SERVICE CONDUIT ENTERING THE ~E~VtCE SWtTCH~ TO A GROUND CLAMPS ON THE WELL MAY WE OALL YOUR ATTENTION TO "SECTION 4322-C~ PARAGRAPH 1 AND 2 OF THE N. Ee C.~¢ WiTH REGARD TO THE FUSING OF PUf;P MOTORS. SEOT1ON 13, PARAGRAPH A~ OF THE MINNEAPOLIS AND RICHFIELD ELECTRICAL 0RDINANCE~ W:410H STATES ALL RUNS EXCEEDING 3 FEET IN LENGTH~ LOCATED OH OR BELOW~ THE BOTTOM FACE 0F THE FI¢ST FLOOR SHALL BE IN RIGID METAL OONDUfT OR ELECTRICAL METALIC TUBING. ~]HEN ~ROUGHING IN" A NEW HOME ONE SHOULD BEAR IN MiND THAT ~CDIT!ONAL CONDUIT CAPACITY WILL BE NEEDED TO ACCOMODATE THE SPLIT ~%CEPTACLES. SEE SECTION 15~ PAPAGRAPH C AND O OF THE MINNEAPOLIS AND RICHFIELD ELECTRICAL ORDINANCE. BASEMENTS MUST HAVE AT LEAST 0~ LIGHTING OUTLET FOR EVERY 200 SQUARE FEET OR MAd0R FRACTION THE~EOF~ AS PER t~SECTION 301 OF THE MINNESOTA WIRING STANDARDS.~ FOR ANY FURTHER CLAR!FIOAT~ON~ PLEASE CALL S. M. SANFORD AT THE VILLAGE HALL OR ~0. ¢--557~ OR FRANK KRAHL AT THE VILLAGE HALL OR ROe 9~550. WE WISH T0 THANK YOU FOR THE OO-0PERATIVE SPIRIT ALL WHO HAVE HELPED IN THE SUCCESS OF OUR ELECTRICAL ~RDINANCE, SINOERELY~ SIDNEY SANFORD F~ANK KRAHL RICHFIELD ELECTRICAL INSPECTORS 297 PART 30 SIGNS AND BILLBOARDS SECTION 3001. SIGN HANGERS AND BILLBOARD EREC- TORS TO BE LICENSED. No person, firm or corporation shall here- after install, reconstruct, alter, repair or remove any sign, upon the exterior walls or upon the roof of any building or erect, reconstruct, alter, or repair any billboard within the City of Minneapolis without first having secured a license from the City Council of said City auth- orizing him or them so to do. Such licenses shall be divided into two kinds, Sign Hangers license and Billboard Erectors license. Sign Hang- ers license shall include all branches of the business of installing, re- constructing, altering, repairing or removing signs upon the exterior walls or upon the roof of any buildings and erecting, reconstructing, altering or repairing billboards. Billboard Erectors license shall include erecting, reconstructing, altering or repairing billboards only. No such license shall be granted until the person, co-partnership or corporation applying therefor shall have given a bond in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), with good and sufficient sureties, to be approved by the City Council, conditioned, among other things, that said party will indemnify and save harmless the City of Minneapolis from any and all charges, costs, e:~penses, judgments or damages caused by reason of any negligence upon the part of said person, or of any servant or employee of such person, or by the use of any insufficient or in- secure support or attachments, or improper or unsuitable or unskilled workmanship in the erection, construction, installation or placing of any sign that may be erected or installed upon the walls or roof of any building or of any billboard that may be erected by said person. Upon the filing of an application for either of such licenses, the same shall be referred to the Inspector of Buildings of said City, and it shall be his duty to make full investigation of the qualifications of the applicant to carry on the work of installing signs upon the walls or roofs of buildings or the erection of billboards and to report his findings as to the qualifications of such applicant to the City Council of the City of Minneapolis. Upon such report being filed with the City Council, and the execution of the above required bond and its acceptance by the City Council, such license may be granted or re- fused, in the discretion of the City Council. No such license shall be granted to any person less than twenty-one (21) years of age. The fee for each such license is hereby fixed at the sum of Thirty- four Dollars ($34.00) per annum, which fee shall be paid into the City Treasury at the time of the filing of the application for such license. Each such license shall terminate the first Monday in May next succeeding the issuance thereof, unless sooner revol~ed or forfeit- ed. 298 Said licensed person shall, in each and every instance, before install- ing any sign or erecting any billboard for which a permit is required under the provisions of this ordinance, obtain a permit therefor from the Inspector of Buildings. SECTION 3002. PERMITS TO BE OBTAINED. 3002.1. It shall be unlawful, except as hereafter provided, to in- stall any sign in any manner upon, or attached to, or supported by any building, on the exterior thereof, or to erect or construct any billboard except such as are twelve (12) square feet or less in area and not over six (6) feet above ground to any part of the structure, without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Inspector of Buildings. Permits for billboards shall not be issued except upon action of the City Coun- cil, except such billboards which are less than twenty (20) square feet in area and are less than ten (10) feet above the ground. 3002.2. No sign permit shall be required for the installation of any sign the area of which, computed by multiplying its greatest width by its greatest length, is less than three (3) square feet and which merely announces the name of the proprietor and/or the nature of the busi- ness conducted at that location; nor for globe signs, as defined in this ordinance; nor for a sign that is painted directly upon the outside wall of a building; nor for signs placed on the inside of any building; nor for the replacement of the removable display board or panel or other removable display surface of a sign or of a billboard having a station- ary framework or structure so designed that a display board or panel or other display surface may be inserted therein or attached thereto or removed therefrom whenever desired without unfastening or remov- ing said stationary framework or structure from its supports; nor for approved signs loosened from their supports and taken down, painted and replaced without any change having been made in their size or form, or in the ownership thereof; nor for bulletin boards not exceed- ing eight (8) square feet in area for public, charitable or religious in- stitutions when attached to the buildings of such institutions. 3002.3. The sign spreaders of all flat wall signs extending over public property shall limit the thickness of such signs to fifteen (15) inches and if channels or electrical tubing and lamps are used they shall not project more than four (4) inches beyond said face. Such signs attached flat against the face of a building wall abutting on a street, alley or public property, or attached as close thereto as the con- struction or projections of the building will permit, shall not be held to project over such street, alley or public property, for the purposes of this ordinance, and shall not be subject to the regulations for signs projecting over a street, alley or public property. 3002.4. Every licensed sign hanger, applying for a permit for the installation of a sign, shall state the name of the owner of such sign, 299 the location of the building on which it is to be installed, the size and cost of the proposed sign and the materials of which it is to be con- structed and such other information in connection therewith as may be required by the Inspector of Buildings, and, when required by the Inspector of Buildings, shall file in his office, plans and specifications for such sign, which shall show the proposed design, and construction of such sign and the manner in which it is to be attached to the build- ing on which it is to be installed, and the nature and size of the mater- ials to be used in such installation. Every licensed billboard erector, applying for a permit for the erection of a billboard, shall state the name of the owner of such billboard, the address of the lot on which it is to be erected, the size and cost of the proposed billboard and the materials of which it is to be constructed and such other information in connection therewith as may be required by the Inspector of Build- ings, and, shall file in his office plans and specifications for such billboard which shall show the proposed design and construction of such billboard, the materials to be used in such billboard and a plot plan to show the proposed location of such billboard with respect to property lines and other buildings on the same property or adjacent property. 3002.5. In the case of each electric sign manufactured and wired without the City of Minneapolis, but to be installed within said City, no permit for the hanging of such sign shall be issued by the Inspector of Buildings until a permit covering the wiring of such sign shall have first been secured from his office by a licensed electrician who thereby assumes all responsibility for bringing said wiring into conformity with the requ'lrements of the ordinance of the City of Minneapolis; nor then until said wiring shall have been inspected and approved by the Electrical Inspector of the Department of Buildings. 3002.6. No person, co-partnership or corporation shall hereafter keep or maintain any sign or billboard, as defined in this ordinance, for which an annual maintenance fee shall have been established by that certain ordinance entitled, "An ordinance providing for and estab- lishing fees to be charged for permits issued by the Department of Buildings of the City of Minneapolis," passed February 23, 1917, approved March 2, 1917, as amended, without first having applied to and obtained from the Inspector of Buildings a permit so to do, the number of which permit shall be recorded in the office of said Build- ing Inspector. Such permit shall expire on the first Monday of May of each and every year thereafter, and shall be renewed annually On or before said date for as long as such sign or billboard shall be so maintained; provided, however, that no such permit shall be required until the first Monday of May following the erectiOn and construction of such sign or billboard for which a permit under Section 3002, Sub~ section 3002.1, shall have been obtained. 300 SECTION 3003. DEFINITION OF CERTAIN WORDS. 3003.1. The word "sign" shall mean any device or surface on which letters, illustrations, designs, figures, or any other symbols are painted, printed, stamped, raised, or in any manner outlined or attach- ed, and used for display. 3003.2. The word "occupant," as used in this ordinance in rela- tion to "signs" shall mean any person, firm or corporation owning or renting, and occupying a building or any part thereof, and for the purpose of carrying on business therein. Wherever it is stated in this ordinance that only one sign is per mitred for any occupant of a building, it shall mean but one project- ing sign advertising the wares or business of that occupant only. 3003.3. Frontage: Wherever the term "frontage" is used in Part 30 of this ordinance, it shall be taken to mean a section of the front of the building, twenty (20) feet in width, extending from the ground to the top of the building. 3003.4. Area: Wherever the word "area" is used in Part 30 of this ordinance, it shall be taken to mean the surface included within the framework of any sign or billboard, measured from outside to outside of such framework, ladders and scrollwork not included. 3003.5. The term "billboard" shaH, for the purpose of this ordin- ance, be construed to mean all structures which derive their major support and stability from structural members other than those that are an integral part of another structure or buildings, which structures are erected, maintained or used for the public display of posters, paint- ed signs or reading matter. 3003.6. The term, "Globe Sign," shall include any illuminated globe attached to the exterior of a building or structure and on which advertising matter or lettering of any kind appears. 3003.7. The term "Street" shall be construed to mean the area be- tween property lines and shall include the roadway, outside boulevard, sidewalk and inside boulevard as designated by the ordinances of the City of Minneapolis. 3003.8. The term "Street Property Line" shall mean the line of demarcation between public property and private property. SECTION 3004. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AS TO SIGNS. 3004.1. Flat wall signs extending over public property a maximum of fifteen (15) inches may be hung so that the lowest point thereof shall be not less than eight (8) feet above the level of the sidewalk ex- cept flat wall signs that extend three (3). inches or less over public property may be hung at any height over public property when con- strutted entirely of uficombustible material except for nailing rails or ribbons which'~ may 'be of wood of two (2) inch nominal thickness. 301 3004.2. All signs attached to or placed on any building shall be adequately supported and secured to such building by iron or metal anchors, bolts, supports, chains, stranded cables, steel rods or braces, in a manner subject to the approval of the Inspector of Buildings. No staples shall be used for securing any projecting sign to any building. All projecting and roof signs shall be constructed and braced to with- stand a horizontal wind pressure of at least thirty (30) pounds for every square foot of surface exposed in any such sign. A building or part of a building to which a sign is to be attached, and the foundation of such building, shall be of sufficient strength to safely resist the resultant of the dead load and the wind load of the sign, in addition to the dead load, the live load and the wind load the building or part thereof is otherwise designed to carry. 3004.3. No sign of any kind shall be erected, constructed or main- tained on any building in such a manner as to obstruct any fire-escape, or any window or door or opening used as means of egress or for fire fighting purposes or so as to prevent free passage from one part of a roof to any other part thereof, nor shall any sign be attached, in any form, shape or manner, to a fire-escape, or be so placed as to inter- fere with any opening required for legal ventilation. Transom windows may be covered entirely or in part by a completely incombustible sign built of metal panels, with all backing and supports of metal, when the glass and framework of the transom windows are left in place. Windows, except transom windows referred to above, may be cover- ed with a sign provided the opening is properly closed up as per Build- ing Code requirement. Stationary show windows in a building may have cutout letters of incombustible material covering the upper one- third (¼) of such show window providing such letters are a minimum of eight (8) feet above the side walk. 3004.4. Every sign projecting over public property, or attached to the face of a building abutting on public property, or attached to or placed upon the roof of any building and all the supports, guys, braces and anchors for each such sign, shall be thoroughly and properly painted at least once in each two (2) years; and the Inspector of Buildings may order the removal of any such sign that is not so paint- ed, or the supports, guys, braces and anchors of which are not so painted, and it shall be unlawful for the owner or person having charge of such sign not to have the same removed after receiving notice from the Inspector of Buildings so to do. 3004.5. Except as hereinafter provided in Sub-section 3011.1 here- of, no sign, projecting over public property, shall hereafter be so hung that the lowest point thereof will be less than twelve (12).feet above the level of the sidewalk, except such signs as do not exceed four (4) square feet in area and do not project over public property mom than 302 twenty-four (24) inches, which signs shah be hung not less, at any point, than seven and one-half (7~) feet above the level-of the side- walk, and excepting, also, signs projecting over public alleys, which shall not be hung less than fifteen (15) feet above the level of any such driveway. No portion of any electric sign hereafter erected, inclusive of the supports or attachments thereof, shall project more than eight feet and six inches (8' 6") over public property measured along the sign in the direction of projection, nor to within less than eighteen (18) inches from the outer curb line. 3004.5½. From and after the 1st day of September, 1947, no person, co-partnership, firm or corporation shall place, keep, use or maintain upon Nicollet avenue, from 3rd street to 12th street south, any sign which overhangs any sidewalk, street, alley or public place within said area. From and after said date, no person, co-partnership, firm or cor- poration shall build, use, keep or maintain any sign whatever in the above described area, except signs that are placed flat against a building, no part of which project more than one foot from the build- ing. From and after the effective date of this ordinance no person, co- partnership, firm or corporation shall place, keep, use or maintain upon Nicollet avenue, from Washington avenue to Grant street, any new or additional sign, nor any lights, lighting devices or reflectors less than twenty-five (25) feet above the sidewalk, whether attached to a sign or not, which were not in use in the said area prior to the effec- tive date hereof, and which overhang any sidewalk, street, alley or public place within the said area, except signs, lights, lighting devices or reflectors that are placed flat against a building, no part of which projects more than one foot from the building. 3004.6. No sign erected on the same building before the passage of this ordinance shall be rebuilt, altered or moved to a new location without being brought into compliance with the requirements of this ordinance. Provided, however, that when an approved sign is relocated on the same building, for the same owner, such projection over public property will be allowed to the same extent as existed at the original location but not to within less than eighteen (18) inches from the own- er curb line. 3004.7. Every electrical sign shall be wired and installed to meet the requirements of the City of Minneapolis Electrical Code. 3004.8. Every sign, hereinafter erected and attached in any man- ner to a building, shall be plainly marked with the name of the con- tractor or erector. 303 3004.9. Every sign installed within the City of Minneapolis prior to the passage of this ordinance, which is deemed unsafe by the De- partment, shall be either removed immediately on the order of tho Building Inspector, or shall be put in a safe condition. 3004.10. No swinging sign shall hereafter be erected or hung on, or attached to, any building within the City of Minneapolis, and every such sign so erected, hung or attached prior to the passage of this or- dinance, which is deemed unsafe by the Department, shall be immed- iately removed by the owner thereof or changed to conform with or- dinance requirements, when so ordered by the Inspector of Buildings. All existing swinging signs shall be removed or be altered to comply with present ordinance requirements by January 1, 1956. No permit for erection of any revolving or mechanically animated sign or billboard shall be issued until detailed plans and specifications have been approved by the Inspector of Buildings. All such signs and billboards shall be constructed entirely of metal and no shaft shall be less than one-half inch (~/5") in diameter of which adequate provisions shall be provided to maintain proper lubrication at all times. No pendulum type sign shall project over public property. 3004.11. In no case shall more than two (2) feet of space inter- vene betwe~h:'the inner edge of any projecting sign and the face of the wall from which it projects. 3004.12. The minimum clearance of any sign from unprotected electrical conductors (whether on poles or otherwise) shall be not less than thirty-six (36) inches for conductors carrying not over six hundred (600) volts, and forty-eight (48) inches for conductors carrying more than six hundred (600) volts. In all cases where a sign is proposed to be hung adjacent to an electrical conductor carrying a voltage higher than six hundred (600) volts, the sign shall not be erected until the conditions shall have been examined and approved by an Electrical Inspector of the Department of Buildings. 3004.13. In case the roadway of any street is hereafter widened, any existing projecting sign which then projects to within tess than eighteen (18) inches of the newly created outer curb line of said street shall be at once removed or brought into conformity with the requirements of this ordinance for signs hereafter erected. 3004.14. The Inspector of Buildings shall inspect all new installa- tions hereafter made of signs on or attached to buildings in the City of Minneapolis, and the manner of fastening, anchoring, bracing and supporting of all such signs, and the materials and workmanship in 304 connection therewith shall be subject to his approval. It shall be the duty of any person, firm or corporation hereafter installing any pro- jecting or roof sign on or attached to any building in the City of Min- neapolis, or any sign (other than a projecting sign) attached to the ex- terior wall of any such building and exceeding forty (40) square feet in area, to arrange for and secure the inspection and approval by said Inspector of all fastenings, anchorages, bracing, etc., for such sign before the same are so concealed or covered up as to interfere with or prevent a competent inspection of same. It shall also be the duty of said Inspector to hereafter inspect all existing signs on or attached to buildings in the City of Minneapolis as often as may be practicable and, where any such signs or their fast- enings, anchorages, supports or bracing are found to be in an unsafe, insecure or defective condition or not in compliance with any ordin- ance provisions applicable thereto, to order and compel the removal of any such sign or the elimination of such unsafe, insecure or defec- tive condition or material, or such changes as may be necessary to bring such sign and its fastening, supports and bracing into conform- ity with ordinance requirements, as the case may require, and the own- er or person in charge or control of such sign shall, when so ordered by the Inspector of Buildings as above provided, forthwith remove such sign, eliminate such unsafe, insecure or defective condition or material or so change such sign and its fastenings, supports and bracing as to bring the same into conformity with ordinance requirements, as so ordered. 3004.15. No globe sign hereafter attached to any building shall exceed eighteen (18) inches in diameter, or project over public property more than thirty (30) inches, or be at a tess height, in the clear, than twelve (12) feet above the sidewalk or fifteen (15) feet above an alley. 3004.16. No reflector used to illuminate any sign shall project over public property at a less height than twelve (12) feet above the side- walk or fifteen (15) feet above any alley and where it extends over a sidewalk, no portion of such reflector or its supports shall extend be- yond a point eighteen (18) inches inside the curb lines. 3004.17. Except as hereinafter provided, where a sign is subject to more than one classification, all regulations governing the various classifications to which said sign is subject shall be applicable to such sign. 3004.18. Whenever a sign of any type is removed, either intention- ally, accidentally or by an act of God, all cables, fastenings, anchors braces, guy wires, etc., must be removed completely. 3004.19. Combustible Plastics may be used in the construction of letters, decorations, and facings on any sign. This material when so 305 used shall burn no faster than two and five-tenths (2.5) inches per minute in six one-hundredths (0.060) inches thickness when tested in accordance with A. S. T. M. Standard Method Test for Flammability of Plastics over five one-hundredths (0.050) inches in thickness (D635- 44). 3004.20. All structural steel used in the construction or to support, anchor or brace any sign or billboard shall be of a minimum thick- ness of one quarter (¼) inch when such steel is exposed to the weath-- er. 3004.21. Where wood is permitted in the construction of any sign or billboard, such wood shall be given two (2) coats of exterior paint before or at time of erection and shall be painted every two (2) years thereafter. SECTION 3005. BANNER SIGNS. 3005.1. Temporary signs and banners attached to a building and constructed of canvas or other cloth or other combustible material, with or without framework, shall be strongly constructed and shall be securely attached to their supports. They shall be removed, includ- ing all framework and supports, as soon as damaged or torn and in no case later than sixty (60) days after erection. 3005.2. Temporary signs of combustible material shall be not larger than one hundred and twenty (120) square feet in area for each twenty (20) feet of building frontage. There shall not be more than one (1) temporary sign on any building frontage. 3005.3. No temporary sign of combustible construction shall pro.~ ject over public property but may extend a maximum of six (6) inches from the face of the building. 3005.4. Temporary signs of combustible construction shall not be hung so as to cover either partially or completely any door, window or opening required for ventilation. SECTION 3006. WOOD SIGNS. 3006.1. No wood sign hereafter erected, attached to the front of a building, shall exceed three (3) square feet in area, nor shall more than one (1) such sign be attached to each street front of a building for any one occupant thereof. 3006.2. Cutout letters of wood or Tempered Prestwood or other similar material of equal properties as to strength, fire, and moisture resistance, may be erected on the street frontage of a building when mounted on metal supports. Such signs shall not exceed sixty (60) square feet in area, as determined by multiplying the greatest width by the greatest length of the combined group of letters for every twenty 306 {20) feet of building frontage. Only one such sign shall be permitted for any occupant of the building. 3006.3. No wood or metal clad wood sign hereafter erected shall project over public property. SECTION 3007. METAL AND METAL CLAD WOOD SIGNS 3007.1. All metal signs which project over public property shall be constructed of metal not lighter than No. 24 U. S. Standard Gauge. 3007.2. Non-illuminated metal signs shall not project over public property more than six (6) feet, inclusive of supports, nor shall such metal signs exceed twenty-five (25) square feet in area, nor shall more than one (1) such sign be attached to each street front of a building for any occupant thereof. All metal signs that exceed twenty-five (25) feet in area shall be illuminated and shall meet all the requirements for electric signs as stated in Section 3010. 3007.3. No section of a metal or metal clad wood sign, attached basically parallel to the face of a building which face fronts on a street, shall exceed three hundred (300) square feet in area for any twenty (20) feet of street frontage on such building. SECTION 3008. WIRE MESH OR OPEN SIGNS. 3008.1. A wire mesh or open sign, within the meaning of this or- dinance, shall be any sign constructed of wire mesh or open metal work in such a manner that the total area of the openings in the sign shall be at least equal to one-half (¥5) the total area of the sign. 3008.2. No section of a wire mesh or open sign, attached against or parallel to the street front of a building, shall exceed three hundred (300) square feet in area for any twenty (20) feet of street frontage on such building. 3008.3. No wire mesh or open sign, projecting over public proper- ty, shall exceed one hundred and twenty-five (125) square feet in area, nor shall more than one (1) such sign be attached to each street front of a building for any occupant thereof. 3008.4. No wire mesh or open sign, placed paralled to the street front of a building, shall extend more than fifteen (15) inches over public property, measured on a line at right angles to the face of the building. 3008.5. No wire mesh or open signs, attached at any angle to the street front of a building, shall project more than six (6) feet over public property, measured on a line at right angles to the face of the building. 3O7 SECTION 3009. GLASS SIGNS. 3009.1. No section of a glass sign, attached against the street front of a building, shall exceed four (4) feet in its vertical dimension, at any story. 3009.2. No glass sign shall project more than six (6) feet over public property. 3009.3. No glass sign, projecting over public property, shall ex- ceed forty (40) square feet in area, measured on all the combined dis- play faces of the sign, nor shall more than one (1) such sign be attach- ed to each street front of a building for any occupant thereof. Only plate glass or wire glass shall be used in the exposed panels of any such sign, except that transparent or translucent material other than glass may be substituted therefor if first approved by the Department of Buildings, as equally safe for such use. 3009.4. Glass box signs, projecting over public property, shall not project more than six (6) feet, nor exceed forty (40) square feet in area, measured on all the combined display faces of the sign, nor shall more than one (1) such sign be attached to each street front of a building for any occupant thereof. Only plate glass or wire glass shall be used in the exposed panels of any such sign, except that transpar- ent or translucent material other than glass may be substituted there- for if first approved by the Department of Buildings as equally safe for such use. 3009.5. (a) Where double strength glass is used in the construction of glass signs no exposed panels of such glass in any such sign shall exceed one hundred forty-four (144) square inches in area between supporting metal ribs. Single strength glass shall not be so used in the construction of any glass sign. (b) If plate glass be employed in the construction of any glass sign, no exposed panel of such glass shall exceed nine (9) square feet in area between such metal supports. If wire glass be so employed, it shall be not less than one-fourth (1/4) inch in thickness and no exposed panel of such glass shall exceed twenty (20) square feet in area be- tween such metal supports. (c) Glass signs shall be so constructed that each panel of glass therein shall be securely fastened to the body of the sign, independent- ly of all other panels. 3009.6. Glass signs shall be constructed in metal frames only, pro- perly painted for protection against corrosion. Wherever sheet metal is used as a part of a panel, the thickness of such metal shall not be less than No. 22 U. S. Standard Gauge. 3009.7. A glass sign shall be taken to mean any sign the design 308 and advertising matter of which is outlined by illumination from with- in the sign and the exposed glass panels or surfaces of which are securely held in place by the members of the metal structure of the sign. SECTION 3010. ELECTRIC SIGNS. 3010.1. An electric sign, within the meaning of this ordinance, shall be any sign the illumination of which, in whole or in part, is accomplished by electric wiring, materials and/or devices installed on, in or in any manner attached to or connected with such sign. 3010.2. Signs illuminated by electric lights, and the display faces of which are made of glass, shall be subject to the regulations here- inbefore provided for glass signs, and shall also conform to all re- quirements relating to the wiring of electric signs, as provided for in the ordinances of the City, pertaining to electric wiring. 3010.3. Electric signs must be constructed entirely of metal, glass, porcelain or other non-combustible material except as provided in Section 3004.19. 3010.4. Sheet metal used in construction of electric signs must not be less than No. 24 U. S. metal gauge. All metal must be galvan- ized, enameled or treated with at least three (3) coats of anticorrosive paint or compound. 3010.5. Bottoms of signs for outdoor use, or otherwise exposed to dampness, must have sufficient drain holes at least one-quarter (¼) inch in diameter. 3010.6. No section of an electric sign hereafter erected, attached against the street front of a building, shall exceed three hundred (300) square feet in area for any twenty (20) feet of street frontage on such building. 3010.7. No section of any sign hereafter erected or attached against the wall of a building shall prevent access to electrical boxes and fittings. 3010.8. No electric sign hereafter erected attached at any angle to the street front of a building shall project over public property more than eight feet and six inches (8' 6"), measured along the sign in the direction of projection, except as provided in Section 3011 of this ordinance; nor shall more than one (1) such sign be attached to each street front of a building for any one occupant thereof. No electric sign hereafter erected, placed at any angle over public property shall exceed four hundred (400) square feet in area. 3010.9. The distance between the principal parallel faces of an electric sign, proiecting over public property, shall not exceed twenty 309 (20) inches. An additional four (4) inches will be permitted beyond each face for channels or electrical tubing and lamps. Where any totally enclosed V-type projecting sign is erected over public property its outer-most face shall not exceed twenty (20) inches in width nor shall such sign exceed six (6) feet in width at point of attachment to building. An additional four (4) inches will be per- mitted beyond each face for channels or electrical tubing and lamps. 30!0.10. Every electric sign, projecting over public property, shall be sufficiently lighted by electric devices to give at least an intensity of ten (10) foot candles of illumination for every square foot of sign area, measured on all the combined display faces of such sign. 3010.11. Before any electric sign is installed in place, or the wiring in the same concealed, the erector or manufacturer thereof shall not- ify the Electrical Inspector in the Department of Buildings of the City of Minneapolis, who shall make, or have made, an inspection of such sign within forty-eight (48) hours thereafter within the City of Min- neapolis, and if approved by said Inspector, said sign may then be installed in place. 3010.12. The use of flashers or chasers on any projecting electric sign, located within thirty (30) feet of the corner formed by the inter- section of the street property lines, is prohibited unless the flashing or chasing actions are a minimum of sixteen (16) feet above the level of the sidewalk. If the sign is located beyond a distance of thirty (30) feet from the corner formed by the intersection of the street property lines, the flashing or chasing actions may be a minimum of fourteen (14) feet above the level of the sidewalk. - 3010.13. Projecting electric signs may be carried back over the roof of the building from which the sign projects. If the portion which extends over the roof exceeds one hundred (100) square feet in area or extends more than ten (10) feet back of the face of the building, all provisions of this ordinance with respect to roof signs will govern that portion of the sign. SECTION 3011. SINGS ON MARQUEES OR FIXED AWN- INGS, AND ON PORTICOS. 3011.1. Any marquee projecting over public property may have a sign on each or any face thereof, but every such sign shall be rigidly and securely attached to or built into the marquee, and no such sign shall exceed one hundred fifty (150) inches in its vertical dimen- aion or extend downward t° within less than ten (10) feet above the sidewalk, nor shall more than one (1) such sign be permitted on any one side or ~face of any marquee extending over public property. 3011.2. No projecting sign shall be placed under or below any marquee, fixed awning or portico, projecting over public property. 310 3011.3. One projecting sign may be erected on top of each mar- quee, when built into the marquee, and such a sign shall be consider- ed a part of said marquee, except that such a sign shall be considered as a projecting sign for the purposes of the Fee Ordinance. 3011.4. No sign of any type shall be attached to, hung from or supported by any cloth awning or awning framework. SECTION 3012. ROOF SIGNS. 3012.1. Every sign, placed upon the roof of a building, shall be either a metal, metal clad wood, open wire or open metal sign. Such a sign may have borders of wood provided that such borders do not exceed four (4) inches in width. No metal clad wood roof sign shall exceed one hundred (100) square feet in area. Illuminated roof signs of metal construction, including metal panels, may have cutout displays or letters of plywood or masonite construc- tion. If the cutout displays or letters are electrified they must be ot~ metal or non-combustible construction as well as the roof sign proper. The cutout displays and letters shall in no instance extend to a point to exceed ten (10) feet above the top of the roof sign, five (5) feet beyond the sides or five (5) feet below the bottom of the roof sign. The cutout displays or letters shall in no instance project over public property. The area of any cutout display or letter shall not, in any instance, exceed the area of the metal panels forming the roof sign proper, nor shall the aggregate area of all the cutout display, and letters exceed an area which is twice the area of the metal panels forming the roof sign proper. 3012.2. Roof signs shall not project over public property. 3012.3. No sign shall be so placed on the roof of any building as to prevent free passage of persons from one part of said roof to an- other part thereof. 3012.4. Every sign, exceeding one hundred (100) square feet in area and placed on the roof of any building, where such roof is not a' pitched roof, shall be so supported that there shall be a clear space of at least three (3) feet between the top of such roof and the bottom of such sign. 3012.5. Every roof sign shall have a substantial frameworl~ of structural steel, and all facings of any such sign shall be of metal; pro- vided that wood strips not exceeding four (4) inches in width may be used as a backing for such facing. No permit shall hereafter be granted by the Inspector of Buildings for the installation of a roof sign on any building except where in his opinion proper strength and stability will be afforded in the. structure of both building and sign and in the anchoring and bracing of such sign, nor then until detailed plans 311 affording all information necessary to permit the proper calculation of such strength and stability shall have first been submitted to and ap- proved by said Inspector. SECTION 3013. BILLBOARDS. 3013.1. No billboard shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height except as hereinafter provided for cutout displays and letters. This height shall be the overall height measured from the average level of the ground beneath such billboard, where such average ground level is not lower than the average level opposite such board of the nearest curb of the street toward which such billboard faces, or of the lowest street faced by such billboard where it faces toward more than one street. Where the average ground level under the billboard is lower than such adjacent average curb level such overall height shall be measured from such average curb level opposite such billboard. All billboards hereafter erected over eighteen (18) feet in overall height, as above provided, or when located within the Fire Limits or Fireproof District, shall be constructed entirely of metal or other non-combustible materials in all parts thereof except ornaments and trim. Illuminated billboards of metal construction, including metal pan- els, may have cutout displays or letters of plywood or masonite con- struction. If the cutout displays or letters are electrified, then the cutout displays or letters must be of metal or non-combustible con- struction as well as the billboard proper. The cutout displays and letters shall in no instance extend to a point to exceed ten (10) feet above the top of the billboard, five (5) feet beyond the sides or five (5) feet below the bottom of the billboard. The area of any cutout display or letter shall not, in any instance, exceed the area of the metal panels forming the billboard proper, nor shall the aggregate area of all the cutout displays and letters exceed an area which is twice the area of the metal panels forming the billboard proper. 3013.2. Billboards hereafter erected shall not be placed so as to be within twenty-five (25) feet of any corner formed by the intersection of street property lines or of a street property line and a right-of- way of a railway intersecting such a street. The twenty-five (25) feet referred to above shall be in the form of a triangle with two (2) sides formed by the property lines and the third (3rd) side formed by a straight line connecting the twenty-five (25) foot points on the other two (2) sides. In cases where billboards are supported by steel supports which do not exceed twelve (12) inches in any lateral dimension and where the steel supports are not closer than six (6) feet center to center of supports and when the lowest part of the billboard is eight (8) feet above the sidewalk level, such billboard may be placed anywhere within the lot lines. 312 Billboards shall not be erected', remodeled, repaired or maintained so as to block or obstruct any fire escape or any window, door or opening used as a means of egress or for fire fighting purposes. Bill- boards shall not, in any manner, be attached to or supported by any fire escape or be placed so as to interfere or block any opening necessary for required ventilation. Billboards may be erected to butt against the wall of any building not used for dwelling purposes if a minimum clear opening of'four (4) feet is provided below such billboard. Billboards may be erected against any wall of any building of masonry construction unless such building is used for dwelling purposes. No portion of a billboard, in- cluding supports, when erected on the same lot with a dwelling, shall encroach upon the minimum yard spaces required by the City of Min- neapolis Housing Code for such dwelling. No portion of any billb6ard shall hereafter be erected within five (5) feet of any wall of any build- ing of frame construction unless such billboard is constructed entirely of metal or other non-combustible material. 3013.3. No portion of any billboard upon which any swing or pen- dulum type advertisement is attached shall project over public proper- ty. 3013.4. Billboards which are erected principally parallel to the street property line may extend over the public property a maximum of fifteen (15) inches when the lowest portion of the billboard is eight (8) feet above the level of the sidewalk. Such billboard shall be of all metal or non-combustible construc- tion and the display surface or panels shall not exceed six (6) feet in height. 3013.5. Every person, firm or corporation to whom a permit for the erection of a billboard is granted by the Inspector of Buildings shall paint or stamp his or their name on the structural framework of such billboard, together with the number of the permit so issued. 3013.6. All steel used in the construction or to support, anchor, or brace any billboard shall be of a minimum thickness of one quarter (¼) inch when such steel is exposed to the weather. 3013.7. Every person, firm or corporation erecting any billboard within the City of Minneapolis shall forthwith take away and re- move from the lot on which it is erected any and all debris, such as waste bills, posters or other rubbish of any nature. 3013.8. Each and every person, firm or corporation to whom a permit is issued for the erection of a billboard shall, during such time as such billboards is maintained, keep it in. good repair, and in safe and stable condition. 313 3013.9. Whenever any billboard is found to be in an unsafe condi- tion by the Inspector of Buildings, he shall notify the owner or the person, firm or corporation maintaining such billboard to either re- move or repair the same. Whenever any billboard is found to be encroaching upon public property, the owner or person, firm or corporation maintaining such billboard shall cause such billboard to be removed or relocated to comply with the applicable City Ordinances. 3013.10. When any portion of a billboard projects over public property, that portion shall meet all construction requirements of this ordinance for projecting signs except that such a billboard shah be erected by a duly licensed billboard erector. 3013.11. Wherever a billboard is removed, all columns, anchors and other appurtenances thereto shall be removed to grade level. 3013.12. No billboard erected before the passage of this ordinance shall be rebuilt, altered, or moved to a new location without being brought into compliance with the requirements of this ordinance.