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Ordinance 384
ORDINANCE NO. ORDINANCE NO. 382 BEING AN ORDINANCE AUTHOR~ IZtNG THE ESTABLiSh~iENT aND MAINTENANCE OF A POLIC~EN~S RELIEF ASSOCIATION WITHIN THE CITM OF OOLD~BIA HEIGHTS. THE CITY OF COLU~IBIA HEIGHTS DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1: That pursuant to Chapter 624 of the Session Laws of the State of Minnesota for 1947, the Police Department of the City of Columbia Heights is hereby authorized to maintain a policemen's relief association to be incorporated under the laws of the State of Minnesota. SECTION 2: Ti~is ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days after its passage and publication. First Reading: April 23,1957 Second Reading: May 1~, 9957 Offered By: Holm Seconded By: Hosch Roll Call: ___iLL Ayes Nays Secretary to the Council AN 0RDII~ANCE AUTH©R!ZING THE ~AINTEEAI~OE OF A POLICEI~'S'~ RELIEF ASSOCIATICN WITHIN THE CITY OF ~ The Commission of the City of does ordain ss follows: Section 1.,That pursusnt to Ohapter 624 of the Session Laws of Minnesota for 1947' the Polic~ Department of the City of is hereby authorized to msintain a policemen~s relief association to be incorporated under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Section 2. TAis ordinance shall t~ke'effect and be in.force from and after the expiration of thirty (S0) dsys sfter its passage and publication. Upon roll csll, all voted "yes" Motion carried. ARTICLES 0F II~-CORPORATI([,~? of the ANOKA POLICE RELIEF ASSOCIATI~}E The undersigned, being desirous of a,ssociating themselves together ss a society' and of becoming incorporated in conformity with the laws of the State of Minnesota, regulating the incorporation of societies for benevolent and other ?urposes, do hereby adopt and sign the following ARTICLES 0F IECORPORATiQ~? viz: ARTICLE 1. T~e name and title of said corporation shall be '~T~ Anoka Police Reliei~ Association". Its general purpose shall be to provide means for the relie~ of its distressed, injured, sick or dis~.~bled members, and to ps.y its members, their wiaows or dependent children, out of and from any funds it nmy h~ve received ~'rom any source, a service, disa~bility or dependency pension, in such amounts anm in such manner ~s i~ provide~ by law, and from the inw-stment ~nd interest of such funds. Tr~e place of location of such association shall be in the Cit~ of Anoka, Anoka County, Minnesota. ARTICLE ll Besides the undersigned incorporators, only a duly appointed policeman, policewonmn or police ~atron, who is regularly entered on the payroll of the po%ice department of such city, on active duty, or having been relieved of active duty for service in the armed forces of the United States, who have completed their probationary period under the laws of the state, and the ordins, nces of the city, shall be eligible to membership in this association. ARTICLE lll. T~e ofi'icers of this association shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary 8.nd Treasurer, who shall be elected from the Board of Directors, each of whom shall be elected annually. Such association shall have a governing boerd known as ~. Board of Directors, w~ich said board shall consist of five (~) members, to be elected at the first annual meeting and who stroll hold their term of ofi'ice for one, two, three, four and five years res?actively, or until the successor of each is duly elected and eualified. All vacancies in the board sh~ll be filled at a special election called for that puroose. Until the £irst regular meeting of such association to be held on the 12th day of April, 19~8, the oi~ficers of said association shall be: President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Board of Directors At the first meeting of the Board of Directors, the officers provided f~r in these Articles of Ihcorporation shall be elected by said Board of Directors. Ti~st the said Board of Directors shall have exclusive control and management of all funds that may come into its possession. The monies received from tt~e various sources shall be kept in two separate s~ distinct funds, one to be designated ss "Special ~kund", and the other to be designated as "General Fund". All moneys received from the City of Amok_a, including wage deductions, shall b~ deposited in the Special Fund. All moneys received and deposited in the ~Special Ftu~d sl~ll be appropriated and disbursed by such association only for the following purposes, to-wit: (~) for the relief o~~ sick, injured and disabled members of the association, their widows and orphans. (a) i'or the paymeut of disability a~d service oensions to members of such association. (c) for the payment of salaries and expenses of its officers employees, and the expense of operating and maintatnin~ such relief association, including the oremiums on the official bonds of its officers and employees. Al! moneys in the General Ftu~d n~y be expended for any purpose deemed proDer by the association. AP.T I CLE 1V. This ~ssociation stroll h~ve a perpetual existence. IN TESTIi~[O)~Y ~;HEF~0F ~E have hereunto set our hands and seals this d~y of April, 1948 In the presence of: STATE OF ~I.~im!ESOTA) ) ss COUNTY OF ANOF_& ) BE IT K?O~fN that on the. day of April, 1948, before me a Not~ry ~uoli~, in and /'or said county, !:~erzon~'[ly a~resred , each and ell fzwhom sre to me personally J.:nowu to be thru se:ne oersons w}:o executed the foregoing Articles of I~corpor:~tion, ~na each acknowledaed that they e~ec'~ted the s~me for the 'ourooses tiierein ex'dressed. Witness my kand ~z'~a sest tLis .. dsy off April, 19~8. STATE 0P MIN!iESOTA) 00DNTY OF ANOKA ) I l~ereby certify ti~st the wit~in instru~aent w~s filed in t~is office for record on the d~-,y of ~, 1948 at o~ clock STATE 0F MIi,,.U ESOTA .U ~,P.~X--IT~, J~: f STATE FILED , 1948 Secretary of State Register of Deeds. BYmLAWS Of "THE ANOKA POLICE RELIE~ ASSOCIATION" ARTICLE 1 Membership Section 1. The membershio of this associs, tion s~ll consist of all existin~ members thereof, and every policeman, as herein defined, shall hereaft.r automatically become a member of this association upon the completion of any probationary period reguired under the laws or ordinances of the City of Anoka, Anoka County, Minnesota and his appointment as a re~u!ar policeman of such City. All Guch members shall b. subject to the ArtiCleS of Incorpora- tion and By-laws of this association, and shall be entitled to ell the privileges and benefits tLerein p~ovided £or members o£ this as~ociation. At~TIC!~E !l "Policeman" and "Policemen" defined. Section 1. The words "policeman" or "Policemen" as used in these By-laws, shall be interpreted to mean a duly appokuted oolicem~n, policewoms~n, or police matron, who is re~larly entered on the payroll of the police depart- ment of the City of Anoka, Anoka County, Minnesota and serving on active duty therein, or havin$ be.n relieved of active duty for service in the armed forces of the United States, after havin~ completed ~ny probationary period reouired und.r the laws or ordinances o£ said city. Probstioners in the police department, substitutes, and oersons emoloyed irregularly from time to time, and electiv, officials of such department, shall not be deemed as included herein. ARTICLE lll. SF.~L Section 1. The corporati~n shall have s common seal, circuls, r in form, bearin~ the words "The Anoka Police Relief Association" on its circumference, and an inner circle containin~ the words "Corporate Seal" thereon. ARTICLE 1V. MEETI!,~GS - AN~tUAL Special-Place. Section 1. All meetinEs of the associati~n s~all be held in the City of Anoka. Unless notice is given to the contrary, said meetings shall be held in the Police Station in said City. Section 2. ~e annual meeting of the association shall be held on the first Monday in June of each year, commencing with the first Monday in 1948. S~ction 3. S~ecial Meetings of th. association m~j be called ~t any time by the board of directors of said association, or by the Drezident thereof, and upon the written reouest of al least tt~ee members of such association, addressed to the president, re0uesttng the call of e special meeting, such meeting shall be called by the president withi~ at least seven days from the receipt thereof. Section 4. Notice settin~ forth the time, place, ~nd ourpose of all special meetings of the a~sociatiou, shall be given by posting a notice of s~ch meeting on the police bulletin beard in the police station in the City of Anoka, at least three da~s prior to the date of such meeting. Section 8. Neither by By-laws or Articles of Incorporation of this association shall be c~nged in an~~ respect, unless said proposed chan~e ahall be presented In writing at a regular meeting of said association or at a soecial meeting of s~id associ~tlon called for that purpose, and s~mll lie over without any formal action being taken thereon until the next regular meeting of said associati~n, or the n~xt special meeting called for theft ourpose, notice of w~ich wpecial meeting shall contain a cop~ of the proposed amendment or change in ~he By-l~ws or Articles of Incorporation, and shall be given as provided in Section 4 of this Article. Section 6, At all meetings of this association, a majority of the members present ~ud voting in person shall have the power to transact an~ and all business coming before such meeting, but no member of this association sh~ll have the right to vote b~ proxy. ARTICLE V. Board of Directors and 0f~icers. Section 1. The government of thie association shall be, and is hereby vested in a board of dtrectors~ conmtsting of five members of the association, emoloyed on active duty as policemen b~ the City of Anoka. Section 2. Upon the adoption of these by-laws by the members of this association, there shall'be elected bY the members of said association present .at eaid~sting, five directors who shall serve for one, two, three, four and five ~eare, respectively, and until their 8uccessor~ have been ~1¥ elected and qualified. Annu~ll~ thereafter one member of this association shall be elected a member of said board of directors and the members so elected shall serve for a period of five years thereafter. Section 3. An~ director who shall~ become separated from active duty on the police force of the 0ity of Anoka, during his term of office, shall automatically be retired as such director, and a successor shall thereupon he elected to finish out his term, at the next regular meeting of said association, or at a special meeting thereof called for that purpose. Section 4. The existing directors of this association shall hold office as such until the ad~ption of these ~-laws and until a new board of directors has been elected as herein provided. Section 5. Immediately following the election of directors, there sh~ll be elected by the members of this association,~a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer, all of whom, excepting the secretary, shall serve for one year following their election and until their successors have be~n duly elected and qualified. The secretary shall serve two years after hi~ and until his successor has been duly elected and qualified. 0nl~ members of the board of directors shall be eligible to the offices of president, vice- president and secretary. Section 6, The existing officers of this ~ssoci~tion 8h~ll hold office a8 such until the adoption of these by-laws and their successors have been duly elected andqualified as herein provided. Section 7. A quorum of the board of directors shall consist of three directors, and a qUorum being present, all questions coming before the board 8hall be determined by a majority vote of the'directors present and voting in person. No director shall have.the right to vote as such by proxy. Section ~. In case of a vacancy in the board of directors, or any of the other officers of this association, thesame shall be filled by the members thereof at the next regular mooting of said association, or at any special meeting thereof called for that purpose. Section 9. Written charges ma~ Be preferred ~gain~,t any director or officer of this association b~ n0~ lems than three members thereof, at any meeting of the a~sociation, and a~y drector or officer found guilty by a majority of the members present and voting ia person at said meeting, of malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance, in office, or of any c~nduct detrimental to the interest of the association~ shall be removed from office and his successor thereupon elected by said members. Section 10. The directors shall at all times have access to the Books of the secretary:and treasurer of said association. The directors shall have cnntrol of all of the funds of said association, both in the general and special funds, and shall direct and control the investment and disbursement thereof. They sh~ll also have control of all of the business of the association, and the officers off said association shall act under t~eir dlrectlm and control. Section 11. They shall recuire the secretary and treasurer of this association prior to the first da.v of l~ebruary in each year, to jointly prepare and sign and submit to them, m detailed and itemized report of all receipts and expenditures of the association for the preceding calender year, showing the s ou~ces of said receipts, and to whom and for what Durpose the money has been paid add expended, and the balance in the special and general l~ds of the association, which report s]l~ll be examined by the directors and acted upon by them prior to said date, and upon being approved b~ said board, duplicate or- iginal copies of said report shall be filed with the city clerk, mayor and treasurer of the 0ity of Anoka, prior to ~ebruary let, in each year. ART~0LE VI. Meetings of the ~oard of Directors. Section 1. The board of directors shall hold at least one regular meeting each month, and ma~v hold ~ci~l meetings. Regular meetings of the board of directors shall be held on the first Monday in each month at the Police Station in the City of Anoka, or at such other place as the president shall designate. Section ~. The president of said association shall act as chairman at all meetings of the board of directors, and the secretary of the association shall act as secretar~ at all meetings of the board of directors. Section 3. The president may call special meetings of the board of directors a~,~any time, and ~hall call such meeting upon~the written application~~__ two or more members of ~he board, stating the object for which the special fi~eting ie to be called. Whether called by the president voluntaril¥~'br ~fter written application am above provided for, a notice in writing calI~g~:~ such` meeging, ~all be seat 1~¥ the secretary to each ~irector at least tw~,~days before tbs '~t,e of the ~eti~, which notice s~ll state t~e time, place '~ ~one thereof. ~0~ ~ot~ce ~, however, be waive~ b~ ~ director in $'~iti~. No bm~eel other t~ t~t specified in such notice s~ll ~e tr~nac'~e~ at ~ special meetl~ of ~he ~o~d of directors, except by a tt~ee-fift~l;¥%e off all of ~the electe~ members of zai~ ~oar~. ' .~tien of ~enident ..~Sec~i~.~i. ~e preziae~t~ $~ll be the ~ief executive officer of the corporation~ ' He a~ll preside at all meeti~ of the co, ration ~d the ~oard of di~or~, ~d ~11 ai~ with the ~ecre~a~ all of the mitres thereof.' '~ n~ll s[g~ all ~ts ~de u~n ~e treas~er by direction of the boar~ of 'dArec~ora~ a~ n~!l in writing, ~rect ~he secretary to c~ll ~i meeti~ o~f'~the oo~$ration ~d apecial meeti~s of the bo~d of direcgors, npecif~l~ ~he p~ae for ~hich the ~eti~ is ~lle~, ~d he z~ll perfo~ other du~'~a aS ~ ~e aesigne~ t6 him bM the ~o~ of ~irector~. Sec~i$n ~. He e~l join with ghe treat~er of sai~ association in the execution 6f~rele~e~ and satis~action~ of ~rtg~ee owned by sai~ association u~n ~he'~ ~en~ of the da~t there~ ee~e~. ARTICLE Vlll. I~xtieS of Vice-Preei~a~t ~ecti'c~t. In the absence of the president from the Oity of Anoka, or from.a.~vmeeting of the corporation or ~oard of directors, the vice-president shall Perform the duties of the president. ARTIOL~ 1X. Secretar~ ~ection 1. The secreta~'~, in the absence of the president and vice- president, from meetings of the corporation or of the board of directors shall call such meetings to or,er and preside until a president pro-~empore iz elected. ~ection ~. He shall ~eep a record of the proceedings and busineas of the corporation and of the board of directors, in books kept for that purpose, and ehall sign with the president all minutes of meetings of the corporation and board of directors. Section $. He mh~ll keep a list, alphabetically arranged, of the names of the members of the association; he s~all issue, ~by direction of the president, all notices for the call of meetings or other business of the co~oration; s~ll c~er-si~ all ~aftm ~de b~ o~er of t~ board of directors on the ~mas~er; shall ~e all bills for dues ~d deliver the s~e to the treaa~er. Section 4. He s~ll notif~ all per~onl of their election a~ officers or members of the bo~d of directors o~' the association. Section 8. ~1 notices of special ~et~ga of the board of directorz shall be givem by the secret~ b~ deliveri~ a notice In writi~ to each director perao~l~, or by ~Xil~ su~ notice to each director's ad~esz, or by ~e~siti~ z~h no,ice at ~he police ~~ters, ~lrecte~ to each ind. ivid~l director. Section 8. ~ior to Feb~.~ 1, in each ~e~, ~e s~ll prep~e jointly with the treaz~er of z~i~ association, a detailed and ite~zed report of receipts ~d e~endit~e, of the ~Isociation for the precedi~ c~lend~r .howi~ the e~cee of said receipts, and to whom, and for what p~pose, the money ~ been paid ~d e~ended, and the ~l~ce on ~d in the s~cial general f~ of the association. Upon the appro~l of 'aai~ report by the board of director., he ~all Joint~ with the tr~rer, file ~pli~te origi~l copies thereof with the cit~ clerk, ~or and treas~er, of ~he Oity of ~oka, prior to Feb~ 1st of each [e~. Section 7. Xn the ab.enos of the aecret~ at a~ ~eti~ of the ~d of dir~tora of the aa~ociation, a ,ecret~ pro te~re ~ be elected by the members present at z~i~ meetly. Section $, ~e aala~ of the zecret~ s~ll be fixed b~ the board of directors ~nd he s~ll be required to f~iah a co.rate bond to the alsociatita for the fait~ul perfo~nce of his duties, in =uch ~o~t as the bo~d of directors s~ll fix, the prlmi~ ~on which bond will Be paid out of the special f~d of the azsociation. ~TIO~ X. ~ties of the Treas~er Section 1. ~e treaa~er s~ll ~ve the c~to~ of all f~d~ of the association, including evidences of indebted acquired by the said assoc, i~tion in the investment of its funds. ;~ Section 2. Be shall collect and receive all money they nmy from time to time be ~ue to the asmoci~,tion, and invest and disburse the same &s directed By the board of directors. He ~11 pay all draft! drawn upon him as treasurer by the president, ~nd counter-zig~ed by the secretary. Be shall surrender all notes, drafts, and other-written obligations belonging to said association upon the pa~vment thereof, an~ ~h~ll Join with the president in the execution of discharges or satisfactions of mortgages and other liens, upon the pa,vment of the debt secured thereby, Section 3. Be shall give proper 'vouchers and receiptJ for all money received by him, and shall take proper~~aud receipts for all mo~ey paid by him. ~ection 4. Be shall collect monthly from the City~f Anoka, all moneys deducted from the pay of members of the association for the ~enefit of the police Dension fund, an~ sBall, from time to time,niuring mach year, collect from the 0it¥ of Anot~a, all ~ax money received by sa~d city from taxes imposed for the benefit of the police pension fund. Section §. Be shall keep a regular set of books of acc~mnt, containing a complete record of all of the receipts and disbursements that sh&ll pass through hla ~andm as much treasurer, and shall ae~ up a special account for each member of this associat~on, and enter therein a record of all money received bi the asmociation from the City of Anoka, representing deductions made from the p~v of said member. Section B. Be shall signno note, deed, Bill of exchange, or o.~tmr written obligation, in the neme of the association, unless authorized so to do b~ the board of directors. Section 7. Be shall deposit in the ~ame of the association, all money received by him in such b~ or banks, as the board of directors shall designate and shall invest said funds from time tO time as the board of directors shall direct, only in bonds of the United States, the State of Minnesota, and the City of Anoka, or an~ su~division or agency thereof. Section 8. Ail mone~ received by,him from the variou~ sources shall be kept in two ~eparate and distinct funds, one designate~ as the -7- special fund, and other az its general fund. Ail money received from 0it¥ of Anoka, through taxation, as well as all other tax money received b2 said association, and all money received from the 5ity of Auoka representing deductions from the ~alaries of the members of this association, and all other money received shall be deposi~ted in the special f~utd of the ~sociati~. 8ec~ton 9. A~ no ~ime s~tl the ~r,~s~er permi~ the f~s of ~his insurance carried by said bank for the pro~ection of individual depositors. Section 10. He s.hall, at the monthly meetings cf the board of directors, report all changes in the fun{s since the last report, and st the annual meeting of the association, he shall make a detailed report of all receipts and expenditures ~uring the preceding calendar year, showing the sources of said recetpbs, a~d %o whom, and for what purpose~ the money has been paid ami expended, sad the balance in the special and general funds of the a~sociatton. ~ection 11. Prior to ~ebruar~ 1, in each y,ar, he shall prepare Jointly with the secretary of the said association, a detailed and i'bemized report of all receipts and expenditUrem of the association, for the preceding .calendar year, showing the source of said receipts, and to whom, and for what purpose, the money has been paidafld expended, and the ~alance on hand in the epeci~al and general funds of the association. Upon the approval of said re~oort by ~he board of directors, he shall, Jointly with the secretary, file duplicate~i~prigtnal copies therewith the city clerk, ma~or, and treasurer, of the 0ity of Ano~, prior to Februar~ 1, in each ~ear. Section 1~. The s~lary of the treasurer shall be fixed by the board directors and he shal!nbe required to furnish a corporate ~ond ~o th~ association for the faithfui performanee'of his duties, in such ~mo,~ut as the board of directors shall fix, the pre,pon which will be pai~ out of the special fund of the as~sociatlm. ART~0LEX1. .~ Board of Examiners SeCtion 1. Upon the adoption of these 3¥$1aws by the memb~rs of association, and follc~ing the election of the officer~ and dire'~tors thereof, e~i~er~, con~i~g of three members of the as~ociation, on ac~i[~e ~dut7 with the police department of the 0it7 of ~o~, ~ one p~ici~. ~'he b'o~d of examiners thus elected, shall hold office ~r one year, and a new board shall be elected annually thereafter. ? Section ~. ~e board of examiners shall, az ~nd when reeuested by the board of directors of this associatio~, investigate and make report on all applications for disability pemsion, am~ make~ recommendations as to the allowance or disallowemce thereof, investigate a~d mere report on all disability pensioners, and mak~ recommendations as to the contin~uce or discontinuance thereof~ and investigate ami repor~ on all applications for' service pensions. Section 3. A majority mote of the members of the relief association on said board, shall con~titUte its recommendation to the board of directors, and the physician who is elected to said board shall act only in an advisory capacity, mat~ ~Ach e~'mi~0ns ami investig~tions, and reoorts, as the advisory comm' and ittee shall require. ARTIOL~ Xll. Elections Section 1. In all elco%ions in this association, written ballots shall be used, and the person receiving the larges~ n~mber of votes cast for any office, shall be declared elected. No member shall have the right to vote at emy election by pro~, amd must cast hi~ ballot i~ person at the meeting a~ which the election is held. Deductions from sa!ari~s of members Bection 1. ~he City Treasurer or'Oity Olerk of the City of Anoka, shall deduct each month from ~he basic pay of all duly appointed policemen, police- women and police matrons, who are regularly autered o~ the payroll of the police department of said city, and serving on active dmt~ therein, after having completed any probation~ry perio~ re~Uire~b¥ said City, three per cent of their basic pay, commencing with the salary earned during the month of Jun~, 19~.., and monthly thereafter, aud shall p~y saidmone~ to the treasurer cf this aszocia- tics, each month, as soon after the close of the month as possible, together with a list of the names of the policemen ~cm whose pay maid deductic~s were made, and the amount thereof, and the treasurer of n~his association shall there- upon issue to such officer of the Oity of Anoka the receipt of this association therefor. SRecial Section 1. Ail moneys received by this association and deposited' by i~ in itc special fund, shall be ~ppropriated and disbursed under the direction of the board of directorl, and onl.v for the following vatrpoees, to-wit: (a) For the relief of sick injttre~ and disable~ members of the association, ~heir widows and'orp~ans. (b) For the payment of disability aha service pensions to members of the association. (c) For the payment of salaries and expenses of its officers and employees, and the expense of operating and maintaining the association, including the premiums on the official bonds of its officers and employees. ~eneral Fund All moneys in the general fund may be expended for any purpdse nieemed proper by the association, ARTIOLEXV1 Section 1. Disability Pensions member of this aesocia$ion who, b~ reason of sickness or accident, becbmes ~te..'~Bted from performing the ~uties of a policeman, policewoman, or police matron, in ~he police department of ~he City of Anoka, as define~ in the Articles of Incorporation and~¥-l~s of this association, shall be entitled to receive frce~' the a~zo~lation, during the period of such Section ~. i~o ~is&bil~7 penstoms s~ll be p~id, however, nor ~hall any claim for disability pension accrue tO an~ member, until the month of 19__, and the first pa.vment of disability pension which m~y be made' to disabled member shall commence with the month of .... , 1~..., and shall be due and parable on the first of ........ , 19..., and on the first of eac~ month thereafter during diaabilit~. Section 3. No disability pensions st~ll be paid or allowed by ~'his \ association unless notice of ~he disability, and application for p~nsi~n on account thereof, shall be made by, or on behalf of the dia~led memBer,~ to the secretary of the association, within ninety days after such disability occurs. Section 4. Application for disability pensions shall be made in writing to the secretar~ of this association by, or on behalf of the disabled member, and the board of directors shall prescribe the form of such applications, and the proofs required to be submitted in connection therewith. Ail such applica- tions and proofs shall be referred by th~ secretary to the board of directors, and shall be considered by said board at the next regular or special meeting thereof. The board of directors may refer such applications to the board of examiners flor investigation, which board, upon completing said investigation, shall make its recommendatiOns to the board of directors as to the granting or denying of such a~plication. m Section 5. The board of directors shall determine the question of granting or den~ing said application, by a majority vote of the members of said board present and voting at the meeting at which said matter is presented for final determination. ARTIOL~ XVll. Service Pensions Section 1. AU~ member of this association who has completed a or periods of service, as a policeman, policewoman, or police matron, of the City of Anoka, as defined by the Articles cf Incorporation and By-laws thereof, equal to twenty years or more, shall, after he has arrived at the age of fifty years or more, and has retirned from the payroll of the police department of the Oitybof Anoka, be entitled to a basic pension' cf'~$: ~ : ~er month for the term of hie natural life, plus $~e month for each year of active service in the police department of the City of Anoka over twenty years, b~::the totaL. shall be payable monthly duri~g the term of the natural life of such retired rnemb er. Section Z. No service ~ons shall be Paid, however, nor shall a~y claim for semrice pension accm.~ to a~' m~mber m~til the month of and the first pa~vment of service pension which may be made to any retired member, shall commence with the Anonth o~'. ~ ~ ' .... ~:,~.and shall be due and payable on the first day of--__.___, l~...,.and the first of each month there- after during the natural life of such retired member. Section 3, Ail leaves of absence, of more than ninety d~vs, except such as granted to a member because of disability due to sickness or accident, s~all be exclu~led in computing th~ period of service. ~o ~eductions shall be made for a leave of absence grante~ to a member to enable him to accept an appointive position in the police department of the Oity of Anoka not subject to the provisions of the Articles of'~lnCorporation and these by-laws. Section 4. No member shall be entitled to draw both a ~isability and service pension. Section 6. In determining the years of service of a~ member of this association, no deduction eh~ll be made for the p~riod ax~ such member shall have Been a member of the armed forces of the United States subsequent to his entr~ into the service of the police department who left the service of the police department to enter the arme~ forces of the United States, providing such. policeman is honorably discharged from the armed forces of the United States, and resumes his duties with the police department of the City ~f Anoka, within sixty dais after his discharge therefrom, or within such further period as be granted to him by the board of directors of this association within which to resume said duties. Section 6. A~v member of this asmociation, who has completed a period, or periods of service, as a policeman, policewoman or police matrom in the police department of the City of Anok~a, as defined in the Articles of corporation and By-laws of this association, equ~l to twenty years or more, but who has not reached the age of fifty years, shall have the right to retire from the dep~rtment, without forfeiting his right to a service pension. He shall, upon application, be placed on the deferred pension roll of the amsociation, a~d, after he has reached the age of fifty years, the association shall, upon application therefor, pa~ his pension from the date the application is approved b~ the association. Such deferred pensioner shall not, however, be entitled to collect a disability pension for disability occurring sfter his sepor~tion from the police department of the City of Ano~&. Section 7. Applications for service pensions sb~.ll be made in w~ting to the secretar~ of this association, B~., or on behalf, of the retired member, and the board of director~ shall prescribe the form of such applications and the proofs required to be submitted in connection therewith. All such -12- applications and proofs shall Be referred By,he secretar~ of the beard of directors, and shall be considered by said board at the next regular or special meeting thereof. The board of directors ~ refer such applications to the board of examiners for investigation, which Board, upon ccmpleting said invest- igation, shall make its recommendations to the board of directors as to the granting or desiring of such applications. Section 8. The board of d!rector~ ~hall determine the question of granting or denying said application, by a majority vote of the members of ~aid board pres~t and voting a~ ~$e meeting at which said matter is presented for final determiner ~ox~. ARTIOLE' XVll. Pensi ms-widow~ and 0htldren of Deceased Members. am~ Pensioners. Section 1. When a mervice pensioner, disability pensioner, or ~fe~ed pensioner, or ~ active member of this association ~es, leavit: (a) A wi~w who becsme his le~ll~ ~rted wife, (not tncl~ing, however, a co~n law wife,' W~le or prior to the time he was on the ~yroll of the police dep~tment of the Cit~ of ~ a~ a polic~, ~ defined b~ the ~ticles of Incor~ oration and ~y-l~a of this association, ~d re~ined $~ contin~l~ after their ~rriage ~til his death, without Baving a~lied for ~ divorce or legal se~ation, ~d who, in case the deceased member was a service or deferred pensioner, was iegal~ ~rried, (not, ~owever, bi a co~n law ~rri~e) to such member before his retire- men~ from ~aid police de~rtment; ~d who, in ~ case, was residing with him at the time of him death. No te~ora~ absemce for the ~oses of health, b~iness or pleae~e, z~ll constitute a c~e of residence ~or ~ses of this section. (b) A ~ild or children Born the ilsue of lawful wedlo~ of such pensioner, not incl~i~, h~ever, the issue of a Co~on law ~ri~e. S~h widow ~d such child or chil~en, ~11 be entitled to ~ pensioner pension, as follows: (1) ~o such w~ow a pen~o~ of ~';~ J~.~r'~h for the term of her ~t~al . life, provided, however, t~ if she ~all re~, then ~h pension ~all cease and te~i~te aa of the ~te iff her re.triage. (2) To much child or children, if their mother ~is living, there s~ll be paid a penmion of not to exceed $_.~ ....... ~r ~nth to each child, up ~til the time zu~ child z~ll rea~ the ~e of sixteen Meats. Provided, the total pension here~der for 'the widow and chil~en of a deceased member s~ll not exceed the s~ of $ ....... .oer month. In cases where such child or chil~en -1~ are living with their mother smd being cared for and supported by her, the pension to which such child or children are entitled to hereunder, nmynbe paid to the mother of such child or children, if so crafted by the board of directors of this association. (3) A child or children, of a deceased member, ~ehall, after the death or re- marriage of their mother, be entitled to receive such pension~ or pensions, as the boar~ of directors of the association ma,v determine, until such child or children reach the age of eighteen years. Provided, the total pension paid to such child or children shall not exceed, in an~ event, the sum of $... ; . ...... per month. The board of directors of this association shall determine to whom said pension ox' pensions shall be paid for the benefit of sai~ child or children and may likewise determine for what purpose, or purposes, ~aid pension or pensions may be used. Section 2. No pension provided for in this article shall be paid, however, nor shall a~v claim for such pension accrue' to ax~v such widow or children of a ~'~'; ,"~'"~ 19_., and the first pa~me'nt of deceased member, un~il the month v, ~. ,~..-~ .,., such pension which may be made to any such widow or. child, st~ll commence with the month of _[-:J.:~_..~../-. - _ 19..., and shall be due and pa~ble on the f~irst of ..__, 1~__ an~ on the first of each month thereafter, during the time such widow and/or child or children may be entitled to receive the same under the provisions of this Article. Section 3. Applic~ti~a,s for pensions provided for in this Article, shall be made in writing to the secretar~ of this as~ociatic~ by, or on behalf of the applicant for such penelon, and the board of directors shall prescribe the form of such applications, and the proofs required to be submitted in connection therewith. Ail such applications and proofs shall be referred by the secretary to the board of directors, and shall be considered by said board at the next regular or special meeting thereof. Section 4. The boar~ of directors s~all determine the question of granting or dewing said application, by a majority vote of the members of said board pres:stat and voting at the meeting at which said matter is presente~ for final dst erminati m. ARTICLE X1X. Refund of Wage Deductions. Section 1. Any member of the as~ociation who shall become separated from -14- the service ~rf the police department of .the 0ity of Anoka, due to resignation, or some reason not involving malfeasance, nonfe&sance, moral turpitude or if his separation from such service is caused b !.n~ur~, death or other disability, under such circum~tauces that no pension benefits are paYable to him, or his widow or children, he shall receive a refund of all of the amounts deducted from his base pa~ by the City of Auoka, and were paid into the special f~ud of this association, without interest, and less the s~ount of any disability or other benefits thereto~ore paid to such member. Section ~. In case of the ,death of:such member, under the circumferences referred to in Section 1 of this article, mA~d refund shall be paid to the heirs, executors, or administrators of such deceased~member. Section 3. Applications for such refunds provided for in this Article, shall be made in writing to the secretary of thl~ association by or on behalf of such member, or in case of his death, h~s heairs, executors or administrators, and the board of directors shall prescribe, the form of such applications, and the proofs re .or, ired to be submitted in connection therewith. Ail such applications and pf~oofa shall be referred by the secretar~ to the board of directors, and shall be considered b2 said board at the next regular or special meeting thereof. Section 4. The boa. rd of directors sh~ll determine the question of granting or denying said apPlication for refund, by a majority vote of the members of said board present and voting at the meeting at which said matter is presamted for final determination. ARTI O~E XX. Exemption from Legal Process, etc. Section 1. Ail pensions granted by this association to its members, their widows and children, shall be totall~ exemt~t from garnishment, exaction, or other legal process, and no person entitled to such pensions shall have the right to assign the same, nor shall the association ha~e authority to recognize a~y such assignment, or to pay any sum on'account thereof, and an.v attempt to trs. nsfer an~ such pension, or em~V part thereof, shall be absolutely void. POLICE PENSIONS FOR, OiTIES FOURTH CiASS 423.41 Policemen's relief associati0~,'~Cities employing five or more policemen. The police departmemt of each city?f~the fourth class employing five or more ~regUlar a~d fully paid Policemen w~en ~a~thorized by am ordinance approved or adoPted bythe unar~Lmous vote of thegO~erni~g body of said city may maintain a policemen's relief association Which s~l be duly incorporated under the laws of this state. Any such association~ now existing as such corporations, or hereinafter incorporated under the laws of this state, shall have perpetual existence. Laws 1947, c. 624, *1. 423.42 Regulation of management. Each such relief association shall be orgmtzed, operated, and maintained, in accordance with its own articles of incorporation and bylaws, by policemen, aS hereafter defined, who are members of said police department. Each association shall have the power to regulate its own management and its own affairs, and all additional corporate powers which may be ~ecessary or useful; subject, however, to the regulations and restrictions of sections 423.41 to 423.62 and other: laws of this state pertaining to corporations$ ~ot inconsistent herewith. LawSll?47, c.624, *2. 423.43 Policemen defimed; present relief association; present benefit rights; acceptance. A policema~ under sections 423.41 to 423.62 is a duly appointed poli .ceman, policewoman, or police matron ~ho is regualrly entered on the payroll of the police department of such city, serving on active duty therein, after having comPleted am7 probationary period required under the laws .or ordinances o~ such cit~. Probationers in the. police-department, substitutes etd ~on~ employed irregularly fro~~ time to time, and elective officials of such department, shall not be deemed to be included under sections 423.4~ to 423.62. Ail perso~s who are members of ~he POlicemen's relief associations ofl such cities, at the time of the passage of Laws 1947, Chapter 624, whetheri'thei~status is embraced within the definition of a policeman herein contained or othe~ise, have the right to contimUe as members of their respective associatio~s a.n~ ~e entitled tp all benefits pertAnt~g thereto, and a~y me~ber included under the defi~i~Jion of policeman herei~ provided shall have the right to retain his membership ~ p~omotion or appointment to other positions to which such policemen herein may be subject~. Sections 423.41 to 423.62 shall not affect any pensions or other benefits which have been allowed or Which are being paid by any such relief association under or ~ accorAanOe with a~y prior act or acts, at the' time Laws 1~47, Chapter 624, .~ecomes effective, Payment of such pensions and:benefits 'S~all be continued by th~ .respective associations in accordance with their articles of incorporation a~d by-laws.~ and shall · 'be. ~ah~ect to all of the :provisions thereo£, ~xisting at the time of,hr e pS,sage of Laws 1947, Chapter 624, but each such association may elect to come,under tilt' Provi~ions of this act by the adoptiom of a resoi~tioa of .the members of sat~ associatitn signifyimg it= intention to dca o, by a majority vote of all members the~ entitled to ~vo'~e ~nd voting, at any annual meeting of said association, or at ~ny special 'meet~ d~ly c~alled for that purpose, and upon t~ £ilimg of a copy of said resolutio~ certified\ by 'the proper officers, with t~e secretary ~f state, and the filing and recordiag~ia..tHs of$ice of the register of deeds of the county im which such association Upon the adoption of such a resoltmiOm, aceticns' 423.41 to 423~62 shall ap~iy!to 'ail accepting associations as fully as thtugh'~ucR iassociations had been formed h~reund,..r, notwithstanding the provisions of amy cons%'itmtiom, bylaws, charter provision? or ordinance. 'Laws 1947, C. ~24, *3. ' 423.44 Membership automatic. Ever7 pollcema~ as herein defined shall aUt'omaticatly' become a memberi~of the policemen' $ relief association of' a~y such city upon the completion o£ amZ':pro~atiol~ry period required under the laws or ordinances of such Gi~ty: and his .appoints&hr ~s regular policeman-of such city as defined ia seCtio~ h23.h3. He snell thereup .Ch oe,~ome subject to the articles of incorporatiom and bylaws of such association, and s~ll oe entit~d ~ all of t~ privilege~ ~d ~efi~s t~re~ Pro~ed for 'm~bers of the p~lice~n's relief association of ~ch~ ci~. ~ ~a~ 1946, c. 624, *4. 423.45 Officers; ~ircctore, bond. The officers of t~ relief a~soo~ti~ll ~ a ~es~ent, o~ or mo~ ~ presidents, a secreta~ ~d a tree,ret. ~e offices of assistant secretary a~ assis~mt treasurer ~y be created by the byla~ of any ~c~ associations. The affai~ Of ~ch assoc~tion s~l be ~ged ~ a ~ard ~f di~ctorm elected in the ~er prescribed ~ the articles cf i~orporatien of the association. oor~rate bond'~ the a~soc~a%loa for t~ f'~r~ ~rrormance o ~ir du~es, ~ such a~un%s as the as~o~%io~ from time ~ %i~ ~Y de~~. ~ch relief association shall ~a is hereby authorized ~ p~Y the pre~s on ~ch bo~ from its special fu~. La~ 1947, c. 624, *5. 423.46 A~ual re~rt; f~)in~. The secret~ a~ t~asurer of eve~/ association, prior to the ~lrst day of Feb~a~ o~ each ~, s~ ~ Jo~y prep~e and sign wi~h the ~pr~v~ of the association's ~d ~ d~ectors, a deta~ed ~ i~zed report of a~ receipts and e~enditures ~ t~ association' s s~cail fu~ for the p~ceding ~lendar year, Chang t~ c~rces of said ~ceipts a~ %0 whom ~d f~ ~hat p~ose the ~ney ~s been paid ~d expended, and the balance, of t~ fund. Th~ sh~l file ~upl~ate ori~ copies thereof ~th the ~erk~ or city recover of t~ city ~ whi~ ~he assoc~ticn is loosed, and with the ~r ~ t~e treas~er thereof. Nc ~ney shall be paid to a relief ~sociation ~ the city ~ w~ch the assoc~tion is loca~d unt~ said report is ~ filed. Laws 1947, c. 624, ~. 423.47 Tax levy. The city council or other governing body of each such city wherein such as relief association is located may each year, at the time the tax levies for the support of the city are made, and in addition thereto, levy a tax for the benefit Of the special relief fund of such policemen's relief association of one mill on all taxable property within such city, un~il the balance ia maid special fund of ~uch policemen's relief association in any such =ity has reached the sum $50,OOO, and thereafter said levy may be reduced by such city to a sum ficient to maintain the balance in said special fund at not less than $50,000. The tax so levied shall be transmitted with other tax levies %o the auditor of the county in which such city is located and by said county shall be collected and payment thereof enforced, when and in like manner as state and county taxes are paid. As soon as practicable after the first d~ of June and the first d~7 of N~=ember, in each year, the county treasurer of each ouch county shall pay to the treasurer of each such relief association within said county the amount of such tax then collected ami payable to said association, together with all interest and penalties so collected, and. all interest collected thereon between the time of collection and the time of apyment to roach relief association. And the city treasurer of such city, ~/in the event that SUch tax or any part thereof is paid to him, shall likewise pay the same to the treasurer of the pclicemen's relief association of such city, as soon as the same has'been collected, together with all interest and penalties thereon. Laws 1947, c. 624, *7. 423.4~ Contribution ~ry members; deduction by treasurer~ separation or ~eath. Ia addition, and onlt if such tax is tevie~ the city treasurer, finance commissioner or other officer =harged with the 'responsibility of the city's finances, shall, each month, dednct from the salary of eac~~ policeman of such city subject %O the provisions of sections 423.41 toh23~62, three per cent of th% basic pay of all .~such policeman of such city, a~d transfer the total thereof %o the treasurer of the special fund Of the policemen' s relief association, who shell credit said total t~ the special fund of such associatioa and to the credit of each individual ~cltcem~m from whose pay said deductions were so made. Polic~ Pensions con%inued. Page 3 423~48 continued from preceding page.. If a policeman ia amy such city is separated from the service due to resignation or some reason not involvin~ matfaasamce, nonfeasance~ moral turpitude, or is .his separation from such service is caused by injury, death or other disability, under such circumstances that no pension benefits are payabtc to him or his widow or children, the treasurer of the special fund shall return to such policemar., or in case of his death, $o his heirs, executors er administrators, -all of tho so deducted from his base pay without interest, b~t less the amount of any disability or other benefits theretofore paid to such policeman. L~ws 19~7, c. 624, *8. 423.49 Funds; control ~hereof. Each such relief association ~all have full ,~nd permanent charge of, and the responsibility for the proper management and control of all funds that may come i~to its possession, and partlcu~rly funds derived from the following sources: a. Fundm derived from the tax levies by the City in which such relief ass~cL~tiom is locat~d, and interest from the investment thereof. b. Funds derived from private sources such as gifts, charges, rents, entertainments, daes paid by members, amd from Other sources. Laws 1947, c. 624, *9. 423.50 General fund; special lured. 2he money received f~om the various sources ~hall be kept in two separate ar~ distinct funds~ cae $o be designated as t~e association special fund, and tha other as its general furd. All money received from the city im which the relief associat&on is located, inmluding wage dedu~bi.ns fr~m the basic pay of policemen, shall be~ dep~sited in the special fund ~nd shall be expended omly for the purposes hereinafter authorized. All money received fr~m other sources shall be deposited ia the general lured, and may be expemded for any purpose deemed proper by such association. Laws~ 1947, c. 624, *10. 423.41 Disbursem~nt from special lhnd. All monies received by such relief association and deposited by it in its special fu~d shall be appropriated ~md disbursed by each ~uch association only for the following purposes: a. For the relief ~f sick, injured and disabled members of the association, their widows and orphans. b. For the paymemt of disability and service pensions to member,s of such releif associatioms. e. ~Or the paymemt of salaries a~d expenses of its officers and e~nloyees, amd the expemse of operating amd maintainimg such relief aszociation, including the premises om the official bor~s of it~ officers and employees. Laws 1947, c. 624, *ll. 423.52 Bylaws, specifications and definitions. Each relief association shall im its bylaws define the sickness and disability entitling its members to relief, and sepcify the amounts thereof, and also specify the amounts to be paid to its disability and service pensioners, and ~o widows and children of deceased members, and fix the age limit of shildre~ to which pensions may be paid, sub~ect to, and in accordance with, the provisioms of section 423.41 t~ 423.62. Laws 1947, c. 624, .12. 423.53 Slckms~s or accident ~f member; all~wamce. A member of such associ~tiom who, by reasOm of sickmess or accident, becomes · tsabled from performimg the duties of a policemam im the oollce department of any · u~h city, shall be entitled t~ receive from the association durimg disability, such disability pensiom as the bylaws of the aSsociatiom may provide, which pemsicns ~hall ia mo avent, howave~, be la~a than $75 per m~mth~ No disability pension shall be paid er all~wed b~ Sm~h aS~ociatien unle~ notice-~f the disability and application for pensiom o~ aecomat thereof, shall be made by or on behalf of the disabled member to the secretary of the associa%iom withim 90 ds~s after such disability. Laws 1947, c. 624, -13. Police Pensions continued. Paga 4,, 423.54 Disability; allowance. A member of an~uchrelief association entitled to disability'p~nsion, as herein ~efined, shall receive the same from such.association for such periods o£ time, at such times and in such amounts, as the by,laws of the association s~hall provide, but in mo event shall such disabil£typensiom be less than $75 per month. Laws 1947, c. 624,.14. 423.55 Completion of period of service; age; retirement; service oension~' A member of any such association as herein defined, who has c~mpleted a p~riodi, or periods or service, as a .polic~mamin the po!ice department of any suchcity, equal to 20 years or more, shall after he ~as arrived at the age oi~ 50 years, or more, and has retired from the payroll Of the police department of such city, be entitled to a servi~e pe~ioa equal to one-bald o£ the mont~hlybase pay of such police- m~ a t the time of his retirement from said police department, but in no event shall such pension be less than $75 per mo~th, which pe~'slon shall b e payable monthly during the term of his mayoral !!fo in co~formity with the bylaws Of sach association. All leaves of absence cf more tham 90 days~ ~xcept such as are granted to a member because of his disability due to sickness or accident, shall be excluAed in computing the period of service. NO de,Actions shall be made ~or a leave of absence granted to a member to enable him to accept an appointive posltlom ia said police ~%%~ department ~ot JubJect to the provisions of ~% sections h23.41 to 423.62. No member shall be entitled to draw both a disability ~nd a service pension..Laws 1~47, c. 624, *15. h23.56 Member retiring after serving 20 years, but has not reached retirementsge. A member of such association as hereimdeftr~d, who has completed a .period, or periods of service, as a policeman in the police de£~rtment of any such city equal to 20 years or ~re, but has nOt re~ched the age of 50 years, shall l~ve the right to rehire from the department without forfeitin~ his right to a service ~%~/ pension. Be shall, upon application, be placed on the deferred pension roll of the association, and, a~'ter he has reached t[~ a~eof 50 years, the associatiou shall, upon application therefor, pay his pension from the gate the application is approved by the association. Laws 1947, o. 624, -16. 423.57 Service in tae armed forces of t.he O~ited States. Ia determini~2 the years of s~rvics o~any such policeman, no deduction shall be made f~r tbs period any such policeman shall have been a member of tB~ ar~d forces of the United States subsequent to his entry into the service of the police department, who left the service of ~Aeh police department to ~nter th~ armed~ forces of the United Btates, providing such policeman i~ honorably discharged £rom the armed forces of tae United States, and resumes his duties as ~uch wittd~u 60 days after such discharge from the armed s~rvices of the United S~tes, or w~thin such further pemiod aa m~y be ~gramt~.~d to him by the board of directors of such association within which to resume said dutieS. Laws i~47, c. 624, *t7. 423.58 Death of pensioner; rights of widow amd chidlren. When a service pensioner, disability pensiomer, or deferred pensioner, or an active m~mber of such relief association does~ leaving: a. A widow ~o became his legally marrtsd~ife while or prior to the time he was on the payroll of any such police department as a policeman, and remained such eonttmuously after their marriage Ur~mil his death, without having applied for any dirvor~e or legal separation, amd who~ L~ case the deceased member was a service or deferred pensioner, wWs legally married to such m~mbsr befor~ .his retirement from said police department; and who, in ~my case, was residing with him at the time of his death. No temporary absence for purposes of business, health or pleasure, shall constitute a change of residence for the purposc~ of this section. b. A child or children born the issue of the ]awik~ ~dloek of such pensioner. 423.58 continued from precedimg page. Such widow and said child o~r children shall he entitled to a Z~nsion Or pensions a s follows: 1. To such widow a ~ension of not less than ~25, amd ~ot to exceed ~.60 per month, as the bylaws of such s. ssociation s.h~ll provide, for her n~tur~ life; providad, however, that 'L~ she shall remarry, ~hen such ~nsion sh~!l caste and terminate as of ~he da~e of her e~riage. 2. To such c~d or children, if their mother i~ iiving~, a pension of not to excead $t~ a month for each child up to the time emch child reache, tbs of mot leas than 16, amd not to exceed 18 years Of age, which pension ~nd shall be fixed by the bvtaws of such a~sociation. Provided, the total pension hereunder for the widow and children of said deceased r~ember shall not exceed ~he ~um of $7~ per 3. A c~tld o~ children of a decease~ member receiving a pension or pensions hereunder shall, after the de~th or remarriage of their mother, be entitle~ to receive a pensio~ or pe~si~s' im s~ch amount ce amounts a~ ~y be fixed by the bylaws of such association, until they r~ach %he aec of not les~ than 16 and not mor~ than 18 years, as the byla~s of eac~ assoc~iou rosy ~vide; but the total amount of such pensio~ or per, ions hereunder'for amy child or children sh~ll n~t exceed the sam of. $75 per ~onth. Laws 1947, c. 624, -18. h23.59 Bo~rd of e~aminers. The ~el~f assoc~ati.~ shall establish a borad of examiners who ~hall, ~s and when requested by the as~ociation's board of director~, investigate and m~ke report on all applications for ~aability pension and make recommendation~ ms the all~owance or disallowance thereof; investigate and m~ke reports on a!l disability pensioners, and make recommendations a s~to the .cOntinuance of discontin~amce thereof; · sad iavestigate mad repor~ on all applicatitns~for' service pension~. This board shall consist of a competent phyaicatiam selected by t he association, and at least three member~ of the relief a~se¢~tio~ on ac~t~ d'aty with the police ~ department, ami a ~majority veto tf the members of th~ r~lief associatio~ on ~aid board shall~ constitute its recomme~datio~ to the borad of directors. Laws !947, c. 624, 423.60 I~veatmemt of/smrpl~s~ funds. Mo~ey accumulated in the special fund of ~ny ouch as~ociation eha!l~ in~ested from tim~ to t~me a~ the b, ard of directOrs t~e~of Shall direct only L~ bonds of the U~tted States and the state of ~nnesota, ~md of mumieipalitee~ situated in the state of ~lnnes~ta, and at no time shall the funds of ~ny ~uch ~ ssociation be permitted to accumulate in may bank in an amount l~rgsr th~n the deposit in~r~mce carried ~y said bank for the protection of i~dividual de~oosiber.s L~ws 1947, c. 624, *20. 423.61 Pension exempt from legal ~roces~. A~l mpay~nt8 made or to be ~de by any such police~en's relief aero.clarion u~der amy of the provizions of sections 423~.41 to 423.62 ~hall be ~totall~ exempt fr~a garnlmhment,~ execution, or other legal pr~es, and no per~ons critiC!ed to such~pa~,~t shall have the riEht to ~assign the s~me, nor zhall the associatie~ have m, thority to~ recognize amy assignment, or 1 ~ ~ pay any ~um on account thereof; and any attezpttO transfer a~y such righ~ or clai~, or any part thereof, shall be absolutely void. Laws 1947, c. 624, '21. 423.62 Rights u~der workmen' s compensation not affected. Sections 423,41 tO 423.62 shall not be comstrued ae striding, repealing, or amending the laws of this stats r clati~ to the provisions of the la~ cormnonly known ~s th~ workmen's compensation &ct.1 L~ws 1947, c. 624, *22. lSectio~s 176.O1 - 176:81~