HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 363ORDIN CE NO.
SECTION 1 Pursuant to a proper and sufficient petition
by the owners of the tract, piece or parcel of land abutting
upon said City and described as follows, to-wit:
The South One Thousand Six Hundred Fifty feet (S 1650')
of the Northwest Quarter (i~ 3) of Section Twenty-five
(25), Township Thirty (30), Range Twenty-four (24).
Said tract, piece or parcel of land is hereby declared to be
an ad~ition to the City of Columt0ia Heights, Minnesota.
SECTION 2 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in
force from and after thirty (30) days of its passage.
First Reading - l~arch 13, 1956
Second Reading - March 27, 1956
Passed this 2?th d~v of March~ t~6
Offered by Julkowski
Seconded by Hosch
Roll Call: Ayes ~
We, the undersigned owners of the following described properties located in
Fridley Township, Anoka County, M~nnesota, do hereby petition ~he City of Columbia
Heights to annex said property into the corporate limits of Columbia Heights.
The properties involved are those lots on which our houses, as below described,
are located.
4920 Tyler Street N.E. ,)~ ~~(~ ~.'_ , ,,, ~ /,._, _ L_
This area is the balance of the property east of Cefltral Avenue in the N.W. ~ of
section 25, Township 30, Range 24, not included in Sullivans Addition or Marion
Hills (Dahl's) addition to Columbia Heights.
February 29, 1956
I, the u~dersigned, owmer of tb_e following deso.ribed
Co~m~enoing ~t a point fifty ~(5 rods North from
the Southwest corner of the Eorthwest 1/4 of Sec-
tion 25, Township 30, Range 24; thence East
parallel with the So.~th line of said 1/[& section
to the East line thereof; thence North ~long the
E~st line of said 1/4 section 50 rods; thence West
and parallel with the first course above mentioned
to the West line of said 1/4 section, and thence South
along the West line of said 1/4 section to poknt of
co~encement; exce?ting therefrom, however, Lots 19,
20, ~a~ 21, Block 20, as shown on plat dated January
26, 1955, furnished by C~%rtwright and 01son, Land Surveyors.
Property is subject to an easeme~]t for highway purposes
over the Westerly fifty (50) feet of the land described
herein, with the right granted to construct amd main.-
rain temporary snow fences thereon,
located in ~ridtey Township, Anoka County, ~]in~esot~, do hereby peti-
tion the City of Columbia Heights to annex s~id described property
into the corporo-te limits of Columbi~ Heights, ~iinnesota.
Respectfully sub~nitted,
February 29, 1956
I, the undersigned, owner of the following described
That part of the Northwest 1/4 of Section
Township 30, Range 24, ~noka Co~mty, [~i~esota,
described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning ~t a point on the South line of said
Northwest 1/4, 400 feet East of the Southwest
corner thereof; thence East on said South line,
to the East line of said Nortk~est 1/4; t~noe
North on said East line a distance of 50 rods;
thence West on a line parallel with said South
line to the West line of s~id Northwest 1/4;
thence So~th on said ~Vest line to a point 210
feet ~orth of said Southwest corner; thence East
on a line parallel with said South line, a dis-
tance of 400 feet; thence South 210 feet to the
point of beginning, excepting, however, therefrom
the three exceptions set forth in that certain
mortgage dated January 9, 1953, given b)~ Charles
Molan and ~%gnes )~olan, husband and wife, to Fidelity
State ~ank, filed January 14, 1953, ~nd recorded in
Book 291, page 158,
This property is subject to an easement over the
West fifty (50) :feet thereof now knowr~ and designated
as Trunk iti.~hway No.
located in Fridtey Township, Anoka County, ~innesota, do hereb~ peti-
tion the City of Columbi~ Heights to annex said described property
into the corporate limits of Columbia tieights, >iinnesota.
Respectfully submitted,