HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 363ORDIN CE NO. AN ORDINANCE DECLARING A CERTAIN TRACT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND TO BE %N ADDITION TO TEE CITer OF COLUME~I~ HEIGHTS, MINNESOTg THE CITY OF COLUI~BIg HEIGHTS DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1 Pursuant to a proper and sufficient petition by the owners of the tract, piece or parcel of land abutting upon said City and described as follows, to-wit: The South One Thousand Six Hundred Fifty feet (S 1650') of the Northwest Quarter (i~ 3) of Section Twenty-five (25), Township Thirty (30), Range Twenty-four (24). Said tract, piece or parcel of land is hereby declared to be an ad~ition to the City of Columt0ia Heights, Minnesota. SECTION 2 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after thirty (30) days of its passage. First Reading - l~arch 13, 1956 Second Reading - March 27, 1956 Passed this 2?th d~v of March~ t~6 Offered by Julkowski Seconded by Hosch Roll Call: Ayes ~ Nayes We, the undersigned owners of the following described properties located in Fridley Township, Anoka County, M~nnesota, do hereby petition ~he City of Columbia Heights to annex said property into the corporate limits of Columbia Heights. The properties involved are those lots on which our houses, as below described, are located. ? 4920 Tyler Street N.E. ,)~ ~~(~ ~.'_ , ,,, ~ /,._, _ L_ This area is the balance of the property east of Cefltral Avenue in the N.W. ~ of section 25, Township 30, Range 24, not included in Sullivans Addition or Marion Hills (Dahl's) addition to Columbia Heights. February 29, 1956 property: I, the u~dersigned, owmer of tb_e following deso.ribed Co~m~enoing ~t a point fifty ~(5 rods North from the Southwest corner of the Eorthwest 1/4 of Sec- tion 25, Township 30, Range 24; thence East parallel with the So.~th line of said 1/[& section to the East line thereof; thence North ~long the E~st line of said 1/4 section 50 rods; thence West and parallel with the first course above mentioned to the West line of said 1/4 section, and thence South along the West line of said 1/4 section to poknt of co~encement; exce?ting therefrom, however, Lots 19, 20, ~a~ 21, Block 20, as shown on plat dated January 26, 1955, furnished by C~%rtwright and 01son, Land Surveyors. Property is subject to an easeme~]t for highway purposes over the Westerly fifty (50) feet of the land described herein, with the right granted to construct amd main.- rain temporary snow fences thereon, located in ~ridtey Township, Anoka County, ~]in~esot~, do hereby peti- tion the City of Columbia Heights to annex s~id described property into the corporo-te limits of Columbi~ Heights, ~iinnesota. Respectfully sub~nitted, February 29, 1956 proi)erty: I, the undersigned, owner of the following described That part of the Northwest 1/4 of Section Township 30, Range 24, ~noka Co~mty, [~i~esota, described as follows, to-wit: Beginning ~t a point on the South line of said Northwest 1/4, 400 feet East of the Southwest corner thereof; thence East on said South line, to the East line of said Nortk~est 1/4; t~noe North on said East line a distance of 50 rods; thence West on a line parallel with said South line to the West line of s~id Northwest 1/4; thence So~th on said ~Vest line to a point 210 feet ~orth of said Southwest corner; thence East on a line parallel with said South line, a dis- tance of 400 feet; thence South 210 feet to the point of beginning, excepting, however, therefrom the three exceptions set forth in that certain mortgage dated January 9, 1953, given b)~ Charles Molan and ~%gnes )~olan, husband and wife, to Fidelity State ~ank, filed January 14, 1953, ~nd recorded in Book 291, page 158, This property is subject to an easement over the West fifty (50) :feet thereof now knowr~ and designated as Trunk iti.~hway No. located in Fridtey Township, Anoka County, ~innesota, do hereb~ peti- tion the City of Columbi~ Heights to annex said described property into the corporate limits of Columbia tieights, >iinnesota. Respectfully submitted,