HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 359PRE.~LE TO ORDI~q~2[OE L~O .~
I'Y~?Si%S, the City of Col~mbia Heights has for many years possessed
an ease:nent for storm drainage ever and across Lot Eleven (il), an! the
Southerly fifteen and eighty-six one-hun~re!Zhs (i5.B6) feet, front and
rear, and the ~lortherly Fifty (50)feet, front and rear, of Lot Twelve (12),
Block Two (2), Rearrangement of Block "C", Colu~{uia Heights ~nnex to [~nne-
apolis, Anoka County, ~nnesota, accoriing ~o the duly recorded plat thereof,
~JnlREAS, it has been deter}nimed by the City of Co!u~ia ]{eights that
said easement is of no value to said City, and,
]~iL%S, substantial injury results to the owners of said land by
the continuance of s~id e~sement,
CiTY COL~CIL of the CITY OF CCLN3IA iIEI~[TS, hereby and of this
Preamble declares that a public emergency exists which subjects the City
to the necessity of 'taking extraor~ina~; n~easures and it is therefore neces-
sary to pass Ordinance No.~? as an e:ergency ordinance.
Passed this !3th day of December, !9[~.
Offered by:
Seconded by:
Roll Call:
An Easement created by Instruments recorde~ in
~ook 17~, at Page 1~6; and Book 179, at Page 296,
in the Office of the Register of Deeds, Anoka
County, l~innesota, as reyar~s Lot Eleven (ii), and
the Southerly Fifteen and eighty-six one-hundredths
(!~.~6) feet, front a~d rear, and t~m Northerly
Fifty (50) feet, front and re~r, of Lot Twelve (i2),
Block Two (2), Rearrangement of Block "C", Columbia
Heights Annew to Minneapolis, Anoka County, i~[innesota,
according to the duly recorded plat thereof.
~ .... ~IGi~S
Section 1. Authorization of Sale of Real Estate.
That the City of Colur~bia Heights shall sell and convey unto Oliver R.
Olson, and Particle M. Olson, his ~.~zife, that certain
tract of land lying and being in the County of Anoka, State of liinnesota,
~escribed as follows, to-wit:
An masem~nt created by Instruments recorded in Book i?~,
at Page i~6; ~nd Book i79, ~t Pa~e 200 in the O.~f ce of
the Register of Deeds, Anoka Cou-oty, !~%nnesota, as regor~s
Lot Eleven (tl), and the Sou%her!M Fifteen and eighty-six
one-hun-~redths (1~.86) feet, ~ ,
~_~ont and rear and the l[or-
tkerly Fifty (~0) feet, front an~ re~r, of Lot T~etve (12),
Block Two (2), Rearrangement of Block "C", Colu~qbia Heights
Annex to ~nneapo!z~, Anoka County, ][i~nnesota, according to
the duly recorded plat thereof.
together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances %hereunto belonging,
or in anF~ise appertaining.
Section 2. Terms an,~ Conditions of Sale.
That the terms of sale of said property to the said Oliver R.
Oison, ~nd Patricia I.[. Olson, his ~ife, shall be as follows:
Said purchasers to pay to the City of Cotu,~.bia Heights One
and _~o/iO0 Dollars ($i.00) cssh for the above described
lands and premises, o~zd payment to be ma~= imme~iatel~y
upon ue_~_very of a ~.eed bM the said City of Colu~-~bi-~ Heights.
Section 5~.. ]la,for and Cit~y ][anager to E~ec~te Docum¢.nts.,.
The l.layor and City l~nager be and the same .are hereby auth.~,rize_d to execute
~nd deliver to the said purchasers the necessary deed for carr%?ing out the
terms of this ordinance.
Section h. Time of Takinz Effect.
This ordinance shall take effect ~and be in force ~{~d~.ediate!y upon
its passage.
Passed this 13th day of December, 195~.
Offered By: Holm,,,
Seconded By: Fm~+.~o~
Roll Call:
Secretary ~o CouNcil