HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 338PREAMBLE TO ORDINANCE N0._338 _~BEING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE BY THE CITY TREAS~ OF_ $3,OOO.OO EMERGENOY DEBT OERTIFICATE". WHEREAS, it became necessary to properl~ carry on the functions of Municipal Government of the City of Columbia Heights to proceed with the Recreation program ............ ~ and, WHEREAS, there are insufficient monies in the city treasury, to pay costs currently due, and the city is' therefore without funds to pay for contract payments new due$ THIS COUNOIL hereby and under this preamble declares an emergency exists for the preservation of the public~ safety and that in order to promptly meet said emergency it is~ necessary to pass Ordinance No. 338 as an emergency ordinance. Passed this_ loth day of May · 195~. Offered by: ..... Hosch Seconded by:_~ Knuts.on ~ all ayes Roll Calls ~yes ~__. Secrjt~ to t~ ~oun~:' ' ........... ORD tI~ANOE NO'. 338.._ AN ORDINANCE'AUTHORIZINGi THE SALE BY THE a ASm m OF_ $3,9.90.00 .zmm cx CE :OA E. THE CITY OF CGLUMBIA HEIGHTS DOES OBDAIN, Section 1. That the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota does hereby authorize the sale by the City Treasurer of_ Columbia.. He~gh~ihs __ emergency d~bts eertificate, to be date~_ May 10th , 195~ , 3 to bear interest at the rate of $ per annum, interest to be payable at the maturity of said eertifioate, to be numbered one (1)' and shall be , payable as to both principal and interest at the Columbia Heights State Bank in the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota, and shall mature on or before · ~August .Sth . ~ , 19 55. That sai~ certificate shall be in substantially the following form: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE ~ OF MINNESOTA COUNTY ANOKA CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ~ERGEMCY CERTIFIOATE OF INDEBTEDNESS THIS ~S TO CERTIFY THAT THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, in the County Anoka, State of Minnesota, for value received hereby premises to pay bearer the sum of $ ~ ...... at the _ .~ ~ LOolumbia Heights, ~es°ta' upon surrender o~"th~~ Oe~tif'~cat~'0f'indeb~edness, on the rate of ocr cent per e_nnum, interest payable at maturity and for the prompt payment of the principal and ~interest of this Certificate the full faith, credit and resources of said City of Columbia Heights are hereby irrevocably pledged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF said City of Columbia Heights, Anoka County, M~nne~sota has caused this Certificate to be signed by i s Mayor and City Manager a d counter- signed by the City Clerk and sealed with the seal of said City, and has caused this Oertificate to be dated as ~f the .............. , 195~. Attested: City Manager city Cler .............. It is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditions and things required ~y the Charter of said City and by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Minnesota, to Save been done, to have happened and to have been performed precedent to and in issuance of this certificate have been done, have happened and have been performed in regulation and due form, time and ~nner and that this certificate, together with all other indebtednesses of this city outstanding on the date hereof to not exceed any constitutional, statutory'or charter limitation of indebtedness. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Columbia Heights, State of Minneso~a, 'by its council has caused this certificate to be issued in its behalf by its City M~mager and Mayor and countersigned by the City Clerk and sealed with the seal of sa~ city, and has caused this Certificate to be dated ....... May. lOth ..... ,195~_.. Section Il. That this certificate shall be executed in behalf of said City ~y the Mayor and City Nanager and countersigned by the City Clerk and sealed with the official seal of said City and the full faith, credit and resources of said City shall be and hereby are irrevc~ablypledged to the performance and full pay- ment of both principal and interest of said certificate when it becomes due. Section III. This O~inance being necessary for the immediate preservation of public peace, health and safety hereby declares to be an emergency ord~ence and shall take effect i~ediately upon its passage. Passed~this loth . day of__ ~ May., ~p , 195.~--o Offered by: ~o~ ~ Roll Call: SeCre~ ~6the