HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 335PREAmbLE ORDI~$AMCE ENTITLED "AN OR~UTHO~IZING THE SA~ BY ~'CiTY TREASU?J~ 0F '~$1,500.00 DfERGENCY DEBT CE~?ICATE". ~' ~E~AS, it ~C~ ~cessary ~ pro.fly c~y on the functions of Wunicipal Oo~nt of the City of Col~bia Heights to proceed with the recreation pro~~ . ..... ; and, W~HEAS, there a~ ins~ficient monies in t~ city treasu~ to pay costs c~r~ntly due, ~d t~ city ~s t~fo~ wi~out ~nds to pay for present committments; THIS COt'NCIL hereby and uuder this preamble declares an emergency exists for the preservation of the public safety and that in order to promptly meet said emer.~ency it is necessary to pass Ordinance No. 335 as an emergency ordinance. Passed this 28th day of December , 1954. Offered by: Seconded by: Deeble, Roll Call: Ayes: ,41! Mays: Secretary to the Council ORDINANCE NO._. 335,,, A!.~ ORD1R~ANCE AUT~RIZING THE SALE BY T}~ CITY TRF~S~R OF ~_$!,500.O~O ~"ERGEMCY DEBT CERTIFICATE. T~ CITY DF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS D~E80?J)A!N: Section 1. That the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota does hereby authorize the sale by the City Tream~rer of ~ ~1.~00.00 ~ emergency debts certificate, to be dated December 29th , 19~4 to bear interest at the rate of ~ per annum, interest to be payable at t}m maturity of said certificate, to be numbered one (1), and shall be payable as to both principal smd interest at the Columbia Heights State Bank in the City of Columbia }{eiEhts, )~innesota, and shall mature on or before March 28th , 1955 . That said certificate shall be in substantially the following form: Attested: EMERGENCY CERTIFICATE OF iNDEB~,D SS T.UIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE CITY OF CO L~BIA H~IG~TS, in ~e County of & sum of $ at the /'~ ~i ~ Ciolumbia Heights,: ~inr~s°ta': upon surren~r Of '~-iS certificate: o~.~i~~-~es,S, on the rate of .... 'per cent per annum, interest payable a~ ma~ur~ty~and for the prompt payment of the principal and interest of this Cert~ica~ the full faith, credit and reso~rce~ of said City of Columbia Heir, hfs are /~hereb~ \irrevocably pledged. ,/! ~ IN WITNESS WHEHF~F. said City of Columbia ~igh~s, Anok~ ~ounty, ~,innesota has caused this Certificate to be signed by its Mayor and city M~gger and counter- signed by the City Clerk and sealed with the seal of ssi4 City, ~n~ has caused this Certificate to be dated as of the .......... , It is hereby certified and recited that all/ acts, conditions and thin~s re- qutred by the Charter of said City ar~ by the Consitution and Laws iof the State of Minnesota, to have been done, to have happened and ~ have been pe~form*~,~recedent to and in issuance of this certificate have been done ,~. have happene~ an~ ~Haveqt~en performed in regulation and due form, time and man~,er And that thiS:i[ cert~fi~gt~, to~ether wi~h all other indebtedrmsses of this ci~ out!standing on ~he da~e to not exceed any constitutional, statutory or cha)~er imitation o indeb~dness. IN WITNESS ~ER~DF the City of Columbia ,Eeigh~s, State of ~innesota, its council has caused this certificate to be ssued In!,:~ts behalf bY~ its 05~y ~naHer and Mayor and counter signed by the City Clerk and .~eale~)~,with the se~l of s~id city, and has caused this Certificate to be dated i! ,~ ........... ~ , 195 . · Section II. That this certifica,~e, shall be exerCiSed in beha!~f of said City by the ~;ayor and City ~'anager and countersigned by the i~y ¢lerk~ and se~led~ ,,with the official seal of said City and the f%~ll faith, credit' .and resources of sa~City shall be and hereby are irrevocably pledged to the"performance and full. payment of~~ both principal and interest of said certificate when it ~c~mes due. Section III. This Oml~nance bein~ necessary £ r tl~e :b~diat.~ p~es~mratlon ,~bf' public peace, health and safety hereby declares to be and sht~l take e££oc% tJn~diatoly upon it~ Passage. Passed this 28th Offered by: Knutson Seconded by: Ho$Ch Roll Calls day of _ December, _, 1954 . Ayes:___ Al..! ...... Nays an emergency ordinance Secretary to the Council