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Ordinance 309
ORDINA~CE NO. ~07 .. THE CITY OF COLUM_BI2a HEIeHTS DOES ON~D~%IN: SECTION 1: There is hereby created a Recreation Com- mission of the City of Coi~abia Heights. Said Commisslon shall con- sist of Five members as follows: One member from the City Council to be ~ppointed by the City Council, one member from the Board of Education, to be appointed by the Board of Education, one member from the Park Board to be appointed by the Park Board and two members from the city at large, at leas~ one of whom shall be a woman; one of whom shall be appointed by the City Council and one of whom and one of whom shall be appointed by tloe Board of Education. The appointment of woman.member shall alternate between the City Council and the school board. The term of office for members of this Co~mission shall be for three years, or until! sucessors are appointed for such terms, so that the term of one member shall expire annually thereafter. The members of the Commission shall serve without compensation. Of the five members first appointed, two shall serve one year, two shall serve two years and one shall serve three years. The term of members of this Compression ~.~ho are appoi~te~ from elective boards shall auto- maticai!y terminate when their, term of elective office expires. SECTION 2: The said Recreation Commission shall conduct and suoervise recreation services and programs for public recreation in its broadest sense - p!aygrounas, parks, playfme~_.s, swi~m~ing pools, beaches, camps, indoor recreation centeres,and any and all other Coati,sion sha~ have cower to conduct recreation activities. activities and to pay for the necessary supervision incidental ~.ereto on the grounds and properties owned, ~ease or controlled by ~h City of Columbia Heights and the Board of Education o~ their deoartments, or on other properties with the consent of the owner or authorities who control the property. Nothing in this act, however, shall be construed to abridge the power and authority of other municioa! departments or the Bombard,of Education as to the property they have under their jurisdiction. SECTION ~_L Said commission shs!t h~ve the ~o~..~er to employ a person trained ~nd qualified in the field of recreation ~s superintendent of recreation and such other expert assistants, super- Visors, directors, play leaders and other employ~:~es as may be~ - essary in !ts jud~ent for the efficient ~dministration, of progress, and~orovided for in the budgets of the City of Co~_umoza~ ' Heights and the Board of Education and ~he various d~paz.~men~ and divisions of the municipal administration Orought at any time within its operations as aforesaid and provided~ Said Superintendent of Recreation shall serve said. Commission as its executive officer, and may act as its secretary, in a relation similar to that of the Superintendent of Schools to the Board of Education. SECTION ' · 4. Said Commission shall render annually a full report to the Columbia Heights City Council, the Board of Education and the Park Bosrd covering its o~eration s for the year cioslng, together with a detailed account of its recommendations and estimated funds required for its ~,ork for the ensuing year. Said Commission shall ~iso, at its discretion, -~e~ort advisory recommendations and estimates covering the whole field of its operations an~ responsibilities, as regarfs related divisions and departments of said City, to the respective departments or boards concerned, as indicated. It shall render also such other ~egu!ar and s~eciai remorts and make such'investi~tions as may be required by the City Council and the Board of Education ~nd the Park Board and such reports a~d investigations in addition as it may itself deem necessary or e:~pedlent. SECTION_~.. Said Commission is hereby authorized and powered to use without charge such public buildings, ~rounds and facilities as m~y be available and ~mapta~le to the purpose of this commission ?¢ith the consent of the authorities controiing these f~cliit les. SECTION 6: The necessary expenses sm.d operational bud,;et for the ~urposes of this Commission shall be provided from the funds of the Clty of Columbia Heights and Inde~endent School District 65. ?~zticip~tion in such budget shall be eoua! as between the City the School District. SECTION_Z~ Said Commission is emvo~ered and authorized to solicit and receive gifts, bequests, or endowments of money or property as donations or grants from persons, firms o~ corporations including governmental agencies and to administer their funds for public recreation p~rposes. SECTION 8: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from ~nd after 3© days after its ~assage. First R~ading April S~cond ReadongA~ril 28, !953 OFFERED BY_____~___ SECONDED BY _____~~__ ROLL CALL: All Ayes. gecretar~ to the Coudc'~t