HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 303AN ORDINS~NCE LiCEi,~SI!,~G A~{D REGUL%TiNG T_~ SALE A},TD
SECTION 1. Definition of Terms.
Subdivision !. As used in this ordinance] the term
"person" includes a natural oars. on of either sex, co-partner-
ship, corporation and association of persons and the agent or
manager of.any of the aforesaid. The singular number inc!ud~es
the plural, end the n-~ascuiine ~}ronoun inc!u~es the feminine
and neuter.
_ non-zntoxic~ting malt liquor"
5_~b_dlvision 2. 'Beeru or' '
means any malt beverage with an alcoholic content of more than
one-half of one per cent by vo!urae and not more tLan three
and two-tenths per cent by weight.
'S_u_b_d~iv,,i$i_o_n 3, 'Intoxicatin..~ liquor" means_any dis-
tilled, fermented or vinous beverage containing more Shah
three and two-tenths per cent of alcohol by weight,
Subdivision ~. "Original package" means the bottle or
sealed container in ??hich the liquor, is oiaced by the manufacturer.
~ubdivision_~. "Bona fide club" .ueans a ciu~ organized.
for social or business purposes or for inte!!ectu~! i.uprove-
ment or for the 'promotion of sports, ';.~here the serving of beer
is incm~ent~.i to and.not on~ major otu-~ose of the club
Subdivision 6. ,,~=nesvo. urant, o , means a. Diace of which the
major business is preparing and serving lunches or meals to
the-public to be con~mmed on the premises.
Subdivision--7._ "Beer Store" means an esta~iishment for
the sale of beer, cigars, cigarettes, all forms of to= ..... co,
Oeverages and soft drinks at.retail.
SECTION 2. License Required.
Subdivision i. No person, except wholesalers a~nd man-
ufacturers to the e~-~tent authorized by ia~;, s~i! deal in or
disvose of by gift, ~a!e or othervise, or kee~ or offer for
sale, any beer withln this city vithout first having received
a license as hereinafter ~rovided. Licenses ~!~!1 be of two
kinds: 'On ~ale' and "Off Sale".
,, ~ , ~ ~,~a .... shall b.= granted
Subdivision 2. 'On oa±e _.~,o,~ -~ ,
only to bon~ fi~..e clubs, beer stores, drug stores, restaurants
and hotels v,~_~ere food is prepared and served for consu~.otion
on the premises. 'On Sale" licenses shall oermit the sale of
beer for consuamption on the premises only.
Subdivision ~_~ "Off Sale" licenses shall ~ermit the
sine of beer at retail or at wholesale in the original oackage
for consumption off the premises only,
SECTION 5. Ap.D~!¢ations for Licenses.
Every application for a~iicense to sell beer shall be
made on a form supplied bY the city and shall state the name
of the applicator, his age, representations as to his character
with such references as may be re,suired,~ his citizen~'~lp,
whether the application is for "onsales" or "off sales"
the business in cons_action with which the proposed license
will operate and its iocgtion, whether applicant is o~rner and
operator of the bus,ness, how,long he has been in that bus-
iness at tha~ place, and such other information as the council
may req~ire from time to time. It shall be unlawful to make
any false statement in an application. Applications shall be
filed with the city c~_er~ for presentation at one r~gui~r.
council m~eting and after due investigations the ap~!ic~tion
shall be acted u'~on at the second regular council meeting.
SEOTION ~. L. ic.ens~q Fees,.._
S_~ubdiy!sion !. Each application for $ license shall be
accompanied by a receipt fz~om the city treasurer for payment
in full of the required fee for the license. Ail fees shall
be paid into the general fund of the municipality. U~oon re-
jection of any a?~p!ication for a license, the treasurer shall
refund the amount pa~d.
S_u_jod!vision. 2_~ All license shall expire on tha last
day of December in each Year. Each license shall Se is~ued
for a period of one year, except that if a oortion of~ the
license year has elapsed ~.~hen the application is made, a
license may be issued for the remaine~ of the year for a pro
rata fee. In com-outing such fee any une×oired fraction of
a month shall be coup_ted as one month.
Subdivision__~. The annual fee for an "On ~aie" license
shall be set by the City Council at the first meeting in
December of each year and shall be no less than Fifty (~j0)
dollars. Tl~e ar~nua! fee for a~n "Off Sale" license shall
be five (~J) dollars.
BulRlivision ~. No ~art of tl~e fee oaid for any license
issued under this or~in=~c~ shall be refunded e~,~cept in the
following instances uoon apo!ication to the council within 15
days from the happening of the event. Ther~ shall be refunded
a pro rata portion of the fee for tbs unexoired period of the
license, comouted_ on a monthly basis, ~hen ooeration of the
_lo.used busi~ess ceases not ]cass then one month '0efore
expiration of the license because of:
(t) ~estruotion or damage of the licensed premises
by fire or other catastro~he.
(2) ~he licensee's illness.
The licensee's death.
~ change in the legal status of the municipality
making it unlawful for the licensed business
to continue.
SECTION 5- ~anti_n_~ of License,
~_ubdivision__l~ The city coun~ii shall investigate
all facts set out in the application. Op~ortunity sha!! be
given to any person to be heard for or against the granting
of the license. After such investigation and hearing the
city council sh~!! grant or refuse the application in its
.~_~__divi___~sion_q~2Each license shall be issued to the
on~o and shall not be transferable ~o another
holder. Each license shall be issued only for the premises
described in the a?p!ication. No license may be transferred
to another place without the approval of the city count!!.
SECTION 6. Persons Ine!i~ib!e for License.
No license shall be granted to any ~erson:
(1) Under twenty-one years of age.
(£) l~Zo has been convicted of a felony or of violating
the National Prohibition Act or any ta~¥ oS this
state or local ordinance relating to the manufacture
or transportation of intoxicating liquors.
(3) i,~o is a manufacturer of beer or who is inters~ ~
in the control of any p!sce ~i~_ere 'beer is manufactured.
(~) Who is not of good moral ch~raeter.
(5) ~,a~o is, or dur'~z~ the veriod of his _~i~ense i~ec~es
the holder of a federal retail liquor dea!er~s
special tax stamp for the sale of into-~icating
liquor at any place unless there has also been
issued to him a local license to sell intoxicating
liquor at such place.
SECTION ?. Places In%il~ibie for License.
Subdivision t~. No license shall be granted for sale
on any premises ~.~here a licensee has oeen convicted of the
violation of this ordinance or where any license hereunder
has been revoked for ca~3, se until one year has ela~osed after
such conviction or re~ocation.
.SECTION 8. Condit!oss~ of License.
Subdivision !. Every license shall be granted subject
to the conditions in the fol!o~ing,subdivisions and all other
provisions of this ordinance an~ of a~ other app!icaO!e
ordinance of the clt~ or state law,
S_u~Ddivision £__=. Ail licensed ~o~emises shall have the
license 'costed in a ~conspicuous p!sce at all times.
Subdivision ~ No beer shall be sold or served to
any intoxicated person or to any Indian under guardianship
of the Feds?at government or to any person under 21 years
of age.
Subdivision ~. No minor shall be permitted to con-
smme beer on the licensed premises unless accompanied by
his parent or legal guardian.
Subdiv!sion_~m. No minor undev 21 shall be employed on
the premises of a beer store or be permitted to sell or serve
beer in any "on sa!e~! esta;,lishment.
Subdivision 6, No gambling or any g~mb!ing device shall
be ~erm~tted on any licensed ~remises.
Subdivision ~. No manufacturer or wholesaler of beer
shall have any o~,~nersnz~, of, or interest in, an e~ta~!ishment
lic~ensed to sell beer at retail contrary to the ~rovisions of
Minnesota Statutes !9~i, sec. 3i~0.02 as e~mended by Law
ch. ~59. No retail licensee and ma~ufacturer or ~?ho!esaier
of beer shall be parties to any exclusive purchase contract.
No licensee shall receive any benefits contrary to law from
a manufactu, rer or wholesaler of beer and. no such manufacturer
or ?,~ho!esaier shall confer any benefits contrary to law u~on
a licensee.
Subdivision 8. No licensee shall sell beer
holding or e~ahibiting in the licensed ~remises a f~dera! retail
liquor dealer's, special tax stamp unless he is licensed under
the laws of Minnesota to sell intoxicating liquors.
subdivision 9-= No licensee who is not also licensed
to sell intox!cating liquor shall sell or oermit the con-
sumotion or disT,!ay of !ntoxic~_~oz~ liquors on the licensed
premises or serve any liquids for- the puroose of mixing ~Ith
intoxicating liquor. The ~resence of mnooxz~oing iiouors on
~n~!~ be prima fac~e evidence
the premises of such a licensee ~ ~ ~ _
of possession of intoxicating iiquoz;s for the purpose of sa!e;
and the serving of any liquid for the puroose of mixing ~ith
intoxicating liquors shall be prima facie evidence t~_~t in-
toxicating liquor is semng ~ rmzo~ed to be consumed or dis-
played contrary to th~s ordina~cs.
Subdivision !0. AnY peace officer shall have the un-
qualified right to enter, inspect and search the premises of
a licensee d~ing.business hours without a search and seizure
warrant and may seize all intoxicating liquors found on the
licensed premises.
Subdivision 11. Every licensee shall be res~onsib!e
for the conduct of his place of business and shall maintain
conditions of sobriety and order.
SECTION 9. C!osin~ Hours.
No "on sales" of beer shall be ma~e between the hotm~s
of 1:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M. on weeRdays or between the hours
of !:00 A.M. and !2:00 nomn on Sundays, om before 8:00 P.M.
on Federa!, State and Municipal election days.
SECTION !0. Ba__r__s.!a_rt_~it_ion___~sa~Boxes or Screens.
Subdivision !. In any 'o!ace licensed for "on sa_,~s~="
the beer sold shall be served and consumed at tables in.the
dining or refreshment room of the place and may be served
at counters where food is megu!ariy served and cons~mmed.
Ail wznao~.,~ in the front of any such ~!ace shall be of clear
glass, o~n~.~the" ~ vie~.~ o~_ the whole interior shall be unobstructed
by screens, curtains or partitions. There shall be no partition,
box, stall, screen, curtain or other device which obstructs
the vie~ of any part of the room from the general observation
of persons in the roam~ but oartitions, subdivisions, or oane!s
not higher than forty-eight inches from the fl~or shall not
be considered obstructions.
Subdivision 2. An "on sale" license shall entitle the
holder to serve beer in a separate room of the licensed premises
for banquets or dinners at which are ~resent not less than
!0 persons,
SECTION tt. Clubs
No cl~o shall sell beer except to members and to
guests in the company of members.
SECTION 12. Restrictions on Purchase and Consoraotion.
Subdivision !. No minor shall misrepresent his age
for the purpose of obtaining beer.
Subdivision 2. No person shall induce a minor to
purchase or procure beer.
Subdivision ~. No carson other than the parent or
legal guaro__an shall.orocure beer for any minor
Subdivision 4;~ No beer shall be consumed in any
theatre, recreation hall or center, ~ance hall, ball mark
or other place of public gathering for 'the - ouroo se of en-
tertainment, amusement or ~a!aying of games, ~
~ e~ce..~t by sveciai
advance license by ti3e city council.
Su'Odivision_~. No 'oerson shall consume, or display
any intoxicating liquor on the premises of a licensee who is
not also !%censed to se~! intoxicating liquors.
SECTION 13. Revocation.
The v~o!ation of any provision or condition of this
ordinance by a beer licensee or his agent shall be grounds
for revocation or suspension of the license. The !!tense
of any person who holds a federal retail liquor dea!er~s
special tax.st~mp without a license to sell intoxi:ating
liquors at such place may be revoked without notice and with-
out hearing. In all other cases, a license granted undev
this omdinance may be revoked or suspended by the council
after written notice to the grantee and a public h~aring.
'The notice~ shall ~ive at least e~ght days notice of the
time and place of the hearing.and shall state the nature of
2he charges against the licensee. The Council may suspend
any license pending a hearing.
SECTION !4,. [enalt_2l~
Any person violating any ~rovision of this ordinance
shall be guilty of ~ misdemeanor, and uvon conviction thereof,
shall be punished by a fine of not more than. One Handred (~!00)
dollars or imprisonment for not more than ninety (90) days,
plus the c~sts of prosecution in either case.
SECTION 1~. Reoe_~a_l_~.
Ordinance No. i~ 'passed November 2, 1937, Ordinance
No. ~assed _, 19__, and Ordinance No.
passed .... , 19_ , are hereby remea!ed.
SECTION 16. Effective Date.
.Tills ordinance shall 'ce in full for:~e and effect from
Du~_~ logit !on according
and after 30 days after its passage and i ~'" ~ ' '
to law.
Passed by the council this
day of
Mayor (President of Council]--
Publzsh~. in on , 1952.