HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 299ORDINANCE NO. o299 AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, AND ~'~AINTEMANCE OF SIGNS AND BILLBOARDS: P~0VIDING FOR THE AD),~INISTRATION AND EI~ORCE~NT THERE- OF, AND PROVIDD~G PENaTeS FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTs DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. ~EFIN~I_TION~S_ The following definitions shall be applica- b!e ~or the purpose of this ordi:~nce. B$ .C. SIGN - The word "sign,, shall mean any device or surface on which ~'~-ters, illustrations, designs, figures, or any other symbols, are painted, printed~ stamped, raised, or in any manner outlined or attaChed, 'and used for display. GR~U~) SIGN - The term "ground sign", when used in this ordinance, means any sign erected, constructed or maintained for the purpose of displaying outdoor advertising by means of posters, pictures, pictorial or reading matter, when such sign is supported by uprights, or braces, placed uPOn the ground and not attached to any part of any building. R~ SIGN - The term "roo~ sign" shall mean a~y sign erected, 'c'~'nstruCted or maintained upon the roof of any building or parapet wall of a building. De WALL SIGN - The term "wall sign'~ shall mean a si~n attached to, or erected ag~ainst the wall of a building or structure with the exposed face of the sign on a plane approximately parallel to the face of said wall. E. PROJECTI~G S~GN - The 'berm "projecting sign" shall mean a sign 'other than a wall sign suspended from, or supported by, a building or structure and projecting out therefrom. Section 2. BUILDING PERMITS - It shal~t be unlawful to install, con- struct, erect, alter, revise, reconstruct or move any outdoor sign or sign structure in the City of Columbia Heights, without first ~obtaining a permit therefor, excePt the following: AS A sign displaying the name of the property of premises upon which displayed, or of the o~ner or lessee thereof, or the proprietor thereof, and the nature of his business, ~hich sign shall not exceed l0 square feet in area. B. A sign not exceeding 10 square feet in area pertaining only to the sale, rental or lease of the premises upon which displayed. C. A sign on which public, charitable or religious institutions are located, stating the name and nature of the occupancy i and information as to the condition of use or occupancy, or a on such proper~ty used by the institution as a bulletin bo~d~-- which sign shall not exceed l0 square feet in area. Section 3. PERi, IT APPLICATIoNs AND PLAN8 A. The building permit fee, if any, and two copies of plans and specifications shall be submitted ~ with the application for a permit. Such plans shall show complete details, method of attachment or ~upport, location~ dimensions, and materials to be used~. Plans for support of all roof signs, projecting signs, and other signs subject to excessive stresses~ shall be accompanied by structural computations, and shall show that the supporting structure and ~ethod of attachment are adequately strong to support the load. ~nere signs are illuminated by electric lighting~ a electrical per- mit shall be obtained as required by ord~_uance. B. Upon pr?sentation of~ app~lication, permit fee, plans and specifica- tions, the city mauager sha~ first pas~~ upon the ~same and then submit the matter to the building inspector for his approval. After approval by the city manager ~nd the building Luspector aud payment of necessary fees, the city clerk shall cause the per~it to be issued. Section 2, ~ For signs not exceeding One Hundred square feet in area, $2.00. For each add~itional fifty (~0) square feet, or fraction thereof, $1.00. S~ecti0n ~. G~R~OUND SZGN~ - No "ground sign, as defined in this ordin- ance shall be permitted, except in the ~rea zoned as industrial. ~Section. ~. WALL S~G_~S - ~o "Wall sign,, s~all have a project~on over a sidewalk or public property or an established building line beyond the e~ or top of the wall upon which it is attached. Section 7. R~F S~O~S - A. Mo "roof ~ign" as defined in this ordinance shall be permitted~ except in the area zoned as industrial, B. No "roof s~gn,~ shall exceed 20 ~eet above the roof level. C. Every such sign shall be eith~ metal~ metal clad upon wire, or upon metal wire. First Reading: Second Reading: Offered By: Seconded By: Roll Call: Ayes: D. No such sign shall be so located as to prevent free passage of persons from one part of said roof to any other part thereof. E. The buildiug or structure upon ~hich such sign is placed and all attachments or fastenings, must be so constructed as to safely resist the dead load and the wind load added by the attached sign. Section 8. NONCOMPLIANCE- In the event of the failure to construct or erect a siEn in addordance with the requirements of this ordinance or to maintain a sign as required by ordinance, the Building Inspector may order the repair or removal of t~e same within the time stated in the order. In the event of the failure to comply with ~wuch order within the time stated, the same may be removed by the city at the expense of the o~mer or manager of said board or sign, or the o~vner of the ground or building upon which suCh sign or board is placed. Section 9. CO~PLIANCE - All Billboards not conforming with this ordinance must be removed on or before Nov. l, 19~3. Section lC. SEP;/~ABILITY - The invalidity or unconstitutionality of any section~ subdivision or provision hereof shall not affect the validity of any other part. .S.e.ct.i. on ll. ...PE~L~LTT - Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 12. EFFECTIVE DATE - This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage. ~arch !1, !9~2 April 8, 19~2 Lange Holm Nays: H~im, Lange,Deeble & Spekulant Stopka Secretary~ to the Council