HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 294AN ORDINANCE ~UTHONiZiNG THE S~LE BY THE O.T~'T OF COLN~{EiA HEiGHTo 0F CEPTAiN REAL ESTATE KNOWN AS ~ Ail of Block Two (2), except Lots one (i), two (2)~ and tllree 2nd Subdivision_ of Block ~l.~.lJ~ , Coi-~mbia H~ig.~ts Annex; all of Lots three (~) to fourteen (!'~), inclusive in Block three (3), 2nd Subdivision of Block "F~; Columbia Heights Anne~: all of Outlot "B" 2nd Subdivision of Block umbia HeiL. hts Annex. THE CITY OF COLUMBi~ HEIGHTS DOES ORD,!N: Section !. Authorization of' Sale of Real E~tate. The City of Columbia Heid'hts slm!i sell and convey unto The Cor. ne!ius Company (a l.~innesota Corporation) that certain tract'of land lying and being in the County of Anoka, State of Minnesota, described as follows, to-wit: Ail of Block Two (2), except Lots one (!), two (2), and three (3), 2nd Subdivision of Block "F'~, Co_umozal ~ ' Heiahos~ ~ Annez; all of Lots three (3) to fo~r~een (i¢}, inclusive in Block three (3), 2nd Subdivision of Block ~F~ Columbia Heights annex; ail of' Out!ct "B" 2nd Suodlvision of Block ~?~ Columbia Heights Annex, together ~.~ith all the hereditaments and ~.ourtenances there- unto belonging, or in any~ise apaertaini.~g. Section 2. Terms and. Condition~of Sale. :~at the terms of sale of said property to The Co?~e!ius Company, (A Minnesota Coreoration), shall be as Yollows: Said purchasers to pay to the d~Y of Col- umbia Heights One dollar cash ~ the aoove descri'oed lands and premises, toe%-~r with the sum of Twenty-six Hundred, ~e ~bY-fzve (~267~.) Do!i~.~rs for special as~ments. Said payment to be made immedia~t[ upon delivery of a deed by the said _~!}J of Col- umoia Heights. Section ~. M__a oy_p_F__and Cit_~v M~nasert~o E:~ecute Documents. The Mayor and Cm~ Manager be, and the_/~e are, hereby author- ized to execute and deliver to the sa~rohaser the necessary deed for carrying out the terms of th~ %idinance. Section ~. Time of Takln.g Effec~ This ordinance sh~ii take effect and be in force from ~d a~f~{ thirty (30) days oraznan~e shall be pub!ist~ed by after its passage. This '' ~ one weeks publication in the Columbia Heights Record, official news;~aer for said city. First Reading: Second Reading: Offered By: Seconded By: Roll Call: Ayes: All Nays: January~,° 17~2 January Sth, t9~2 Holm_ Spekulant ecretary to~±~_e Council