HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 290iT!~ S~Z;~G A~,IOF. Dii.L~:,~C,2 ~OR THi~ PURPO~£ O~ OF k'~iD~ THE LOGXTIO~{ .~,ID '2H~ g3E OF SUiLDiNG3 DENSI{Y OF POPUi~TIO.q i1{ THE CITY OF COLUi.iBAa HEIGHTS. =~.~ D023 ORDAIN: TH2 Ci~iY OF COLUHSLa H£i'''~:~' ' SEC?ION 1. That hart of Lot Thirty-two (52), Block Thr. ee (~) Waiton's ]st subdivision of Reservoir lying noru~ .... ,.~t,~P-,, of tile followkr!g deae~-~ Lo% ~ ~kPt?-%. rO (52t, , SiXty-flY~ (55) f'~':t-~ .. northeasterly fPo~2 the southea3t,~-~u,~ ~ ooPner of said Lot Thirty-two (}2), thence n.orthwesterly pz:~.ral!e! with the southwesterly line of said Lot Thirty-two (32) to the north line of said Lot Thirty-two (52) to the north line of ssid Lot ThiPty-two (32)~ zon~. as part of +~'~ comme~cis! om~tr[co of !s hereby ~ .......... City of' Coiumoia. o~u~IO~, 2 Thi:~ o~-dinanoe shall Cake effect an~ be ~.~ uer thirty (x .... .~.~ ~. in force fz~ora and. ~ .... °0) ~.... r ~ after FiPst Reading: Second Reading: Of l'oreal by: Holm Seconded By: Lange Roll Call: Ay e s: All Nay s: October 23, 19~1 November 13, t9~!