Pursusnt to a proper and sufficient petition by the owners of the tract,
piece or parcel of land abutting upon said city and described as follows, to-~it:
All that part of Sections 22, 27 and 34, Tov~nship 30, Range 2~,
described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the
South line of Section 3~, Township 30, Range 22 v~th the ~est line of
Columbia Heights Annex to Minneapolis, said point b$ing the Southeast
corner of Lot 17 in Auditor,s Subdivision No. ~9, Anoka County, Minnesota;
thence north along the East line of Lots 17, 16 and l~ to the line divid-
ing said Lot l~ from Lot l~ in said Auditor's Subdivision No. 39; thence
east along the South line of said Lot l~ to the Southeast corner thereof;
thence north along the East line of said Lot lb to the Northeast corner
thereof, said point being in the South line of Berlin Addition; thence
east along the South line of said BerlinAddition to an intersection ~vith
the center line of the street as platted in Berlin Addition bet~en Blocks
3 and ~, Berlin Addition; thence north along the center line of said street
between Blocks 3 and 4, Berlin Addition t° the North line of said Berlin
Addition; thence west along the North line of said Berlin Addition to
the Southeast corner Lot 13, said Auditor,s Subdivision No. 39; thence
north along the East line of Lots 13 and 12 in said Auditor's Subdivi-
sion No. 39 to the line dividing said Lot 12 from Lot ll in said Audi-
tor's Subdivision No. 39; thence east along the South line of said Lot
ll to the Southeast corner thereof; thence north along the East line of
said Lot ll to the Northeast corner t~ereof, said point being in the
center line of ~5~d Avenue Northeast; thence continuing north on an ex-
tension of the East line of said Lot ll to the Northerly line of 80 foot
strip of land acquired for roadway purposes by the City of Columbia
Heights by its right of eminent domain described in Certificate of T~ing
which was filed for record December 2, 19~l, and recorded in Book 180,
page ~7~, records of Anoka County, Minnesota; thence northeasterly along
the Northerly line of said 80 foot strip acquired for roadway purposes to
the East line of Lot 8 in said Auditor's Subdivision No. 39, said point
being in the East ~ne of Section 32, To~mship 30, Range 24; thence north
along the East line of said Lot 8 to the Northeast corner thereof; thence
west along the North line of said Lot 8, to an intersection with a line
drama parallelwith and 280 feet at right angles easterly from the ~est-
erly line of Lot l, in Auditor,s Subdivision No. 79, Anoka County, Min-
nesota; thence north parallel with the West line of said Lot l, a dis-
tance of 2~0 feet; thence west parallel with the South line of ssid Lot
l, 30.07 feet to an intersection with a line dra~m parallel with and 2~0
feet at right angles easterly from the Westerly line of Lot I in said
Auditor's Subdivision No. 79; thence northerly parallel ~rith the West line
of said Lot i to the line dividing said Lot I from Lot 2 in said Auditor's
Subdivision No. 79; thence east along the South line of Lot 2 in said
Auditor's Subdivision No. 77 to the Southeast corner of said Lot 2;
thence north along the East line of Lots 2 and 3 in said Auditor's Sub-
division No. 79 to the Northeast corner of said Lot 3; thence west
along the North line of said Lot 3 to an intersection ~th a line drava.
parallel with and 100 feet at right angles easterly of the '~¥esterly line
of Lot ~ in said Auditor's Subdivision No. 79; thence northerly parallel
with the Westerly line of said Lot ~ to the North line of said Lot 4;
thence continui~'ng northerly parallel v~th and '300 feet at right angles
easterly from the Westerly line of Lot i in ~uditor~s Subdivision No. 78,
Anoka County, ~innesota, a distance of 660 feet; thence~west parallel
with the South line of said Lot I to the Westerly line of said Lot l,
said line also being the Easterly line of the Northern Pacific Railway
Company right of way; thence northerly along the Easterly line of the
Northern Pacific Railway Company right of way to the Southerly line of
the right of way of State Trunk Highway No. 100, also knovm as the Belt
Line Highway; thence w~st along the South line of said highway right of
way to the first angle point in said right of way; thence continuing
west along an extension of the Southerly line of said highway right of
way to the shore of the Mississippi River; thence southerly along the
shore of the Mississippi River to the ~South line, of Lot ll in said
Auditorts Subdivision No. 79; thence east along the South line of said
Lot ll and the same extended to the Easterly line of Anoka County High-
way No. l; thence southerly along the Easterly line of said Anoka Cozuaty
Highway No. i to an intersection with the North line of Lot 27 in said
Auditor's Subdivision No. 39; thence westerly along the North line of
said Lot 29 to the Northv~st corner thereof, said corner being in the
Eaeterly line of ~farshall Street Northeast as now [laid out and opened;
thence continuing westerly along the Westerly extension of the North
line of said Lot 29 to the center line of said Marshall Street North-
east; thence southerly along said center line of Marshall Street North-
east to the center line of ~3rd Avenue Northeast, as now laid out and
opened; thence easterly along the center line of h3rd Avenue Northeast
to the Easterly line of said Anoka County Highway No~ l; thence southerly
along the Easterly line of said Anoka Oounty Highway No. i to the North
line of Lot 37 in said Auditor's Subdivision No. 39; thence west along
the North line of said Lot 37 to the Northv~est corner thereof; thence
southerly along the Westerly~ line of said Lot 37 to the Southwest corner
thereof; thence east along the South line of said Lot 37 to the Easterly
line of Anoka County Highway No. l; thence southerly along the Easterly
line of Anoka County Highway No. I to the South line of Section 3h, Torte-
ship 30, Range 2~; thence east along the South line of said Section 31~ to
the Easterly line of the ~[inneapolis, Anoka and Cayuna Range Railway
right of way; thence northerly along the East line of said Minneapolis,
Anoka and Cayuna R~nge Railway right of way to the South ~line of said
Lot 37 in sai~ Auditor's Subdivision No. 39; thence east along the Sodth
line of Lots 37, 20 and 19 in said Auditor's Subdivision No. 37 to the
Southeast corner of said Lot 19, said point also being in the Westerly
line of the Great Northern Railway Company's right of way; thence south-
erly along the "gesterly line of said Great Northern Railway Company,s
right of way to the So~th line of aforesaid Section 3~; thence east along
the South line of Section 3~ to the point of beginning; together v~th and
including the fee title to lands adjacent thereto o~med by the owners of
the above described lands and which are subject to &asements for streets,
highways, roads, railroads, pipe lines, pub!lcu~ilit~, lines, or any simi-
lar easements, except those portions of the above described tract ~aich
lie within the right of way of State Trunk High~ay No~~ !O0. Excepting
'from the above described tract, piece or parcel that certain tract of land
conveyed to The United States of ~merica as described in Certificate of
Title No. 3~96 of the Office of the P~gistrar of Titles, Anoka County,
~nnesota, appearing in Volume 13, Page 78 of the Register of Titles.
Ail according to the respective plats of Col~abia Heights Annex to Minne-
apolis, Berlin Addition, Auditor's Subdi~_sons No. 39~ 78 ~ad 79, Anoka
County, Minnesota, on file ~nd of record in the Office of the Register
of ~Deeds, Anoka ~:Cob~ty, Minnesota. ·
Said tract, piece or parcel of land is h~reby declared~ to be an addition to the
City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota.
First Reading: Narch 27, 19~l.
Second Reading: Narch 30, 19~i
Passed: Narch 30th, 19~l